Final training arc 2.0

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The sunlight hitting his eyelids he tossed around a bit. But decided to to open his eyes he let out a groan

He couldn't feel his arm. He looked to his side to see Kiri sleeping.

He flipped himself onto his side so that he was facing her.

He moved his free hand close to her face and then pushed some of her hair out of the way.

Her eyes twitched, feeling his cold hands on her face. She opened her eyes to see him and she smiled at him.

Y/n: good morning beautiful.

Kiri: Good morning handsome.

She chuckles at her last response to him.

Y/n: we should probably get ready and head on down

Kiri: No, I don't want to.

She clung onto his waist like a little kid not wanting to leave.

Y/n: hey come on we got to clean up and you need to put your clothes on.

Kiri: AH!

That is when she finally realizes she forgot she was naked and was not wearing anything.

She frantically looked around for her pieces of clothes.

Y/n: why are you freaking out? I have already seen you naked a couple of times.

Kiri: Maybe so but who knows a person could show up any moment.

Y/n: yeah true very much so.

She got up and walked over picking up parts of her outfit. She touched her chest feeling some leftover and somewhat dry cum on her body.

Kiri: I need to get clean before even heading back to the others.

Y/n knew what she was saying he had a firm idea of what she was talking about.

Y/n: I mean we have the ocean on one quick jump in and you would be clean up or at least the sleep would be gone from you.

Kiri: You're right then I can go and get the thing I need to get fully cleaned up.

Y/n walked over closed his backpack and put it on his back.

Y/n: alright ready for when you are.

Kiri: ready as well. but it is going to take us a while to get back down.

Y/n: don't worry I got this.

He walked close to the edge and made a loud whistle sound. They waited about a minute or two.

That was when a flapping sound could be heard getting louder till his ikran appeared landing close by.

Y/n: Hey girl, how are you doing?

He walked over and gave the ikran a scratch on its chin making it squeal happily

Kiri came over to the ikran, turned its head towards here, and got a sniff of something that it didn't like.

Kiri: woah calm down.

Y/n: don't worry I got this not sure why it reacted like that to you.

He rubbed its head and told it to calm down and that she was fine.

It turned its head almost like it was dissing her. Y/n just lets out a sigh before climbing onto it back and connecting to it.

Kiri walked over looking at the creature she got onto his ikran. Sitting down behind him wrapping one arm around him.

She rested her head on his shoulder looking ahead. Feeling his body against her warmth he was also giving off a feeling of protection.

She smiled and lowered her head even further just enjoying the moment.

Y/n had the ikran flying around for a few moments. Had it dive down towards the water close to the training spot.

From the way the sun was, it was before noon so he still had some time.

As the creature flew close to the water y/n patted her.

Y/n: good girl thanks for doing this for us.

It let out a happy chirp before y/n disconnected his queue and he stood up to Kiri, surprised.

He looked down at her with a grin on his face before he backflipped off the ikran showing his dominance.

He landed in the water flowing back up as soon as he got up he looked around and saw that Kiri was not on the ikran back as it flew away.

That was when something surfaced next time, giving him a quick scare.

Y/n: fuck man Kiri don't do that.

Kiri: haha sorry didn't mean to

Y/n: no it's fine you just caught me off guard.

Kiri: looks like your "sauce" is being washed off my body. I don't see them anymore.

Y/n: that's good then it would be awkward if someone saw you like that.

Kiri: yeah but that sounds like an interesting fun idea~

Y/n: you know you sometimes surprise me when you say that stuff.

Kiri: I know

She swims a few feet away and has a cheeky smile on her face.

Y/n: Come on we should head back. I can't be late for my training.

Kiri: fine, fine

They swam back to shore they parted ways as y/n went to meet up with tonowari while Kiri went to get fully cleaned up.

He found the spot and lay down waiting for him to show up after a while he heard footsteps approaching. Sitting up he looks at the direction of the footstep.

tonowari: you know rest helps the young mind.

Y/n stood up before stretching.

Y/n: they're not wrong. I usually feel better after a good night's sleep.

Tonowari: good then are you ready for some more training?

Y/n: always.

tonowari: good since we are doing this much later into the day there will be more people watching don't let them get to know.

Y/n: I'm not usually persuaded by what others say.

He nodded at him.

tonowari: very well today we will start with don't forget to think.

Y/n: isn't that a common thing?

tonowari: that is what you may think but when fighting you're in the moment what you need to do during the fight is see what is happening around you.

He looked at him confused before tonowari swung his spear at him.

Y/n quickly dodged and pulled out his knife.

Tonowari went for a stab motion. Y/n redirected his spear to the ground before using one hand to hold it and swipe down into the wood.

He pulled his spear back and went to swipe his feet from below him.

Y/n quickly jumped over before smashing one foot downward on his spear keeping it stuck in the ground.

Tonowari smirks at him before he lets go of the spear and goes for a swing at him.

Y/n took a step back tripping backwards on something falling. Tonowari kicked his spear back up and into a stabbing stance.

Ending their current.

*somewhere else*

Tuk: Come on, it's true I saw it!

neteyam: we're right behind you tuk. I think he said something about doing this but I'm not sure.

Loak: you don't remember him saying something about fighting with Tonowari.

Neteyam: What little brother do you expect me to know?

Tuk: Come on, you are being slow!

Loak: just lead the way tuk. How did you even find out about this?

Tuk: I was playing with my Ilu friend and I saw them.

The group was walking about trying to find where y/n. they wanted to see if he was fighting with the leader of the clan.

Neteyam: why are you so invested in this Loak?

Loak: I just want to see how he fights. You remember I did nothing when we got caught so maybe I can see a thing or two if this happens again.

Loak was looking down at the floor pissed about not doing anything last time.

Neteyam: hey it's alright really you were caught there was nothing you could do.

Loak: still I could have done more.

Neteyam put his hand on his brother's shoulder. He looked back up at him happy that he had his brother there for him.

Tuk: Look I was right they are still here.

The two boys walked up next to tuk seeing Tonowari pointing his spear at y/n who was on the ground.

Tonowari moved his spear out of the way and held his hand out for y/n.

He grabbed it and got pulled up.

Tonowari: see you weren't fully focused on your surroundings. Now yes it's fine not to but you could miss things that could be a mistake used on you.

Y/n: I see.

Tonowari: Let's take a small break. You could go talk to your friends over there.

He points over his shoulder to the sully's.

Y/n: uh thanks

He walked over to the three who walked over to him.

Y/n: Hey guys, what are you doing here?

Neteyam: tuk told us that you were fighting with Tonowari

Y/n looks down and puts his hand on tuk head rubbing it. Her ears flickering and her tail swinging around happily.

Loak: yeah what is up with that trying to get yourself kicked out?

Y/n: no I was training with Tonowari did I not tell you neteyam?

Neteyam: I don't remember honestly.

Loak: wait so your training includes fighting one of the strongest people here.

Y/n: pretty much.

Loak: Lucky.

Y/n: hehe if you mean losing all the fights then yes.

As the group talked y/n heard his name called he looked over to the source of the voice.

He saw Tsireya walking over waving at him. She had something in her other hand. It was just like when he had that meat covered in something to keep it good.

Behind her was her mother Ronal she was pregnant as ever her stomach had gotten slightly bigger but hey she still had them massive breasts of hers.

Ronal stared at him and it kinda made him scared of her. She gives off the feeling of someone you don't want to fuck with especially since she is the boss.

Y/n: hey Tsireya and Ronal.

Tsireya: How is it going with you and my father?

Y/n: uh I say it going pretty well if anything he hasn't snapped me like a twig.

He looked at Ronal as he said that last part. She was amused by him having the balls to use her own words against her.

Ronal: you have yet to acutely win a match have you not?

Y/n: very much true but you did say that and here I am.

Ronal: I'll give you that. It is one of the reasons I came to see what progress you said you would make.

Y/n: well I'm happy to show it to you.

Ronal; you may wear the clothes of our clan but you have yet to show that you deserve it.

Y/n: well Tonowari gave me this so he must have his reasons for giving this to me

Tsireya looks at the two and tries to calm things down.

Tsireya: "Ahem" Me and Mother also made food for you and Father for your next break.

Ronal Demeter seemed to go down a bit before she talked.

Ronal: It would be better to fight with a full stomach can't have you both weak from starving, especially that can cause mistakes because you are hungry.

Y/n: well still thank you both for the food

Ronal nodded her head at him while Tsireya smiled. Who knew a mother and daughter could be so different? unlike kiri, they are blood-related

Tonowari: come y/n time for the next lesson

Y/n: yes sir

He jogged over to him Tonowari gave a stare at the people watching and they could tell that he did not want them coming over.

Tonowari: Now then y/n there's one thing I noticed that you haven't done. You have not used your whole body.

Tonowari: when fighting you should not just stick with using one hand to fight but more so all of your body watch and learn.

He got ready to fight him again.

He went to use his spear which y/n moved to the side to be met with a hand grab at his throat to lift him.

Then dropped him back down.

Tonowari: Do you get what I mean now?

Y/n: I believe so

Tonowari: Good now... let's eat. I'm starving.

Y/n: that it?

Tonowari: Sorry I was pretty hungry so that lesson was meant to be quick now my daughter and mate have cooked us some food.

He walked over to his wife had a small grin on her face knowing what her mate wanted.

Tsireya came over with a small food basket that she had.

She sat down and patted the spot next to her. He walked over and sat down next to her looking at the sea.

She opened the basket and pulled out some kind of meat that looked pretty good. Taking a bite it tasted pretty good.

Y/n: I'm telling you Tsireya whoever is your mate they would be lucky to get this kind of food

Tsireya:" blushes" Hehe I hope my mate would like me as well.

Tsireya: By the way, I was wondering if you want to learn some more about our hand sign.

Y/n: I sure love to learn some more from you about it.

Y/n noticed her tail swinging. He found it kinda funny because he saw these Navi as like catfish. The normal Navi reminds him of a normal cat but this one with fins looked more like the catfish.

He heard footsteps approaching and he looked past Tsireya to see Aonung walking towards them.

Aonung: Hey Tsireya.

Tsireya: oh hey Aonung.

Aonung: Do you have any food for me?

Tsireya: sorry I don't i only have enough for me and y/n

He looked over at him with a pissed-off look. He turned around and left.

Tsireya: hmm weird

Y/n: agreed

After finishing eating he got up and thanked her once more for the food.

He felt someone tapping his back and when he turned and saw Kiri standing there she gave a quick wave.

Tsireya watched the interaction and she felt that something was different with her.

Kiri: How is it going over here?

Y/n: not bad just been working to get better and just talking with the others while I get my breaks.

Kiri: that's good then

Y/n: hey I noticed that Jake and Neytiri are not here where they are.

Kiri: I think I last heard they were going out on a date.

Y/n: oh that's good then for them.

Interesting guess this would be one of the moments where it is just two of them. Hopefully, everything goes "well" for them.

If not well.. maybe she will come back to him for some more fun time.

Tonowari: y/n come one last thing to do

Y/n said goodbye before heading over.

Tonowari: Now then y/n we will be having a spare match duel. It is simple, the rule is whoever makes the other bleed wins. Do you understand?

Y/n: yes

Tonowari: Good now then let's get started.

They both walked back a bit and got ready. The people around them watch, interested in the outcome, some even know how this will go already.

Y/n flicked his knife out they both looked at each other ready.

Kiri: Come on y/n you can do this!

Tsireya: you got this y/n

Neteyam: show him how good you are at this.

Y/n ran over to him striking down at Tonowari he used his spear to block the blow.

His knife hit a familiar spot.

Tonowari pushed his spear upward making y/n take a step back.

Y/n caught a glimpse of Kiri looking upset or uncomfortable about something. A few feet down from her was Aonung he was talking with Rotxo.

He then pointed at Kiri and laughed at her. looks like she needs to talk with him later.

Y/n quickly kicked the sand up to block Tonowari's view.

He quickly swiped away the sand seeing that y/n crouched down going for an upward slash.

He used his spear to block again. Y/n dashed backwards leading to Tonowari making a stab motion which y/n used his knife to redirect the spear past his head.

Y/n hit a spot on the spear before jumping back. Tonowari looked confused before y/n went down again.

Tonowari went to block but when y/n landed on the spear it broke in half.

Y/n smirked and continued the motion getting a small scratch on Tonowari's chest

Small blood starts to leak from the cut.

Tonowari: I lost.

Y/n went and put his hand out to shake his hand. Tonowari looked before grabbing it and shaking it.

Tonowari: So that's why you kept hitting my spear and stomping on it.

Y/n: yeah slow and steady win the race.

Tonowari: y/n from what I have seen you are very good at fighting you just need to build on your skills if you want me to continue training you then I will.

Y/n: of course I do. your one do the best so why not learn what I can from you?

He nodded and had a smile on his face.

Tonowari: let's continue your train when we come back from the hunt.

Y/n: understand

Tonowari: Good see you later young blood.

Kiri came over as Tonowari went over to his wife.

Kiri: Are you done?

Y/n: yeah I'm done for the day.

Kiri: Do you want to spend some more time together then?

Y/n: sorry I said I would that Tsireya can teach me more of the hand language.

Kiri: oh well it's fine see you later then?

Y/n: of course.

Kiri went over to the rest of the cells. Y/n walked over to Tsireya.

Y/n: alright I'm ready to learn more of the hand language.

Tsireya: oh alright then let's head back to your hut and we can start. Also great job on beating my dad in that fight.

Y/n: thanks it took time but he was still a tough opponent

They walked away from the group of navi amazed by the turnout of the fight

Word count: 3111

How was this chapter we finally saw some faces and some decent fighting.

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