57. and then came april


CHAPTER FIFTY SEVEN - 🍂୧ and then. . .
came april ও🦌

THE TEENAGERS EXCHANGED SCEPTICAL GLANCES as they stood before the venerable yet seemingly slightly unhinged Dumbledore. They couldn't help but wonder if the headmaster had lost his marbles or had one too many sugar cravings lately. However, they soon realized that their concerns were secondary to the heavy choice bestowed upon them. Join an army the moment they graduate or go on with their career aspirations.

The war raged on each day, making the first choice seem glaringly obvious, at least on the surface.

Once Dumbledore had revealed the dilemma to the teenagers, he granted them a moment to discuss the matter amongst themselves. The group exchanged glances of uncertainty and trepidation, knowing the weight of their impending decision would shape their futures.

Despite the gravity of the situation, Sirius, ever the troublemaker, couldn't resist making a quick quippy remark, "Are you sure he's not been into the elderberry wine again? He seems a bit barmy today."

James chimed in with a lighthearted tone back, "Oh, relax, Sirius. Dumbledore's just having a bit of a senior moment, that's all. I'm sure he'll be back to his usual cryptic self in no time."

Lily, ever the voice of practicality, interjected giving the two cold stares. "Can we focus, please? This is a serious decision we're making, and we need to keep our heads straight."

Remus nodded in agreement, his expression solemn. "Lily has a point. We need to put our personal feelings aside and think objectively. This is war, and we're being expected to join the fight right out of school."

Autumn, her eyes fixed on a blank page in her sketchbook, voiced her concern. "But is it right for us to be thrown into battle so soon after graduating? I mean, we're barely adults, and they're expecting us to go up against dark wizards like you-know-who."

Raven, her eyes betraying a mix of worry and determination, added her thoughts. "She's right. We're still learning, still growing. How are we supposed to face such a task when we haven't even finished our education yet?"

James, his expression resolute, spoke up, "I understand your concerns, but we knew this day would come sooner or later. And honestly, I can't think of anyone I'd rather have fighting beside me than all of you."

Sirius nodded a glimmer of determination in his gaze. "James is right. We've been through so much together already. We're like an unstoppable force. We'll show them what Hogwarts has churned out."

Peter, his face a mixture of seriousness and contemplation, voiced his thoughts. "But we're still young, you know? We've got our whole lives ahead of us, dreams to pursue. Can we really afford to sacrifice all that for a war we didn't start?"

Lily, her voice softer but firm, responded, "Peter, I think we all understand the weight of this decision. We're not making it lightly. But if we stand idly by and do nothing, how many lives will be lost? War doesn't wait for anyone's convenience. We have a responsibility to do what's right and protect those we love."

Remus, his expression thoughtful, added his perspective. "Lily's right, but it's not an easy burden to bear. We're talking about risking our own lives, sacrificing our dreams and futures for the greater good. It's a lot to take on for people our age."

Sirius, his tone somewhat serious but with a hint of his usual bravado, spoke up. "True, it's not exactly an ideal situation. But when has anything in our lives been ideal? We've faced danger and challenges head-on before, and we'll do it again if we have to. We're Gryffindors for a reason."

Raven cleared her throat at Sirius' words, "And Ravenclaws."

Sirius chuckled, "Yes, and our finest brains of the team." He said, looking at both Autumn and her.

Autumn, giving Sirius a playful glare, responded, "Yes, let's not forget our Ravenclaw contributions. We can't let these brave Gryffindors hog all the glory, now can we?"

Sirius playfully put his hands up in mock surrender, a smirk on his face. "Of course, of course. Can't overlook your wise intellect. We need your cool heads to keep us rash Gryffindors in check."

Autumn rolled her eyes but couldn't help a smile. "Someone needs to do it. Otherwise, your impulsiveness would lead us all to certain doom."

He chuckled, "That's why we make a good team, isn't it? Brains and brawn, wisdom and daring. Unstoppable, I tell you!"

She smirked, "Just remember, Sirius. Bravery without brains leads to recklessness, while intelligence alone won't save us in a fight. We need both to balance each other out."

Sirius chuckled and lightly nudged Autumn's shoulder. "Yes, yes, I get it. We're like two sides of the same coin. We can't thrive without our Ravenclaw counterpart."

"Are we really thinking about this?" Peter asked nervously, looking at all of them. A collective silence fell over the group as they exchanged glances.

Finally, James spoke up, standing up. "Yes, count me in. What about you guys?"

One by one, they each stood up. Faces etched with a mix of grim determination and nervousness. Remus looked around with a mixture of trepidation and courage in his eyes. He spoke up first, "Yeah, count me in too. Let's do this."

Sirius nodded firmly, a slightly cocky smirk on his face. "Of course. Can't let James here have all the fun, can we? I'm in."

Lily stood tall, her expression resolute. "If you're all going, then I'm going too. We're in this together."

Autumn, a hint of worry in her eyes, voiced her agreement. "I'm in. I won't let you all face this alone.

Raven sighed and stood up," We'll do this as a team, I'm in"

Peter swallowed hard, his voice slightly shaky. "Count me in too. I may not have the bravado of you lot, but I won't leave you all hanging."

James beamed with pride at his friends, his eyes glinting with determination. "That's what I was hoping to hear. We're in this together, no matter what. We'll give them hell."

APRIL HAD ARRIVED, AND THE MONTH FELT DREADFUL. The weather was absolutely horrible, making the day feel dreary with its dark grey skies and at night the sound of the whistling wind sent shivers down everyone's spines.

"This is a bad omen, I tell you," a random Ravenclaw student mumbled in the Great Hall, loud enough for James to hear.

"James mate, don't go pouncing on younger students," Remus rolled his eyes, seeing the sour expression on James' face as he heard the overall thoughts that everyone was probably feeling about the dreadful weather.

James huffed, giving Remus a playful glare. "Oh, come off it, Moony. I wasn't going to pounce on the kid. Just tempted to give him a little reality check. A bad omen, really? It's just the weather, for Merlin's sake."

Sirius snickered, finding the whole exchange amusing. "I don't know, Prongs. If there's ever a real sign of impending doom, it's you refraining from pouncing on someone."

James couldn't help but grin. "I do have some self-control, you know. Besides, I didn't want to ruin the kid's innocence too soon. They still have a couple of years of school left before the real world comes crashing down."

"Talk about the kid being negative," Raven said to James, leaning her head on her palm.

James chuckled, shooting Raven a playful glare. "Hey! I'm just being honest, I'm not negative. Besides, the weather's not exactly helping, you know? It's like Hogwarts has its brooding weather system these days."

Remus chimed in, looking up from his newspaper, "You know, I vaguely remember reading somewhere that April is often referred to as the cruellest month. Something to do with the shifting seasons and the unpredictable weather."

Sirius, always one for a good quote, added, "Shakespeare said it best you know, 'April hath put a spirit of youth in everything'", he proclaimed before quickly adding, "Not that any of us feel youthful right now, mind you."

"All right, who gave Sirius, Shakespeare literature?" Lily inquired, first turning to the girls who shook their heads in denial, and then to Remus, who also denied it.

Sirius shrugged, "What? It's good literature to help with the ladies," he grinned.

James rolled his eyes playfully, "Right because nothing gets the girls' attention quite like quoting old Shakespearean sonnets. You're such a charmer, Pads."

"I'm more frightened at the thought of Sirius reading something that isn't magazines about fashion or motorbikes," Autumn teased.

She then turned to face James, "Now, when did you learn about Shakespeare, James?"

James chuckled, giving Autumn a playful glare. "Hey, I do have a hidden intellectual side, you know. I just like to keep it under wraps from you lot. Can't have you thinking I'm too smart, right?"

Remus arched an eyebrow, giving James a look. "A hidden intellectual side, huh? Remind me, who was it that accidentally turned their hair pink last week trying to transfigure a quill into a butterfly?"

James, grinning sheepishly, ran a hand through his messy hair. "Ah, that was merely an experiment with advanced transfiguration, my dear Moony. And while it may have gone slightly awry, it doesn't diminish my intellectual prowess."

Autumn snorted, trying to disguise a laugh. "An experiment, right? More like a case of the wrong wand movement. But hey, you do have a certain style with pink hair. Brings out the rebel in you."

James stuck his tongue out at Autumn, feigning mock offence. "Hey, pink is all the rage nowadays. I was just trying to be fashion-forward. You're just jealous you didn't think of it first."

Sirius chuckled heartily. "Oh, please, James. You and fashion-forwardness are about as compatible as a hippogriff and a house elf."

James playfully threw a piece of his food at Sirius, who easily dodged it. "Hey, I'll have you know my sense of fashion is unparalleled. Just you wait, one day you'll all be begging me to style your wardrobes."

Sirius smirked, feigning terror. "Oh, the horror! Imagine you trying to style our wardrobes. We'd all end up looking like a bunch of psychedelic puffskein."

He feigned an offended gasp. "A psychedelic puffskein? How dare you insult my impeccable fashion sense! I'll have you know, I could turn any of you into fashion icons overnight."

Lily couldn't help but join in on the banter, a smirk playing at the corners of her mouth. "Oh really, Potter? And how would you accomplish that? Douse us in a potion that makes us all magically chic, or maybe a charm that turns our robes into designer wear?"

James gave her a mischievous grin, leaning in with exaggerated confidence. "Oh, I have my methods. It's all about the art of the stylish surprise, you know? A little potion here, a charm there, and voila! Instant fashion makeover."

Sirius chuckled, shaking his head, "Ah, yes, the famous Potter touch. We might end up either looking like runway models or walking fashion disasters. Either way, it'll be an amusing spectacle, I bet."

James placed his hand on his chest dramatically, pretending to be deeply wounded. "Amusing spectacle? Just you wait, Sirius. One day, you'll be begging me to rescue you from your dull wardrobe. And when that day comes, I'll be there, ready to bestow my fashion wisdom upon you."

Remus chuckled, sipping his tea. "Ah, the confidence of the utterly clueless. We'll be on our deathbed before we ever ask you for fashion advice, James."

Raven waved her hand in protest, "I'd prefer we not discuss death, please." She cut their discussion short, as the conversation was triggering her anxiety.

James quickly realized her discomfort and, as usual, tried to play it off with a goofy grin. "Right, right. No dark talks allowed. We need to keep things light and cheerful. How about we discuss something more upbeat? Like... uh, the latest Quidditch stats?"


The Order of the Phoenix was a clandestine organization founded by the venerable Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore. While it had already been initiated with a select number of members, the Headmaster harboured reservations about enlisting the younger generation. Yet he could not forestall this inevitability indefinitely. On his list of preferred recruits were the Marauders, as well as three Muggle-born witches – Autumn, Raven, and Lily.

Initially, Professor Minerva McGonagall harboured doubts about the Headmaster's decision to involve the younger generation. As a non-official member of the Order, she had assumed a role as a spy within the Ministry of Magic, which gave her a unique perspective.

Dumbledore was utterly convinced by these handpicked students. They were the only individuals from their generation whom he currently considered, and while it was possible that he might discover additional suitable candidates later, for the time being, these particular students were the ideal choices.

The idea of being recruited into the Order was both thrilling and daunting for the younger generation. For the Marauders, especially James, the prospect of taking action against the darkness that loomed over their world was exciting. It gave them a sense of purpose and a chance to make a real difference.

However, for Autumn, Raven and Lily, the reality of war and the risks involved in joining the Order were far more sobering. They realized the enormity of the task ahead, and the sacrifices they may have to make weighed heavily on their minds.

The Marauders' typical bravado often masked their inner anxieties. Inwardly, they harboured concerns about whether they were truly prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead in the Order. But like any true Gryffindors, they were determined to show a courageous, unflinching facade to the world, hiding their fears beneath layers of false bravado.

On the other hand, the same couldn't be said for the three Muggleborn witches. Their fear and worry showed clearly on their faces, as they grappled with the prospect of diving headfirst into the dangers of war.

As they sat together in the room of requirement in the middle of April, the atmosphere was filled with a mix of excitement and trepidation. Remus, ever the cautious one, voiced his reservations first. "You know, I can't help but feel conflicted about all this. I mean, it's great that Dumbledore thinks we're capable enough to be a part of the Order, but at the same time, the risks are substantial. We could end up in some pretty dangerous situations."

James nodded solemnly, "I get what you mean, Moony. But at the same time, the Order is our chance to really do something, you know? Not just sit on the sidelines while others fight for us. We've always talked about standing up for what's right, well, now's our chance to put our money where our mouths are."

Raven interjected, her voice tinged with a hint of worry, "While I admire your determination, James, I can't shake off the feeling of fear. I mean, we're just teenagers. We will just have graduated from Hogwarts. How are we supposed to face experienced dark wizards and witches?"

James sighed, looking around the room before speaking. "I know it's scary, and we might not have all the experience they do, but we've got something they don't - resourcefulness and unpredictability. We're not just a bunch of students who have been coddled and protected all our lives. We've got a history of getting into trouble and finding solutions when it counts. That's what the Order needs - people who can think outside the box and take risks."

Peter chimed in, "And don't forget we have Autumn's drawings as well." Peter then tilted his head in curiosity, "Speaking of which, how has your sketching been going lately?" Autumn regarded her sketchpad, resting on her lap, and responded with a hint of enthusiasm.

"I recently spoke with Dumbledore about it," Autumn continued, explaining herself. Her words took the others aback, as they exchanged surprised glances.

"You spoke to Dumbledore?" James inquired, his eyebrows raised in astonishment.

"Why would you talk to Dumbledore about your sketches?" Sirius questioned, his surprise mirroring the others.

"I initially had no intention of sharing this information, but in light of our decision to join the Order, I thought it would be beneficial. Remember the drawings I did of Death Eaters? Well, I showed them to him, and it turns out they were useful for some Aurors. They identified them, and as we speak, they're tailing them. Dumbledore even mentioned the possibility of me scouting locations, creating distractions, or even creating illusions. Though it's mostly hypothetical, he assured me that it's within the realm of possibility." Autumn explained.

James continued to look at Autumn with a mixture of surprise and admiration. "You're incredible, Autumn," he said, wiggling his eyebrows. "I still believe that you can summon Magical Creatures during a fight, though."

Autumn laughed and playfully pushed his face away from hers. "My drawings haven't even proved that they can come to life yet," she reminded him. "And realistically speaking, I can't just whip out my quill and sketchpad and draw that quickly in the middle of a fight."

Sirius, ever the prankster, couldn't help himself. "Oh, but just think about it. You sketching away, surrounded by chaos and destruction, while drawing a unicorn to save our sorry arses. It's the perfect combination of artistic and heroic!"

James couldn't help but laugh at the image. "Oh, imagine the looks on the Death Eaters' faces when a unicorn out of nowhere decides to join the fray!"

Peter, who had been relatively quiet until now, spoke up with a hint of curiosity. "But have you tried it yet? Drawing something quickly, I mean."

Autumn shook her head, "Not really. I've only ever drawn carefully and taken my time, so I'm not sure how it would turn out if I tried to hurry."

Remus, always one to consider both sides of the argument, interjected, "It might be worth exploring, though. Maybe not in the middle of a battle, but as a way to practice and see what happens. You never know, you might discover something new about your powers and how fast you can draw."

"Like a speed-drawing competition against the Death Eaters?" James joked, drawing a laugh from everyone. "I mean, it could work, right? Distract them with my dashing good looks and your drawings."

Autumn playfully tossed a pillow at James. "Very subtle, James," she said, rolling her eyes again.

Even Lily couldn't help but scoff softly. "Subtlety has never been your strong suit, Potter. I doubt the Death Eaters would be affected by your 'dashing good looks'," she teased.

James smirked at Lily's comment, feigning offence. "Oh, Evans, you wound me. You never know, they might be so overwhelmed by my charm that they'd drop their wands and surrender immediately."

"Dream on, James. But on a serious note," Remus chimed in, trying to steer the conversation back on track, "What Dumbledore said about using your sketches to gather intelligence or create illusions is intriguing. You could be an asset in a whole different way, beyond what we initially thought."

Autumn nodded, agreeing with Remus's point. "Yeah, I think the possibilities are a little terrifying," she admitted. "I mean, it's different from the way I've used my magic. It feels more... intentional, I guess. As if there's almost a higher purpose for it."

Sirius smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Well, that's a bit of a heavy thought. A higher purpose and all that," he said, his tone somewhat teasing. "Are we about to have a philosophical debate on the purpose of art?"

Autumn shot Sirius a playful glare, but her smile betrayed her amusement. "No, we're not having a 'philosophical debate on the purpose of art,' you git," she replied, still grinning.

James chuckled. "Wouldn't put it past us, though. We've had crazier conversations."

Raven snorted, "What makes this even more crazier in this conversation is the fact that Sirius has any understanding of the concept of philosophy or even the word philosophical itself."

Sirius feigned outrage, placing a hand dramatically over his heart. "Oh, ha-ha, very funny, you lot. I'll have you know, that I do possess a mind capable of grasping complex concepts. Just you wait; I'll drop a philosophical bomb on you all one day when you least expect it."

Peter chuckled, joining in on the banter. "I'd like to see that day. Just imagine the headline: 'Sirius Black, Philosopher Supreme.'"

James shook his head, grinning. "I can just picture it now—Sirius lecturing us on the meaning of life while riding on his motorbike. Truly a sight to behold."

Autumn smirked at the image. "Oh, please, Sirius lecturing us. As if you'd ever survive the first five minutes without falling asleep."

"Hey, my attention span isn't that bad!" Sirius protested, but the smirk on his face betrayed his amusement.

"Oh, really?" Remus chimed in, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I seem to remember a certain incident involving a Herbology lecture and a suspiciously loud snoring sound coming from your direction."

Peter burst into laughter, remembering the incident. "Oh, yes, that was classic. Professor Sprout practically had steam coming out of her ears trying to wake you up!"

Sirius shrugged nonchalantly. "I was merely engaging in a deep meditative state. Professor Sprout should be thanking me for demonstrating the true power of relaxation."

Lily joined in on the laughter, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Right, because your deep, meditative state involved drool and a decibel level comparable to a dragon's roar."

James nodded sagely, trying to hold back laughter. "Ah yes, the elusive 'meditative state'. Only achieved by the greatest of wizards like Sirius here, clearly."

Autumn chuckled, hiding her grin behind her hand. "Oh, yes, truly a profound skill to be envious of. You should teach a class, Sirius. 'Mastering the Art of Nodding Off During Important Discussions.'"

Sirius chuckled, pretending to be offended. "You're all just jealous because you lack the ability to turn any moment into a nap-worthy experience. I could fall asleep in the middle of a Quidditch match and it'd still look stylish."

Now it was Lily's turn to snort, trying to contain her laughter. "Oh, yes, I'm sure the Seekers would be incredibly envious of your 'stylish' ability to fall off your broom mid-match."

Remus shook his head, barely suppressing a smirk. "Merlin's beard, just imagine the headlines: 'Black and the Sleepy Broomstick: A Masterpiece in Mid-Air Napping.'"

James couldn't hold back his laughter anymore, joining in wholeheartedly. "Oh, I can see it now. You'd be the talk of the wizarding world—not for your Quidditch skills, mind you, but for your unique nap-flying techniques."

Peter chimed in with a mischievous grin, "We should start a betting pool on just how many different ways you could fall asleep without falling off your broom. The winner gets a lifetime supply of chocolate frogs."

Sirius feigned a thoughtful expression. "Hmmm, now there's an idea I could get behind..."

As the teens spent their afternoon together, the hours rolled by and it was time for James and Autumn to fulfil their head duties as the evening approached.

James reluctantly rose from his seat, looking around at his friends. "Well, it's almost time for our patrol."

Autumn also stood up, stretching lazily. "Yeah, I guess we should get going."

The others nodded in understanding. Remus, ever the cautious one, asked, "Be careful."

James nodded, his expression serious. "We will. We'll keep an eye out as always. And you lot behave yourselves while we're gone."

Lily quipped with a grin, "That's rich, coming from you."

James smirked back, feigning innocence. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Lily rolled her eyes playfully, a smirk on her face. "You know exactly what it means, Potter. You're practically the king of misbehaving."

James gasped dramatically, placing a hand on his heart. "I am wounded, Evans. Wounded, I say! How can you doubt my ability to behave? I'll have you know, I'm the pinnacle of good conduct and discipline."

Autumn chuckled, trying to hide her amusement. "Yes, because 'pinnacle of good conduct' is the perfect description for the person who once set loose a horde of Cornish pixies in his common room."

Sirius interjected, grinning widely. "Ah, yes, the infamous Pixie Incident. A true classic."

James shot Sirius an amused glare before turning back to Autumn. "Hey, that was entirely for educational purposes. Those pixies needed a new playground, and we generously provided one."

Lily chuckled, her smirk growing wider. "A playground for pixies, or a nightmare for everyone else trying to study and relax in the common room?"

James shrugged, feigning innocence. "Details, details. It was all part of the learning experience. They should be thanking me for providing such an engaging lesson in magical creatures."

Remus couldn't help but chuckle at James's explanation. "Yes, an engaging lesson in how to create chaos and mayhem. I'm sure everyone appreciated that 'educational experience'."

James smirked, holding his hands up in mock surrender. "Hey, sometimes learning needs a bit of excitement. Can't have everything be straightforward and boring, can we?"

Autumn playfully rolled her eyes, enjoying the banter. "Yes, because setting loose Cornish pixies is the epitome of thrilling. Now let's go, James"

He chuckled, conceding defeat for now. "Fine, fine. I'll admit, maybe that was a bit over the top. But hey, it made the common room a lot livelier for a few hours."

She shook her head, her amusement obvious. "You have a strange definition of lively, Potter. Let's go before you come up with another 'educational experience' for tonight."

James chuckled, giving his friends a final salute. "See you lot later. Try not to get into too much trouble while we're gone."

Remus smiled, shaking his head. "Ah, trouble seems to find us, not the other way around. Be careful out there, you two."

Lily rolled her eyes, her smile giving away her amusement. "And try not to cause too much chaos during your patrol."

With that, James and Autumn bid farewell to their friends, heading out for their patrol duties.

As James and Autumn made their way through the castle, they walked in comfortable silence for a few minutes before James broke the silence. "You know, I wouldn't mind another 'educational experience' tonight," he teased, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Autumn chuckled, shaking her head but unable to hide her amusement. "And what kind of educational experience do you have in mind, James?"

He leaned against the wall, his smirk growing wider. "Oh, you know, something a little more... personal. A bit of hands-on exploration, if you catch my drift."

She swatted his shoulder playfully. "You're impossible. This is supposed to be a patrol, not an opportunity for your romantic exploits."

James chuckled, pretending to be hurt by her swat. "Ah, come on, Autumn. I can multitask. I'll keep an eye out for trouble while we also... explore."

He sidled closer to her, his smirk growing more devilish. "Besides, isn't it more exciting to do it when we're technically not supposed to?"

She rolled her eyes, trying to hide her own amusement at his persistence. "James, we have a patrol job to do. We can't just... you know... get distracted."

Despite her protest, she couldn't help feeling a spark of excitement at his suggestion. But she kept up her facade of being the responsible one.

James chuckled, moving even closer, trapping her against the wall. "Oh, come on, Autumn. Where's your sense of adventure, your desire to break the rules a little?"

His blue eyes roamed over her face, his gaze full of a mix of desire and challenge. "You know you want to. I can see it in your eyes."

Autumn's breath caught in her throat as she looked up at him. He was so close she could feel his body heat radiating off of him. The thought of sneaking away for a moment of pleasure with him, knowing they were supposed to be on patrol, was incredibly tempting. And that thrilled her.

But she knew she had to keep a level head. "James, we can't," she protested again, though her voice was noticeably less certain.

James leaned in closer, his lips hovering just millimetres from hers. "Just for a minute," he whispered, his breath tickling her skin. "No one will know, and we'll return to our patrol duties immediately after."

His hand came up to touch her hip, pulling her closer to him as if his proximity could persuade her to give in to his suggestion.

Autumn's resolve was crumbling under the combination of his touch, his nearness, and the allure of the possibility of getting caught. She wanted him, desperately. The thrill of the forbidden added an element of excitement to the situation.

She bit her lip in indecision, her head telling her to be responsible, but her body and her heart were telling her something else entirely. The heat in his gaze was intoxicating, and she found herself giving in to temptation.

James saw the moment she relented, her eyes darkened with desire. He smirked, knowing he had won. Without another word, he leaned down and captured her lips in a deep, passionate kiss.

He pressed her back against the wall, his body flush against hers, as his hands roamed over her body, exploring every inch of her.

Autumn responded eagerly, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him even closer. Her fingers tangled in his hair as she met his kiss with equal fervour.

The cool stone of the wall behind her contrasted with the heat of his body pressed against hers, heightening every sensation. The fact that they were supposed to be doing their patrol duties made the experience even more thrilling.

James broke the kiss, his lips trailing down her jawline and to her neck, leaving a trail of kisses that sent shivers down her spine.

He nipped at her earlobe, his breath hot in her ear. "See, was this worth breaking the rules a little?" he whispered.

Autumn let out a soft gasp, her head tilting back to give him better access to her neck. His touch and the feel of his lips against her skin sent jolts of pleasure through her.

She couldn't help but admit he was right, this moment of stolen pleasure was exhilarating. Perhaps breaking the rules sometimes led to something even better.

Autumn knew they had to put a temporary halt to their actions, which prompted her to exhale softly while gently tugging at the back of James' hair. She spoke up, asserting, "Okay, Potter. Let's save this for later and concentrate on our responsibilities."

James reluctantly relented, pulling back from her neck with a low grumble. Her tugging on his hair had him both irritated and turned on.

He looked at her with a mixture of frustration and desire, his eyes dark with need. "Later," he agreed, his voice slightly hoarse. "But I'm going to hold you to that promise."

Autumn took a step back, adjusting her robes and trying to regain her composure. She looked at him, noticing the effect their little escapade had on him.

A smirk tugged at the corners of her lips, but she suppressed it, doing her best to maintain a façade of professionalism.

"Trust me, James," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of tease. "You'll get your turn later."

James chuckled, running a hand through his hair in an attempt to regain some semblance of calm. The effect she had on him was both exhilarating and maddening.

He raised an eyebrow, eyeing her with a mixture of amusement and desire. "I expect nothing less."

He pushed away from the wall, his usual nonchalant demeanour returning. "But for now, let's focus on our patrol. Wouldn't want to neglect our duties."

Autumn nodded, falling into step beside him as they resumed their patrol. The silence between them was still charged with unspoken desire, and she could feel his gaze occasionally wandering over to her.

As they continued walking through the corridors, she couldn't help but wonder if they would be able to keep their hands off each other until their patrol ended.

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