Chap 5 : Shivika spending time together
At hospital:
Vijay : So shivaay all done?All fine right?
Shivaay was busy in checking Annika's reports which he just recieved.
Shivaay : Actually Vijay there is one problem.
Vijay : What is that ?
Shivaay : Annika can't become surrogate mother.
Vijay :What? Why?
Annika : What happened shivaay?Is my report normal?
Shivaay : Actually Annika i have checked your weight & u r underweight u r weak now.It seems like u have been eating so less since long.No proper diet?
Annika : Wo actually....
Shivaay : Now u r weak or if u will become mother in this condition it will be harmful for your health & for baby too.
Vijay : So now what to do?
Annika : No plzz i will take care of baby more than me.Don't snatch this contract from me.I have already given money to few ppl.I don't have money i can't return that money now.(She starts panicking & lightly sobbing)
Shivaay holds her hands & wipes her tears.Vijay is watching them keenly.
Shivaay cups Annika's face & says...
Shivaay : Hey hold on Shhh...No one is snatching this contract from u neither asking for money.
It's just u r not in state of becoming mother now your other reports r normal just wait issue is there take proper diet for next 2 months & u will be ready(He says with smile assuring her)
Vijay : Pheww ok then.I thought any major issue is there.
Shivaay : So Annika u r staying with us in our Mansion right.So from now on i will take care of your diet.
Annika just nodded & trio left for Mansion.
At mansion:-
After eating food or shivaay being strict while giving her food they all went to their respective rooms.
Shivaay Annika both have room beside eachother so they both moved towards same direction with eachother.
Shivaay suddenly hold Annika's hand she shiverd on his sudden touch.By holding her hand he drags her towards his room & let Annika sit on Bed , he himself bend down on one knee & sat infront of her & asked her:
Shivaay : Why u were not taking proper food or skipping food for long time?
Annika : Many things were going on with me.After Uncle's death i was the only one for kids there.I was financially not in position of eating tummy full food.When Uncle was alive he took care of each & everything from food to study.After his death no one was there for me rather all responsibilities came on me.
I searched for many jobs in starting days i got no responce rather ppl eyed me lustfully.After long hardwork i got one job but it was not enough then i did 2 jobs at a time.The money i had been getting i spent all on food & cloths for orphanage's kids.
Shivaay was listening all this with full attention & he has that proud feelings for Annika that how Strong she is.
Shivaay realised that Annika can cry any moment if she will continue this topic more.
Shivaay : U r one Strong girl Annika.
I'm so happy & lucky that i met u & u r my frnd now(He says all this with proud shine in his eyes)
Annika : Ok lets forget all this that was past.
Shivaay : Yes that was past & now we r in present & u have beautiful future waiting for u.Ok so tell me about u.
Annika : About what i have already told u about my childhood.
Shivaay : I'm not talking about that i'm talking about u.About your likes dislikes your wishes etc.
Annika : Umm ok so my favrt colour is Blue like your beautiful eyes(she says with slightly naughtiness in her voice)
Shivaay : Thanks for the compliment beautiful.(He winks)
Annika : I always wanted to become Doctor like u.I have even done my College from Medical College but then Uncle ki death hogayi or main....
Shivaay : Aray koi nahi ab kar lena ab ban jana doctor.Phir ham dono mil kar sab ka dimag thikane lagaenge(He laughs to lighten her mood)
Annika laughs.
Annika : And my favrt food is Aloo poori but i love pizza & pasta too.Your that day pasta was yummy Shiv(She makes slurping sound while telling him)
Shivaay : U love my pasta i will make it every alternate day for u.Now lets go.
Annika : Where?
Shivaay : To your room u can't sleep here right?(he says with that grin on his face)
Annika : Umm wo actually i never slept alone i'm not used to it what to do now.I can't sleep alone.(She hides that she has "Fear of darkness")
Shivaay : So u want me to sleep with u? (He says in a flow but when his words registered their minds Shivaay smirked & Annika blushed heavily)
Shivaay : I mean u want me to stay here in this room?(He corrects his words with such innocence)
Annika : No wo it's like i don't know what to do & then that room is so close no air nothing there is no balcony too (She says while pouting)
Annika wanted balcony but that was not the only reason behind her insisting shivaay to sleep there the reason is that she has fear of darknees.She wants shivaay to atleast sleep there in one room
Shivaay : So Aisa karo u sleep in my room here & i will shift to your room.
Annika : But i can't sleep alone i feel scared while sleeping alone.
Shivaay thinks for a while.
Shivaay : Ok then i'm sleeping there on couch u sleep here on bed through this u will sleep peacefully.
Annika : What will Vijay think that why we r sleeping in one room?
Shivaay : I have solution for that too.We will not tell him that we sleep in one room.(He winks)
Annika nodded & then she started setting her cloths in Shivaay's wardrobe.
Shivaay came after a while changing in his night suit.He saw Annika is arranging her cloths & started helping her.
When they finished Annika's setting Shivaay sat on couch for sleeping & Annika left to Washroom.
When Annika returned from Washroom she sees shiv is already sleeping.
She comes near Shivaay caressing his face she says...
Annika : I was scared when i took this decision but now i don't know why i'm not that much scared bcoz i have u besides me.Just 3 days & u r already becoming important part of my life.I hope Ye next 9 months jaldi khatam na hon.The care u have given me in just 3 days i never got that much attention in my whole life.(She says while caresing his face & tears in her eyes)
She wipes her tears tugs shivaay in his duvet & goes to her bed.
At night 2am:
From last 3 hours Annika is just turning & tossing left & right but sleep is far away from her eyes.She is not used to of sleeping alone she always sleep hugging her teddy or with any lil girl besides her but now she is sleeping alone on Shivaay's king size bed.
After a while she somehow managed to sleep.
2 weeks later :
From very next day of Anika shifting in Mansion Shivaay started his diet for Annika which she followed with much difficulty but she has no way left besides following his rules & diet.Although she is liking this much attention grom someone.The way he is feesing her healthy food.The way he is scolding her for not taking care of her health.She missed such full of care scolding.In Shivaay she is getting her "Frnd" (who does fun with her) , her "Father" (who scolds her if she is going wrong somewhere or protect her like a small baby) & even her "Mother"(who takes care of her in every way).In the form of Shivaay she is experiancing different relationships.
Shivaay every alternate day makes Annika's favrt food.
Annika some how daily after her turning & tossing session managed to sleep "Alone" on bed but Shivaay he has been sleeping on couch since last two weeks & now his back is hurting too much.
One night :-
He keeps on tossing on couch he can't even say this to Annika that can i sleep with u on bed neither he wants to leave this room or Annika alone.
Annika who is fighting for sleep again today sees shivaay's discomfort & says:
Annika : What happened Shiv?
Shivaay : Nothing Annika.U r still awake?
Annika : I told u na i can't sleep alone so it will take time in getting used to it i will sleep in a while but why u r still awake?
Shivaay : Wo actually Annika this couch i'm sleeping on this couch since last two weeks it is very much hard & then in hospital my seat is not that much soft too so now my back is hurting.(he says while scratching his neck)
If u r now comfortable here can i move to next room?
As soon shivaay said this Annika starts fearing , sweat beeds start forming on her forehead.But she can'y deny this fact that She has no rites to hurt Shivaay in any way.Indirectly he is in pain due to her.
Annika : Shivaay i'm ok here.(she lied to him for him)U go & sleep in that room & sorry bcoz of me u r in pain.
Shivaay : Aray no it's nothing like that.Why u r saying sorry i can understand u were new here.
& ya i'm in next room if u need anything just call out my name.(he says with smile)
Annika nodded & Shivaay left room.
As soon shivaay left room fear gripped Annika's heart.She starts shivering & sweating.Sound came from Balcony which increase Annika's fear thousand times more it was just a mere air but Annika she was not in condition to think straight.She some how managed to pull duvet over her but when she heard door opening sound she started running from there she was about to cross the door when she hit with one solid body of none other than shivaay she looked at him with tears in her eyes , sweat on her forehead , Fear prominent on her face.She hugged him tightly & he took back few steps by sudden push.Thats it she called his name "Shivaay" & she fainted right there in his arms.
Shivaay took her to bed when he saw her like this at first he was confused that what happened to her.What made her this much scared.Then something clicked his mind that was " I feel scared while sleeping alone"
He cursed himself for not getting her fear.He hit his head & got it why she said she can't sleep in that room.
He sprinkled water on her face & she slightly opened her eyes.After that the very first thing she did was hugging shivaay tightly.
Annika : Plzz don't leave me i can't stay alone here.(She whispered Still in half unconcious state)
Shivaay : Easy easy don't panic i'm not going anywhere i'm sleeping here in this room with u only ok.
He starts moving towards couch but Annika held her hand & said him to sleep here on bed.
Shivaay first thought that how he can sleep with her on same bed.But then he is not doing any sin.When tomorrow she will be fine he will move to couch but one point he clearly made in his ming that "He will never leave Annika alone" after this.The fear he has seen on Annika's face it hurts his heart.
Shivaay lay besides Annika & she immediately hugs him tightly.Her soft chest hit his harder one , her breath on his neck creating havoc in his whole body.Her whole body attached to his body in a way that not even air can pass through it.He can feel every inch of her body from upper side & from down side too.For a while Shivaay's heart stop beating he never got this much close or intimate with any girl in his whole damn 26 years of living.The proximity between them is killing him.If they were married or Annika was his wife then in that case was definately kissing her whole night maniacally.He somehow controlled his raging hormones he kissed Annika hairs & hugging her close to his heart he went into deep slumber.
Next day:-
Annika was the the first one who wakes up in the morning when she opens her eyes she finds herself cuddling with Shivaay so tightly that she can listen to his heart beats shock is understatement for her.For a while her whole body gets numb.She is gazing at him intently when shivaay wakes up too.The first thing he see is her eyes sleepy yet beautiful & when he looks at her plumpy lips he so want to kiss the hell out of them but then their position reminds him that he is her doctor & she is his patient.
Shivaay free himself from Annika & sits on bed with a jerk.(He thought "is he getting lusty towards Annika"?)
Annika : I'm sorry i don't know how all this happened ?
Shivaay : No need to sorry Annika u were not in good condition last night.Why u had not told me that u have this dark fear?
Annika stays quiet.
Shivaay : ok atleast tell me the reason.
Annika : I don't know the reason it's just i have no one since childhood.Uncle was there but i couldn't share such stuff with him.
Shivaay : But now i'm here for u(he smiles)
Annika smiled at him too.
After 2 months:-
In last two months so much happened with Shivaay Annika.
They r no more just frnds of each other but "Best Frnds".They r now eachothers strength.In last two months when ever any one of them got sick the other one stay awake for whole night.
They r eachothers everything now.
From strength to weakness.
They started spending time with eachother.
Whenever Shivaay got free time he mostly go out for shopping with Annika or sometime for dinner or lunch dates.
They now eat together , sleep together(some time unconciously cuddling with eachother) they do alot of outings together & each & everything with each other
Few days back:
Flash back of one of incident happened in those 2 months.
Annika & Shivaay both were wandering & chilling around as according to their daily routine in night when Annika demaned to shivaay that she wants Ice-cream.
Shivaay obliged as being "Best frnd" & went to one near by shop for buying ice-cream.
In this moment one Cheapda man started misbehaving with Annika who was eyeing her since long.
When shivaay returned back the scenerio boiled Shivaay's blood where Annika is pushing one man who is slightly drunk & who is trying to kiss her.
Shivaay : Can't u bluddy see she is saying no that means no(he says while tightning his fist)
Man : Hey Shivaay u see man i just want her for one nigh..(He knows shivaay)
Before he could complete his line Shivaay started beating & punching him.
In between Shivaay's punches that man asked:
Man: Why u have problem ? Why u r behaving like this when she is neither your wife nor your Girl frnd?
Shivaay screamed out loud "She is my wife don't u dare to touch her or see her ever again in your life"(His eyes blood shot red)
That man left from there leaving behind confused Annika & Shivaay who is hidding his face due to embarassement
Annika : What was that Jaali doctor sahab?I'm your wife?Ye kab hua ? Or mujhe kyun nahi pata chala jab meri shaadi hui?(Although she loves it when shivaay called her as his WIFE)
Shivaay :Wo maine...just...u know..i did all this to protect u.Even i know we r "Best frndz".Now stop looking at me like that or else i will change my mind from u being my best frnd to being u my wife or i will ....(He tries to come close to her)
Annika hit his arm jokingly & they both left for mansion.
Shivaay said to Annika he called her his wife just to protect her but even he knows they r more than best frndz now.May be not from Annika's side but atleast from his side.
In last two months Annika is the only person who occupied his mind.Even in his Duty timings he kept on calling Annika that she is ok or not.She is feeling bore or not.She is eating her food on time or not.
After his returning from Hospital she is the only person who he wanted to see first.
Firstly Annika became more than patient for him that is "frnd" but now he can feels it she is slowly slowly becoming more than frnd for him.
Now they both r feeling different emotions towards eachother.But both r still silent & scared that what if it's only one sided.
But who will tell these rock head ppl that now they r in love.(or jitna bhi roklo pyar hogaya to hogaya)
nd Shivaay He daily asks this question to his heart that :
"Is he in love with Annika?"
& his heart each & everytime instantly replies :
" U r head over heal in love with her"
But then his mind says:
She is soon going to become Vijay's Baby Surrogate mother.Now what u will do Shivaay?.....& his smile fades away.......
Holla guys 😃
Do tell me if it made your sunday😊
Precap : Shivaay plans dinner date to confess his feelings & Shivika's *Ahem Ahem* 🔥💥😈💦👅
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