We pulled up to the parking lot where the huge Axis tour buses were parked and loading. People milled around, even though it was only five a.m. I saw Jeff and Ben carrying bags of stuff--- and remembered that Rafe said we'd have to be early if we wanted our choices of bunks. I saw the models, dressed in sweats and tanks and sandals, their hair messy, their baseball caps over their makeup-less faces as they put larger bags into the bus storage areas. I saw what I assumed were crew members...
But my phone was dialing and my dad--- at four a.m. was answering it.
Rafe got out and started grabbing things to take on the bus, but I closed my eyes for what I was about to say, grasping for the right words.
"Aubrey! Are you okay? It's four in the morning." Dad's voice was awake. He would have been up anyway, but I had likely interrupted his quiet time scripture reading. Nevertheless, dad was never ever too busy to talk to his kids.
"I'm great, Daddy, I was just calling to let you know my--- my plans for the summer, and to tell you a few things that have changed since I saw you last."
"Things have changed since Tuesday?" It was Friday.
"Yeah. A few things have changed."
"Are you still planning to go back to work? Are you and Rafe dating?"
"Those are good guesses, Dad, but listen, I'm on a time crunch. Here's the deal: I'm not going back to work right now, I have some stuff to figure out about work, I may not be suited to this line and there may be a better fit for me in a different line."
"I see. A different line of medicine?"
"Maybe just not multiples as a specialty, even though I love multiples. I will have to pray about it." At the moment this was the least of my worries. "Dad, I --- I'm going on tour with Rafe in Mexico for a month. He and I-- we are---" Rafe poked his head into the car to ask me something and heard those last words. He eyed me curiously, knowing I'd been about to call my parents. He froze, with a hand on the steering wheel, waiting to hear what I was about to say. I closed my eyes. "Engaged."
I felt like I could see my Dad blinking in confusion. I felt like I could see his eyebrows raise. I didn't know what his expression would be like after that though.
But he hadn't said anything.
"Touring Mexico--- a concert tour?" Was what he finally asked with his flat--- trying not to show emotion-- voice.
"Yes, touring Mexico, in tour buses, we are loading right now. We leave really soon. I'll be gone for a month. I can call you though. And you can call me any time. I'll probably be really bored."
This was said for Rafe's benefit. He winked at me and jerked his head at the bus. It was time to go.
"With Rafe Stryker, and Axis? You're going on tour with Rafe Stry-- Tracy!!!"
Well, I thought with a grim nod. That was somewhat expected. My mom's voice came on the line all sleepy quiet and pleasant.
"I heard what he said, honey. This is rather unexpected. Are you sure you want to do this? Touring is hard business, fun, but so tiring, and the close quarters... it's hard to maintain privacy, let alone space. And Mexico is dangerous Aubrey, many bands won't tour Mexico--"
She hadn't immediately said no, you can't go--not that she could say no, I couldn't go at this point in my life.
"We are engaged, Mom."
"Oh, honey!" I couldn't tell if this was a happy oh honey, or a worried oh honey, or a disappointed oh honey. It was just an oh, honey. Hmmmm.... "When did this happen?"
"The day we went home. We went over to meet his parents and went swimming, and had some really good... discussions, and then he proposed, sort of. And I said maybe--- and he took that as we're engaged."
Rafe's eyes were big, his tongue in his cheek, then his lips all screwed up like a goofball.
My mom is pragmatic. She doesn't over react--- usually, although I have heard stories. She doesn't answer real quickly when she's shocked either. She's perfected the whole wait to react thing after twenty-four other kids trying to pull surprises on her. I know she's been told about unwed pregnancies, other surprise engagements and even marriages-- adoptions, changes in professions--- you name it.
Rafe could hear the silence, he could also hear her next words.
"Aubrey, he's a good man. I think you've made a really good choice." We were both stunned.
"Thank you, Mom." I said choking on a sudden wash of tears.
Rafe took the phone from me. "You caught her off guard." He said. "And me too. Thank you, Tracy."
"She's my baby, Rafe, take special care of her, okay? She's been very sheltered. She's not ignorant, but she's been shielded and protected all her life." I heard the catch in my mom's voice and felt more tears start. "And Rafe, she's like a little angel, you know? She's got a big heart, and a strong testimony of the gospel. Be sure to let her go to church while you're out, and keep the Sabbath Holy."
Rafe was nodding. "I don't know what that means, Tracy, but I will do my best, I promise you."
"And one more thing, you guys, please--- please don't get married without me and Dad. Please. I really want to help plan my baby's wedding and do it right. Can we promise that? Please?"
I knew why she was saying that. All of my older sisters--- all of them--- had eloped or just gotten married without anybody there. Oh, mom had got to plan weddings and receptions to her heart's content, but not always beforehand. Doing it right was her dream.
"I promise, Mom." I said, and Rafe winked at me and nodded.
"I promise too." He said solemnly, and I heard my mom sigh in delight. Then Rafe jerked his head again, and I said good-bye. He leaned across and hugged me close, then backed up and kissed me sweetly.
"You are amazing, girl." He hadn't expected me to tell them, I think, like maybe I wasn't acknowledging my commitment so I could back out easily, but I was letting him know I was serious.
"You're pretty amazing yourself." I kissed him back, and he grabbed the back of my neck and pressed me closer, over the console, to really sweep me into his little world, tasting the excitement, and the freedom we were embarking on.
And then it started.
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