The Gods
Of the Heavens:
Domain: Knowledge, magic, order, and language
Background: Though his origins are unclear even to the gods, it is impossible to deny Thoth's power and influence. Only Isis and Osiris approach him in terms of magical might, and only Ra exceeds him. As a god of order, Thoth acts as a divine arbiter between the forces of good and evil. He is known for his general disinterest with the affairs of humanity. His favored humans tend to be scholars and priests, users of high, divine magic.
Domain: The sky
Background: The daughter of Shu, god of the air, and Tefnut, goddess of moisture, the heavens are composed of Nut's body. She is said to protect the souls of the dead as they make their way to the Underworld for judgement. Nut is primarily responsible for guarding and enveloping Ra during the day, to ensure that all the earth is warmed by the light of the sun. Her children are Isis, Osiris, Set, and Nephthys. Her symbols include the stars.
Domain: War, Vengeance, Pharaohs, and falcons
Background: The son of Isis and Osiris, Horus grew into a fully-fledged deity by fighting his uncle Set to avenge the death of his father (it's a very long story. Look it up on your own time.) As his father represents the pharaoh in death, so Horus is the authority of the pharaoh in life. His left eye was gouged out in the fight against his uncle, and a new eye of silver was crafted by Khonsu, the moon god. His favored weapon is the khopesh sword.
Domain: Air, Peace
Background: Along with his wife Tefnut, Shu was one of the first gods to be created by Ra. His two children are Nut and Geb. His primary duties are to keep his children separated eternally by holding Nut high above her husband. If he failed to do this, Nut would lie directly on top of Geb and there would be no way for life to exist. His favored humans are the peacemakers, and those who hold fast to their duty.
Of the Earth:
Domain: Nature, Magic, and Fertility
Background: A goddess of considerable subtlety and power, Isis is completely devoted to the advancement of her husband, son, and of course herself. Her power is especially present in both healing and poisons, to the point where she was once capable of temporarily resurrected her husband from the dead. It was through her efforts that Ra withdrew from kingship and allowed the position to be filled by Horus. Her favored humans are the weak and downtrodden, particularly women and practitioners of "low" magic.
Domain: The earth
Background: Geb's wife is Nut, the sky, and his children are Isis, Osiris, Set and Nephthys. His body makes up the entire Earth; he is god of fertile lands and infertile lands alike. His laughter is said to cause earthquakes, and he is considered to be the patron of snakes. His sacred animal is the goose.
Domain: Hunting, War, Weaving
Background: Neith is suggested to be the mother of Sobek, the crocodile god of rivers. Her skill at warfare was such that she, along with Thoth, was set as an arbiter during the great war between Horus and Set. She is said to be the greatest archer among the gods, and she is known as a demon hunter of terrifying skill. Her favored humans are those that are unashamedly ferocious.
Domain: Bloodlust, Plague, and Medicine (as Sekhmet) Joy and Motherhood (as Hathor)
Background: Also known as the Eye of Ra, Sekhmet was feared even among the gods for her unrelenting ferocity and general disregard for anyone other than Ra. According to the histories of the gods, at one point Sekhmet became so battle-mad that she ignored even Ra's commands to leave humanity be; the gods needed to trick her into drinking beer dyed as red as blood until she became so drunk that she became Hathor, a far gentler goddess of cows, pleasure, and motherhood.
Of the Underworld:
Domain: Fertility, Justice, Rebirth, and the Underworld
Background: Said to be the first pharaoh among men, Osiris was widely known and loved as a just and merciful king. Of course, when your jealous brother is the god of chaos, that's not the safest position to hold. After being killed via suffocation, resurrected by his wife, killed via dismemberment, and temporary resurrection, Osiris decided to stay in the Underworld for good. He now rules the land of the dead, and administers judgement to the newly deceased souls.
Domain: Night, Mourning, Protection, and Rivers
Background: As sister and wife to Set (as well as the mother of Anubis,) Nephthys's family relationships are strained at best. She is well known for working in conjunction with her sister Isis in order to temporarily resurrect Osiris and guard an infant Horus. It would be unwise to take her gentle personality lightly: she guards the souls of the dead during their transition to the Underworld, and to be in her care is to be safe from any influence short of Apophis itself.
Domain: Cats, Music, Family, Guardian of the Living
Background: One of the most popular deities among the common people, Bast took the position of instrument of Ra from Sekhmet once the former goddess proved too dangerous for the role. Chiefly seen as a guardian of the living pharaoh, her abilities stretched to include protecting the helpless from demonic assault. Cats are her servants, and a well-kept and loved family cat is a sure way to earn the goddess's favor.
Domain: Chaos, the Desert, Storms, and Violence
Background: As the lord of infertile places and number one jackass among the gods, it's something of a wonder that Set is as widely worshiped as he is. His battle with Horus for the position of pharaoh is well known throughout Egypt, but his main concern is with the desert and its oases. Those in his favor can be sure of safe passage; those who earn his ire (or who are on the receiving end of his boredom) can expect to wander and suffer the dangers of the land. He is Ra's most powerful general in the nightly battle against Apophis the chaos snake.
Should interest in these Games prove sufficient, I am willing to open up to three additional deities: Khonsu the moon god in the heavens, Serqet the scorpion goddess on earth, and Anubis the jackal god in the Underworld.
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