Hero: Captain Odette Rainmaker

Author: Enchantresses

Name: "Captain Odette Rainmaker. My subordinates just call me 'Captain.'"

Age: "Ha. I'm younger than you by a long shot. I'm in my twenties now, but still one of the youngest to ever navigate the Narrow Strait. I want that on record."

Race: "Well, half-orc, obviously. I reckon the other half's tiefling, judging by these horns. My hat covers them most times but I think they look rather sharp, don't you?"

Personality: "Brave. Charming. Humble. I rather fancy myself a people person, a woman of the—who told you that? Well, any pirate worth their salt has been kicked out of at least two taverns in the Widow's Isle, so really my count is low for someone of my stature. But it's true I do sometimes act before I think—it's something I take pride in, a sign of great instincts. What do you mean, it's a Captain's job to think? Whoever told you that had a knot in his sails—I reckon I know a mite more about captaining than you do, anyhow.

No, I'm not being impertinent. What's impertinent?"

Appearance: "What, you don't hire a sketch artist? Well, I clearly have the typical sailor's build: tall, rugged, handsome. These muscles are hard-earned from years on the rig. They're very impressive, everyone says so. And I have these horns I showed you earlier, see? They're not that small—you're really quite rude, has anyone ever told you that?

Beyond that, I have the handsomest of orcish features—emerald skin, cascading locks of black hair, very intimidating fangs poking over my lips from my bottom jaw, dark brown eyes that many a barmaid has gotten lost in...you're writing this down exactly as I'm saying it, yes? Wonderful."

Backstory: "I grew up in a small seaside town, raised by fishermen. Good folks. No, you probably haven't heard of it—most Capitol folks haven't, I'd reckon. Anyway, I always knew the sea was home, I just wasn't sure what to do about it. Oh, I could have become a fishmonger like my fathers, sweeping a net into the sea to catch anything too big to wriggle away, but I always knew I was meant for more than that. A nobler fate. And so, I became a deckhand. Don't laugh, we all start somewhere. I worked my way up anyhow, didn't I? Which is more than I could say for you. I'm not being rude, I'm being honest.

Eventually, I became the captain of my own ship. The details aren't important. I could tell you all sorts of tales about my crew's adventures, the trouble we got up to—we had more fun on a full moon than you've had in all your life, I'd reckon. But all good things do end, they say. There was, um. There was an accident. Only it wasn't really an accident. A magic man...he struck our ship and then fucking magicked away! Can you believe it? We went down right quick, washed up on Farshore near Southbank. Most of us got out. Most. Not all. No, this wasn't one of them royal mages, this was someone different, in dark robes with a weird whispering sort of voice. I don't know what he wanted. Maybe I'd pissed him off and forgotten about it. That happens sometimes.

Well, after that, my crew and I parted ways. A couple of them stuck with me. We still get into mischief sometimes, you know—pillaging, drinking, writing dirty words on tavern walls. Haven't mustered up enough coin for a new ship yet though, so for now, it's a landlubber's life for me.

(Yes, it's fine for me to be telling you these things. I've got nothing to hide. Besides, if I win your very scary contest and become the realm's mightiest hero, I'm sure I'll get a royal pardon. Maybe even a spot in the Navy! Can you imagine me, a privateer? What do you mean 'no?' Now who's being imprudent—in—yes, I know it's 'impertinent,' I was getting there, thank you.)"

Weapons/Skills: "I'm skilled at most things, really, ask anyone. No, not—anyone but him, okay? Besides, no one can read a map, anyone who says they can is lying.

But if you must know, my real specialty lies with the blade. Any enemy who meets me in close quarters won't leave with all their limbs intact, I'll tell you that much. This cutlass I wear here? Stole it off the Skeleton King from the Pangard. And the black dagger in my boot, it's from the Shadow Realm. Yes, it's a real place, the dwarf who sold it to me told me so."

Anything Interesting: "Everything about me is interesting. Have you not been paying attention?"

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