Battle to seal the breach

He quickly turns to Pixis, announcing his final answer."I'll do it.I'll do it! I don't know if I can seal that hole. But...I'll do it!" He narrows his eyes " I will, I swear"

" well if he's willing to then I'm in" Latina lifts herself up from where she sat, the rest of the powered teens looked surprised, then drake sits up slightly from the mat

" alright if that's how you feel" he said " drake your still weak" Mikasa stated

" yeah well I'll recharge before I jump into the fight" he replies, guess Grayson gave in "well if my bros in then so am I, someone's gotta deal with his clumsy side!" He smirks " hey!" Drake growled, Latina, zane and armin just smiled sheepishly, even Mikasa had a small smile" then I'm in as well!" Zane joined,

Pixis hums with approval and places both hands on both of Eren's shoulders, " excellently said. You all have the heart of a lion." He picks himself up and walks over behind Eren. He raises his hand in the air, cupping his mouth, "Staff Officers hup! We have a plan to flesh out!"Armin gave a start. "Wait, we- we can't actually be moving forward with this strategy!? It was something I just tossed out there!" Armin exclaimed."I was thinking the same thing. 'Cept, he seems like a guy who knows what he's doing. Has it all under control like we can't see the forest for the trees but he has birds eye view." Eren said thoughtfully"You think so?" Armin asked"I do. Either way though we've got a whole other problem we need to address before we can get your plan off the ground. And my gut tells me that the commanders keenly aware of it."

"Which would be...?"

"Titans, Aren't our only foe," Eren answered."Look sharp soldiers!" Pixus said. We turned to see soldiers and Pixus looking at us. "The fate of man kind rests on your shoulders."

Below the four and Commander Pixis, soldiers whisper to one another, "Retake Trost? Are they kidding?!" One says, "Someone up top's lost their marbles, how'd they expect us to shore up the hole?!" Another exclaimed " Is the brass that out of touch? It's a dumb suicide mission!" "Lost cause, no doubt, defeanding wall rose is the only real option here!"

"Jackasses some bureaucrats Pushing this through for the glory?" The daz was next to Marco, whimpering, "i can't- I can't go back..." He clutches the side of his head and screams, "we'll die! We're all going to die! I just want to see my family!" Marco ushers him, "what the hell daz! calm down!" A soldier turns at their outburst and yells, "stop shaking like a snivelling coward! Are you trying to give me the impression you're a liability?!"

He looks up at him and blurts, "Sir, please! Look at us.we are being marched to an early grave like lambs to the slaughter!" The soldier has his hands placed on his blades, "You too good to sacrifice yourself for the good of humanity soldier? Or do you prefer I cut you down right now as an example to your comrades?" Daz goes and brings out his blades, " do what you Gotta do.I'll take it over being fed to A titan like human candy any day! "

Marco grabs his shoulders while Daz starts sobbing, "get a hold of yourself!" "Let's go of me! Let go! I'm not going back to that nightmare!" At this, people start to get worried and afraid. Jean sweats, looking around him, to see people murmuring, yet again, " you hear that?"

"Not gonna lie, he's got a point." One male said "So,uh..who doYou thinks going to have a nervous breakdown next?" "I dunno. But trost isn't the way I want to go...""Come again?!" Two girl soldiers flinch and turn, "Uh. I was just kidding around sir!"

The soldier leans closer to her, "speak up!" " what?!" " at the top of your lungs. Make as much noise as you can, Cadets you think everyone else Doesn't feel the same way about the stupid idea as you do? No stir up a dumb distraction So I can get out of here!" It felt the time for Jean to intervene, "and where exactly to you think " out of here" is?"

"Look man, I just want to see my daughter! We are all dead anyway, right?"


Back at the wall, Pixis, Eren and the gang were walking as Pixis tells them, "It's thought by many that before the Titans held sway, mankind consisted of schools are different races, different creeds, all Scratching and biting at each other for's not difficult to believe that second part.some wise man Or other is reputed to have said, so understand I am paraphrasing here, that humanity required an enemy greater than itself just to survive, Do you suppose he could have meant? "This is the first time I've ever heard it, sir.I guess... He thought we'd all join forces?" Eren guesses, "some wise man." Pixis lets out a laugh, the others too, and looks over his shoulder, "I like the way your mind works, you're almost as twisted and cynical as me"

" well, it's obvious to me the guy didn't have a clue what he was talking about.come we are with an enemy "greater than others "bearing down and looking at us."

" Exactly .if our species doesn't pull it together soon, Titans will be merrily the instrument of our demise, not the cause" the commander said, They then encountered Hannes' group, to which he turns and looks at the brown-haired boy, "Eren?"

His attention averts to Hannes, "well I'll be damned..." He smiled, then raises a brow, to see Eren pointing at the ground, with a look on his face

, 'wait, what? Is he?' He then under stood 'That little punk is telling me to get back to least I can assume mikasa and armin are alright judging by his attitude.still though, why in gods name is he with the commander? And why are his new friends as well?' He ponders as he watches them walk away.Pixis digs inside his coat and brings out his flask, taking a sip. He turns over to Eren and the group, and hands his flask to him, "care for a swig?" He reluctantly takes ahold of it, " Uh...yes sir." He goes to chug it down, but stops, realizing it wasn't water but instead, wine.

The group laughed when eren spat out the wine

" oh~alright! If you think it's so funny Then you taste it!" He shoved it towards Grayson" oh hell no!" He ran and hid behind drake

" Grayson! stop using me as a human shield!" He yelled

" don't even think about it!"Zane warned when eren retried to make him drink it" judging by your reaction was all I needed to see! "

Latina just giggled " give it here" she took it from eren hand, to his surprise with a blush when his hand brushed against hers, she took a sip, tasting the The remaining residue, then returning the flask to the commander" it's pretty good considering was wasn't aged for too long" she smiled

Commander Pyxis chuckled " I see you can hold your alcohol! the man that claims you as his wife will be a lucky one indeed! " a small blush appeared on her face with a small smile, not noticing eren attempting to hold her hand," I see that eren" he stiffened when he heard Grayson voiced and turned to see him smirking " w-what?!" He whispered, Grayson Pulled him back

" I get you have a thing for her, but I gotta know something for sure, if you really love her, you gotta promise it's for her being her, all her life she's been afraid of people because of those powers, so I gotta know, do you see her as a person or a monster?" Eren looked surprised at those words " what are you saying, of course I see her as a person!" Grayson smiled proudly " approved" he said." what?"

" you don't see her as a monster, then I approve, try and win her heart" he said, running to catch up to the others " wait what's that supposed to mean?!" Eren yelled " I'm one of her best friend!" Grayson laughed " what are you two yelling for!?" Drake yelled the rest turning round " nothing!" Both answered

Time skip

"If your gonna Kill me! Just do it and get it over with!" Daz wailed "Shut up! Don't think I won't!"  Many people yell at each other as Commander Pixis looks down at them, along with Eren, who stands straight. He clears his throat and announces, "Attention!" Everyone stops their bickering and look up,

"take note.the blueprint of the trost recovery operation is this.our primary objective is to reseal the whole.yes, you heard right.What's more it will be done manually!" Everyone stares with their mouths hanging. Marco mutters in utter confusion, "what? That's impossible.we just don't have the tech."His answer soon gets replied, "As for how the task will be done,That's where these fellows come in," He extends his arm, cueing for Eren and the gang to step forward for the crowd to see, "allow me to introduce, cadets eren jaeger! Latina sanders! Drake Adams! Zane Carter! And Grayson Rodgers!" They salute, making everyone even more surprised, especially their friends, "wha-what the hell?!" Connie exclaims.  "Don't let appearances deceive you.these young Cadets are the successful product of cutting edge science! Fantastic as this may sound, cadet jaeger... Possesses the ability to fabricate and control a titan body, and as for the rest of these cadets have powers that no one else can imagine!" Connie tenses up and turns to Ymir, "Uh. Somebody tell me the commanders of his rocker, because otherwise I'm just too thick to get what he means?"  "Will you just shut up and pay attention? Idiot." 

"Recall the massive boulder roughly a league from the gate! Have been assumed titan form,cadet jaeger will Hoist said boulder on his back, Schep it to the hole, and voila! And this is where you all and these cadets come in!" Pixis explains to the crowd "Your job will be to defend him. Yes defend a titan against his own kind!"

"What do you mean we aren't supposed to fight them?" Gustav asked"There's an easier way. I'm sorry, I know it's not my place  to interrupt, I mean no disrespect.""It's alright, just go on with what you were saying,""Right, thank you sir. See, whatever else is going on around them, Titans are generally drawn to large groups of people. If enough of us collected in a corner, we could lure the Titans out Eren's path. He could be  discrete about moving the boulder! He also won't have to slow his pace. While we fight the others off of him,  since the Titans will all be in one area we can pick them off via cannon fire without incurring Casualties of our own!  Now I'm not saying we leave Eren defenceless, that'd be too risky. We'll need a modest band of elites to act as his body guards with the others, There's no way of knowing how many titans might come through the hole while he's trying to patch it up. His Security detail will need to be able to handle them" armin finishes" Easy enough, I think. We can retool the plan around that."

"The thing is, we are making a huge assumption here.namely that Aaron even in full on titan mode is strong enough to move the rock I need to be perfectly honest there is very little reason for us to suppose he can.I have my doubts.serious ones!" Armin insisted"As do I. Sending people to their deaths on a whim isn't a tactic I'm fond of. Uncertainties killed too many already. But the commanders right, we must do this!""Agreed!" Said Rheinberger. "We're working against the clock here. Titans are still lumbering into Trost as we speak. There already may be more than we can handle and frankly the longer we wait the worse of our chances of success become,""and it goes without saying, the better our chances The bus through wall rose and wreak untold havoc."
" there is something else, too" the two turned to her "even the bravest of us can't indefinitely bottle of beer.not love or something gives"

People continue to mumble at the plan, thinking it was a terrible, but yet insane " The kid can lift a rock that big? And do those kids actually have powers? Is this real? Is he saying we finally have an advantage?"

"They're lying! I'm not gonna be drawn into sacrificing myself for this crap!"Daz screams at the Commander from afar, "We are just disposable tools to you people! You expect us to live and die by whatever the hell comes out of your mouth!"

Sasha shakes as she proceeds to hear the bickering.  " you mean their human weapons?" "C'mon. Obviously full of it!"

"We are being played!"  "This is not how I am going out.good luck to the rest of you!" The Garrison member takes his leave, which eventually leads the two girls after him. Eventually, almost everyone started to run away as some stayed determined. Daz continues to speed away before feeling a hand on his shoulder

"So help me God, execute you on the spot!" He elbows him back and screeches, "to hell with you! My family get the time I have left!" With that, he leaves.  Commander Felman watches as everyone parts away, "This is getting out of hand." The squad leader states, "I know.if we don't act now, the whole thing'll breakdown." Felman grunts and turns to the cowards, shouting, "Traitors! I'll kill you where you stand?!" He swiftly goes and brings out his blade, "desertion is answered by death!"As Commander Pixis watches, he screams at everyone, Latina has enough and walked to the edge of the wall, turning her back and putting her arms out

" what the he'll is she doing?!" One soldier pointed towards the redhead " is she crazy she'll die!" And with that Latina leaned back and stared falling, the crowd gasped and some screamed, but she with an determined face ' now!' Just before she hit the ground, to everyone's surprise, she was floating, still in a star shape, looking at the sky, as if she was floating on water " what the hell?..." Connie whispered, she just floated back up again, back next to eren and saluted again

"Anyone wishing to leave will by my personal order Not be charged with treason!" Woerman gasps in disbelief while Eren eyed Pixis, "those who have a seen a titan firsthand will not be expected to revisit such horror again! whomever this applies to, you may live with my blessing.!" Daz remembered his commands deaths " additionally, anyone with family or loved ones, they would spare from the same trauma may also leave" Sasha tilted her head up, probably thinking about her family " The crown will continue to recognise your service.thank you and good luck!"

The soldier stops moving as he thinks about his daughter, how she might get eaten because he couldn't save her, "I couldn't live with daughters my all!" He turns back around with a firm look, 'daddys coming sweetheart. Don't worry!'

" now, think back four years ago.namely, the operation to retake wall Maria, I bring it up because you all deserve to have your suspicions confirmed.officially, we labelled it reconnaissance, but in fact, As most of you probably know, it was little more than a purge, a thinly disguised exercise in population control.we knew this in our hearts, of course we did.yet we turned a blind eye"armin thought about his grandfather, leaving, placing his hat on his head

" because the depths of our fellow human beings allowed us to survive.pure and simple. ,"The guilt is ours. We share the blame. All of us. The citizens of Wall Maria sustained themselves on the whole sale slaughter of the refugees who had flown to us for help. But turn about is fair play is it not! If Wall Maria succumbs the population will fall by a whole other wall of magnitude. The lands surprisingly Wall Sina won't support half the people now living. If we're wiped off the face of the Earth the culprits will not have been the Titans Let me assure you. No no! We'll have done it to ourselves!"Pixis brings his arms out from behind and opens them to everyone "If the line isn't drawn now it won't be drawn it all. IF WE MUST DIE, LET US DIE HERE!!" Everybody just stares in shock and silence as Eren starts to think to himself.  'I don't know if I'll actually be strong enough in toys and form to lift that rock in the first place.but, I'm sure as hell going to try.maybe this is naive maybe we are running on false hope but so what? I have to power through for them.for all of us. my duty, is to make a false hope real'

Latina too was staring towards the commander, then stared down towards the crowd ' this time, we're gonna use what we were given, I won't let hope die'

Time skip

"I'm so sorry guys." Armin said sadly. "I was just talking out of my head. It wasn't my intention to pull you all into this."

"Stop apologising!" Eren insisted. "The fact is you have a gift for strategy and you know it. I believe in you Armin."drake smiled "Eren." Mikasa said. "I really think that I sh-""Your not coming with me. Your on the decoy squad, period."

"No way! I'm not leaving you alone! I won't take another cha-""Knock it the hell off! Get it through your head that I'm not your responsibility! Your not my mother!"

"WHAT did i say?!" Latina said angrily reminding them not to argue, making them flinch

"What if one off you dies!? The last thing you did with the other was fight! I know what that feels like, so don't leave off like this! Apologise! Both of you!" She snapped, Both Eren and Mikasa looked at her before looking at each other. They came to a mutual understanding and nodded

."Ackerman!" A soldier called. "I want you on the squad that will be providing Yeager back up." Mikasa looked up happily. "You too Sanders!. We'll need your skills. Hop too, let's get this started"latina turned to Armin."Be safe!" She pleaded

"Always. You keep safe too." He said back." I'll do my best." The group then started running in different directions 'See ya Armin, don't die on me.' Eren said.' You either,'he said earnestly. Eren, Mikasa, Latina, drake, Grayson and zane, turned and jogged away, leaving Armin to head to where he needed to be.

"Let's get this straight, right now." The leader Ian said. "Whatever you all are, all I care about is getting that rock in place. Can we count on you?"

"Yes sir, I won't let you down!" Eren replied."Your absolutely sure you'll be alright  to do this?" Mikasa asked"I got it!" Eren said firmly."Seriously?" She said."How many time do I have to say it? You Just go do your job and I'll do mine!"

"Look, now's not the time to be playing house!" Rico snapped, appearing beside Eren.

"Come on, it isn't like that!" Eren insisted."I'm gonna say what we're all thinking here. The fact that the fate of man kind depends on a little brats like you doesn't make me hopeful." Meetabe said. Mikasa just glares at him."All of you stop it now!" Ian said. "We're about to be in range with the giant bolder. I'm not seeing any titans nearby. The decoy strategy must be doing its trick." Latina looked over to where about 60+ Titans were gathered 'Good luck' she thought.

She thought that distantly She saw a speck of blonde on the wall continued to focused on the task at hand.

There was plenty of time to fear for Armins and the others safety later.

She heard Rico say something to Eren but did closed her mind to her accusations, she needed to focus

"This is the place, let's do it!" Ian called.

They all jumped. Rico fired off a green shot. It was time, the group all fired their arrows and almost seemed to fly over the buildings. Then, as Eren seemed to drift over the building, he bit down on his hand. There was a flash of yellow light and a loud blast. Eren had transformed. He stood, a full 15 meter brute, screaming over the bolder. Lethal, dangerous, terrifying. But under that flesh was Still him

He's got this.Then, all of a sudden, Eren turned and looked dead straight at Mikasa. He lifted his fist at where she was, quickly drake tackled her " mikasa!" Eren and punched where she once stood."MIKASA!! DRAKE!!" Latina shrieked.

the two speed across the roof and drake went head first into a tower " drake!" Mikasa shrieked

Latina flew towards them, As Eren pulled back to hit them again " Ackerman! Adams! Look out!" Ian yelled, mikasa jumped, pulling drake with her and landed on another building.

Latina changed course and landed on Eren's face. She gripped his hair and stared into his murderous, burning green eyes."Eren!" She shrieked. "It's Latina!! Look at me!! Open your eyes!! Your not a Titan, your a human!!I know your in there somewhere!! I know you can see me!! Eren!!"

Rico sent off a red flare as Ian yelled, "sanders!, get away from it! That's an order!!" "We need to seal the breach so snap the hell out of it!! How many people do you want to die before you wake!!!! EREN!! YOU'RE HUMAN!!" She screamed

out of the corner of her eye she saw Eren's hand clench.Tears in her eyes, She leapt back and watched as Eren pounded his fist into his face, knocking himself out. He dropped to the floor in a sitting position. "What the hell?!" Meetabe yelled ."Your telling me the kid was just a normal Titan all along!"

"Eren!!" Drake yelled, grunting in pain ."Heads up!!" Someone called overhead. "We've two titans bearing in on us from the front!! A 10m and a 6m coming in, and a 12 closing in on the rear."

"Ian! That's it! Look at him!" Meetabe insisted.

"We need to get out of here, the plans a bust!"

"Agreed!" Said Rico. "Full withdraw. We have to leave him as he is"Mikasa and Latina, plus drake against the wall injured, swung around to face them, rage glinting in their eyes

."Ian, snap out of it! What are you waiting for? Hey, it's not like this is your fault! This plan was doomed from the start! Was it worth a shot, sure! We did the best with what we had! But all we've got left now is going back over the wall," and with that Meetabe turned to leave.Mikasa rushed forward with her blades but Ian held out his arm. "Stop! Easy. Now's not the time. Rico! Take out the titan that's coming from behind. Meetabe and I will handle the two front runners!"

"What, are you nuts!" Thundered Rico."Hey, I'm the one in charge! Now do as your ordered soldier! We are not leaving Yeager defenceless, period! Change of plans. Our priority now is to keep the others off him until he can recover. Whether we like it our not, he's our last best chance. We're not about to abandon him. We're expendable, he's not. He can't just be replaced."

"Please, don't talk to me about our last best chance. He's a failure countless soldiers have died because of! Just look at him! Is it worth more people dying for that?"

"Yes, down to the very last man. If that's what it takes so be it!"

"You can't be serious Ian!!??"

"What other hope against the Titans do we have?! You know something I don't?! This is it! This is all we've got and you damn well know it! I'm making a judgement call here and if you have a better plan, then speak up! How else are we ever gonna get out from under their feet?! I'm all ears here?!"

"If your asking me how else we'll defeat the Titans then obviously I have no idea."

"See that's why we can't afford to retreat. Not just yet. We may not know what else is in their, but there's hope. And as long as that's the case, we're gonna fight to the bitter end."

"Look at us, always scraping by, always on the run. Don't you.. don't you want it to be over? Don't you want to make a stand? Well this is how it's done."He paused

."This is just, this is madness!" Rico turned to leave."Hey!"

"I think you're right. If we're to stand this is the only way. Just this once, let's fight a fight that's just not about fighting. Let the bastards taste humanities wrath! Right, my team will address the 12m Titan on the rear."

"Well, are we taking the two titans from the front or what?" Meetabe called to Ian before taking off."Thank you captain, that was brave," said Mikasa."No it wasn't. No thanks needed. The fact of the matter was that I was petrified of the mess you were about to get into. But your free now, so do your thing. Make use of that inborn thing."

"Sir" both girls saluted"Go help man you love" Latina looked confused over Mikasa's face she looked red."It's not like that!" She called after him ' wonder who he's referring to?' not understanding it wasn't for a boy

"It's not regenerating!" Latina cried. She followed Mikasa. She slayed a Titan that will giving Jean's group some trouble.

They must've been assigned to protect Eren too. Latina landed on the roof next to her.

"Hey guys!" She said shortly before checking over her shoulder at Eren. "Behind us!" Someone yelled

. "A 13m!! And by the looks of it he's about to pounce on Yeager!"she gasped. They were right."Heads up! We got 4 more heading in from the gate, all of them 10m at least."

"I've got the one on Eren!" Latina called. "I'll try to help with the others after Sir!"

"Right! Ackerman, go with her!!" She leapt after the Titan. Latina charged forward, the titan noticed her and tried to swat her , but used her flight power, she ducked under its arm, before she hit the building, she pressed her hands and feet against it, then pushed with full force, towards the titans nape, and sliced it with her sword."Clear!" She yelled

"Latina! Mikasa!!"she turned sharply. Armin was standing on Eren's nape."Armin!!" she called out to him "Why'd the plan go belly up?!!! Why on earth is he just slumped here like this?!?!" He questioned

"He almost killed Mikasa and Drake!! Get away from him, he lost control!! He knocked himself out when he went to hit me!! He's been like that for the past few minutes!!!" Latina yelled.

"He went into a rampage after transforming and knocked himself out! We can't get him to wake up or respond!"mikasa added

Meanwhile, their friends were out there fighting for their lives "But the plan-!!"Really?!

"We had to shift tack!! All we can do is protect him, he's defenceless!! There's to many!! I don't know if we can do this!!"-armin gasped and looked down a Eren's body. He took out his sword

"Armin! You are one of the smartest people I know, if you have an idea then go for it, we'll cover you" Latina yells, he then spoke "From the back of the head to the nape of the neck, one meter high and ten centimetres across!" Armin lifted his sword.Just one. After all... pain is the greatest motivator,  Armin plunged his sword into the nape "Armin!" The Titan gave a hug roar and lifted his head, Latina just stared in absolute shock

"ARMIN!!" She shrieked. It struggled around, limbs flailing " get out of there!!" She yelled."I'm fine! Just do your best to keep the titans at bay!! Trust me, there's lots of people you should be worried about! Now leave Eren to me and go do what you do best!!" Armin yelled back, hanging on for dear life. "

"Latina please stay with armin! And protect eren!" Mikasa begged " I will just take care of drake" she nodded and helped pick drake up and carry him off


Soldiers scream in agony as they get eaten by Titans. Jean runs on the ground, along with Annie and Connie, "I guess we'd better move on our own now!"  Along with this, Mikasa runs about on the roof until she notices a Titan picking up one of the soldiers.

She looks away, not wanting to witness the murder, but Ian makes it on time and kills the Titan where it stands. The soldier crawls away with fear as Mitabi yells, "Take that, you piece of shit!"  They gasp though when they see a Titan swinging its hand to them.

They dodge as fast as they can, rolling around on the brick roofs, "Keep your distance!" He screams at his squad.  "Ackerman reporting in!" Ian's attention goes to Mikasa as she runs along the roofs, "I'll join Mitabi's squad!" She quickly states while Ian questions, "Where's sanders?!" 

"She decided to stay close to Eren if any Titans come by!" As she paced her words, she jumps off the roof and begins to kill the Titans that get in her way.

Meanwhile, a Titan tries to swoop down and grab Connie, but he jumps away from its hand on time. He tries to attach himself to one of the buildings, but it bounces off, causing Connie to panic. He quickly turns to see the Titan kneeling down, about to grab him, but a small cut on its hand causes it to look behind him, which turned out to be Jean.  "Jean!"

"Hurry the hell up!"  Jean then goes into a sprint as the pavement behind him gets crushed by the Titan's hand. 'I've had enough of people dying on my account!' The Titan slowly looks over at him and tries to walk over, but its hand is stuck.

Jean sees this and smirks as he tries to zoom off, but he doesn't.  Confused, he rapidly presses the button, but it doesn't respond, "Shit, it just had to break right now?!" He tries again and again until he heard giant footsteps approaching.

He turns around to see another Titan trying to grab him, but he dodges it and runs. As he does this, Annie and Connie get themselves on top of the walls while Connie screams, "Jean!" His eyes follow to his friend and stares with wide eyes, " Why the hell isn't he using his Gear?" His eyes widen more, quickly turning to Annie, "hold on! Don't tell me its not working!"  Jean continues to run as fast as he can, yelling to himself, "I'm not going to die today!"He yelled

Back with armin and violet

they desperately plea to Eren, trying to get him to get up, "Eren! Eren! Weren't the two us wanted to go explore the outside world?" Armin reminds him as Eren widens his eyes from his dreamscape.

Latina remembered something her cousin once told her, and decided to help and add it in, "Far, far beyond these walls...To the burning water and the land of ice. To the snowfields of sand."  Armin looked surprised that she knew this

' how does she know?' but finished the rest " To that world, my parents were always hoping to see..." Armin says, "We thought you'd forgotten about it, but you'd just stopped bringing it up because you didn't want us to join the Recon Corps."  Eren just stares off, remembering, "The outside world..." He stands up, causing his blanket to fall on the ground, "Eren, answer us!" Latina yelled, "Even though you knew hell was raging outside the walls...Even though we might end up dying horrible deaths like our parents...Why did you ever want to see the outside world?"  He looks between the two with jagged brows, "Why, you ask? Isn't it obvious? Because I was born to this world!" He shouts as flames burst in, erasing the past he was living in. Steam began pouring out of Eren's Titan body as his green piercing eyes glowed again, then let out a roar" eren!" The exclaimed in joy

Back to jean

Jean had his back against a wall, hiding in the house he had ducked into " way to go. Draggin everybody down. Great job" He glances out the window to see the Titan from earlier walking around. He averts his eyes to Maneuver Gear on half of a dead person's body. It didn't seem damaged as he gasps, turning away from the window. "Maybe I won't die today" he muttered to himself, after the Titan walked away

Jean ran out and tried to scavenge some gear from a body" if I wait for the all clear I'll never make it out alive! I've got to do something!" Meanwhile connie and Annie watched in shock from up top " Jean!" Connie called out but he continued messing with the gear " his gear is busted!" Marco walks over " what's happening?!" He looked down and noticed Jean " jean look out!"Marco flying past the Titan's face, distracting it, "Marco, what are hell are you doing?!" He lands on the ground and runs off, letting the Titan chase him. Jean goes back on pulling the gear off of the body 'till finally, it does.

Connie comes flying down, landing on a roof, "crap! why are you Gotta be the hero?!" Eventually, Annie joins him

With zane

"AHHHHHHH"A man was being lifted into a Titans mouth. Zane leapt off the roof and went into the war zone. shot the nape and two slashes later it was dead. And caught the man and dumped him on a roof. "Stop screaming and help damn it! You're safe now!" Zane said sharply and took off. His saw friends were out numbered. Connie was about to be caught by a 7 meter ."Connie!!" Zane shrieked. "Bugger off my friend!!"He flew in front of its face and it changed targets."Run Connie damn it!! Run!!"Out of nowhere, the Titan grabbed zane."Zane!!" Connie yelled

"NOT TODAY!!"he gave a piercing cry, burst of its grip, connie gasped, zane then jumped and hooked its back, and sliced its nape, The Titan dropped to its knees and its blood splattered on his face.

Finally, he got it off and put it on, leaping forward past a Titan. He went to go farther but then he collapsed" what?! You've got to be kidding me! Why's the trigger so stiff?!" A titan starts closing in on him,."Jean!" Connie and zane yelled.

Connie tried to kill the titan but flew smack into the titans head " ow!"and flopped onto a rooftop. Zane tried to hold his, snorted despite the terror of the situation."Are you insane?!"

"What are you waiting for?! Get out of there!!"The Titans hand came smashing down next to Connie as he dodged it narrowly. Zane darted across to the nape of the Titan and slashed a larger then necessary cut.

Jean flew away from it, glancing behind him before turning back to the front, coming face to face with a Titan.

Time seemed to slow down. It was almost flying diagonally towards him, its body in the air, Jean aiming straight for its gaping mouth.

Zane gasped.The next second, Annie was on its chin

pressing it down to the floor. With me on his tail, Jean shot across to the wall. Connie, Annie, Marco and Zane landed next to him."You idiots got a death wish?!" Jean snapped."Don't even start man!" Marco said."Yeah, you scared the hell out of me!" Yelled Connie

" scared all of us!." Zane corrected

.Annie turned and faced back towards Trost."Well I'll be damned," she muttered.We all turned and looked.Eren. He was up!! He was alive!




. Eren's footsteps were all they could hear. And Eren holding the bolder was all they wanted to see. And it was. His head was almost bent down to his neck. He looked like he was struggling. But he was doing it! His burning green eyes were flaming with determination. " eren" mikasa smiled

"Mikasa!" Armin called. "Armin!" He landed near his friends."He came out of it somehow!" Armin cried. "We're set, he's determined to see the mission through to the end! As long as we've got his back as he goes to the wall, victory will be ours!" He exclaimed.

"DEFEND HIM!!" Ian ordered. "DOWN TO THE LAST MAN IF THATS WHAT IT COMES TOO!! EREN MUST REACH THE GATE!! I DONT WANT A SINGLE TITAN ANYWHERE NEAR HIM!!" Ean turned to Mikasa, Armin and " it looks like we're back on! Focus on keeping eren safe!" Jean ordered, him and the others jumped from the wall

"You two, go. I want you with eren immediately! Hop too soldiers, that's an order!!""Sir yes Sir!"Suddenly, team Meetabe was near the approaching Titans."What! Setting foot down there is suicide!! If they get cornered down there there'll be nothing they can do!" Armin exclaimed

"I know," Ian muttered. "Move out,""Come on!" Mikasa said. "We need to go,"The three leapt off the roof towards Eren."Come on eren!!"

" I'm gonna help everyone else" Latina yells, running off " then I will too!" Drake gets up and follows after her

" someone help me!" A Titan had a girl in its hand and raised her up to its mouth, just then someone zoomed in on it, pretty fast, and it got sliced in its nape, the girl screamed when dropped, grunting as she hit the floor, then gasped when she saw the giant ice pike, stabbing the titan thought the nape, its limbs hanging

Drake glared with his frozen hand towards the titan his had killed " chill out already" he then facepalmed " great now I'm doing it!" He growled " hanging out with Grayson for so long, now I'm talking like him!" he groaned running to save other soldiers

Eren's Pov 

'Armin! Mikasa! What are you doing?! Get to the rooftops! You'll be killed!'"Why? Why through caution to the wind and venture outside?"

"We're born free'"AH.. AHH.. AHHHHHHHH" A girl screamed in agony whilst in the grasp of a Titan that was almost about to ripping her apart, if Grayson had not sped in, slashed its nape, then carried the girl to safety.'All of us. Free. Some don't believe it. Some try to take it away. To hell with them. Water like fire. Mountains of ice. The whole bit. Lay your eyes on that, and you'll know what freedom is, that it's worth fighting for. Fight to live. Risk it all for even a glimmer of real freedom. It doesn't matter what's waiting outside the gate, or what comes in. It doesn't matter how cruel the world can be, or how unjust. Fight! Fight! FIGHT!! FIGHT!! FIGHT!!!!'

No pov

Just then A terrified scream was heard, Meetabe was about to be eaten.And Ian was pulling him out....And Ian was taking his place " Ian!" Meetabe yelled, before the titans hand shoved him in to everyone's surprise, it was knocked away, and Ian was thrown to the floor " Ian!" His fringed kneeled next to him " cadet sanders!" Latina was in its Jaw! She grunted Holding it up with all her strength

" get out of their kid!-" he was just off by a snapping sound, she pushed its jaw up with such force it snapped his jaw " wow...."

" keep going!" She yelled, she then grabbed, a single strand of hair from the titans head that dangled in its face, and used it to swing herself to the back of its nape, then punching the nape, with incredible strength it actually burst and stream erupted from the titan as it feel limp to the ground " finish this!" She shouted, the two soldiers stared in amazement

" she's so strong..."

Armin and mikasa continued running toward the hole while eren carried the bolder ."There's still one ahead of us!!" Armin yelled ."ill take care of it!" Mikasa yelled, before She could, Rico jumped in and screeched "OUT OF THE WAY!!" She plunged her sword into its eye and backed off.

The titans hand came down and Misaka leapt through its grasping fingers. Mikasa shot her hooks on its shoulder and skimmed across the ground, rising up at the last second and She gave a long scream as she powered her swords smoothly through its nape, It fell out of Eren's way."GOOOOOOO!!!" Screamed Armin as Eren gave a long screech, and like a football player driving the ball home, he rammed the bolder into place.

Like a clap of thunder, wind rushed everywhere, stirring up the dust like an atomic explosion and Eren fell to the ground in exhaustion.

Latina lands next to Rico, who set off a yellow flare. "He did it, we did it," she whispered " HE DID IT! WE DID IT!" She cheered

"Mind the few stragglers!" Thundered Rico, a few titans were walking towards were eren titan body was. " sanders, pull back!."

"Not without eren!" Latina exclaimed.

  Armin struggling to pull an unconscious Eren out of the body, Grayson was already there, trying to help

."Armin! How is he?!" Mikasa yelled
."Unconscious and scorching to the touch!" He yelled back. "We have to get him up the wall," Grayson yelled "Damn it!" He screeched. "He's fused to the carcass!! We can't work him free!!" Armin exclaimed "Then we cut!" Said Rico deftly. "Wait, you don't know what that might do!!" Gasped Mikasa."She's right though, it's our only option just be careful!" Grayson pleaded


Armin gave a cry as he fell back wards clutching Eren's body. "ARMIN!" Grayson caught him, and looked over the side. Armin was holding Eren, looking with terror at the two 10m Titans in front of him. "NO!!!"Latina screamed, Disregarding her own safety, and well being, she leapt toward the boys and girl slid in front of the them " Latina!"

She yelled in raged "GET AWAY FROM THEM!!!"She raised her hands up, sparks start to fly, she was about to swing her hands forward, when suddenly, with a flash of green and black, a man slashed the titans napes with one fell swipe and landed on their crumpled bodies, her arms just flopped down to her sides, the sparks disperse and she fell on her knees in shock

In front of her on the dead titan, She recognised him. It was Captain Levi."Who's that?!" Asked Mikasa who landed next to me."The Wings..... Of Freedom...." mumbled Eren with effort."Pay attention kiddos," Levi said coldly. "This is the part where you me exactly what it is I'm looking at,"

Latina's vision started becoming hazy " Latina!" Mikasa yelled as she was about to hit her head on the floor, if not for a certain someone hadn't dropped from the titan and caught her in his arms, head landing on his shoulder' so this is the redhead brat donna 's always talking about' he thought, and felt strange when he felt a weirdly thump in his chest

Time skip

Latina started felt her body start to move again, she grunted as she lifted herself from the bed, she was laid on " where am I?..." Her voice groaned " the dungeons" a voice said, startling her, she looked forward and saw two men outside a cell ' commander Erwin?

and captain Levi?'

"You and your friends are currently in the custody of the military police, We were granted permission to see you" she looked around the room and noticed she wasn't the only one in the bed, eren was too, but he was chained up " eren?..." she stared in shock

" we've already talked about him about this" the commander held up his key, certainly notice it wasn't around his neck anymore, she then realised three people were missing " what about-"

"your friends are in the cell next to you, their recovering" the commander said, before she could finish, she sighed in relief " now I'm aware of your so called gifts that you and your friends possess, very surprisingly, many soldiers you all saved pleaded that you and them were not restrained, but of course we had to restrain cadet jaeger" she nodded

" but there's one thing I must know, is your name Latina romanoff? Military police officer romanoffs missing daughter?" Her heart dropped when he said that last name ' he...he knows' her body started shaking

" I see, I understand the situation you are in, but I need you to cooperate I can't help you" the thought of all those memories when she was harmed and abused by the cult come flashing back

"Hey brat, we're waiting" Levi glared through the bars, she just glared up with tears in her eyes "Well excuse me, but it's not like it's easy to talk about the hell I went through okay!" Levi looked surprised by her actions " apologies..." his head lowed, he felt ashamed " apology excepted...and I guess I apologise for snapping..." she lowed her head

"...yes, My names Latina romanoff, I am victor romanoff's daughter" she answered " the first child that went missing during the missing children's case" Levi looked to Erwin

" by any chance, can you remember anything that felt important to you?" Commander asked, violet just shrugged " I used to have these flashes before I was rescued from the cult, I can't remember what it was through" she said " is there anything important you can tells us about them" Levi asked

" all I know is that I was experimented the most out of all the other kids, I don't know why though..." she answered

"hmm...interesting...well" he then pulled out a picture, there was violet, her parents and another girl in the picture " do you recognise this girl" she narrows her eyes at the picture, when all of a sudden she remembered

Flash back

" mama!" Latina ran towards the tree where she reached up for her mother who was drawing under a tree " come here you!" The girl giggled as her mother picked her up then blew razz berries on her cheek, then hugged her close wearing happy smile on her face " boo!" She squealed when she felt someone on her back, and smiled when it was her sister

Another memorie was the little girl was playing with a stuffed bear while her mother was sitting on a chair in the window holding lizzy in her arms, just their father opened and closed the door walking in, Latina's eyes lit up  " daddy!" She rushed to hug him " hey!" He lifted her in his arms hugging her tight with a joyful smile, his wife smiled, walking over to them with lizzy in her arms to joining the Warm embraced

Latina and lizzy were sitting next to their parents in the church as they prayed, eyes closed except for violet, who noticed a strange man staring at her from the corner of the room

Finally when the four started walking home, down a empty street a person stood in front of them, blocking their path " something we can help you with sir?" Just then he pulled out a gun, causing the child's eyes to widen as she heard the screams of her parents,the witnessed their bodies drop to the ground

" lizzy!" Latina tried to reach of for her, but she was pulled back " Latina help me!" She cried

Flashback ends

Her eyes started build up with tears' sister' all those memories started flashing back, one of them reading about the outside world " could I forget..." a small sob escaped her mouth " it's not your fault, they were erasing your memories" Erwin said

" do you. Know where she is?" Latina asked desperately

" I spoke with Donna, she said she might have an idea of her whereabouts along with others, but she's making sure, we'll let you know, we promise" Erwin finished, she nodded

" thank you" she bowed her head " now the next question is what are your intentions?" violet looked at the commander in confusion " my intentions?"

" we plan to reach jaegers Basement back in shiganshina, and uncover the secrets of the Titans, but to do that we'll need your powers along with your friends and his to seal the gate as well. the five of you combined could save the entire human race, so cadet romanoff, what'll it be? The decision is yours to make" Latina's bands hide her eyes, but looked back up with determination

" my goal?....from the beginning has always been to join the scouts and save humanity, sir!" She answered, the commander smiled

" good answer cadet, congratulations you are now a member of the scouts and squad Levi, let's see if your powers along with your friends will be enough" he said

As soon as they left, Latina lay back down, staring up at the ceiling ' wow, didn't expect any of this' she then glanced at eren sleeping face ' don't worry eren, I won't let them hurt you, I've already lost to many people I care about' she gently stroked his cheek, he groaned in his sleep, she then gasped when he suddenly pulled her towards him, snuggling against her ' lizzy...I'm so sorry...wherever you are...I'm gonna find you...and I'm gonna save you!' She then closed her eyes, with a little tear slipping down

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