The picture above represents her sleeping self
After the battle, the scouts set up camp below the walls inside shinganshina, loads of soldiers were still injured, regardless of the healing incantation, so they needed rest before the return back to wall Rose, including commander Erwin, who was being nursed by his soon to be wife, in armins dream, the only thing he remembered during the fight, what is Albert transforming, mikasa scouting, and a large explosion, He then hears sobbing, his eyes open and finds himself in a gloomy place, he sits up, no shirt, but his scout jacket on, as soon as he turns his head, his eyes widened to see the colossal titan half his face a skeleton head, and half his other side normal, his eyes staring down at him with a tear slipping down, He wakes up and finds himself on top of the wall, muttering a single name " Albert...."
He then noticed someone laying to his right, his face slightly blushed at the girls sleeping self " Latina ..." but she looked so peaceful, hair out slightly messy, he slightly smiled "It hurts..." he gasped slightly and turned his head to the left, seeing Sasha laying beside in bandages
" it hurts so badly..." she muttered in her sleep " wait, are you?..." he then processed her condition " woah. Sasha!" he lifted the blanket and saw the bloody bandage around her "you're in horrible shape. What happened to you?"
"You're up!" He turned around to find Eren running towards him, Armin gasped as Eren ran to hug him. "Armin...I'm so glad you're back..." Eren hugged him tighter. they heard the noise of someone zipping up the walls.
"About time you got up." Levi walking towards them. "Captain..." Armin's voice trailed off. "What happened? I saw Albert transform and my memory is blank from there. Did we fight them off!? Is everyone okay!?" he asked
"It sounds like your recent memory was just wiped out. Eren, tell him everything." Levi said while shooting up his flare, completing ignoring Armin's question.
The others soon gathered around just as Eren finished telling Armin what happened. Armin was left shocked as if he was trying his best to process everything that was just told to him. "Okay...are you up to speed now?" Levi asked "Yeah...we won. Thanks to latina's healing power....everyone was saved... but in the process she collapsed..."
"That's right. The fight ended four hours ago.. regardless there are still people that need to heal..." jean said, as Connie gave Sasha water, Armin continued to recap everything he was told " So, to be clear, we revealed shinganshina gate, securing wall Maria. the beast titan escaped, along with the quadruped. Ryan died but You manage to capture Albert. And then, with both the commander and me wounded, you have to choose which of us to give the injection to... And you did.... I transformed into a titan and killed Albert.... I ate him." He said in shock, He gagged and nearly threw up" here" Jean passed him a water pouch, armin started gulping it down, then He let out a few pants of breath
" Why though? Why'd you pick me? No matter how you look at it, if Latina's power didn't heal him and he still died, commander Erwin The was humanity needed the most." He then turned to levi " captain! Why did you give me the injection?"
"Tch. Hey! I thought I told you to tell him everything, jaeger." Levi delivered a sharp kick towards Eren's back. "There was a short debate. Your friends here argued that you were the one we needed to revive." Both mikasa and eren lowered their heads "And when I disagreed, they stayed a little mutiny." Armin turned to them both " it's true for pernicious as you well." Eren said
" you'll certainly be disciplined for your insubordination. We're getting punished isn't the same as making amends." Hanji said
"I know..."
" thing is. I was the one who chose to revive you in the end. Or no... No one Expected Latina to use the healing incantation... She was lucky to survive it... Any further and she would've died... That's what Donna said anyway..." levi muttered while armin stared shock, turning to the girl beside him, then back at the captain " where is commander Erwin and Donna now?" He asked "
"At the moment, she is treating him down there in one of the tents. He still needs rest along with everyone else down there" hanji gestured to the scouts below, some getting medical attention while some cook something for the still injured " The fact that she managed to pull this off is incredible, but she still injured herself severely, we'll be having to keep an eye on her more often now, so she doesn't pull more stupid stunts " levi states, all stayed quiet for a moment. Until Sasha grunted. "Shut the hell up..." she mumbled. They all looked to her, Hange laughed. "That's our Sasha, she always the type to speak her mind," she continued. "Now that we know armins alright, let's check out that cellar. Eren, Mikasa. You two can come help guide me and Levi there. The rest of you stay and keep an eye out for hostiles from here on the wall."
" right"
"Got it"
the others said. "Eren? Do you still have the key?" Hange asked. Eren gripped onto the key under his shirt. "I do. Let's do this," he replied,
his fathers memory before he left entered his mind, the day the titans attacked, as he left he held up the key "eren. Behave when I'm gone and I'll let you in on what I've been doing in the cellar. Agreed?" Little eren was looking at the door from the trapdoor " eren! How many times hope you're just stay out of there?" Carla scolded him "I don't get why it's such a big deal." Eren says "Because your father keeps his work tools down there. Medicine, too." She said walking back to whatever she was doing "It's dangerous for children" he looked back and closed the trapdoor " fine."
Flashback end
The four then jumped and zipped towards eren and mikasa's house, flashbacks into the mind, like when the colossal titan attacked and what Erwin said in the cells to eren while violet was unconscious "It's why I ask your intentions. They could be the key to turning the tide could save us" he said holding up the key, and at the recruit meeting" Intel suggest that the cellar of jaegers home in shinganshina hold a little secret regarding our enemy. We will form an expedition to find the secret. With that achieved, we may find be able to break free from the Titans, and bring it into the hundred year reign."
Armin watched from the top wall at the four, then looked back at the two girls recovering and the others, Then back down the wall, they landed and rushed over to where they were going, slowing down and walking, they looked around at the destruction, then at eren " well take us to your house." Levi said
" yeah. Right" eren started walking to their home, mikasa and the other two following, The two pictured everything as it was before when they were kids, running through the streets that were once full of people, and a marketplace, when I looked at it as it was now, was abandoned and in ruins, They also came across the square, where they remembered Mr hannes drinking with three other garrison soldiers, they continued walking till they Finally reached the ruins of Eren and Mikasa's house " is this the place?" Hanji asked, as eren and mikasa walked in they noticed a shoe on the ground, old with dried blood, his mothers shoe...he then remembered his father
his father was reading a newspaper, while eren was behind him " hey dad! When'll you show me what's in the cellar?" His dad smiled turning from his news paper " well, perhaps when you've realised the most important thing of all." He then remembered his mother hanging laundry
Flashback end
"Luckily for us, the fires burnt out before they got this far." Hanji said, looking around the destroyed house, looking for the Cellar door, she didn't look to eren and mikasa moving damaged plates and cups, along with a small fork, spoon and kettle, when eren picked up one cup he was thinking about something, We go to noticed to continue to moving things out of the way, after some time they finally were able to find the cellar door, eren looked to mikasa and nodded "This is it. The stairs to the cellar are beneath this door." Eren said to levi
" alright" the four use a wooden beam To move the rock out of the way along, Eventually they finally moved it, eren brushing small rubble out of the way, finding the little metal rod and, Eren opened the door to reveal a long stairway to the dark, Hange shines her light down the dark space. "That's a relief. I was worried it might have flooded by now." They all walked our way down the steps and arrived at a large door. Which of course was locked. "Do it eren." Levi said, Eren nodded" right "he tried to fit his key into the lock, which didn't seem to do anything, he gasped "What's wrong?" Mikasa asked " hurry it up" levi says "I can't. The key... It doesn't go to this door" eren says
"What?" Hanji questoned "That doesn't make sense. I'm sure it's the Key dr jaeger had." Mikasa says
"Step aside. I'll open it." Levi roughly pushed Eren aside and lifted up his foot. "Wait...what!?" Hange asked. With a loud grunt, Levi cracked the door open. We all stared in surprise."That'll do it," Hange said. Levi opened the door and everyone walked arrived inside.
The place looked like a regular doctor's study " it almost feels like a laboratory down here." Hanji said
" my dad was a doctor. So he was always cooped up down here mixing medicines." Eren explains "That makes sense." Hanji holds up a small bottle "Actually, if we assume that all of this is labelled accurately, most of it seems to be widely available" she puts the bottle down" and all of the books on hand relate to medicine. This looks like a normal doctors study." She says, looking over at Levi, who was looking through one of dr jaegers books " It isn't a single thing here that would rouse my suspicion, as I'm sure your father intended." She finishes "Right. If you wanna hide something from the interior police, do you want to be sure not to give them any leads." Levi says, places some items down in terms of the others" hey. Don't just stand there, get to work. Erwins hunches Are rarely wrong." He says both mikasa and eren nod " right."
They are split up around the room searching for anything that would seem important, going as far as picking up books from the shelf shaking them to find anything to fall out searching through the drawers, as mikasa Picked up a book on the table she knocked over a cup, she recognised it, as she had given it to Dr Yeager one night when he went into the cellar "thanks for the drink mikasa, looks like another all nighter." She smiled At the memory, She bent down to pick up the cup, then noticed the keyhole on the side of the desk " eren" both the men and hanji turned to her "Look. I found a key hole." They all gathered around the location Mikasa found and Eren used his key " trying it" hanji said, eren nodded and inserted the key, it fits perfectly " that got it."Eren opened the find nothing "It's empty?" He exclaimed "Look closer. It's a fake bottom." Levi took off the fake cover with no problems. There we found a couple of books on the inside, along with some cloth, hanji inspected the cloth. " the cloth Smells like peppermint oil and charcoal. Guess he was using these to ward off moisture and bugs." Hange explained " if what we were looking for exists, then we found it." Levi said. Eren was the first to place his hand on it and it began to shake as he couldn't bring himself to open it. "After all this time, Dad might finally explain himself."
Mikasa placed her hand on top of his. He looked at her and gave him a determined look along with a nod. He nodded back and together, the three of us opened. There on the first page laid a photo of a family.
Back at the walls
"Then he raised his hand and asked the strangest question. "How can we be sure there aren't other humans living far away from the walls? "His thinking was that since we've never been able to search really be on the walls, we had no way of confirming that the rest of humanity has been wiped out by Titans completely." Nile said, to premiere Zachary, commander pixis, Another garrison commander and another MP commander
They were both eating with their friend victor in the cadet corps, Erwin then said as Nile continued eating " and yet, that's exactly what our historians would claim." Young erwin said " hmm?" Nile looked up from his food, while victor looked confused " Think. If our history books would claim to be unbiased, the phrasing should be its believed that the rest of mankind was killed." He stated " if I'm being honest, I feel like you're just splitting hairs here." Nile said
" Im not!" He exclaimed. "This was a deliberate choice they made! These books, commissioned and issued by the Royal government itself. Get it? Their intent to make us believe were the only humans left"
" maybe they just assumed. Aren't you reading a little too far into this?" He said, he then noticed victor clenching on his spoon in His memory
Flashback end
" back then I made fun of his theory, but he may have been right... even if we found out later on that victor wasn't even from the walls, he couldn't even remember who he was " Nile said sadly " if he is, you're just have to apologise to him. "Premier Zachary said, pixis sighed and said, Looking out the window "Look there." They all saw that it was getting brighter outside "The Sun's rising. Our heroes are going to return, it should be soon." Just so he said that, The girl Garrison member came running in the room " um! Pardon! But the scouts came back a moment ago! They did it! They reclaimed wall Maria!" She exclaimed while everyone just stared shocked
They all made it back to the Wall Rose and the whole town celebrated upon hearing the news that they retook Wall Maria, just like Ymir was once they were brought back, Because Latina hadn't woken yet, she was resting on a stretcher, because Latina hadn't awoken yet, she was resting on a stretcher, Erwin was awake, standing next to his fiancé who supported him, hanji and Levi had informed them of their discovery, Along with what they found which they were going to share with them later on, While everyone looked down at all the people below,eren was holding the three books
"Is this...a painting?" Eren asked. It looked way to detailed to be a painting. "Let me look closer." Hange took the picture. "No...this is far too detailed to have been drawn by a human hand."
"Hey, there's writing on the back." Mikasa pointed out. "This is no illustration. It was made by gathering the light reflected off the subject. And burning it into an image on special paper..."Hange continued to read on "Looks quite nice, right? Where I'm from, there are many amazing technologies like this. Mankind isn't gone. Beyond the walls, other humans live in comforttable refinement. I pray the person who finds this book will be a fellow Patriot." her eye widened when She read the bottom " look in the book to find the second picture" they did so and found a picture which had a king, a queen and their two sons, one in particular looked familiar "Hey, does this one look familiar?" Hanji showed the pic to levi " it's Victor, and I'm guessing the other little boy is his brother" he says " there's something on the back of that picture too mikasa pointed out, hanji turned the picture round and read what was written "To restore the peace as it once was before" hanji eyes widened and she continued reading "...Find the Romanoff... They will bring back peace once more." She finished while all eyes widened
Sorry this one was short but I'll try to improve it in the next chapter
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