Audition Notice
*Before I start off this LONG Oneshot, I just want to thank Au51in and Dissmisery .
They started the tag Bring Back The Watt on their conversations page on their profile and is basically just all of us Ninjago Writers, Readers, Editors, and even Artist to be closer together. There's so much negativity in the world and this is the one place in the community where we can escape from the madness of Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Etc.
So please support them and write your favorite OTP ship from Ninjago and post it on a new story book. You can also work in teams! And make sure to tag these lovely people in your post when you've reached the very end of the story. And make sure to check them out and support their work! There's so many wonderful people here that I love working with and talking to y'all when I have bad days. I just wanna say thank you all for everything! You inspire me in ways I can't even explain. I was in a dark place when I wondered onto this app, and fell in love.
Thank you to creators, readers, and just everyone! I love you all and I hope you enjoy!*
Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop, Tap, Lyrical. That's all they came here for. They came to get the scholarship to one of the biggest dance university of all Ninjago. Over a hundred people are trying out for it from their audition video, but only one can get the scholarship of a lifetime.
1528 BigCity Drive *Not a real place, hopefully* all were starting to arrive. Busses dropping teens off, cars starting to park, and walkers spirenting their way into the studio. Feelings of fear, excitement, and disappointment were all in the same room. Faces familiar to some, but other not a single clue.
It's a four day audition, about ten to twenty people get kicked out everyday if they're not up to part. But it didn't bother one. Nya Smith, Performing Arts Studio back at her village. She's one of the top students in her age category winning numerous amounts of awards at competitions, conventions, and even small talent shows. Her family broken apart when she was young, so her brother would pay for her classes by working there himself.
He barely had enough money to let his sister go to school, so he worked hard to help his lil sis to presume her dream. She was always grateful for his services, and he is now one of the best Hip Hop teachers in the whole village. Nya was never to Hippy Hop type, she was more interested in Ballet. The most important unit in dance history.
Earbuds playing some classical music as she rode the bus to the studio, her best friend sitting right next to her on her phone per usual. She stared at the artwork, the street dancing, even the skies itself when the bus was traveling down the city street. She's never seen anything like it before. Being a small town girl, she's only be used to seeing little huts and houses while the city has huge skyscrapers and buildings that could touch the clouds.
She felt someone tap her should and turned to see her bestie smiling down on her, "So are you ready?" She asked
"Ready as I'll ever be Skylor. I'm super pumped, what about you?" Nya inquired.
The redhead put her phone in her bag and got out some bandages and ointments, "I'm all prepared for the worst." She responded with a giggle.
They laughed the rest of the ride there until it was their stop. The two girls jumped of the bus with their dance bags and stood in front of this humungous building , bigger than what the girls had even imagined.
"Wow, this place is even bigger than any of my father's factories" Skylor said astonished.
"Wow" Nya mouthed walking up the first couple flights of stairs. They made it to the front doors where a security guard awaiting check ID's of who was auditioning. About five to eight people were waiting in line when got through. And some seemed very familiar to the pair of girls.
"COLE!" They squealed as the jacked boy with jet black hair approached them.
With a smile on his face he yelled, "Skylor! Nya! You made it!"
The three hugged each other while jumping and squealing, squeezing each other tightly. They're giggles caught others attention as they stared at the three friends. They finally released each other from their grasp and started up a conversation while waiting for their ID's to get checked.
"So how have you guys been? It's been forever since the last time I saw you two. You guys were so little back then" Cole joked messing up Nya's hair with his huge hand.
Nya grabbed Cole's wrist and removed his hand from her head, fixing it up to look presentable for the audition. She smiled, "Cole, we saw each other two days ago at the dance studio for the graduation ceremony" The ravenette reminded her buff friend.
"And who are you calling small, fatty" Skylor hissed.
Dramatically, Cole gasped and turned his head away from the scarlet girl, "Why how insulting! To your information I wasn't fat, I was bulky!" He protested.
"Say that to the graduation cake."
"Okay, okay I believe that's enough you two." Nya said calmly. She knew the story all to well. Cole is Italian and naturally like his pop he was a bit bigger than most kids when he was in the elementary years, mostly due to the feast of cake he had stored in his home. But after his mother past away when he was in middle school, he started to presume her dream of becoming a dancer. Once he started doing that, he actually got good and got pretty ripped in the recent years. As of right now he's on his eight pack, but is working on the tenth.
Skylor started dancing at a young age similar to Nya, but she was really small for her age. Once Cole started dancing at her studio when they were eleven he called her shorty all the time, but then puberty hit and now she's almost as tall as Kai, and he's 5' 11'. Nya couldn't even reach that length, she's only 5' 2', so Cole still calls her shorty a lot too.
It was Cole's turn to show his ID, then Skylor's, and finally Nya. They all were on the list and went into the studio peacefully. Well that was until Cole noticed their rival studio there on the dance floor.
They were overachievers, cocky, and bratty. They all grew up in rich families, so they got privates, competitions, and some were rigged because the parents payed the judges to let their kid win the category. As for Cole, Skylor, and Nya's part of town was hard. None of them really had the money to even compete or do classes so they had to work hard for everything they earn.
But something caught the ocean blue eyed girl however, a slim man maybe in his late teens, nineteen or twenty would be her guess, with brunette hair curled at the top of his head. He was practicing some fouette turns in the mirror. 'His spotting is perfect' the girl though to herself. The reflection from the mirror reveled his electric blue eyes almost blinding Nya on the spot.
Her thoughts were broken once Cole's voice came to mind, "Hey earth to Nya? You still there, shorty?" He questioned waving his hand up and down in front of her face. She broke out of her trance to have complete eye contact with the hazel eyed boy.
"Yeah. I'm good. Um could I ask you something?" Nya asked.
Cole nodded in response. Before the ravenette could speak, her conscience spoke of two different suggestions. She bit her lip in the process trying to figure out how to word things the right way, but they just wouldn't come out of her mouth. "Uh... what do you think the style of dance we're going to be tested on today?"
The buff man shrugged, "I don't know but I heard that it's either going to be hip hop or jazz first. My guess would be jazz since it's one of the easiest styles to master" He assumed.
Suddenly music started to play, it wasn't classical like Nya thought it would be, but R&B classics. Then an old man with a long white beard, and a short man bun on the top of his head came into the room with full energy, just like a dancer should. "Alright students, welcome to making it this far into the audition process! I have since some remarkable dancers in here today and from your audition tapes, I am quite impressed with your abilities." The old man continued.
"I am Wu, but you may call me Master Wu if wanted since this is technically this is a master class. The theme for this level is Hip Hop, most of my students has a bad sense when it comes to this style of dance. It comes with motions and balance, one of the hardest for most to master. So why not start with the hardest style to see who can make it to the next round." The elder explained.
Some groans were heard around the room, assuming that they were not pleased with the decision. Cole however was ecstatic about the theme. When it comes to Hip Hop, that's when his style truly comes out. Especially when Eminem comes on the boom box.
"This is going to be easy" Cole whispered in Nya's ear. A small smile appeared on her face, she knew very well that he was cocky when it comes to Hip Hop, yet not really annoying like the kids from Ninjago Prep Dance Studio, the rival studio.
"Now I shall take some attenDANCE to make sure everyone is here" Wu stated getting his clipboard out. Suddenly there was a chuckle, you would think that would be from Cole, but it was not from him, but the boy with the electric blue eyes.
'His laugh seems so genuine' Nya thought to herself. She just stared at him, his smile can bring swans to circle around him, she bet that he has a lot of friend, good people hopefully. Wu started announcing names, some were saying here other's were just raising their hands. Nya didn't listen to any of the names being called out until she heard one certain name.
"Jay Gordon?"
Nya looked at the boy with blue eyes, he rose his hand up and called out his name. Gordon? The Gordon that owns Ninjago Prep Dance Studio? Is that his-?
"Looks like we got the son of a dance studio owner. I bet his father payed him to get in the audition and probably the spot too" Skylor complained.
Jay Gordon? Huh. That would be an interesting theory, but you wouldn't really know unless you ask. However, why would you ask a kid if their parents payed for them to an audition?
Master Wu was done with the attendance and started the class. First thing they started to do was stretching you know splits, jumps, technique work all the good stuff the make you more flexible. Then after about an hour or so another teacher came into the class, but it wasn't what the students from the Performing Arts Studio.
"Students, we have invited guest chorographers from all around Ninjago. And one of the best Hip Hop teachers that our team have caught an eye on is Kai Smith, a teacher at the Performing Arts Studio. Please give him a round of applause!" Master Wu exclaimed.
This was something Nya didn't expect to happen. Her big brother teaching one of the best dance school's chorography for someone to get a scholarship of a lifetime. Yep, she should've known. Nya bets that he's going to show off like he does at her studio. If it doesn't happen then she'll be impressed.
Students started clapping for him along with other staff members as well. Kai starts doing the dramatic embarrassment that Nya despises such as 'blushing', waving his hands around, and of course starts to break dance in front of everyone. That's what Nya was expecting from this and guess what? It happened.
The clapping started to die down and that gave Kai the opportunity to start talking, "Thank you, thank you. Thank you Wu for having me here to teach these wonderful kids some style for the audition today. I feel very honored that I was chosen, thank you."
Wu nodded and walked out of the classroom. Kai smirked and started playing some music, specifically some 7 Rings by Ariana Grande, one of the best singers in the world to him. "Alrighty before we start learning the chorography we're going to do some improv. I was in the other room watching you guys stretching and I can already tell that there are some flexible people in the room who I bet are planning on becoming ballerinas or contemporary artist. Well not today, I want you to free style to Ariana, become the Grande. Try to blend in with the song. But if you dare copy a single dance move or position in her music video you will be kicked out of my room and not be able to audition. I don't do plagiarism in my class, so what are you staring at? Free style, NOW!" He yelled.
Kai was definitely right about one thing. They are NOT Hip Hop dancers. The spiky head teacher looked around the room to see what caught his eye, a couple managed to master it, but others needed a lot of work. Cole was doing headsprings and flips, creating a nice bop to the tune. A kid with platinum blonde hair was doing moves only a robot can master, that's a Hippy move indeed.
Then his sister caught his eye, and he already knew what was wrong from first glance, "This isn't ballet class! Stop worrying about technique and just grove to the music, no switch tilt leaps, or fouette turns! Don't just do turns, do more than turns!" He scolded the raven haired girl who was already struggling with what move comes next.
Other students had problems too, they were either doing a more lyrical piece, or just standing there. Once the song was over, Kai gave out his corrections and suggestions to the group of kids, "Alright, so I can tell that there were some difficulty with the assignment, so I'm going to announce some certain people that caught my eye in either a good or bad way let's start with Mr. Julien" He announced pointing his finger at the platinum, tall boy.
"I can feel the story in your dance, and the movement gave me chills. I loved the robot theme of it all the only suggestion I would give to you would be your musicality. You got to work on that, man."
"Mr. Brookstone, you were the best dancer I saw in here today by far. You just let everything go loose and went with the flow, you felt genuine when you danced and I noticed that you managed to sneaked in the Triple Tiger Chasse in your routine. Good work."
"Ms. Smith, you had some difficulty with the improving. Like I said before don't worry about your technique, just flow with it. Become a Nicki Minaj when she was in Anaconda. Become her, except maybe the portion with all the twerking, but that's all up to you."
Nya bit her lip when her brother said that. She does agree with him though. She never planned on becoming a Hip Hop dancer, but maybe she should start learning more about it . That way she can book more jobs in the city.
"And Mr. Walker, you have impeccable flexibility and are able to do moves that I don't see normal dancers do in their dances. I'm very impressed how did you do those moves?" Kai asked the tall freckled boy.
Jay smiled, "I'm double jointed in loads of places in my body. Just came with me I guess" He told the instructor with a little laugh that Nya just can't ever ignore.
Then all the corrections were finished with and it was time to start learning the routine. They worked on it for about three hours before taking an hour break to eat, practice, or ask for advice before they go into the audition room where a panel of three judges will be to determined if you go onto the next round.
Swiping the sweat off her forehead, Nya complained, "What's the point in Hip Hop? It's too fast and furious. I know that Kai is trying to help me boost up my confidence, but why say I need to be like Nicki Minaj?!? No one can replace her in any form!" *I typed this BEFORE she announced her retirement*
Cole shook his head, taking a sip of water from his plastic water bottle, "He just wants style from you, that's all. Don't worry about it. Just eat something and then we can go back into the studio and practice before the audition starts, okay?" he said.
Nya nodded, "Hey, Nya. I think someone is staring at you from the distance" Skylor blurted out pointing over at the 'Jay' boy. His forehead covered in sweat with his cheeks flushed with a nice crimson color. The raven smiled and stood up form her chair and walked over to the boy with Cole and Skylor giving the two weird glances.
Nya sat at his table where he was all alone, with only a small packed lunch beside him. Jay stared down at the ground being too embarrassed to talk. So because of that Nya responded first, "Hi, you must be Jay, right?"
He nodded, "Yeah that's me. And you're Nya Smith if I'm correct" He said lifting his head form the floor and staring right into the girl's ocean eyes.
The raven smiled, "Yeah, I noticed you were sitting here all alone. So I decided to come over and hang out. You were amazing in the studio, I thought you looked flawless" She complimented with a slight bit of a rose color on her cheeks.
Jay rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment, "Thank you, but I kept messing up. Mr. Smith yelled at me almost a ten times in the past hour from messing up the routine. I'm not really a hip hop artist you know? I'm more into the lyrical and jazz type" He told her.
He had the same problem as her. They were both not into hip hop, and they want to presume flowing dance as a living. They talked for a while, almost an hour. They talked about life outside of dance, family, jobs, all that goofy stuff. Nya learned that not only is Jay a dancer, but an inventor as well. Very similar to a blacksmith, but still from two different families.
"So you're a die hard fan of your father's character Fritz Donegan? Your the person that made the fan page on chirp?" Nya asked the boy who was having a fit of laughter.
Jay's smile was gleaming at this point, he felt happy when he's around the strange girl, he has never felt this way before. It was truly indeed strange. "I might have made just one fan page on every single social media account I have. What can I say I'm a fan boy."
Suddenly the bell rang, that was the signal for everyone to go back into the studio. All one hundred students went into the small studio where Kai and Wu stood with clip boards in hand. Wu smiled like a little child that went to Universal Studios while Kai had a strict face with desperations for winners.
"Alright pupils, now we start the audition process. Mr. Smith will be bringing in five students at a time to the audition room. Only two of the five will move on to the next round. If you forget the routine or even look at another student for correction then you are automatically disqualified. The only dancer that I take are the ones that are confident. Remember the judges in there don't know your routine the only ones that know it is you and Mr. Smith and I. Good luck and work hard. Mr. Smith bring in the first students please." Wu explained before leaving the room into the audition.
Kai cleared his throat, "Alright the first kids up is Cole Brookstone, Skylor Chen, Chamille Bills, Pixal Borg, and Jacob. Follow me to the audition" He announced. Cole gave Nya a assuring smile as he walked over to Kai and went into the audition.
Sneaking up on her, Jay whispered in her ear, "I think you and I will be in the same group together."
The ravenette flinched and looked up at the tall boy, "How would you know? Your last name is Gordon mine is Smith. Two completely different line of the alphabet. How would that even be possible." Nya questioned.
Jay bit his lip, "Well I'm not really a fan of my last name, so I usually get signed up for things with my Godparents last name instead. It's Walker if you wanted to know." He confessed. Curiously Nya didn't even mind the thing was however he's a really big competitor. Which could risk her chance to get the scholarship.
"Oh well that's cool I guess."
"What's wrong you don't look to happy. Did I upset you?"
The girl with ocean eyes sighed, "I'm not upset, I'm just frustrated. I don't want to sound rude or anything but I'm literally terrified that your going to steal away the scholarship. You come from a rich family and I come from one where we can barely pay our bills. I never had a proper education. You did. You have a higher advantage than I do. I wouldn't be surprised if you bought the whole thing-"
"Who told you that?"
Nya raised her eyebrow, "Why would you be asking. Unless if you did buy the scholarship and bribed the whole thing, and you're trying to figure out who ratted you out from your bratty studio." She blurted out. Anger over took her. She knew she was out of control, but she wasn't stopping at anything.
"N-No that's not what is going on here. I didn't buy out any of this! Why would I be auditioning for it if my parents paid for the whole thing? Huh? Why would I be going up against all these talented people? Just to give their hopes up? No. I worked for hours on my technique and flexibility every single day of my life. I practically live in my father's studio just dancing my problems away. You have no idea how hard my life is!" He yelled only for Nya to hear.
Just as she was about to protest, the first group came back, and with Skylor in tears. Nya quickly noticed her friend's desperate cry for help and ran over to her with a warm embrace. The raven could already tell what happened.
"N-Nya I-I didn't g-go through to the next r-round. Pixal B-Borg and C-Cole made it t-through. I-I miscounted on 7-7 and 8. I-I went t-to early on t-the toe t-touch and headspring. I-I'm such a-an idiot." She cried getting support from Cole and Nya with their bear hug.
Cole was ecstatic that he made the next round, but felt awful that Skylor didn't. Everyone knew at their studio that Skylor was well known for Sassy Jazz, but when it came to Hip Hop she either went too early or too late. Who knew that that fear would come back to haunt her in one of the biggest audition that she could have possibly do her whole life.
Nya glanced over from her friend to Jay, his face in genuine sadness. Now she feels bad about how she reacted to him. Those rumors had gotten to her head. If only she wasn't so noisy and let people tell her these lies than maybe things would've worked out.
Giving Skylor one last squeeze before Nya noticing Kai glancing over at the pair. Yes it was true that Skylar was his girlfriend, and he wished he could do anything to help her make it to the next round, but that wouldn't fair to everyone else. He wanted to embrace her and tell her it's okay and it takes time, but he just couldn't. If the other's see him give more attention to his girlfriend or sister it would make it seem like they have an advantage which they don't.
He called up some more groups, most came back with tears, others came back with a gleaming smile. It was up to the final groups, and Nya was getting more nervous as she looks at the final people that have to audition. They were all really good. But her biggest competition was Jay and they aren't having the greatest time with each other right now.
Then Kai came back out with the other students, he cleared his throat and announced the final five going into the audition, "Alright and the final group is Nya Smith, Jake Venti, Viney Zeter, Tox Questa, and Jay Walker, don't know why it's not Gordon, but I don't care at the moment. You are in room 15."
Nya walked into the room with a high posture and a little smile, she looked over at Jay who looked like he was having an anxiety attack, but is hiding it very well. The room had no mirrors, all it had was a small window and a table covered with papers and occupied by three judges.
They didn't even say a thing before the music started playing. One person forgot the whole dance, another had to look at people to know what to do, but the other three were hitting it hard. Nya and Tox were using a lot of facials while Jay was practically making the dance better with his flexibility. Then when it came to the toe touch, Tox didn't do it. However, Jay and Nya did do it and hit their headspring perfectly.
Then the music stopped. The audition was over, and they were all about to find out who made it to the next round. Everyone was out of breath and anxiously waiting for the results. "You all did an amazing job, and we are so grateful that you have all auditioned today. We shall let Mr. Smith announce who will make it to the next round." The lady said handing over the clipboard to Kai.
Kai read through the list and looked up the students, "Alright so I'm going to call out a name and you will step up then that person who gets called makes it to the next round." He explained.
There was a long pause.
"Jay Walker."
Jay sighed and smiled as the others applauded for him. He felt the wave of relief hit him knowing that he'll make it through, all his hard work have payed off. Now he had to wait who would be the second person to make it through.
Silence hit again.
"Nya Smith."
Everyone clapped for her and Jay went up to her in a big embrace, snuggling into his chest with joy overwhelming her body. The three judges stood up from their table and shook hands with the winners of the group. "Congratulations, I can see you will get very far in this business" One of them stated.
The two said their thanks and exited out of the audition, once Nya got a view of Skylor and Cole she ran up to them and tackled them to the ground. You would think this never happened before, but it happened more often then it should.
Cole chuckled, "I'm going to guess you got to the next round, shorty?" He asked almost getting crushed by the weight from both the redhead and the raven. Nya got off of the two and jumped up and down with excitement raging through her veins.
Then someone blew the whistle, and all eyes went to Master Wu. "Congrats to the pupils that made it to the next round. Now we will be doing one more thing before we announce who will get the scholarship. You will be paired up with a partner and perform an improv piece of a theme we give to each pair, and you will perform it in front of everyone instead of just the judges. We will announce the winner online at seven. Now chose a partner and we shall start the audition process."
They all nodded and started to chose out partners, something tapped on Nya's shoulder and turned around the see the freckled face boy, "Hey I was wondering if you would like to be m-my partner. Only if you want to of course, I mean if you want to do it with Cole it's fine since he's one heck of a dancer but-"
"I would love to be your partner." Nya interrupted placing his finger on his lips. He blushed madly and smiled like a little boy at Disneyland, his eyes just sparkled like a diamond would in the sunlight.
Then pairs started to get called to the dance floor one by one, some work pretty well together with the themes they were given, others were glued to the spot or were just doing solos more than a duet. Some did too many turns while others did the same moves over and over again. Then it came to the final pair which was Jay and Nya.
They walked to the middle of the dance floor in fifth position awaiting for their theme to do with each other. Wu cleared his throat a said, "Your theme is trust."
Then the music started to play and the two got into starting positions. Lyrical seems to be the style from the looks of things. Pointed feet, straight legs when doing leaps and graceful jumps when they hop into each others arms. At one point they were doing foutte turns at the same time and jumping out of them into each others arms at the exact moment.
The two felt happy when they danced together more than anyone they have ever danced with. The music started to slow down and the pair started the musicality perfectly as they lay on the floor with hands interwind with each other.
The audience clapped as the judges wrote down their final thoughts. They all smiled and said their goodbyes to the students. Results would be posted later that evening. Everyone left the studio and were about to go home until Nya grabbed ahold of Jay's hand, "Hey so I was wondering if you would like to come over to my place. My brother is making some of his festive English buffet for dinner, and he wouldn't mind having a guest come over. Then that way we can both see who gets the scholarship together." She insisted.
The man with electric blue eyes smiled and nodded. They made their way home by the bus and started up conversations of their very own. They laughed, cried, and even yelled at each other hysterically to the point random people started staring at them as if they were a married couple.
Then silence overtook the two, and it gave Nya perfect opportunity to asked the freckled boy something she's been wanting to say for a while. "Hey, Jay, I wanted to apologize for what I said to your earlier today. That was so uncalled for of me, and I should have never listen to those rumors about you. I wasn't using my head and I should've listened to you and what you had to say instead. I'm sorry." The raven confessed.
Jay took a hold of her hand into his and rubbed her palms gently with his thumbs. "It's okay. I forgive you. If it was me in your situation probably would've done the same thing by listening to the rumors. I don't blame you. And I should apologize as well, I shouldn't have blow up like that to you. I guess the rumors got to me and I just blurted out my emotions. I shouldn't have done that especially to you. I'm truly sorry." He told her.
All she did was pull him into a hug and just stayed like that until they have arrived at their destination. Nya brought Jay to her home where her brother was already making dinner with the T.V on playing some simple college football and a timer in the very corner. Kai notice the two entering the kitchen and turned to them and smiled.
"Well it's nice to see you back home sis. And welcome to our home Gordon, it's nice to see you again. You did amazing at your improvs. Honestly I though you were to best ones in the whole audition." Kai exclaimed putting the food onto plates and handing them to the pair, "Now eat up, the winners will be announced shortly once the timer goes off."
"Thank you Mr. Smith-"
"Please, just call me Kai. Anything for a friend of my little sis. Also no funny business when I'm not looking, I know that not all male dancers are straight, but you are like an exposed octopus. I'm keeping my eye on you." He threatened, scaring Jay even more than what he intended.
Nya shook her head and lead Jay to the living room, "Don't worry about him, he's always been like that when boys are around. He still does it to Cole and we've been friends for ten years." She explained to him.
Jay sighed in relief and started eating his food that was provided. Nya was right he did have some decent cooking skills for a home meal. They were almost done eating their food until the timer went off and Kai was practically destroying the house just to find his phone. He seems more excited to see who the winner was then the ones who auditioned for it.
"FOUND IT!" Kai yelled across the house and ran back into the living room and jumped on the couch, landing in between Jay and Nya. Kai started pulled up emails until he got to the one about the scholars. He pulled it up and the results were in.
"Oh. My. First. Spinjizu. Master."
The emailed showed two names that won.
Jay Gordon.
And Nya Smith.
"HOLY COW. OMG I KNEW YOU WOULD MAKE IT!" Kai screamed across the house, even yelling it to the poor dog walkers outside their front porch.
"We made it." Nya cried and she tugged onto Jay's shirt with tears staining it. Jay was also crying, and his was worse than Nya's. All their hard work payed off. They made it. They made it big.
They looked into each other's eyes and smiled, until it felt like it was suppose to be more than a smile. Their eyes locked with each other, they started leaning closer to each other, and then-
Make sure to check out these wonderful people and check out their stories!
And I just love everyone on this amazing app! I've been here for almost two years and it's really changed my life for the better. I'm so grateful to be here and I can't wait for what's next to come. Love ya y'all and I'll see you in the next one!
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