I kicked myself all the way to In and Out Burger wishing I'd obeyed that prompting a while back to have another necklace made. It wasn't that Maximiliano couldn't have it, but that Felicity liked it and probably wouldn't take kindly to me giving it away.
I fervently prayed Max hadn't sent Jack. I think that would be a big mistake right now.
After what happened he'd be an idiot to send Jack. I didn't think he was an idiot.
I had to make a stop at the first store I saw. I asked them all to wait. Juan had pitched a fit when we were leaving wanting to ride with Virgil and Rein, so his car seat had been moved to our van. Now, Hannah and Juan were in the van with me, so I ran in, and located the kid's section with alacrity.
Wal-marts were all set up the same. Right? Not that I'd spent a good deal of time in any....
But there weren't any convincing necklaces for little girls here, what was I thinking? I sprinted back the way I'd come followed by Aidan, skidding across the shiny linoleum flooring. The jewelry department loomed in the front of the store, with cheap watches on a twirly thing. Right next to the sunglasses.
I reached the glass cases, frantically scanning for necklaces. It was Aidan who found one, similar, but not really even close, only about six charms, all in one place, not separately attached like hers was. She would pitch a fit.
I looked around in imminent anxiety for charms, especially a key. But it was Aidan who actually thought to ask someone, and was shown to the appropriate display. In that moment we both wondered how we were going to get the necklace to the guy and keep Felicity quiet. Taking her in wasn't an option, but the exchange---
Well, like Aidan said, what assurance did I have that Maximiliano would keep his bargain? I had to come up with something--- take phone pics? Grab one of his guys? I really hadn't been thinking. I couldn't just give them all the leverage--- although it was fake leverage.
Maybe I could act the part of a dumb ass pop singer.
We raced out to the cars with our purchases and I tossed the bag to Keeva and told her to fix it. She gave me the most perplexed frown. I added, "I'll forgive you for being on duty at the same time as your husband again."
She nodded, real compliant fear in her eyes, and I wondered why, I'd never fire her. Not really. I felt bad that she didn't know that, but relieved as I got back in the van.
Rein was still pitching a fit in the cool air conditioned van that I'd left running. Juan had his little car, and was holding it out of his reach. Hannah did nothing, so I had to reach back there and negotiate with another four year old about cars.
In and Out wasn't all that far. I figured we'd all go in, since I had half a dozen security people, and this should be a relatively easy exchange.
"You're not all going in?" Hannah hissed from her seat behind me.
"No?" I answered eyeing her in the rearview mirror. "You've got a better idea?"
"Yeah, send Aidan in." She said. "Are you just getting burgers? I want animal style."
She was clueless, and no one had enlightened her.
"We should send in someone else." I said. "Like who?"
Ben came up to the van window and this conversation was repeated for his sake. He knew a scant bit of what was going on, and now he eyed the building like it was an evil snake.
"How are we supposed to know the guy?" Ben asked, leaning forward. My cell phone buzzed. I held up a finger for him not to forget that thought.
It was Maximiliano. "Senor Stryker. I see you have arrived. But unfortunately it has been noticed that some of your party are in conducive to my needs. I will not be able to retrieve the item at this time and your family is consequently in danger until I get what I need. You know how good I am at planting explosives, yes?"
"Listen to me, Senor." I gritted, angry. "I have my security with me, period."
"And the children, and niece who can identify my men."
"Your men? You sent Jack and his gang? What are you stupido?" I couldn't believe it. What moron would send the same guys who got beat up earlier? That is if they were being on the up and up about the exchange.
"I'll give you ten minutes to notify your guys and change your plans." I said curtly, pulling into the drive through. "If you are aware of my movements, then perhaps you are here yourself, and you are stupid." I could already see this wasn't going down very well. I should have checked all the vehicles that had been parked at my house for explosives. Now I was warned. It was lame to have gone off halfcocked with no plan B.
I needed to slow down, really slow down, get help, talk to professionals.
Someone tapped on the windshield. I looked over and rolled the other window down. It was Eli. I clicked off and set the phone in the console.
"He won't conduct business." Eli said seriously, very low, and in Spanish.
I knew then I'd been right. This was the oppositional plant. Even more rage poured through me, and I knew I was about to be out of control. I had to stop letting my emotions run wild.
I took a deep breath.
Aidan joined Eli at the window. Eli glanced at him and then back at me.
"He won't conduct business because I am here."
"And you are?"
"Roberto Jimenez."
I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose--- briefly, really briefly. This guy had infiltrated our life so easily, so perfectly, so brilliantly.
"I am not working for Max." He said distinctly, "But Max knows my agenda, and wishes to stop it. If I obtain the article before he does I will take it to the authorities, and assure Felicity's safety. My only desire is to keep her safe."
Ben had been listening, now he bit his lips in consternation. "Would somebody tell me what the hell is going on?"
We both glanced at him, and Roberto simply ignored him, his whole stance tense with anxiety, and I stared a little longer, trying to impart the issues without saying them.
"So, you're saying that you want the necklace?" I asked slowly, not sure I had heard what he said, or understood what he meant.
Roberto pursed his lips and looked away. "I do not wish to insult you my brother, and I do consider you my brother, since my real brother is dead and you have his child, but I do not need your replica replacements." His eyes told the truth of what he knew about us. Everything.
"You aren't actually suing for custody, are you? That's a distraction." I said calmly, but I did not feel calm. I felt enraged. It was all I could do to keep from throttling him as well.
He shook his head. "I had not intended to reveal myself to you just yet, but things have taken such a drastic development so quickly. Please, let us work together. My son is in your car, my trust is apparent to you. The operative inside is known to me. If we go in together, we'll hand over your replica, and ask for written assurances that he will henceforth leave your family alone, with me as unofficial guardian. I am the one with leverage, Senor. I have something he does not know he wants or needs. And I am not at liberty at present to reveal what it is, but trust me. It will ensure your safety."
I couldn't trust him, how could he suggest such a thing?
I blew out my breath staring straight at the In and Out Burger place. "Ben will you stay with my family? If there is any trouble at all, will you take them and leave?"
He was angry. I could see it in his eyes, even though his customary patience and trust was in place. He felt confused, and Ben did not like feeling confused.
"Peace, brother." I said. "As soon as we get back I'll tell you everything." I got out of the van and he got in. "Go through drive thru and get them all happy meals or something."
"They don't have happy meals here." Hannah volunteered.
Aidan joined us, and the three of us proceeded to walk into the In and Out.
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