Ancient Civilizations Part 3 (THIS IS SPARTA)
Note: I am using quotes instead of name dialogues to see how well this gose
"Attention everyone attention!"
Domini said as he clapped his hands to get the audience's attention They all sat down eating ice cream or other types of desserts were given by Servus.
"Last time we watched a video about ancient China. I assume you enjoyed learning about that?"
"I did," Asami said as she raised her hand "I am amazed to see Terran people to seem have the same culture as us.
"I enjoy it as well" Tenzin added his statement
"Very good, cause it's time we move onto the next segment. The Greeks. Now you may be wondering who are they. The greeks are known to make important contributions to philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. Literature and theatre was an important aspect of Greek culture and influenced modern drama" Servus said
"Ah so like plays and such?" Kyoshi said
Domini nodded "They were mostly known to be incredibly talented for mathematics. Though they rarely used numbers in math. Instead, they used specialty, geometry, and a higher level of logic. For example, most mathematic symbols they have is based on the Greek Alphabet. Such as the Pi symbol.
"Pi?" Asami asked
It is used to represent the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. The numver is very long, but I will give you a short verions of it. 3.14159265359
"Interesting" Asami said as she began writing that down
"Now shall we began? Sit back relax and enjoy your desserts" Servus said as he showed a screen.
"In ancient Greece, violent internal conflict between border neighbors and war with foreign invaders was a way of life, and Greeks were considered premier warriors. Sparta, specifically, had an army of the most feared warriors in the ancient world."
"Fierce Warriors?" Kuvira asked as she questioned herself that
"Probobly more fierce than your army" Korra said
"Oh shut up"
"So what was Sparta doing differently than everyone else
to produce such fierce soldiers?To answer that question, we turn to the written accounts of that time.There are no surviving written accounts from Spartans themselves,as it was forbidden for Spartans to keep records,so we have to rely on those of non-Spartan ancient historians,like Herodotus, Thucydides, and Plutarch."
"Well that was quiet dumb. You must always keep records to show the future generation of people" Tenzin said as Pema nodded after
"These stories may be embellishedand depict Sparta at the apex of its power,so take them with a grain of salt.For Spartans, the purpose for their existence was simple:to serve Sparta."
"Just to serve Sparta? I'm pretty sure they have other things than just serving Sparta" Rangi said
"On the day of their birth,elder Spartan leaders examined every newborn.The strong healthy babies were considered capable of fulfilling this purpose,and the others may have been left on Mount Taygetus to die."
This shocked the entire audience seeing that babies that are considered to be unfit are, undesirable so they just abandoned them and left forgotten.
"You've got to be kidding me!" Bolin said
"Are they even that dumb to leave a small on it's own to die? Absolutely disgraceful" Mako said
"ok so I prefer people in my army to be strong, but this is going too far as killing babies is just wrong" Kuvira said
"Every Spartan, boy or girl, was expected to be physically strong,mentally sharp, and emotionally resilient. And it was their absolute duty to defend and promote Sparta at all costs."
"well look on the bright side, at least they didn't discriminate them based on gender," Sokka said as Katara nodded
So in the first years of their lives, children were raised to understand that their loyalty belonged first to Sparta, and then to family.
"Sounds like a good plan to being," Kuvira said "Children has a very complex mind, but they are mentally trained to believe in things"
"This mindset probably made it easier for the Spartan boys,who upon turning seven, were sent to the agoge, a place with one main purpose: to turn a boy into a Spartan warrior" through thirteen years of relentless, harsh, and often brutal training."
"At thirteen? That's illegal in today's terms." Bumi said
"Every child must begin a process of growing before getting into those types of things." Kya said
"The Spartans prized physical perfection above all else,and so the students spent a great deal of their time learning how to fight.To ensure resilience in battle, boys were encouraged to fight among themselves, and bullying, unlike today, was acceptable."
All of them widen their eyes in shock. Encourage fighting and bullying? No wonder why they are known to be extremely fierce.
"I guess I can see how they became mentally fit. They encouraged fighting, bullying and such?" That is just insane!" Aang said, "Us Earthbenders would never encourage to use violence or bullying."
One of Tenzin's children, Meelo asked his father about something
"Hey Dad! If I ever become a soldier, can I fight, and bully Jinora and Ikki?"
"Absolutely not! You should know by now that bullying and violence is wrong" Tenzin said as he raised his voice a bit
"In order to better prepare the boys for the conditions of war,the boys were poorly fed, sometimes even going days without eating.They also were given little in the way of clothing so that they could learn to deal with different temperatures. Spartan boys were encouraged to steal in order to survive,but if they were caught, they would be disciplined, not because they stole, but because they were caught in the act."
"So they were starved, little clothing, and encourage stealing?" Pema said with shock
Some rolled their eyes seeing just how much barbarity is like in Sparta.
"Stealing is wrong!" Jionra said
"How dare they starved the children and give them no warm clothes," Rangi said
"During the annual contest of endurance in a religious ritual known as the diamastigosis, teenage boys were whipped in front of an altar at the Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia. It was common for boys to die on the altar of the goddess."
"hold up, so you decided to train them, only to be killed due to failing an endurance ritual? What a waste of life" Kuvira said in disgust
"Spartans have gone too far. This is just abuse and wrong" Katara said
Some of them even facepalmed after hearing about the endurance ritual.
"Fortunately, not everything was as brutal as that. Young Spartans were also taught how to read,write, and dance, which taught them graceful control of their movements and helped them in combat."
"Finally something positive in Sparta," said Hiroshi "I'm getting tired of seeing the negative things they do to children. Now, what did the females do?"
While the responsibilities for the girls of Sparta were different, the high standards of excellence and expectation to serve Sparta with their lives remained the same. Spartan girls lived at home with their mothers as they attended school.
"The girls got it easy. Not getting whipped, starved, tortured, or getting bullied" Hiroshi said
Their curriculum included the arts,music,dance,reading,and writing.And to stay in peak physical condition, they learned a variety of sports,such as discus, javelin, and horseback riding.
"I know what horseback riding is, but what is discus and javelin?" Korra asked
"Ah the first Javelin is a sport where they throw a spear about 2.5 meters in length. Discus is a event in which an athlete throws a heavy disc. In an attempt to mark a farther distance than their competitors." Domini said
"Gotcha" Korra said
In Sparta, it was believed that only strong and capable womencould bear children that would one day become strong and capable warriors.To all Spartans, men and women, perhaps the most important lesson from Spartan schoolwas allegiance to Sparta. To die for their city-state was seen as the completion of one's duty to Sparta. Upon their death, only men who died in battle and women who died in childbirthwere given tombstones. In the eyes of their countrymen, both died so that Sparta could live."
"Only limited people are given tombstones?" Kyoshi said as she shook her head in disbelief.
As the video ended with a fade black, they all took deep breathes after witnessing the cruel and barbarity of a Spartan soldier.
"Man...Spartans are cruel and tough" Asami said
"Well the ladies got it easy and some did went to the field to fight for their country" Aang siad
"Why would they encourage thievery, bullying, and violence towards their brethren?" Tenzin asked "That is so mean"
"Oh yes, the Spartans were all about warlike people and serve their nation to fight. In fact I would like to play a video about the Spartans."
As they were watching, Tenzin and Pema had to cover the children's eyes just so they don't have to witness the insane violence is going on. Korra, Asami, Mako and Bolin were just astonished to see so much violence is occurring in the scene. So much bloodshed is shown in the movie. Almost the rest were either impressed or just outright find this barbaric. Kuvira on the other hand had her eyes glued to the screen. She was truly amazed and impressed. When they said they are fierce warriors, they weren't lying.
"Amazing" Kuvira whispered to herself "These Spartans have more courage then some of my army."
"This film is based on a famous battle called the Battle of Thermopylae," Domini said "It was led by King Leonidas I of Sparta. They were fighting against a group of people called the Persians. The Persians began to invade Greek territory. That scene is one of the most famous battles."
Though they didn't like seeing the violence, they were still amazed to see how well they fought. Domini continued to speak.
"The Battle of Thermopylae is one of the most important battle of the Persian War because the sacrifice of the men at Thermopylae later fueled the Greeks to push the Persian army back out of their country. Thermopylae prevented the Persians from conquering all of Greece, even though they were able to burn Athens.
"I have to admit, the way they fought was just amazing. Then again if you say this is just a movie, then the director of this film did a great job" Varrick said as his wife Zhu Li nodded
"No mercy" Kuvira said to herself
"So did the Spartans win?" Korra asked
"Unfortunately, the Spartans lost the battle. But the Persians couldn't conquer Greece. This was the fact that the Persians have a large number of people. Not only that a long supple of line. Though they could keep a giant army in Greece, the Greeks had the advantage."
After moving on from the Spartans, they began to talk about famous philosophers. Such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Dominit showed statue pictures of these three men.
"Domini, who are these people" Korra asked
"ah these three men are Philosophers. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle." Domini said "Socrates is known for being the founder of Western Phiosohpy. One the most exemplary and the strangest of the Greek philosophers. He grew up during the golden age of Pericles' Athens, served with distinction as a soldier, but became best known as a questioner of everything and everyone. Plato. Plato believed that reality is an imperfect reflection of a perfect ideal called the Forms. He demonstrates the effect of this dual reality and the need for education in his Allegory of the Cave. Aristotle was one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived and the first genuine scientist in history. He made pioneering contributions to all fields of philosophy and science, he invented the field of formal logic, and he identified the various scientific disciplines and explored their relationships to each other"
Asami, and Hiroshi are amazed of these three great men. They even watched a short video on the three men. Korra and some others yawned and felt bored watching these three. Asami, Hiroshi, and Tenzin had their eyes glued on these men. Known for their invention of logic and free thinking.
"Socrates..Plato....Aristotle....What three amazing people" Hiroshi said
"The Greeks also invented a sports event called the Olympics. Every four years, they meet up in a hosting city and they will compete each other against through sports. This is somethign that the Terrans still praticed to this day." Domini said
"So how do you compare from ancient olympics to modern olympics?" Bolin asked
"watch this"
After watching the video, they were truly amzaed on the shows they performed and all the events that tool lace. The video showed compilation clips from past games to present days events. Korra, Bolin and Mako were truly amazed with this.
"An event that unites all natiosn to compete against....Maybe that's what our world needs." Korra said as she thought of an idea
"That's acutally a good idea Korra, I mean this is something that our world needs. A global sports events that all nations that can competet agianst each other" Opal said
"We can combine track, swimming, running, Pro-bending, futbol, canoeing and much more...yeah this is something we need" Bolin said
"well that is all for the Greeks. We're finally going to move on to the last segenmetn of the Ancients. A vast empire that is regarded as one of the largest, if not the longest civlization ever recorded in history...The Roman Empire" Domini said
"Roman Empire?" Kyoshi said
"I remember that one video about China mentioning it" Rangi said "If you say they are the longest civlization to exist, then I'm down for it
"Alright, now be prepared for an awsome history lesson of the Roman Empire" Servus said
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