WARNING (I think?):
I will not write smut. I feel bad enough that I go against my religion reading it, so I'm not going to make myself feel even more guilty by writing it. (Also I've never written it before and I'm probably really bad at writing it.) If you guys really want smut, I'll ask if any of you want to write some for me, which I can then add in later in the story. All credits to the smut writer obviously :)
ALSO, even though I said I won't write smut, Niall will be the dom of the relationship. Niall will always be the top in their relationship. Nuff said.
p r o l o g u e
"Oh, Anne, he's gorgeous!" Mary-Kate sighed, setting down her bundle of various chocolates and gifts. She stared in awe at the pale face, with light, whispy, chocolate curls and then turned her face slightly so her eyes rested on his cheek. A large birthmark, from beneath his eyes to the tip of his mouth, was prominent and slightly reddish-purple.
Anne let out a tired sigh, knowing that her best friend had seen the mark on her baby's face, but hoping she wasn't going to judge him for it. After all, he was just a baby. Mary-Kate, noticing Anne's silence turned to face Anne and grabbed one of her hands.
"I know many people with birthmarks on their faces, and most of the time they tend to fade away. Don't worry about it, he'll still have an amazing life." Mary-Kate reassured while rummaging through her bag. "Talking about your little angel, what's his name? And where's Des?"
Flicking some hair off her forehead, Anne answered, "Des has gone to the McDonald's nearby, he says hospital food tastes shit; I highly disagree."
Mary-Kate chuckled and then cocked her head to the side. "What about the baby's name?"
"We thought of his name together, Des and I. Harry, Harry Edward Styles."
"A beautiful name for a beautiful boy." Sending a nod of approval towards Anne, as they both spent the rest of the day talking and gossiping, all the while gazing at a sleeping Harry with love.
It was Harry's first day of pre-school today. Now, as a three year old, Harry didn't quite know what being mean to someone was. Which resulted in this conversation.
"Baby come here a second." Anne beckoned him over and looked through the Thomas the Tank Engine backpack on his back. "Harry, if you have an accident these are your clothes, okay? And if someone says something to you that makes you sad, tell your keyworker, okay babes?"
Harry nodded, not really interested in the motherly talk. He missed his elder sister Gemma, who couldn't miss her school for Harry's first day.
"And if you need to go pee-pee, just tell the teachers, okay babe?" A quick nod was followed by another.
Anne lovingly watched as her son walked around with just one shoe on, giggling to himself. To be truthful, she had soon realised that Harry was going to have a hard time at school, but that didn't worry her too much. She knew that everyone would soon realise how lovely Harry is, and become friends with her angel.
Oh how wrong she was.
"Lou Lou what's wrong?" Harry asked, after Louis pulled him to a side of the playground.
"I don't want to be friends with you anymore. You're ugly. I want normal friends, not pooheads with half a purple face." And with that statement, Louis Tomlinson ran off, to go play with Luca, a 'normal' 8 year old boy instead.
Harry Styles however, just burst into tears; the other children not even bothering to spare him a second glance.
"Mama," Anne turned to the left to find her twelve year old son still awake, fiddling with his pajamas.
"Yes sweetie? Are you thirsty? Do you want a glass of water?"
Harry shook his head. He started to speak, but didn't dare look up. "Mama, will a pretty face make it better?"
Tears were gathering and it didn't take long before Harry was clinging to his mother, wishing the pain to leave. The topic had come up before, but nobody knew how to deal with it. So they just reassured him that he was perfect the way he was.
Anne knew about the constant rejection within society towards those who didn't fit the mould. But what she didn't know was that Harry would do whatever he could to be accepted.
Walking towards the newsagent on the corner of the street, Harry slurped the last view drops of Ribena out the carton and threw it in the bin. Who cares about recycling anyway, Harry thought, grumbling to himself like the stereotypical teenager he was.
He entered the shop, and let out a content sigh when his eyes fell upon whom he was searching for.
"Ah, Harry my dear," chimed John Mendes, "What can I do for you today?"
"Um, well," Harry stammered, his social anxiety getting the better of him, "I was wondering if I could help out here, as voluntary work, maybe even do a couple of paper rounds?"
After a while pondering Harry's request, John sighed. "Harry there's no easy way to put this. You're a wonderful lad, the nicest 14 year old I know, but I'm scared I might lose customers if you start working here. You know, with your, um-"
"Birthmark," Harry finished for him. His heart feeling heavy in his chest. He knew it, he knew it, he knew it.
Why did he even bother?
He stuck his hand into his kit bag, searching for his new Nike trainers to wear to his P.E. lesson.
Soon after giving up on the search for them, Harry paused on his walk back from his lesson (haven been given a detention slip for incorrect uniform) to stare at his lost trainers, tied together, hanging from a support beam near the roof.
The pain would never end.
This has been long awaited, I'm sorry it took so long for me to get out my lazy state and actually start typing ❤
So, we get to have an insight on Harry's childhood and the torment he went through, all because of one imperfection. What did you guys think of Louis and his insult? I think it was pretty good for an eight year old lmao
q u e s t i o n
Do any of you have birthmarks and if so, where?
Bye, lovers.
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