107: Aubrey
"Two cute little love birds in their nest." Kell breezed into our room, much to my annoyance. "Hello Rafe. Hello Darling." He pulled my pillow, which I hung on to, hard enough that he had to exert actual pressure to get away from me. I felt Rafe sitting up, startled.
"Kell." Rafe greeted, but his voice wasn't super welcoming, and I doubt that Kell expected that it would be.
"You'll be glad to know I only brought myself and one other to haul your sorry butt home."
"I'm not going home." I sat up, challenging him in red faced irritation. "Why did you come? I'm not a baby. I told dad to tell you not to come."
"You are the baby, and apparently the two of you are incompetent at keeping you safe. That's why you'll be coming home with me." He tossed my pillow back at me now that he'd seen my face. He sat on the edge of the bed, in typical Kell fashion, his personality so big it took up the whole room.
"Who did you bring with you?" Rafe asked as another shadow darkened the doorway and another quite well known actor came inside our once private room. "Tecca."
Tecca Allen was also my brother-in-law. "Notice, Rafe, the family guard dogs. Pit bull and Doberman." I flung out my hand. "I'm sorry you made this huge long trip. I can't imagine how uncomfortable it will be for you to have to turn all the way around and fly back by yourselves."
"Thought we'd stay and catch the show tonight, if that's okay with you?" Tecca sat in the only chair available—and now Ben and Jeff had come to the door. Since there was also a couch, they flopped into it, not to be left out of the drama.
"What were you just saying about family crowds, Rafe?" I held my head in my hands and pouted.
"So, as you can see, she's doing fine. A little the worse for wear, but she'll heal." Rafe told them pointedly.
I knew their appearance was just making him feel worse. All our recovery rules were flying out the window. This made it seem like we were recalcitrant children.
"You must have left right away." Ben said and then leaned forward to shake Kell's hand and introduce himself. Kell was personable, as always, Tecca a little more reserved, he kept staring at me. But I know it's because I look a lot like my sister Braylyn, his wife. He probably was imagining Braylyn with these injuries.
"We did. Brianna notified your dad, Aubrey, of what she'd seen on Facebook, or Twitter, or something and not too long after that, the new videos were posted of the concert mishap. Fortunately your identity isn't well known, and you weren't identified as the woman Rafe hauled out of the crowd. It is thought that you are just a fan that he saw getting trampled. He's the hero, and you are--- well--- you."
"Great for publicity. I heard your concert sold out both nights." Kell said. Ben was nodding, a silly smile on his face. I don't think he'd met anyone as well known as Kell yet. Maybe musicians, but Kell was an actor, and there is a difference.
"It wasn't a publicity stunt, Kell." Rafe gritted. "I would never put Aubrey in danger like that."
Tecca wanted to make things right, he had a more soothing tone. "We know you wouldn't." He assured, but Kell was looking around as if expecting thugs to appear.
"I don't know you wouldn't." Kell said, and looked back at Rafe who was bristling from beside the bed where he'd stood up to face his accusers. Kell looked around again and then sighed as if his world were crumbling. "I can see auras you know." And I was reminded that he'd once said he could not see auras. What a story telling dork.
"Auras?" Rafe was floored at this turn of the tables.
"Yes, Auras. Lights. Energy fields. Gravitational forces. Emotional energy."
"Oh stop it." I said, tired of his superiority complex. Kell reached over and grabbed my arm. I tried to yank it away and he held tightly. Rafe was across the bed in seconds. Not able to allow anyone, even my brother-in-law to grab me that way. Kell let go instantly and smiled with his lop-sided smile, then he twisted his mustache. His eyes narrowed. And my heart sank again. What little subliminal messages was he inferring this time?
"She is gifted. But little." Kell said, and Tecca stood up and came over. He held out his hand for mine and knowing the curse of the females in my family I gave him my hand. He took it and smoothed the skin slightly, then dropped it.
They looked at each other knowingly. "Like Ash and Shay, I think."
Kell was nodding. "Fortunate. I think it got passed on less as the gene pool widened."
Now my guys were all looking supremely confused and I blew out my breath. "You know guys, this is family business. You're breaking dad's cardinal rule by discussing it."
Kell snorted. "I thought you'd made our boy here into family. I see you wear a lovely new ring you weren't wearing the last time we met. And it looks like your man is also sporting a new ring." He blew out his train whistle breath, and shook his head sorrowfully. "Boys, it's quite simple. Aubrey's sisters, the offspring of Tracy and Richard Mann have a biological defect rendering them each with a backwards electromagnetic current, hence we just call it the current, and in some of the sisters it is quite potent. If Aubrey had been popping current, Tecca could have grounded her, as he is a--- a ground. But it seems she is not cursed as badly as some of them."
I was beyond mortified. "Kell, you are out of line." This was a topic that was taboo even in the family circle. The current held deep seated ramifications for all of us. It could be deadly, it could be not so deadly, but the choice to tell others about it wasn't his.
Even Tecca look mystified that Kell had bothered to explain, which really only opened more avenues for questioning.
"Could you have told me you didn't have it?" Kell said. "And could you have told me that your immediate behavior is not produced by it? Did I or did I not forbid you to come to South America with these men? And did I or did I not tell you----."
"Wait a second here, Kell. Aubrey is perfectly capable of telling me anything she chooses about her family and herself. She does not need your permission to travel, or do anything else she wants to do." Rafe was annoyed, and the other guys looked perplexed.
"I could have told you I'd been tested, Kell, and I know I have no dangerous levels of backward electromagnetic current. I could have told you my immediate behavior is more motivated by my interest in Rafe, and our subsequent engagement. I could have told you this on the phone, instead of having you jump in your freaking plane and come all the way down here."
"It's not a freaking plane. I am affronted." Kell stated calmly.
"Kell, please. Stay over. I'll pay for it. And then you guys head on back after the show. I am fine."
"You don't look fine. You look like hell."
"Please don't cuss around me."
"Hell is not cussing." He pointed his finger at me.
"I am so sick of you people making excuses for your cuss words." I mumbled.
"Us people? Who? Who else do you offend by your prudish behavior? Hell is not cussing." He stood up. "Nevertheless. I will consult with your father now that I have personally seen you. It was only a three hour flight in my Leer, Aubrey, I have not been up all night, and will not be up all night again. I do not need to stay over, nor will I accept your hard earned money, since you know I make more in one day than you do in a year. Don't weary me with your trivia, or your teenage performance. May I have you sit in this chair and invite your friends to leave the room while Tecca and I administer a blessing for your recovery."
Kell does not mince words. He speaks kind of funny, sometimes, but it is his act. I think he gets stuck in his acting. Nevertheless, I welcomed the thought of having a blessing. I welcomed the return to normalcy afforded by family being here. Even though it was annoying being checked up on in this way.
"They can stay." I said with as much gratitude and humility as I could. Kell stood and pulled the chair around.
"Will I need to teach a lesson, Aubrey? I can't just give the blessing if they don't understand."
"They are members of the church, and they both just had blessings a few days ago in Monterrey. They can stay."
Kell reared back, his eyes searching Rafe's and Ben's. "Brethren, will you stand in the circle?"
Rafe was shaking his head. "We're not--- I mean--- I can't. I'm not--- I only have the Aaronic Priesthood."
Kell nodded. "You as well?" He asked Ben. Ben nodded. Beside them, Jeff shook his head. Kell closed his eyes and then produced a tiny vial out of his pocket. Tecca stood and came to stand behind me.
"Who do you want to be voice, Aubrey?" He asked gently.
"You choose." I replied, keeping my eyes on Rafe, who was looking hugely interested and very humble as well. His eyes were keen, sharpened on mine, as if trying to read my mind.
Kell apparently decided to take that option, and Tecca stood first, to administer the oil. The pressure of hands was heavy on me, impressing me with the strength, the actual physical power of God to protect and heal. I felt my eyes water as words were said that gave me comfort and healing, which gave me hope and strength of my own. I felt as if Jesus Christ were there telling me to keep going, that this was the right path.
There was a knock at the door as we finished the prayer, and Kell and Tecca took their hands from my head slowly, with reverence. I had closed my eyes while the prayer was said, but now that I opened them, Rafe was still staring at me. His expression was intense. Kell turned to him instantly.
"Rafe. I am sorry I didn't know you were a member of the church. I didn't mean to offend you by asking you to leave. It was more to protect her privacy and your sensitivity."
"You don't need to apologize." Rafe said and they shook hands again, and Kell clapped him on the back like a brother. "I am not active at the moment."
Kell said nothing, but turned to look at Ben. He grabbed him the way guys do and hugged him as well. "I am sorry to barge in on you like this." Kell said. "In the Mann family we have had quite a few serious issues over the years, we can't afford to not be careful. And since we have the means to be where we can be of use, we do so."
"Be honest Kell." I laughed. "You are the nosiest busy-body in the whole family."
He nodded, and stroked his chin. "I am. I admit it."
Dedicated to Rachel---who reads really fast and really likes my story! Thanks!
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