Battle for the train part 1
Third person POV
As y/n sleeps away time passes as time clocks closer to the time.
A beeping goes off next to him as he sleeps. After a couple of minutes, he flings his arm around at the spot where the beeping was coming from.
After hitting it a couple of times he hit the off switch making the sound stop
Getting out of bed he walks over and cleans himself up. He occasionally glanced at the Navi that was sleeping on his bed.
Heading to the main building he does the same routine making breakfast for himself and the Navi.
As he walks over to the deep dive machine he reminds himself that he needs to use his human body more often as he has been losing strength.
Most likely from not moving around as much. Going to Jake's base in his human body would be a nice change.
Finally getting into the device he shuts the lid and feels his body drifting away. As his conscience is switched
As his body transfers him he feels his body switches from soft metal to sand beaches. Opening his eyes he sees the blue sky of Pandora. Leaning forward he puts his hands in the sand feeling the rough texture of the sand.
Getting up on his two feet looking around at the many sounds of the water and people talking. Looking around he sees a lot of Navi and avatar users in the area.
Feeling a tap on his shoulder he turns around and sees a familiar Navi boy.
Y/n: oh what's up lo'ak? There are quite a lot of people around here.
Lo'ak: this is what it looks like when we do these kinds of things.
Lo'ak: we should head over to the tent over there.
Loak pointed to a small tent in the direction of the soon-to-arrive train. They both start to head over to the tent for the meeting.
y/n: where is neteyam at?
Loak: I'm not fully sure where he is. I believe Father needed his help with setting the tent p so he might be somewhere in there
They continued to talk as they headed over to the tent for the meeting. As they both walked into the room, there were a few people, one was neteyam. He was setting a piece of wood on the map on the table.
The two walk over to him as he looks up and notices both.
Neteyam: nice to see you wake y/n and hear I thought I would need to throw your body at the train.
y/n yea yea I know well I'm here now and that's all that matters. So what are you doing?
Neteyam: I'm working on putting these pieces in the right spot to show where we will be when we start the attack.
He grabs one of the pieces on the map and brings it to both.
Neteyam: this one right here is supposed to be you.
y/n looks at it closely from different angles.
y/n: he is not as good-looking as me but he will do.
Loak laughs behind y/n from his comment and the looks of the wood pieces.
Neteyam: I would not be laughing, look at yours.
Loak goes quiet from looking at his. Unlike y/n's loaks does not even look close to him at all.
y/n: why so quiet now hmm. Is something not to your liking? *snicker*
Loak:sh-shut up dude.
Neteyam: Anyway, I would like to continue talking however I need to finish this before the meeting.
Y/n: that's alright, me and Loak can go over there and wait for the meeting to start.
They say their goodbye before heading over to a couple of available seats. Well waiting y/n and Loak just talk about different things. One of the things they talked about was the war makeup of his father.
Loak mentions how he is getting better than the last time they saw each other when he wore the makeup.
(total representation of how Loak looked back when you last saw him trying to do it.)
y/n shivers in his seat after remembering the last time Loak wore makeup. Loak talks about how probably the next time they attack something related to RDA that he should be good enough with the battle makeup.
After a while, Jake comes into the hut with other people walking in after him. They all get into their seats with Neteyam coming over and sitting next to y/n.
Jake walks over to the table in front of them that Neteyam was working on not that long ago.
Jake: Alright everyone we have about an hour and a half before the train should show up. Now it is time to go over how we are doing this.
Jake: now y/n you know that you're going onto this train alone and you need to get to the front and activate the bomb. Now this won't be easy, so you need to be ready for anything.
y/n gives him a nod.
Jake: Now loak and Neteyam you will be on watch as always.
Neteyam nods in agreement however loak looks dissatisfied with it but agrees. Jake goes on to talk about what to do after taking anything that we could use.
After the meeting was over Jake called y/n over before his soon-to-be departure to the train Jake was on a cliff slide. He was overlooking the sea.
y/n: hey jake you wanted to see me.
Jake: Yes I did, I just want to see how things are going.
y/n: oh well it's been going well gotten a nice research date from being able to work.
Those were both a lie and truth as has been getting dates however that is not what he has been working towards.
Jake: That's good to hear from you and it seems like my family likes having you around.
y/n: yea they currently do look like they like me around.
He meant that in more ways than one, maybe with something about Jake's two daughters.
Jake: I noticed that both my sons have deftly gotten closer thanks to you.
y/n: well I'm happy to hear that Jake
Jake: I just wanted to say if we finish this mission fine then I will give my trust to you and I know you're probably wondering why. That is because I saw you watching over my family and trying to help them and make their lives fun.
Jake: I know I may not show that care for them but I do just show it in a way that is more like a military officer.
Y/n: Jake let me tell you something I never knew about my father but what I do know about them is that they only want the best for their family so I can kinda get it. Now I should head on out see you later
y/n leaves Jake as he sits there relaxing.
Y/n reaches his banshee and grabs the bag next to her looking inside he sees a couple of things he needs like an earpiece. He puts it into his ear.
That left only two things: the bag handgun and the bomb. Making sure the bag was secured he hops onto the banshee and pats on the head. They start to head over to the place as he waits for the train.
y/n banshee sat on one of the trees as they both waited for the train to come. From Ice Dragons The name that loak had picked for his team with neteyam close by him. They were part of the Scout team and now are on watch for when the train arrives and if backup comes for RDA.
Jake was using a code name gold eagles, a very common name that was used.
As y/n was waiting around his earpiece spoke up.
???: gold eagles come in this is Ice Dragons do you read me?
Another voice comes in with the sound of disappointment from it towards the person who just spoke.
gold eagles: this is gold eagles send your traffic Ice Dragons.
Another voice comes in sounding like Neteyam
Ice Dragons: we spot the target. It is 5 km out from approaching the spot we have planned.
gold eagles: Understood. Did you get that team?
y/n: got prepared for it now.
y/n goes over his thing making sure he has everything. The sounds of steam being pushed out of something was approaching him and fast.
Hoping back onto his banshee as it spreads its wing and turns itself in the direction that the train will be heading. The surroundings were starting to shake from the train. Moving faster and sounds getting louder. Till eventually the train was in his sight.
He waited till the train was starting to pass him. As it did he patted on the banshee side and it let out a roar and jumped off and began to fly close to the train. A closer look at the train showed it was floating off the ground slightly.
There was a hatch and two big spots for something to open out and a ladder to get on top of the cart rooms. As the banshee flaps its wings faster to reach the second cart, Y/n stood up on the banshee and jumped off of it.
As his feet hit the top of the train roof. His leg gave out from the shock back from the landing. He rolls a bit on the train roof. Getting back on his two feet he looks ahead and sees that he is at the last train cart.
y/n: fuck me then.
He starts to Jog over to the first train cart however before he could get off the first train cart he was on. A Loud alarm goes off. y/n covers his ears from how loud it is.
The alarms were coming from the train. It looked like the people on the train were aware of someone who was not supposed to be there.
The two spots that looked like they could open. Are now open and two turrets popped out and were aiming at y/n.
He dashes the opening between the train carts. But the turrets started firing in front of him blocking the way out in front of him.
The bullets being shot at him started moving closer toward him. With no way out he slides off the side of the train holding off with one hand.
Below him was the ground. It was moving Incredibly fast. So falling off was not a good idea. Nor could the banshee get to him as the fence was blocking the way.
Pushing the side of the earpiece to contact the "golden eagle"
Y/n: golden eagle come in.
golden eagle: this is golden eagle what is the status of the train?
Y/n: uh things have gone south they have something that detected me when I landed on the train it activated two turrets. They have me locked down on the side of the train.
Without saying anything a Certain person butted in.
Ice Dragons: we can go and help him gold eagle.
In a sharp tone from gold eagle to the Boy from Ice Dragons.
Gold eagle: No you will stay where you are and keep watch for Reinforcements
Ice Dragons; yes sir
He said in a sad tone.
Gold Eagle: do you still have the bombs on you?
y/n: yes I still have them on me.
Gold Eagle: use some of them for them. You're going to need to put the bomb in a place to do the most damage to the train because you have fewer bombs to use now.
Y/n: understood then.
Using one hand opens the bag and grabs one of the bombs. He takes a couple breaths of air in. He uses his straight to climb onto the top of the train. Quickly getting up he sees the turrets.
They were on cooldown so he ran as fast as he could before they turned back on. Halfway there they came back online. They aimed at him as he ran and opened fire at him. Doing his best he was running and dodging with the best of his ability.
Just as he got close to the turrets a bullet scratched his cheek on his face. He ran past the turrets they were turning around and aiming at where he stood. As he stops running from the bullets.
The turrets were beginning to warm up to prepare to fire at Y/n. A beeping was heard if anyone was close to the turrets. Just as they were about to fire they exploded right where they stood. Y/n turn around to look where the turrets stood.
His cheek was bleeding and his hand was empty of any bombs that he was holding onto. He turns back to the head of the train and starts to run to the head of the train.
Word count 2268
Sorry for not making a chapter in awhile I been focused on getting ready for my final year of school so I have had not much time to work on this.
Dose not help my sleep schedule flip around out of know where.
I'm not sure when the next chapter is since I'm trying to get used to this school year. Anyway till next time
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