busy couple day
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The next two weeks went by in a blur nothing much happened besides a few things. He spent quite a bit of time with Tsireya they would spend most of the evening with each other she was teaching him about hand language.
Tsireya: Alright, let's try talking with each other with our hands
Y/n: ok
(any time they talk through the water it would be the same text as they do now but I'll say something when they are underwater.
Tsireya: How are you doing today?
Y/n: I am doing alright, what about you?
She gave him a thumbs-up before using her hands to speak to him.
Tsireya: Great, I'm doing well, just spend some time helping you.
Y/n: thank you for teaching me you are a great lover.
It took her a moment to realize what he said before the blush set in on her face. She used her hand to hide it.
y/n let out a small chuckle at her reaction he purposely messed up the last part to see how she reacted.
Surprisingly, she thought he messed up the wording, but still hearing that from him made her heart skip a beat.
Tsireya: uh you're almost there you uh messed up the last part of what you were saying
Y/n: really what did I say?
Tsireya: y-you said that I would be gr-great lover
Y/n: oh wow my fault I was trying to say, great person.
She turned away from him saying something underneath her breath.
Tsireya: I wouldn't mind if you call me that.
How cute he thought to himself about he she thinks that he can't hear her.
Y/n: So what is the plan tomorrow? I heard you're helping Loak because he is having a bit of a rough time.
Tsireya: I plan to have Loak steady his breathing so that he can hold his breath longer
Y/n: that's good here is a quick tip he can be a little hothead so you have to be patient with him.
Tsireya: ha don't worry I'm good when it comes to being patient with others. Now stop trying to get us off track.
Y/n: fine.
*7 days till the hunt*
*time skip*
It was the day after y/n was sitting on some rocks as he sat watching Tsireya helping Loak he heard someone walking over to him.
He looked over and saw neteyam he sat down next to him.
neteyam: y/n do you think that a feeling can be bad?
Y/n: huh what do you mean?
neteyam: like can a bad feeling be bad?
Y/n: that depends on what you mean by the definition of like you feel something bad is going to happen.
neteyam: yeah like that.
Y/n: well I'm not sure it could be true that something bad will happen or it could cause you to be scared of something that will never actually happen.
neteyam: hmm I see.
Y/n: anyway why are you asking that question?
Neteyam: I just feel that something bad is going to happen, that's mostly why.
Y/n: I get it, maybe something bad will happen. The only question is when but it doesn't matter in the end it will happen it is a destiny that can't be changed.
Y/n looked down at the water taking a deep breath as he looked at his reflection. The thing that she told him still lingered in his mind. He closed his eyes to focus on the line she said.
Kiri: If only you never met me, you would still be alive
He opened his eyes slowly, the water sparkling back at him. He thought about Kiri now that he saw her in her new clothes. She looks more like the one he saw when he was passed out in the cave.
That means something. his death was approaching close.
Hopefully, there was still time left in him as Kiri was not fully looking like the one in the cave; she did not look tired or hurt which was a good thing.
Neteyam: Anyways, are you down to join tomorrow?
Y/n: huh sorry can you say that again I was thinking about something else.
Neteyam: oh sure tuk wants to play some hide and seek tomorrow. Do you want to join us?
Y/n: oh sure sounds fun. Who else was going to be playing?
Neteyam: just me, you, tuk, loak, Kiri, and Tsireya said she would join in.
y/n: alright yeah sure I'll play with you guys.
Neteyam: sweat then.
They both spent the rest of the time watching Loak diving down to get a shell that Tsireya threw into the water for him to get. They spent some time talking as well when loak came back out of the water with the shell in his hand
He turned two and waved it around at them.
Y/n: looks like he finally did it.
Neteyam: yeah we should probably go over there and blow up my little brother's ego.
Y/n: you sure? you know how he gets.
Neteyam: eh why not?
He divides into the water as y/n watches, looking at the dark blue water then stands up and jumps in.
*6 days till the hunt*
Y/n stood off to the side as Kiri walked up beside him.
Kiri: Is something wrong? You look worried.
Y/n: no I'm just noticing that it is getting slightly more cold than normal.
Kiri: Oh that is probably because we are getting close to the end of the year.
Y/n: really?
Kiri: yeah you had a thing back home called Christmas right? Well, here we have the same thing, and it's almost here. it should be about four weeks away.
Y/n: huh interesting I should think about gifts for you guys then.
Kiri: and before saying anything I want you to get me a gift of something you think I would like.
Y/n: hmm I guess I need to figure something out then.
Neteyam: hey come over here you two.
Tuk: Come on, let's play already.
Y/n: we got to make sure everyone is here.
Tuk: hurry it up then.
They were currently standing around on the rock away from the clan.
The sea hits the rocks.
Neteyam: Well it looks like everyone is here. So anyone wants to be a seeker.
Kiri: not me
Loak: not it.
y/n: nop
Before Tsireya could say anything Neteyam spoke out before she could respond.
Neteyam: Alright, fine then, and tuk can be the seeker.
As he spoke about the limited area that we can use to hide Tsireya came over to y/n.
Tsireya: uh hey y/n I have a question.
Y/n: sure what up?
Tsireya: How do you play this game?
Y/n: oh sorry they must have forgotten that you never played this game since you never played a game by humans.
She looked at him confused by something.
Y/n: my bad I meant to say by the sky people.
Tsireya: oh I see so how do you play this game then?
Y/n: simple me you Kiri and loak are hiders so we need to hide from Neteyam and tuk they are going to be trying to find us till they give up.
Tsireya: So we just need to hide from them?
Y/n: yeah that's basically how you would play this game
She seemed to be thinking of something as she looked around. The area they were playing in was basically in the water in not too big of a spot.
Neteyam: All alright go hide everyone tuk on one let's go count.
Tuk: Ok!
Kiri turned to ask y/n if he wanted to hide together. But he was being pulled away by Tsireya into the water.
She pulled him under the water swinging down and she turned to him.
Tsireya: follow me I know a good spot to hide at.
Y/n: Ok!
He thought that even though he used his fingers to say that he felt like he said that like tuk said ok.
He followed her to some giant plant and she swam upwards into what looked like an air bubble.
Before he swam up he looked at her Lower body and the same thought came to mind. How the actual fuck does her loin cloth stay down perfectly blocking anyone from seeing anything behind it.
Now that he thinks about it more, do the water tribe females Navi wear underwear???
He knows that the forest ones don't but what about the water ones?
When he had sex with Kiri she wasn't wearing anything underneath her loincloth.
Also, once again only the male Navi has them but not the females which is weird but he won't complain it was just a thought he had.
Anyway, he swam up out of the water looking around. They were in some kind of sea pod or something.
Nothing really special, just a lot of green to look at.
Tsireya: Are you alright? You were down there for a while
She spoke quietly he was not sure why she just did it maybe so they would not get seen
Y/n: yeah sorry I was just thinking about something and lost myself down there for a moment
Tsireya: Hey y/n watch this.
She let out a yip sound that echoed around the two.
Y/n: woah that's awesome.
He tried to make a yip sound but it was not as good as hers.
Tsireya: hehe it's alright we can work on it together.
Y/n:*sigh* thanks.
He looked down at her seeing one of her hairs was over her eye.
He moved his hand close to her face and moved the hair out of her face. Her face turned a bit red at how close his hand was to her face.
Y/n: there we go better now I can see your beautiful face.
A thought came to him for a gift he could give her for Christmas. She would sometimes look at Loak's head beads and she would mention how cool she thought they were when they were chatting at night.
She almost seemed like she broke down at his comment. Before making her comeback at him.
Tsireya: you as well especially when you have this out.
She touched his stomach or more like his abs feeling his body.
She was slowly inching closer to him; he could almost feel her breath on his chest.
That was till Kiri came popping up out of the water. Before she could see anything Tsireya backed away from y/n
Kiri: There you are, you guys won. Was something happening here?
Tsireya: N-No
She quickly went under the water before Kiri could say anything. She looked at y/n for an answer.
Y/n: pretty sure she was about to kiss me.
Kiri: oh so you're going for her next then?
Y/n: kinda just depends on who I'm with.
She looked at him confused but decided not to say anything else
Y/n: come on let's go and head back to the others
Kiri: right.
*5 days left till the other hunt*
Y/n was swimming around in the sea. Tsireya was swimming close by to him.
She invited him along with tuk and kiri with her and her mother to go and collect things that the clan needed. As well as exploring around.
Tsireya turned around to watch him as he swam to catch up to her. She had a shy look on her face before smiling at him.
He simply smiled back at her before turning around to see Kiri and tuk catching up to the two.
She swung her hand telling them to follow her so they did. Along the way, y/n grabbed at Kiri's hand catching her off guard but she had a warm smile as they swam together.
He looked over for a moment at tuk he saw her looking at the two about the interesting exchange. She looked down at her hand and started to do a hand-holding motion.
Back when they lived in the forest after the cave incident she kinda started to stick with his avatar body.
She would usually sleep with it and hopefully, nothing else when he was not in the body.
But since then she hasn't done anything like that and he kinda hasn't been spending some time with her. Maybe in the future, he could spend a day playing with her he knows what it is like to not have kids to play games with
Tsireya went and grabbed some kind of weird orange fish. It kind of reminded him of butterfly wings.
She waved at tuk to come over doing as she said she moved tuk around and planted the creature on her back.
Tsireya: These are called Gill Mantle. They let us stay under the sea for a much longer time.
The creature latched onto tuk body.
Y/n went and grabbed on and swam over to Kiri. She turned her back towards him looking over her shoulder.
He brought it close to her back before it latched on. It. The Gill Mantle looked nice as it gave off light like the rest of the ocean.
Mostly because they were deeper in the ocean causing it to be darker which caused everything to light up including the Navi and himself.
Kiri turns to look at him.
Kiri: hey y-
Before she could say anything to him Tsireya came over and planted the creature on his back. It was a weird feeling.
The feeling is like a squid when he uses little suction cups but to him, it was like a giant suction cup on his back.
it kinda felt like he was being given air kinda like a Scuba suit.
He turned and thanked her for helping him get it on his back. Kiri was glaring at Tsireya. while y/n was not looking Tsireya turned back to Kiri giving her a stare.
Like a creature telling another creature to back off from its marked mate. (look man I couldn't come up with a better way of saying fight over)
As that was happening y/n was swimming to the other Navi in the area he was just exploring the spot as it is where they go to collect from the sea.
He noticed Ronal scraping something off the rock.
He swam over to her and she quickly took her eye off her bag to see who came over to her.
Y/n: is there anything I can do to help?
She gave him a stare before looking and seeing he had a pouch on his waist.
Ronal: I need you to go and collect some root barry They are usually yellow when ready. There's one over there.
He looked at where she was pointing at after she finished the last part of her sentence.
There was some kind of seaweed hanging off the cliffside. There was one hanging on it.
He turns back to her and gives her a nod before swimming over and looking at it.
He grabbed it and for some reason, he felt like he had to twist it around to find the weak spot for it when he did he pulled it and cut it off.
He was about to head back over to her Ronal but she was already next to him she grabbed it and looked at it
Ronal: good do it again like that. It would be in pristine condition if done like that
He nodded at her as he looked around and gose after some more. Ronal watched him closely before heading back to finish what she was doing.
After getting a couple more he turns back and sad tuk kinda just floating around across from him.
A small smirk was on his face because of how funny she looked just floating there.
Besides that, he saw Ronal hiding behind some rock looking at something. He swam over to get a view of what she was looking at.
He saw Kiri moving her arms and a group of fish would swim the way her hands were going.
The fish looked like they were in sync with her hand movements.
It was interesting he had never seen this happen to her before. He decided he would just ask her later the look on Ronal face she seemed interested in Kiri now after what happened.
He swam over to tuk who was still just there.
Y/n: hey tuk what are you doing?
Tuk: hey y/n I just floating around it kind of nice and smooth to float.
Y/n: really?
Tuk: yeah give it a try.
He looked at her for a moment and just shrugged his shoulders. He backed away from her and then just stopped swimming.
He closed his eyes, strengthening his feeling of the soothing feeling of water all around your body. It felt calming.
He opened his eyes but he was somewhere else this place he was at felt familiar he had been here he had seen this place last time this happened.
He looked at his body and behind him saw Loak
, Neteyam and Spider one more
He yelled to go across and the two boys did so as Neteyam went to jump he was right behind him he turned to look over and saw two rda pointing their guns at them.
He opens his eyes in a panic squirming moving his hands trying to swim. he felt his mouth opening taking in water
His body didn't respond to what he wanted. His vision started to get blurry before his vision went into darkness.
*first person kiri pov*
Moving my hands to the left the fish moved in the same direction as my hands. The fish looked beautiful as they were grouped up.
I should show y/n this he would probably think this is awesome. I wonder what I should do next time when we mate could be interesting if we up the level.
I know he wants Tsireya to also be his mate but I hate it when she tries to one-up me.
Just got to show him that I love him more than her at least.
I need to look at him right now.
Wait, why do I need to look at him right now?
Looking over at y/n my heart starts to speed up. He looked like he was drowning. Why did he open his mouth? I quickly moved my arms as fast as I could
My heart started to go faster. If I don't get to him sooner then. no don't think like that just move faster.
I won't make it in time. He could die before I get there. Just then something was moving fast past me. It was a Navi wait was that Ronal?
She made a weird sound amplified by the water then when Ilu came over she grabbed onto it as they went off heading towards the shore of the clan.
I need to get there as fast as possible.
Neteyam was outside just laying down on the leather path. He was bored, there was nothing much to do with his sisters gone.
Loak trying to win some Navi girl's heart he already knows how that is going to go since this is his 6 girl since coming here.
As well as his best friend. Y/n was gone as well, tuk and Kiri were begging him to come along for some reason.
So he just laid there as he did and he heard a horn sound going off. He got up and looked at the direction some Navi were pointing out to the sea.
He got up and looked over to see that Ronal was coming back. He was curious about why she was back with no one else.
Now that he got a closer look there was someone she was holding onto.
He quickly got up when he noticed who it was and quickly rushed into his home.
Jake and Neytiri were there talking about something. They both looked at him confused by his expression.
Jake: Is something wrong Neteyam?
Neteyam: Ronal is back and she has y/n unconscious from the looks of it.
Neytiri looked a bit concerned about what her son told her.
Neytiri: Does he look alright to you?
Neteyam: I don't know but I came in here to tell you both.
He ran out before the two could ask any more questions.
They looked at each other then got up and walked out to see what was happening.
On the beach, Ronal placed y/n on his back and she sent some Navi to tell Tonowari about what happened.
She takes off all of his chest pieces, and the whole top of his body is now shown. Getting a good look at the young man's well-toned chest.
She shakes her head as the increase in her hormones from being pregnant has been affecting her a bit lately.
She had to focus on saving his life. She places her hand on the center of his chest and does a couple of pushes before.
She grabbed his lower jaw and opened his mouth. She takes in air in her mouth before she bends down and blows air into his mouth.
Pulling her mouth away from him she lowered her head to his chest.
She waits a couple of seconds before repeating the cycle. The group of Navi was now looking at the event.
Some of those were Neteyam, Jake, and Neytiri. Even though Neytiri knew that Ronal was trying to save him.
She felt a bit jealous and irritated by watching this. She was not sure why. Her tail was swinging in a way that seemed to be displeased.
Ronal was starting to feel nervous that he was not getting better. She decided to harden his chest when she went to push down on his chest.
She laid her head on his chest.
He opened his eyes when he shot up and turned over, coughing out water as it came out of his body lying beneath.
Ronal rubbed his back as the water kept coming out.
Ronal: it's alright let it all out
After a few more puking up the water, he flipped back around laying on the sand taking in deep breaths.
Y/n:" breathing" what "breathing" happened.
Ronal: I'm not fully sure what happened but you are taking in water.
That is when he remembers what happened.
Y/n: I think" breathing" I had a panic attack fuck man.
Ronal: I'm not sure what that is but if you believe you had it then you're fine now.
She backed away as Tonowari walked through the crowd of people. He crouched down next to him. He had a look of concern for him but he tried hiding it. He tried having a more calming demeanor.
Tonowari: Youngblood I heard what happened thankfully it seems that you're fine now.
Y/n: yeah I don't know what happened but you don't need to worry I probably need some rest after what just happened to me from what I'm assuming is lack of sleep.
Tonowari: good then look hey take time to rest tomorrow and come see me the day before we head out on the hunt.
Y/n: yes sir.
He patted him on his back before getting up and walking away.
Ronal: I'll make sure to check up on you tomorrow
He nodded at her before turning and seeing the small group of Sally walking over.
Jake: woah man a panic attack what made you have one that bad?
Y/n: I'm not sure what caused it.
His eyes landed on Neteyam who went to help him up.
As he got pulled up he hugged him leaving Neteyam confused. He felt there must be a reason but still he hugged him back.
Y/n: if you guys don't mind I'm going to go rest.
Jake: Yeah sure, go ahead.
Neteyam: Wait, what about my sisters when they ask about you?
Y/n: just let them know I'm alright I just need some time to myself.
Neteyam: oh alright well I got you don't worry.
Neytiri watches as he leaves and she seems to be thinking about something.
"2 days left till the hunt"
Word count 4304
Hey everyone I hope you all found this chapter solid since it was so different I just did not want to spend time on making those full chapters feel like it would take a while to get to the hunt.
Also not sure if you guys noticed but I decided to make some changes to tuk I have decided not to do any sexual thing with her anymore.
first is because there could be some people interested in this book but turn it away because of tuk even with her being set to 18 so when we get to the end of the movie arc with a long break happening afterward I'm going to spend some time removing all those parts with her and making some changes in the chapters.
So from now on there will be no mention of lemon stuff with her. As said before I just don't know what to do with her character right now since doing that thing with her.
So the main takeaway from this is no lemon with tuk or any sexual stuff with her. They will be removed from the story at a later date. Thanks for understanding
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