

Before going to Il Cielo, Rafe stopped at a really glamorous baby store in Hollywood, basically announcing our pregnancy to the world by shopping there. We were supposed to have an appointment--- but he pulled me out of the convertible-- laughing and without too much fanfare got us in--- however we were not unnoticed.

The shop assistant wanted to register us, and started taking down information as soon as we walked in. Rafe, of course, liked this treatment and ate it up. He was used to it. He and his dad owned two such boutiques right down the street. I--- on the other hand---had been envisioning the crochet needles I'd grown up with.

"Are we expecting a little boy or a little girl?" The shop assistant asked and Rafe managed to answer that he hoped it was a boy first, but he would be happy with a girl.

"And when is your due date?" Now she looked at me--- and amazing neonatal maternity surgeon that I am I had to think--- last period--- June 15th---I closed my eyes and thought about it. "March 21st."

She did manage to look up at me curiously, and Rafe stared and then squeezed my hand before his dimple indicated he was about to howl. He howled. I shook my head, smiling.

Everyone in our near vicinity, which was only three people turned unexpectedly to stare.

It was then obvious to the shop attendant that we had no idea what sex our baby was, or anything more than that we were having one. She smiled and checked off some boxes in her file.

"Would you like to browse?" She suggested, and Rafe grabbed my hand. This is what he'd been hoping for all along. He jumped up and started around the little shop, completely familiar with their standards. He confided that he had bought gifts here for Ben's kids. He began leafing through easily, and glanced at his watch.

"How about this?"

It was a simple onesie--- cute and generic--- that said, "I'm the big brother."

I laughed till my sides ached. "Yes. Please, get that one, She'll be pleased to no end."

"Fine." He put it back and then found a yellow one with green trim and red and blue polka dots. I told him to get two, one for Jeff's baby--- and then I recalled that Natalie was due also. "Make it three. Natalie."

He grinned, loving the idea of buying our first baby clothes together, on the day we first found out we are having a baby. He held the little outfit up, the other two were wrapped. I watched him, smiling. "Hey, let me take that picture... no wait! Let's have you take our picture. It's a great way to announce it." I handed my phone to our shop attendant and she snapped our picture, then she suggested that we each hold the onesies with big brother or big sister and she snap that picture too. We posed, loving it.

We met Ben, Jeff and their significant others and the kids at Il Cielo, a place you did not take kids, and were escorted to an exclusive room. The kids were dressed adorably though, and Ronda was out to here pregnant. She loved the little onesie. She also revealed that the baby was a girl, due in two weeks, and her name was Alyce Eleanor. We all toasted with our non-alcoholic beverages, much to the waiter's strangely lowered eyebrows. It was clear that these guys frequented their establishment often and always ordered expensive wines. I'd seen the wine bottles being prepared.

Lunch was more like brunch, the kids were behaved, with only a little mess afterwards, and then Ronda took them home or to her mom's, promising to have them over to Rafe's mom's later, ready to go. Ben came with us.

We didn't talk on the way over to the temple in Santa Monica, and only when we were on our way in did Rafe whisper that he was nervous being in a different temple, one we had not been in before. Not that we had been in that many. We'd been to the Mexico City temple three times, including our sealing, and also the Merida Temple.

"I assure you, no one will leave you to be confused, and the ceremony as you know, is the same."

"It'll be in English." Ben said. "No head phones."

We had had to wear headphones with the ceremony translated into English all four times we'd gone in Mexico.

"That'll be easier." Rafe said.

"So, have you heard back from Felicity's grandmother?" Ben asked as we walked through the parking lot.

"Yes, actually." I reported, swinging Rafe's hand with the close proximity to Angel Moroni on top of the LA Temple. "Her grandmother called via a translator. It is quite possible that she will be adopted by her maternal grandparents, who live here in the states, as Gomez's mother who has her is very old and unable to care for her. There is some fear that if she stays there, she will be threatened."

Rafe held the door for us. "I've hired a lawyer to look into the grandparents and the adoption, just to make sure the little one is properly taken care of."

I passed him. "We--- we hired the lawyer."

Rafe nodded and let the door fall behind Ben. We all sighed. "There is nothing as great as stepping out of the world into this atmosphere. I think it must change from the Telestial to the terrestrial."

"I agree." I replied, getting out my recommend. We walked quietly up to the desk and presented our cards. In moments we were separated to go and change.

During the session, I was besieged by images from that day with Felicity. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I felt awful for not paying as close attention as I should, but her face stuck in my mind as if she were right beside me. When I entered the celestial room a couple of hours later, and before the guys, I sat in a corner and prayed for her. I prayed for my baby too and felt the loving way the spirit comforted me that all would be well.

Rafe sat beside me and Ben took a seat alone, so he could pray alone. Rafe took my hand. I was overwhelmed by his presence and simply stared at him a moment. He was looking at me under his lashes, his face tilted down, but his eyes looking up. Blue, blue eyes.

"What's going on?" He whispered.

"Did you have something specific you were praying about?"

"Our baby? Buying that Club in Newport Beach?" We'd considered buying a Club that had recently come on the market that catered to younger people--- had no drinking, but a nice restaurant and dancing. It had been doing well, but the owners were moving back to Brazil, so it was available. Offers had been made, but not accepted, and Rafe and Ben, who had liquidated their shares in The Vibe, were in the market for another such venture.

"I can't stop thinking about Felicity." I said slowly. "I hope she is okay."

He nodded solemnly, gave me a squeeze. "If need be, after our lawyer finds out what is happening with her, we will make an effort to find her other relatives. I have a feeling that these grandparents did not know of their granddaughter, and had disowned Ariana. That was the first thing that our counsel got out of visiting with them. They may not be conducive. In that case, an Aunt or Uncle or even an adult cousin may be considered. If not--- I told him we would adopt her."

My mouth dropped open. "Rafe!" I hissed, my eyes filling with tears.

He squeezed my shoulders again and kissed the top of my head as I turned to bury my face in his chest. "If it's meant to be, angel."

"I know. I know." I wiped my eyes discreetly. "I think it will be."

He nodded, his voice choked up. "Um hm."

I couldn't speak. The image of that sweet little girl, her parents ripped from her at such a young age, her life in danger these past weeks. I thought it would happen soon. As soon as I thought it, I felt warm all over.

"We should go to ABCSC tomorrow and start the adoption classes."

Rafe nodded. "I'm all for it." He answered. "Will your mom be in town? Can she check you as well?"

"I don't need to be checked yet." I replied.

"I think you should be checked anyway."

"You're saying that as my priesthood holder, or as my worried husband? If it's the latter, I am a doctor, remember."

"Well, you haven't treated yourself." He smiled. "Recently."

I sighed. "I am starting back to work next week. Honeymoon over."

He leaned into me, kissed my hair and rubbed my arm with his thumb. "Baby, the honeymoon will never be over."


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