We woke early, and stayed in bed talking. There was more to talk about it seemed. Lots more, always things to explore between us. He used his laptop and worked on music and other stuff, mostly music, he sang some to me, and we sang together. I loved his voice--- let it wash over me in wavelets of pure glistening adulation. He was very talented, as a singer and as a songwriter. I'd never been around the artsy types when they were being.... Artsy. But Rafe needed this time, he explained it to me occasionally in little bursts of recalling I was in bed next to him, and I was simply reading my scriptures or something on the kindle. He would suddenly feel bad for leaving me behind on his trip into artsy world, but I assured him it was okay. I also liked reading medical journals.
We emerged around noon. Having not attended yoga or running, we were ready for both when we came out, but most everybody was lounging or still asleep.
Dylan was one such lounger. "What are you two up to?"
Rafe shrugged as he looked in the frige and found that the blender had been gotten out again and our fruit even from last night was used. "What the f-ing hell?" He was really mad. "Did you see who is taking our stuff? And leaving this damn blender?"
He took my hand and leaned over to whisper, "I will pay you later for that." He said seriously. "I'm really pissed. It might be hard for the next little bit. This is very bad protocol."
He went and found Holli and Mack outside and complained loudly, and with vehemence, worthy of any royally pissed off celebrity. He figured he owed me thirty bucks not including last night. They both said it would be dealt with. Then he dialed Anita on his phone and told her he wanted yoga right then.
It took her a few minutes to arrive, so we explored the new venue, which wasn't a very good spot. The day was sunny and warm, the air was softer and not breezy. We were parked outside of the main town area at a church parking lot, in preparation for an outdoor Plaza performance later this afternoon and evening. The running area consisted of the road we'd come in on, and was not very traveled, so we stretched out.
While we were stretching I asked some questions. "Rafe?"
"How do you write your songs?"
"Like you saw this morning. In bed with my girl."
"They just come to you?"
"Sometimes, why?"
I shrugged. "You know, some of them are really---- nasty."
He laughed. "I've gone through some nasty phases, for sure."
"You cuss a lot in them."
"Nice observation. Do I have to pay for that? That's extortion, if I do. It's not fair either, I'm under contract to sing them word for word."
"I won't make you pay for those, but I would wonder if you'll keep using them in the same way once we are--- married--- if we are married."
"Oh stop with the if, Aubrey. You know and I know it's inevitable. And yeah, since I have to get temple worthy, I probably won't be using profanity per se in my songs anymore. At least not the f-word. What about the sh- word? That's not really a cuss word, it means do-do."
"It's totally a cuss word."
He sighed. "What if somebody collaborates with me and they write a cuss word in? Do I have to pay for that?"
"No, you have to encourage them to change the word."
"The a-word is a cuss word too."
"The a-word? That's really unfair. That just means booty."
"Not when you say a-hole it doesn't. You're calling somebody something really bad. They all have alternate meanings Rafe, but that doesn't mean you use them that way."
He sighed dramatically again. Anita came up and asked what we were talking about and Rafe declined to enlighten her, which for some reason made her scowl at me and huff around for a few minutes. He was concerned, and annoyed at her, but simply ignored her--- in favor of giving me winks and grins and tongue wiggling. He could be such a clown.
He also declined to have Anita accompany us on our run a half an hour later when she would have come. He pointedly refused her, said straight up he wanted to be with me and only me. I loved that he did it, even though it hurt her feelings. I wanted to be just with him too.
We started out around the parking lot. Hardly anybody was out now except crew; roadies coming to get equipment and check equipment. Rafe was kind, and said hi to a few, and met a few new ones. He thanked them profusely.
But once we got out on the road he settled into a good hard pace, and I had to concentrate to keep up with him. It was harder to talk as well, but I wanted to talk.
"So do you collaborate a lot when you write?"
"I bring new material to the studio, and start playing it and singing, and usually the guys chime in, change things up, sometimes somebody will come in and really like it and offer different parts to make it better, like what you saw the other night, that's very common. When Kareem offered and then John joined him and made it rap, in the middle, not rap, hip hop, but yeah, changed it completely--- although basically you made the original suggestions and sang it for us, so they could take it from there."
"What about stuff you guys work on out here? Will you take that to the studio when you get home?"
"If we like it, sure. I'm not the only one either. I used to be intimidated by other song writers and not want to sing their songs, but I soon found out that there are some people who never sing... they just write, and many good and even great songs would go unheard if I didn't branch out and sing them. I listen to a lot of music. Usually when I run I listen, but having you with me---"
"Cuts into your listening time." I finished and he grabbed me and swung me around, lifting me up and plastering my sweaty body to his, with kisses and nuzzles. Then he set me down panting and ran on. I had to still my heart from the attack it was having before I could run again.
"Are you having to run slower because of me?"
"I have a longer stride than you."
"Yeah, but are you having to change your pace?"
"A little. They say a guy will always change his pace to fit his woman's."
"I can speed up."
"You're already panting." He pointed out, and the heat of the sun was really beating down on us. I had a water bottle strapped to my leg and I stopped running to get it. I offered it to Rafe as well. He drank and then smiled as I re-strapped it. "Thanks."
"For what?"
"Making us a couple. Yesterday at the pools, you packed those power bars for me, too, and you carried water for us both. Today, the same. And you held the towel for me."
"Let's not go there." I warned.
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