



Focused. I've never been able to focus so completely.

But now, I have to. Time is even more of the essence. I have added persona's to my life. I am Rafe the father. And not just Rafe the father to three adopted children, but Rafe the father of Virgil, Rafe the father of Rein, and Rafe the father of Felicity.

Steven R. Covey, may he rest in peace, wrote a book that I consider my second Bible. It's called the seven habits of highly effective people. Which you've probably heard of. If you haven't, you should find it and buy it and mark it up and live by it. He also wrote another book called First Things First. In this book he makes the point that any one person will only effectively play the roles of seven main characters at any one time. Anything more will become ineffective. Most of these roles are not to be grouped. Such as Rafe the father---- period. I am a father to each individual kid.

"Richard. It's Rafe. You got a minute?"

"I do. How are you, Rafe?"

"Fine, no time for chit chat. Listen: I'm reading First things First by Covey. You know it?" I knew he did, he gave it to me.

"Yes." He knew he gave it to me.

"How do you with twenty something ridiculous amount of kids and grandkids and attached freaking people in your life, how do you stick to the seven roles rule?"

"Hello? Isn't that obvious?"

"What? The first seven fill up all the roles and you aren't effective with the rest?"

"You know that's not true."

"Then what's the answer?"

He chuckled. "This thankfully, is an easy fix, thank you." I heard him sigh, and felt slightly abashed, wondering if my question was so academic even I should have known the answer without calling and bothering him. Although I knew he appreciated short bothersome phone calls in the middle of his day. He'd told me so on more than one occasion. "Rafe--- you have to prioritize, and it isn't the first seven of anything, you already exceed the number of immediate family members for that to be the case. In fact most of us do right off the bat--- every single person does. We all have more than that number of roles, and even though Covey asks us to individualize and compartmentalize each relationship as a role, it isn't possible, and he knows it. You are first Rafe--- the follower of Christ and a child of God. Keep that straight. A priority, and take care of yourself first. Absolutely essential not to get lost in roles. This does not encompass church service or callings--- those are separate roles. I will tell you mine and you can use them as a model if you want. I am Richard the child of God, I am Richard the husband of Tracy, I am Richard the father, Richard the actor, Richard the grandfather and uncle, Richard the servant, Richard the recipient, and Richard the man. End of conversation. It all has to fall within those categories, or it doesn't fall at all. So I want to be Richard the gamer and it falls into my idea of Richard the man, I put it there, if it encroaches on Richard the husband, or the father, or the actor, then I have to stop being it. That has happened to me before. If you get out of balance, something will give. So regroup, simplify, go back to basics. If Richard the man and therefore the gamer is at the bottom of the totem pole then it is of the least importance to me and I can live without compromising my other roles. Does this help you son? No one can do it all. Don't try. Do your best at whatever role you are in at the moment and take it from there. Be in the present. Be positive. One other thing: Within Richard the child of God I have placed my personal fitness program. That's right up there at the top. Keeping myself fit in all four categories is worshiping God to me. It means----."

"All four categories?"

"Luke 2:42."

"Is that a football play?"

"It's a scripture. Quote, 'And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and Man.'"

"I see." I didn't.

"Wisdom--- means never stop learning. This is a priority. Stature. Well, you've already reached your lifetime height, so that must mean maintaining your body. Favor with God--- is your spiritual side, and favor with man is your earthly side. You have to support your family, and maintain social relationships. To be a follower of Christ you need to keep balance within those categories."

"I see." I did. Really. I get the whole balance wheel of spiritual, physical, mental, emotional and social. Balance.

"Is there anything else?" His voice was so damn calm. I loved that about him. He had none of Kell's intensity and aplomb. He had all of his own style, and his style was succinct, and caring. He was Gandalf, Dumbledore and Master Robinton---- maybe even Deanna Troi and Yoda all rolled into one. If you don't know who those people are, you should. Essentials.

"Have you ever camped on Anacapa Island?"


"Okay, new experience. I'm taking my prego wife camping this weekend. She doesn't know."

"Great idea. Prego wives love that sort of thing." This was said with dry humor. We clicked off.

I spotted Ben. "Ben!"

"Hey, who were you talking to? You just sort of opted out." Ben looked harried and betrayed.

"Come camping this weekend with me."


"What?" I was shocked.

"No. I can't be alone in a tent with you, your wife, your kids and your dog."

"I don't have a dog."

"You will."

"Not anytime soon. And I'm not taking the cat camping."

"Camping? Where?"

"Anacapa Island, the Channel Islands State park. I applied for a guided snorkeling tour about two years ago and just heard back. It's this weekend. It's going to be amazing. We'll leave Thursday afternoon."

"You forgot the Saturday concert in Oklahoma?"

"I did not. We fly out Saturday a.m."

"You're going camping on an island for one day?"

"Whatever it takes. Boat leaves Thursday at one. P.M."

He rolled his eyes. "Okay. What do I have to bring?"

"Nothing. I've got it covered."

"You and what army?"

"I'm bringing the army, believe you me. You can bring a--date."

"I don't have a date." Now he was disgusted.

"Fine I will bring one for you. Do not argue, do not think. Go back to work. We have a song to finish."

"Two songs."

"Two songs. Get back to work."

I bull-dogged my head down and shoved him back the way we'd come. Priorities man, priorities.


An artist of my caliber adheres pretty naturally to the 10/10 professional model. Ten thousand hours and ten years will get you proficient enough to be successful. Internationally successful. I am. So four hours a day maximum practice is required. It doesn't always work out that way, but that is the expectation. Richard has said I am still Rafe the musician, and I cannot compromise that. I have to support my family and be a good example to them of hard work and perseverance. So, off to work I go.

Between songs there is a break. I am sweaty, I am filled with enthusiastic synergy. The band is rocking and rolling.

I saw Liver heading my way. I stopped and waited for him, guzzling a coconut water out of a plastic bottle. His eyes remained glued to mine, so I knew he wasn't stopping by for a friendly chat.

"We've postponed the pre-release of Songs of a Stranger till next week so we can investigate this allegation by Victorine Alissa." He didn't waste any time.

"Okay. The interview?" I could see the interviewers in the corner waiting their cues.

"Going through with them. Be honest, explain the delay. Be positive. Be open. Don't be apologetic. Be professional." His eyes were steadfast and imploring. I took my cue from him and squared my shoulders, another sip and off I went.

"Hi, guys." Extending a hand for a handshake. The first guy was Harold Vico, asked me to call him Hal, representing Rolling Stone. The second guy was Randall Verity representing another publication or was it a--

"Where did you say?"

I lead them both to an alcove set aside for these things while we are in studio production. I saw Jeff wandering over. I welcomed him, although he rarely obliged.

"Trend Times." His hand shake was firm, but his eyes were sketchy.

"Well, let's get started guys. Time is time as they say." I nodded and made room for Jeff on the loveseat thing, putting my arm up behind him, laying it across the top of the seat back. With my other hand I picked the frayed holes in my deliberately holey jeans.

"The new release has been postponed, can you tell us why?" Hal began with his recorder out. Another guy with a video camera approached and stood behind Liver.

"We worked in studio at the beginning of the year with a small girl band called Victorine Alissa, who claims some of the words or phrases are borrowed from their catalog. It's highly likely, and these things happen all the time. We'll get the right credits and collaborations posted soon and it'll all be worked out." Gees, that was easy.

I kept my eyes wide, my smile plastered on my goofy face.

"How's the new label doing? Any chance that Happy Walrus Studio will produce Axis in the near future?"

The name of our production company coming out of his mouth made both Jeff and I laugh out loud. And we couldn't stop. We snorted, and looked at each other, and giggled like girls, slapping each other's legs and backs and laughing our darn fool heads off. It took at least five minutes of snorting precious time.

I don't think we'd ever heard anyone refer to it before in public. Here we were downtown at a subsidiary of BMG music operated by my good friend Kareem Williams, working on two songs only. Our major representation and go to for all our labeling needs was Dark Avenue Entertainment another subsidiary of BMG. But each song had different needs, yes?

Answer the question.

"Hungry Walrus has signed only two acts at the moment: a band that will be touring with us this season, called Draft Jam, featuring the incredible Pace Curry, and solo artist Justine Loritz, a brand new but very accomplished singer. Axis is business as usual all over the place. Wherever the muse takes us."

"How did you come up with the name Hungry Walrus?"

"Walrus's get hungry, don't they?" We busted up laughing again at our own really stupid joke. I saw our Public Relations Counselor, Rowland Hardin, come stand beside Liver watching our antics with a quirky smile residing on his very handsome face.

"Seriously." Jeff said and then fell over backward, laughing.

My eyes were watering. "Hungry Sea Lions Productions has a nice ring, but it didn't fit on the signs." Ha! I crack myself up. Jeff farted.

Oh, God, I'm gonna die. I jumped up and brushed his fart smell away as he fell over again.

"There's a rumor that your latest album might be nominated for a Grammy, what do you think about its chances?"

"I'd be lying if I didn't think it was going to do well." I calmed down, while Jeff snorted and grunted trying to control himself. Our idiot sides hadn't surfaced for a while. This was awesomely refreshing.

"Is it worth the Grammy do you think?"

"Well, you say Grammy like the whole thing is being nominated. I was under the misinformation that it was just a single song. Night of Daylight."

Hal checked his tablet. "No. It's Night of Daylight in one category and the whole album in the other."

My brows rose. "I can't complain, and I can't demure. I think the album is frankly hotter than an inferno. It's some of our best work."

"Would you say it is inspired by your recent marriage to Aubrey Mann?"

I sobered down to a simmering glow. "She's my muse, no doubt. Meeting her has absolutely changed my life and all for the better. Over half the songs are for her, including Night of Daylight. Aubrey is my shining light, my beacon, my lighthouse. She's my safety in the whirlwind, can I rhapsodize about her any more than I am. I'm a giddy idiot when I think of her."

"Is it true that you two are expecting?"

"That's certainly been publically announced."

"But are you expecting twins? That hasn't been completely publically announced, although a blog page with nothing on it has been designed for Aubrey Mann Stryker."

I snorted, rubbing my nose, looking at the ground. "It was an idea. She's bored at home a little bit. Thought it would give her something to do, and then life picked up, and she's a busy mom. Yeah, we might be expecting twins, multiple sets of them."

The eyes snapped up again, and I had to look over at Rowland. My brows lifted in silent query, and he rolled his fingers folded on top of his arm under his chin.

"We are expecting quintuplets, five babies. Naturally conceived, if that means something to you, and now you have the exclusive scoop. I've gotta get back to work, nice to meet you both, sorry I didn't have more time, have a nice day."

"One more question, Rafe. It's also rumored that you've been recording with Parker and Zack Mann at MSLM and Rosewood Studios, and that it's pissing off the up-line."

"I haven't heard that one. My up-line is me. I'm not worried about pissing anyone off, that's my job." I wanted to flip them off as a way of saying goodbye, the old me might have exchanged good-natured birds, but the new me pictured the little wifey at home, in her silky white negligee and yeah--no birdies for the guys.

Back to work.


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