Second Great War and Siren Invade Earth 1939-1947 (Update)
General POV
20th March 1934
Location: Ottoman Empire
After the Russian Civil War and The Great War (WWI) ended, the Ottoman Empire began modernization for the Imperial Ottoman Armed Forces (Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Silahlı Kuvvetleri) such as the Army,Air Force and Navy. All armament and equipment of the Imperial Ottoman Army have been modified. Old bolt-action rifles like Mauser M1896, Mauser M1903, Mauser M 1917, Mauser M1917/34, Mosin Nagant M91/30, SMLE MK.III TS *Turkish SMLE* (8mm Mauser), Springfield M1903A3/T-2M3, Springfield M1903A1/T-2M1, and SMLE Mk.III* begin replaced with more reliable semi-automatic rifles like Turner SMLE 1930 (Buy Blueprints from Russell Turner), T-31 Semi-Automatic Rifle (Copy Turner SMLE with Improved Gas-operated system ), T-34 Semi-Automatic Rifle (Copy Russian SKS), and Mauser M1930/44 (Copy Gewehr 41/43), Sub-Machine guns like MP-28, MP-34 Steyr-Solothurn and TS-27 (Copy MP-34 Steyr-Solothurn),Thompson M1928,Thompson M1928A1,Thompson M1 Series, Prototype Assault Rifles or Prototype Battle Rifle like StG 44, Improved Fedoror 'M1916/36' Avtomat "get from Russian Civil War", T-7 AR and KCR 20 (copy StG 44 with improved material and system) and Light/Medium/Heavy machine guns like Lewis Gun Mk.II,ZB-26,Bren Gun Mk.I,MG08,MG08/15,PM Maxim M1910/38 with 8mm Mauser,M1919A2 Browning Heavy Machine Gun,Vicker Mk.III Heavy Machine Gun and M2HB Browning HMG.Ottoman Empire also begin a naval reconstruction program or modernization of the navy program (Imparatorluk Osmanlı Donanması) such as retrofit, rebuilt or redesign into a modern warship type vessel like the old battleship and the old battlecruiser OHG Abdül Kadir (Abdul Kadir-class, Pre-Dreadnought Battleship),OHG Sultan Osman-ı Evvel (Rio de Janeiro-Class,Dreadnought Battleship),OHG Yavuz Sultan Selim(Moltke-class, Battlecruiser), OHG Sultan Abdul Kadir II (Moltke-class, Battlecruiser),OHG Turgut Reis (Brandenburg -Class,Pre-Dreadnought Battleship),other 2 Brandenburg-Class, Pre-Dreadnought Battleship and 5 Reşadiye-Class, Super Dreadnought Battleship with replace old naval gun to new naval gun such as 11-inch gun to 13.5-inch gun replace new 15-inch gun to 18-inch gun or used same caliber with new variants or mods,add secondary gun like 5-7 inch gun,add 20mm to 4 inch gun AA Gun such as The Bofors 40mm/60 Gun,The Oerlikon 20 mm cannon,The 8.8 cm SK C/30,the QF 2-pounder,The 3.7 cm SK C/30 and many more,add new radio,sonar and radar and for the old destroyer such as 4 Muâvenet-i Millîye-Class,Torpedo Boat or Destroyer,4 Samsun-class,Destroyer replace main gun 2 to 3 inch gun into 4 to 5 inch gun or used same caliber with new variants or mods,add 20mm to 40mm AA gun,replace new torpode tubes and many more such as new radio system,sonar,radar and equid new installed power.And for cruisers such as 2 Peyk-i Şevket-class,Torpedo Cruiser,2 Hüdâvendigâr-Class,Unprotected Cruiser, OHG Midilli (Magdeburg-Class,Light Cruiser), OHG Mecidiye (Mecidiye-Class,Protected Cruiser) and OIG Hamidiye (Hamidiye-Class, Protected Cruiser)replace main gun 2 to 3-inch gun into 4 to 7-inch gun or used same calibre with new variants or mods, add 20mm to 40mm AA gun, replace old torpode cube into new torpode tubes and many more such as new radio system,sonar,radar and equid newly installed power. Ottoman Empire also buys old warships from other countries such as HMS Dreadnought (Dreadnought-class, Dreadnought Battleship), HMS Malaya (Queen Elizabeth-class, Super Dreadnought Battleship ), HMS Audacious (King George V-class (1911), Super Dreadnought Battleship), HMS Duke of Edinburgh (Duke of Edinburgh-class, Armored Cruiser) and many old warships from Royal Navy and United States Navy. Ottoman Empire also planned to build new warships like 5 Aircraft Carriers,2 Supercarrier,2 Super Battleship,5 Battleship,3 Battlecruiser,4 Large Cruiser,6 Heavy Cruiser,8 Light Cruiser,15 Destroyer,20 Torpedo Boat,10 Heavy Submarine 22 Submarine. Ottoman Empire also began a modernized program for the Imperial Ottoman Air Force (İmparatorluk Osmanlı Hava Kuvvetleri) by redesigning and building new Aircraft Fighter, Heavy Fighter, Light Bomber-Torpedo, Heavy Bomber-Torpedo and Strategic Bomber and build and research a Secret Weapon.And also the Ottoman Scientists begin research new equipment and weapons for the Army,Navy and Air Force.The Caliphate of Ottoman,Sultan Suleiman IV ordered the Grand Marshal of the Ottoman Empire, Itsuka Shido, and other generals to execute all communist uprisings, traitors, betrayed, leftists and rebellions.
Shido POV
I have an order from Sultan Suleiman IV to execute all communists and rebellions in Bursa, Izmir, and Ankara. I order them to take them toward the poles. The soldier nods and takes them toward the poles.
Shido: Hazırla!(Make Ready!)
The soldiers prepared their weapons to kill the Traitor
Shido: Mevcut!(Present!)
They aim at the Traitor
Shido: Ateş!(Fire!)
The body fell to the ground. The soldiers place their weapons on their shoulders and leave.
Shido POV End
General POV
4 years later...
On the 1st of February 1938, All countries around the world except the Ottoman Empire created a Shipgirl or KANSEN with used a blue cube known as the "Wisdom Cube".The Ottomans just sent material to craft the Wisdom Cube. Just a peaceful world without war, rebellion and more. But unexpectedly just the world's peace, an unknown alien race attacks and tries to invade the earth.The first report of Alien invasion in the Marshall Islands. The second report is on the island of Alaska and the Island near the Japan Sea. All countries give a codename the unknown alien 'Siren'.All countries around the world attacked Siren with their navy warships. The Ottoman Empire, British Empire (Royal Navy), United States of America/USA (Eagle Union), Union of Soviet Socialist Republics/USSR(Northern Parliament),3rd Reich of Germany(Ironblood), Empire of Japan(Sakura Empire) and 3rd Republic of France(Iris Orthodoxy) is most powerful navy in this world. Ottoman sends 2 of the strongest battleships, that is OHG Sultan Osman III, Abdülhamid II-Class Battleship and OHG Sultan Sulaiman-I Kanuni, Sultan Selim Yavuz-Class, Battleship. Ottoman Empire also sent the best Admiral of the Fleet and the best General of the Armed Forces. That is Grand Admiral Alexander Kolchak and Grand Marshal of Armed Force Itsuka Shido to take command of The First Global Navy Fleet against the Invasion. The Empire of Japan sends the most powerful battleships and aircraft carriers: IJN Yamato, Yamato-Class Super Battleship, IJN Musashi, Yamato-Class Super Battleship, IJN Shinano, Yamato-Class, Aircraft Carrier, IJN Hakuryū, Hakuryū-Class, Aircraft Carrier, IJN Taihō, Taihō-Class, Aircraft Carrier and IJN Sekiryu, Sekiryu-Class, Aircraft Carrier. Other nations also send naval fleets, such as destroyers, submarines, cruisers (CA, CL, BC), battleships, and aircraft carriers, to prevent invaders from invading the earth.
Somewhere in the South Atlantic Ocean.....
At dock on OHG Sultan Osman-III, Abdulhamid-II Class, Super Battleship
Shido POV
OHG Sultan Osman-III,
2nd of Abdulhamid-II Class,
Super Battleship
I look around with Kolchak and his crew on a dock. I hear someone yelling.
Crew 1:Sir!! We get enemy contact on that small island *point the small uninhabited island*
Shido: Alright then, Quick! Get everyone to the battle station!! Now!!
Crew 1:Yes sir!! You hear that man let's go!!
Shido: *look at Kolchak* Same as our Wednesday's duty,huh
Kolchak: You can say that,my friend
Shido:*look at Gunner* Gunner says to Loader to load the APHE (Armor Piercing High Explosion) round!!
Gunner: Yes sir!! *Call at radio* Loader!Leader says load APHE Round!!
Loader: Yes Gunner!!.... It's ready to fire Gunner!!
Gunner: Okay!! *Look at me back* Sir! It's ready to fire
Shido: Good!*look at everyone on deck* Ready to kill some alien Comrade!!
Everyone: Sir Yes Sir!!
Shido: Alright! *look at the map* Here is the coordinate Gunner.709.67837,180.46889!!
Gunner:709.67837,180.46889 Got it, Sir!!Ready...Aim...Fire!!
**First Naval Ship Gun Fire**
**Hit Siren Ship**
Siren 1:AHHHHH*one of death*
Siren 2:NO SISTER!!YOU GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!!HUMAN SCUM!!**Fire Laser at OIG Sultan Osman III**
**Miss Target**
Shido:They miss,Boy Give Them a Hell!!Fire again at same coordinate!!
**Second Naval Ship Gun Fire**
**Hit The Target**
Siren 2: AAAAAAAHHH!! *ones of death*
Siren Commander: S**t they get us!!EVERYONE RETREAT!!
All Siren: H-Hai! *about to retreat*
Shido:Ohh no you don't!!Boys!!don't let them run away!!Fire again!!
**Fire All Navy Ship Gun**
Siren Commander: AAAHHHHH!! *ones of death*
All Siren:AAAHH!!*ten of deaths*
Sailor 1:Sir! *salute* All Siren Fleet is a sink,Sir!
Shido:Good!! *Laughing* That's why don't challenge Ottoman and Russian Power!
Kolchak:Yeah! Let's get some reward from the Death Siren ship.
Sailor 2: Yeah sir! *salute*
50 minutes later...
After collecting all technology, blueprint, armament and weapons from the Death Siren ship.I and Kolchak get a call from the Sultan for a meeting with the leader of another faction. We need to return as soon as possible to the Naval Shipyard Base and meet the Sultan, Today is the lucky day because we get siren technology and other stuff to upgrade our Ground Force, Navy and Air Force.
Kolchak: Alright everyone!!we are going back to the Navy Base because Sultan has a meeting with another faction!! Do I make it clear!!
All crew expects Kolchak, Shido: Yes sir!!/Evet efendim!!/Да сэр!!
Kolchak: Good!! Let's go to our home with speed turbo!!
Drive 1:Hız turbo efendim!! (Speed turbo sir!!)
35 minutes later...
We are arriving at the Navy Base in Istanbul. I and Kolchak ask the crews to get some rest or guard this battleship when I and Kolchak go to the Sultan's palace (Topkapı Palace) and meet the Sultan.
Sultan Suleiman IV=38th Ottoman Sultan, Leader of the Ottoman Empire and 29th of Caliphate of Islam,38th Head of the House of Osman (1939-1950), Son of Sultan Abdulhamid II and Higher Command of Ottoman Armed Force
Sulaiman IV: Good to see you Grand Marshal Shido and Grand Admiral Kolchak.
Both:*Bow*Nice to meet you Sultan
Sulaiman IV:*chuckle*Don't be formal arkadaşım (my friend).Let's go to meet the leader of another faction.
Both:Evet Sultanım!!/Yes Sultan!!
Leader of Eagle Union and High Admiral of USN:USS Enterprise
Second Leader of Northern Parliament and High Admiral of SN:SN Sovetskaya Rossiyal
Second Leader of Royal Navy and First Lord of Admiral:HMS Queen Elizabeth
Second Leader of Ironblood and High Admiral of Kriegsmarine:KMS Bismarck
Second Leader of Sakura Empire and Second High Admiral of IJN:IJN Nagato
Second Leader of Sardegna Empire and Second High Admiral of RN:RN Vittorio Veneto
Fuhrer of Ironblood:Adolf Hitler
Leader of Sardegna Empire:Benito Mussolini
We are going to the Azur Lane Base at Istanbul alongside with Royal Guard.I and Kolchak see all Leaders of the Faction except the Emperor of Sakura Empire, including the Sultan's enemy here too. The Ironblood or Nazi Germany/3rd Reich of Germany. We sat down and started talking about the "Siren" invasion.
Shido:*look at Nagato* Nagato, where is your emperor?
Nagato: The Emperor could not attend this meeting because the Emperor has an important issue in his government,My Lord
Shido: Ahh I see...thank you Nagato
Nagato: You're welcome My Lord
Shido:*look at Rossiyal* Rossiyal, where is your leader?
Rossiyal:Same as Sakura Emperor but with more issues...Ummmm you know what I mean,My Lord
Shido:...*sigh* Alright then,thank you Rossiyal
Rossiyal:You're welcome My Lord
Sulaiman IV:Well let's discuss this invasion, shall we?
~Timeskip after the meeting and dispute with Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini~
After that,Ironblood,Sakura Empire and Sardenge Empire left the Azur lane and make their organization or alliance that is Crimson Axis and declare war on Azur lane.
Shido:*slams the table with his hand*Damnit Nazi!!They don't know what they do!! *Mumble* Nagato was used by the highest officer of the armed forces of the Government of Japan instead of the Emperor
Sulaiman IV:*pat my back*Calm down arkadaşım.This is not your fault.They want it.
(Queen Elizabeth = QE)
QE: Yeah my old friend.They want war.War They Get It!!
Enterprise:I going back to my home and tell the president to prepare army and navy.
Rossiyal:Same here Enterprise
Sulaiman IV: Alright then*look at other leaders of Azur Lane* I going to send my Imperial Army,Special forces(Janissaries,Özel Kuvvetler (ÖK),Havadan(Airborne),Air forces and Navy.But *look at me and Kolchak* you two can be a top officer of Azur lane.Do I make it clear?
Both:Evet sultanım !!(Yes my Sultan!!)
Sulaiman IV:Alright everyone,Axis power is declaring war on us.Prepare everything to protect your country,your family,your people and yourself.Do I make it clear?
Everyone:Yes Your Majestic!/Evet sultanım!
Sulaiman IV:Good luck everyone.May god be with us to win this war.
And then the world war has been started again...
General POV
12th February 1942
0900 hours
Battle of Midway
Shido and Kolchak fight against two enemies (Crimson Axis and Siren). Shido in OHG Sultan Sulaiman-I Kanunî, Super Battleship Osman-class(Like the Iowa class) and Kolchak in OHG Sultan Osman III. They fight until the enemy surrenders in the Pacific Ocean.IJN Kaga, IJN Akagi, KMS Z23 and many Crimson Axis ships are badly damaged.OHG Sultan Sulaiman-I Kanunî and OHG Sultan Osman-III only get minor damage.
OIG Sultan Osman III,
2nd Class of Sultan Abdülhamid II,
Super Battleship
(OHG Sultan Osman III same as Iowa but bigger with a 3x3 MKE 459mm gun (18.1 inch)/50 Mark VI for the main gun, for the secondary, is a 12x2 MKE 127mm (5 inch)/42 Mark VII gun and 100 x Bofors L 40mm/60 Anti-aircraft gun and 42 x Oerlikon 20mm Anti-aircraft gun.)
OIG Sultan Sulaiman-I Kanunî,
3rd Class of Sultan Selim Yavuz (BB),
Super Battleship
(OHG Sultan Sulaiman-I Kanunî like Yamato but with more powerful armour around 500 mm-1000 mm. The armament of OHG Sultan Osman III is 3x3 MKE 533.4 mm(21 inch)/50 Mark III and 2x3 MKE 203mm (8 inch)/42 Mark VII for the main, secondary is 12x2 MKE 127mm(5 inch)/38 Mark 21 and for the Anti-aircraft system is 120x Bofors L 40mm/60 Anti-aircraft gun,30xMKE 30mm Mark X Anti-aircraft gun and 14 x Oerlikon 20mm Anti-aircraft gun.)
14th February 1942
0950 hours
Pacific Sea
IJN Yamato alongside her sisters was sank after fighting Super Battleship OHG Sultan Sulaiman I Kanunî and OHG Sultan Mehmed V, Sultan-Class, Aircraft Carrier. Sakura Empire surrendered and rejoined back to the Azur lane. Only Ironblood and the Serdenge Empire still want war. Ottoman Empire gave a warning to Ironblood and Serdenge Empire about surrendering or getting bombarded by a New Strategic Bomber from the Allied that is B-29 Super Fortress Strategic Bomber and New Jet Fighter, Türki M138 Jet Fighter, Altyazılı M200 Jet Fighter and Gloster Meteor
OHK/B-29 Super Fortress
(Strategic Bomber)
Altyazılı M200 K1 (Jet Fighter)
Türki M138 K1 (Multirole Jet Fighter)
Gloster Meteor F Mk I (Jet Fighter)
A/N: The Ottoman Empire bought the blueprints of the B-29 Super Fortress Strategic Bomber from USA/Eagle Union to build for the Allied with a modified engine and improved armour body with the strongest materials. Also Ottoman Empire and the British made a new secret weapon that is Jet Fighter for the Allied)
but they don't listen to it and continue the war. After they still wanted to continue the war, the Ottoman Empire, Eagle Union and Sultanate of Algerian sent 10,000 B-29 Super Fortress Strategic Bombers with a Combination of Türki M138, Altyazılı M200 and Gloster Meteor Jet Fighter for protect Bomber and started bombarding with 2 million pounds of boom to target important cities in Axis Crimson except Sakura Empire. Then Allied gave a naval bombardment from OHG Sultan Osman-III, OHG Sultan Orhan-I and USS Iowa as punishment and gave Crimson Axis a lesson about this stupid war because the real enemy was Siren. After they were bombarded and lost all industry, they surrendered to the Allied and wanted to join back to Azur Lane.
30th March 1942
1600 hours
Pacific Sea
After Ironblood surrendered to Azur Lane and the Allied. Hitler killed himself with his wife in a bunker in his residence. After Hitler doing commits suicide, Ironblood or Third Reich have a civil war between Nazism, Fasictist, Loyalists of Waffen SS, Communism, and Imperialism (Half of Heer [German Armed Force] supported Imperialism and The Kaiser). Ottoman Empire sent troops and equipment including Ex-Reichswehr, Ex-Deutsches Heer and Ex-Sturmtruppen to support Imperialism meanwhile Soviets sent troops and equipment to support Communism. Serdenge Empire surrender to Azur lane.The government of Ironblood was dissolved and replaced with a Monarchy Prussian Empire. German Crown Prince, Friedrich Wilhelm Victor August Ernst became the Kaiser of the Prussian Empire. Prussian Empire and Sardenge Empire join back to Azur Lane.
Friedrich Wilhelm Victor August Ernst/Kaiser Wilhelm III:-New Leader of Imperial Prussian and German Empire,New Kaiser of Prussia and German Empire,Former German Crown Prince,Eldest Son of Kaiser Wilhelm II
3rd May 1947
0709 hours
Mediterranean Sea
After uniting all factions, Azur Lane with Allied support attacked the Siren with naval firepower at all costs. So much naval firepower between Azur Lane, Allied and Siren suffered heavy casualties. Both sides have lost great numbers from hundreds to tens only left. The Flagship of Global Naval, OHG Osman III and OHG Sulaiman-I Kanunî got minor damage but the Allied kept firing hundreds to thousands of rounds at the Siren Fleet.
The Leader of Siren, Empress III-Arbiter feels hopeless and she knows that no chance of winning this war. She and Her Empire surrendered to Allied and Azur Lane on 3rd May 1947. They sign a peace treaty and pay for war losses. Finally is over, the world became peaceful again after 8 years of bloody war it finally ended The First Siren War and World War II from 3rd September 1939-3rd May 1947.
To be continued
A/N: Ended of WWII in this universe is later that the original universe.
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