The time spent with the band was outstanding. I'd never been so relaxed and in tune with our music. Normally, I was intense--- having to settle into the feel of the session with them--- it would have been harder to get into it--- into the vibe of each song. But today--- with Aubrey and Addie in the kitchen doing this whole very domestic salad making--- and Ben, Jeff , Mutt, Jeremy and Levi all sitting around Ben's living room listening to each other sing and talk and just really feel the tunes---- we were smoking hot. Nothing I said was wrong, and normally Ben would have been stopping me every few minutes, adding something, or ignoring something I felt I needed.
We were on fire.
Jeremy was tender. I'd already ascertained that he was developing into a very introspective lyricist, with a fresh perspective--- younger--- newer vibe to his thought process. Levi was strong--- his mind was quick and he read me really, really, really well. Everything about him complemented me like only Troy had before him.
And it helped that when I looked up, the bar separating me from Aubrey did not block my view of her bouncy little steps, and her lips moving as we sang--- I sang--- mostly.
I looked up after one such very intense and in depth study of a verse we were working on and Aubrey was licking her fingers while humming something, her eyes settled on mine and it was like magic lit the air between us. I smiled softly, almost without knowing I did it, and she sang the part of the song we were stymied on--- a third lower, and a slightly differing cadence--- and Ben snapped to attention. I sang it her way, blended easily with her and then turned and wrote it down. Ben and Jeremy high fived.
"Aubrey, you're a natural." Jeff said, rubbing his leg where the scar had been itching recently.
She barely even heard him as she went right back to whatever she was doing.... I sang it again, and she harmonized, that third lower, and slightly altered cadence. It worked so well. Plus, she gave it a very staccato rhythm when she sang it which was usually my signature sound, but I hadn't been using it this song. And I continued not using it, letting her do it. The tone was intense, and just what we'd been missing. I went back to my song... satisfied with the change, and listening to Levi's newer beat matching the changes.
In moments the smell of gooey delicious brownies brought us once again up for air. Mutt started looking around and Jeff's stomach growled.
I looked at my watch. It was time to go. "Are you guys coming over?"
Jeremy and Levi shrugged--- so I knew they hadn't already been invited. But before I could say anything Aubrey came in wiping her hands on a dish towel. "You guys should all come over. We're having a barbecue. Jeremy---- Jer-em-my---- I asked my really pretty college age niece to come...." She wheedled, winking at him. It was a well known fact that Jeremy was girlfriend-less. He'd been taking the missionary discussions from some sister missionaries in the area, and I personally thought he was crushing on one of them. His eyes brightened at the thought of single females and a barbecue.
"Yeah, Lance is doing steaks---- BYO." I suggested knowing that Aubrey was about to head to the store again if everybody said they were coming. But I saw that she was already texting Lance. I felt that weird stab of incredulous possessiveness. And in my brain I knew it was ridiculous, and in my heart I wanted her solely to myself.
"And drinks." Aubrey agreed. I'm sure she was wondering if anyone would bring alcohol. We'd all been drinkers--- fairly heavy drinkers before her. I was surprised at her offer. She had indicated on the tour that she didn't want to be around when people were drinking.
"You're not drinking, baby, you're knocked up." Mutt called to her as he stood and shook out his gym pants.
She gave him a scathing expression. "Drinks for you, dum dum. I'm the smart one--- I've never even had alcohol."
"Never had a beer? Come on!" Mutt went into the kitchen and leaned against the counter laughing, which blocked my view of my wife. I had to set my guitar in its case and shake out my own gym pants. My shoe was untied and I had to bend over to tie it. Again--- this meant I couldn't see Aubrey.
"Never had and never will." Aubrey laughed, putting Saran wrap on the pan of brownies.
"That's excessive." Mutt said good-naturedly, and as I stood he went further into the kitchen, grabbing a soda out of the twelve pack on the counter.
"That's good healthy living, Mutt, for your info. I like being in control of my senses." She wasn't being rude, but it came out a little superior sounding. I saw her moving around him, glimpsed her curvy little figure as she passed him in the close quarters.
"For your information Miss Smarty Pants, people who drink wine with dinner every night have fewer heart attacks, and health problems." He set the soda down and started out of the kitchen after just one gulp. His eyes were on Aubrey though.
She was carrying a stack of large serving bowls with lids out of the kitchen. "Drink grape juice--- the purest you can find--- same effect."
"I beg to differ with you." He quipped slapping her butt as she passed him. Aubrey skittered away and I practically leaped to reach her, landing between her and the counter. My ridiculous movement was not lost on the guys who knew me well. So I grabbed the stack of covered bowls out of her hands.
"In what way?" Aubrey turned, taking my carrying skills for granted, as an anticipated coincidence.
Mutt was following us. "It's the alcohol in the red wine that has the anti-oxidants."
"You're wrong. Grapes-- the darker the red the better-- are what are high in antioxidants, blueberries and cranberries also. But grapes are the best." She swung her hair over her shoulder.
"You think you know everything because you're a doctor." Mutt told her, grabbing her hair and curling it around his hand preventing her from leaving through the garage which is what she was about to do. I about had an antioxidant attack right there with his hand in her hair.
"No, I think I know everything because I am a classic rock encyclopedia according to your band leader--- but I have been wrong before." She swung away, her face just inches from his, and Mutt swung back to his soda pop, thankfully, before I could cause a ruckus.
"We'll meet you at the house." I called to them and shut the door behind us as Aubrey deposited her bowls in the back seat, taking care to make sure they wouldn't move.
"Was he bugging you?" I asked her as I got in and started the car. Aubrey put her seat belt on, and stared at me until I did too.
"No. He's Mutt. He likes to argue points." She smiled as she turned on the radio. "Why, was he bugging you?"
I nodded. "Yeah. He was bugging me."
She gave me that sideways glance. "It's possible you are deluded. I would never go for him."
"It's not you I don't trust."
"Seriously? You don't trust Mutt?"
"I don't know. I don't trust any guy within fifty feet of you. You're too perfect. I'm afraid they will all see what I see and try and take you away."
"That'll never happen, love." She patted my cheek. "But you can't go ballistic every time one of your friends talks to me."
"I can." I said screwing up my lips as we zoomed out of the gated community that Ben lived in.
She laughed, and it was good to hear her laugh--- I was reminded of her playfulness, the times we shared that were not tinged with sadness. I chanced a snap peek at her eyes and found them full of amusement. It was a huge relief.
"How about we go night surfing?"
"I'm up for it." She said seriously, her gaze taking in the view overlooking PCH as we sped toward our own little gated community.
"Really? Tonight?"
"Why not?"
"You're not feeling sick?"
"And I'm not afraid of Jaws either."
"Well, that's a relief. There are seals out there though."
"And they can be horrendously dangerous. Yep." She smirked.
"I'm not kidding. That little teensy island you can see from our porch? It's covered with them. And they will bite."
"On land." She scoffed. "If you're bugging them."
"Well, I don't know about that." We turned into our entry way, flashed our entry card past the card reader and the gates opened. "Stay away from seals and Mutt tonight."
"Or you'll what?" She dared me with a laugh.
"Drown him."
"Oh! That's serious! Okay then! I'll stay away from him! Not like I was going to get a room with him or anything." Our road wound down from a series of side streets to the shoreline and our side by side homes.
"And the only room he's allowed in is ---- the patio."
Aubrey cackled gleefully, her eyes watering with her mirth, which made my eyes narrow and blink innocently. She started laughing again. "Well, don't forget that the only room you're allowed in is upstairs, so Mona and what's her name don't have to clean again."
We pulled up as our garage door opened, and it occurred to me that in my mind I was saying ours and we like we were a couple. It never failed to astonish me.
Nobody was inside, but the smell of hickory smoke came from the open patio door and the sounds of children laughing assailed my ears. I wondered not for the first time if I really liked kids. I liked them---- but I liked them to go home. I had never lived with one.
"Sounds like Will, and Kaye and Jaden are here." Aubrey said in light anticipation.
"Is that a happy event?"
"They're your niece and nephews." She protested as if having family meant one must like them no matter what. That had never been the case with me. I was intensely protective of them, but that didn't mean I always liked them. Evidenced by my own mother.
Aubrey carried bowls into the house, kicking the door open for me to follow her.
It turned out that Darnel had started the grill and Lance was marinating the steaks when we walked in. Aubrey went straight to my brother and tip toed up to kiss his cheek.
"You're looking chic and amazing." He complimented her, his hands messy, so he didn't reach out to reciprocate a hug, for which I was relieved.
"Those smell heavenly." She complimented back, sincerely, I might add, and then took the bowls out to Darnel, whom she also managed to kiss on the cheek. I hadn't been aware they were on a first name basis. I heard her telling him that she'd made shish kabobs to grill as well, and asking if he had room.
It was all very---- Gidget-y. Like Sandra Dee. I felt like---- Leave it to Beaver or one of those fifties shows. Very--- I was searching for the right word--- Mayberry.
And I like Mayberry--- or at least I used to when I was like eight. But---- to be living it was too surreal. Where was the beer? Where was the loud music? Where was the press of too many people, standing around?
Darnel had brought the patio chairs and table from Aubrey's over to mine and set it all up, comfortably. And he was reclining now on a chaise lounge, as the sun and the wind warmed our faces. The kids were right there, playing in the sand, like good little kids, and there was nobody else on the beach for a half a mile in either direction.
"A little Stepford-ish as well," I muttered to myself, but Lance heard me and grinned.
"Having a moment, big brother?"
"Married life is changing me." I let my eyes wander over the beach again, and saw two gorgeous looking brunettes walking their model walks our direction. Actually, that felt a little more like home. People I didn't know were heading my way....
But when they got close, I saw they were carrying bowls---- you did that in modern Blast from the Past residual realities. More bowls--- possibly more salads, and that meant they were here for Aubrey. I felt quite fluttery inside.
No unknown models for me.
Ben and Addie came in behind the wanna-be models, who I knew had to be Hannah and Abby--- and Ben was laughing because he just happened to find the sister missionaries tracting in the area (how they got in to tract in this private area I'll never know). He'd invited them to our not so intimate barbecue, and Darnel hopped up and retrieved two more marinated steaks to throw on the grill.
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