Sweet Memories Of A Little Brother, Commence Rescue Operation

Titan Y/N: DIE!!!!!!! REINER BRAUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You roared as you arced even further back, cracking his armor even more. Reiner gritted his teeth to the point they cracked against each other and used his last good arm and leg to push forward with you, dragging you across the ground.

Armin: Wh-What the--?

Titan Reiner: RRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! RAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! RRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The rest of the scouts were confused, but Hanje snapped to an assumption.

Hanje: Be on your guard! He's calling in Titans!

They overlooked the entire valley as the sun moved, but not a single titan was in sight.

???: No other Titans spotted in the area!

Your eyes were widened as you stared up at the wall. You stopped moving and stay locked up. The other scouts up top watched from above as you and Reiner struggled in each others battle.There was a sudden cracking as your fear came to a reality.

Y/N's Thoughts: Y-You fool...you would actually make that call?...You....You...!

There was a cracking noise coming from the Colossal Titan who had lost most of its flesh. They stared closer at it before slowly widening their eyes and opening their mouths in shock.

Connie: Hey...Hey, hey,hey,hey,hey!

Titan Y/N: B-BERTOLT!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T!!!!!!

Bertolt's rib cage that was connected to the side of the wall you were near snapped, and he began to tip over and fall down towards you and Reiner. You were completely shocked and everyone turned up to see the Colossal Titan falling towards the ground at incredible, destructive speeds.

Rashad: ABOVE YOU! LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!!!

Sarah: Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!! *tries to get to you but is held back*


There was a massive explosion of heat, steam, dirt and fire as Bertolt fell to the ground, you and Reiner under him. In the explosion, you were on your back and Reiner had his hand around your neck. You tried to pry it off but suddenly Bertolt grabbed a hold of you and flipped you over, pinning you on your stomach. The scouts on the wall covered themselves and Eren and Armin watch from above along with your sister, while Mikasa watched from below, trying to crawl towards you.

Mikasa: Y-Y/N!

Reiner held you down and turned your neck to get a clear view of your nape. All of a sudden, you couldn't feel anything anymore, nothing from the outside, but you felt great amounts of pain and pressure from your back. You felt yourself being pulled out of your titan forcefully and then darkness...

With Sarah

She watched as Reiner stared at them, blood steaming off his face from biting you out of the nape. Soon, the fire and winds calmed down as the steam was reducing. Bertolt climbed out of his titan with ymir in his arms. Reiner began to run off and he used the ODM gear he acquired from eating the other scout to zip up onto his back and run off with him. Sarah was fading in and out of consciousness.

Sarah: Y-Y/N...


Y/N: It's different this time. I'm better than them, it's why I'm in this squad and why I'm here. Why I became a Corporal, why I can lead these people to battle. I'll be fine, I promise.

Sarah: Okay, I trust you know what your doing.

Y/N: Sarah, never think anything like that again. I would give everything for you.

Sarah: I know.

Y/N: Come here.

You embraced your sister in a warm hug, and stay like that for a few minutes. After breaking the hug, she left as you finally collapsed on your bed and fell asleep.

Flashback 2

Sarah: So...he changed didn't he?..

Eren: Huh?

Sarah: He transformed into a titan didn't he?

We all stood in shock, she knew?!

Armin: H-how did you know?

She smiled embracing her brother closer with tears still in her eyes.

Sarah: Heh, it's a...long story.

Flashback Over, With Sarah

She watched as Reiner kept growing farther and farther away. She struggled against the wall and tried not to fall as Eren was able to get a hold of her and make sure she didn't fall.

Eren: Stop struggling so much!

Sarah: Let me go...Let me go. Let me go! LET ME GO! LET ME GO!!!!!!!!! Y/N!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She cried out loudly as she tried her best to escape Eren's hold. Struggling to keep them both up, Eren could only think of one thing to do, and headbutted her in the back of her head, making her dazed before passing out. He let out a few tears as well as Reiner disappeared along the horizon.

Eren's Thought's: I failed...I failed and got him in trouble...I'm so sorry, Y/N! *clenches eyes shut and goes up the wall*

The scouts that were still awake all set up on the wall, laying the injured down and waiting for reinforcements to arrive. As they were recovering from the heated battle, over in Trost District....

Trost District, With Mina

On top of the wall where the boulder was sealed, Commander Pyxis of the Garrison was out cold as a box of liquor and whiskey sat next to him, nearly empty. As he snored loudly, his assitant, Anka, and Mina, came to his side to wake up the drunk man.

Anka: Commander. Wake up, Commander Pyxis. You'll get sick if you fall asleep here.

She slapped him on the back of the head, making him suddenly wake from his slumber and rub his head as she cleaned up the bottles of liquor.

Anka: I can't believe you drank all this. You're not young anymore. And I'd rather not spend my days changing your diapers.

Pyxis: Being cared for by a pretty lady sounds alright to me. So? What's the situation? *opens bottle of whiskey and starts drinking*

Mina: *yanks bottle away* Patrols were sent out once the Titans were gone from the 1st and 2nd defensive lines, but any Titan sightings are few and far between.

Pyxis: Hmm...

Pyxis pulled out his pocket watch to check the time and make comparisons and hypothesis on the situation.

Pyxis: If Hannes and the advance squad followed the wall without problem, they'll be returning any minute now. It would mean they met the unit from Krolva District and turned around halfway. And they couldn't have encountered many Titans, if any. If there was a hole in the wall, it would never work out like that.

They heard the sound of maneuver gear and someone land behind them, and they turned to see Erwin coming towards them.

Mina: Commander Erwin. *salutes before cleaning up bottles*

Erwin: Commander Pyxis.

Pyxis: Hmm? Oh, if it isn't Erwin. I hear you've captured  one of those troublesome mice.

Erwin: Yes. Unfortunately, we were one step behind.

Pyxis: Hmm...But at least it will get those goons in the interior thinking. Maybe they'll reconsider how important their stale beliefs and motives are to them.

Erwin: Yes, it appears they have. Look over there.

They all looked down the wall and saw the other soldiers resting from doing their duties for the day, all including the Military Police.

Erwin: The Military Police have finally been forced into an area with Titans.

Pyxis: Hmmm, Mina, why don't you go on down. Find out the word if any about the situation from the others who went out on patrol.

Mina: Yes, sir.

She jumped off and descended down the wall and joined the other soldiers who were resting. She walked around before finding Jean and a few other scouts who had gotten back from their patrol.

Mina: Jean, you're back.

Jean: Yeah, just got here a few minutes ago.

Mina: Did you happen to see Y/N? Is he alright?

Jean: I haven't seen, so I wouldn't know...And why do you still obsess about him!?

Mina: Because I'm the mother of his child.

Jean: Huh!?

???: Mommy!

They both turned around and saw Little Sarah running towards her with Petra following behind her.

Petra: Sorry, she wouldn't leave unless she saw you also.

Mina: It's alright, I know she's always like this.

Mina picked up Sarah as Petra joined her and Jean in resting with the other soldiers.

Mina: What happened? Got bored at home?

Little Sarah: Mhmm, is daddy home yet?

Mina: I'm sorry, not yet. But he'll be back soon, I promise.

She held her close as she looked around the area to listen in on the details of others patrols. She heard some scouts talking behind Jean.

Scout 1: Can't believe we didn't see any Titans.

Jean: Was there really none at all?

Scout 2: Seems so. It's unusually quiet out there.

Jean: *looks down* I wonder if they're still alive...


Jean was holding his head in pain as Sarah had thrown a water bottle at him.

Jean: What was that for!? Brat!

Little Sarah: Be quiet! Daddy's still alive! I know it! He won't die because he needs to come back home to me and mommy! And bring back my other mommy's as well!


He was crouching in pain as Petra and Mina held their fist tight over his head.

Petra&Mina: Apologize to her now.

Jean: I'm sorry...*holds head*

Over in another part of the area, Levi was resting in a wagon as Pastor Nick was sat across from him with a blanket wrapped around him. As he sat there in thought, his rest was interrupted by three members of the Military Police.

MP 1: Can you believe it? I thought this was an emergency.

MP 2: Yeah. And everyone's just sitting around here.

MP 1: Hey, Levi. Where you hiding the Titans at?

Levi turned towards them with an unamused and scary look in his eyes as he glared towards the MP's.

Levi: Oh? You all seem disappointed. Sorry...A shame you couldn't fight Titans today. If you're looking for another chance, there's plenty of expeditions outside the walls. How about we join forces and face some Titans together?

The MP's were somewhat nervous and scared now from the look he was giving them, and sweating when they replied.

MP 2: Uh, well you know...We're busy with work on the interior...

???: The advance squad's returned!

Everyone turned to see the relay messenger run up to everyone close by.

Relay Messenger: Inform Commander Pyxis!

Everyone quickly gathered towards the front of the resting area where one of the advance squad members, and Sasha were resting, gulping down water from their long, rough journey.

Pyxis: I see...So, there was nothing wrong with the wall?

Garrison Squad Member: Yes, sir!

Pyxis: As I suspected...

Garrison Squad Member: *gulps down water and breathes in* H-However, there's a bit of a situation! We were heading back to Trost to give our report when we ran into the Scout unit led by Section Commander Hange. Along with them, there were recruits from the 104th without their equipment. And it turns out, three of them...were Titans!

This came as a surprise to everyone, especially Jean who looked confused and somewhat angered.

Jean: Huh? What are you talking about? Are you saying there were more!? Th-Three of them!? Who was it!?

Sasha: *jumps back and nervously squeezes water puch* U-Uh, well...

Erwin: *places hand on Jean's shoulder* Jean, relax. What happened when their forms were revealed?

Garrison Squad Member: The Scouts engaged the Colossal and Armored Titan in battle. But by the time we joined up with them to fight...it was all over.

Everyone was stunned by the information they learned, and Petra and Mina were worried most about you.

Little Sarah: Daddy...

Mina: Sweetie?

Little Sarah: Daddy's alive...right? He's coming home, right? *looks about to cry*

Petra: He is! Of course your daddy's coming home! Other wise we'd kill him for leaving us! *giggles nervously and takes Sarah into her arms and hugs her* Daddy's coming home, we'll drag him back if we have to.

Sarah hugged Petra as Mina could only place a hand on her back and rub it comfortingly while looking at Petra with a worried look as she returned the look as well.

Mina's Thoughts: Y/N....Please be okay..

With Eren

Eren was sat next to Armin as Sarah and Mikasa laid next to each other, unconscious. As they sat there, Hannes walked up behind them, getting their attention.

Hannes: Unbelievable. What a disaster. Luckily we were above so we got away unscathed. Everyone underneath got blasted with steam and wind. There's nothing they could do. How's Mikasa and Sarah doing?

Armin: I don't see any bad wounds, so I'm guessing it's a concussion.

Hannes: I see...Armin, Eren....You haven't eaten, have you? I'll get you two something.

They sat in silence and shook their heads slightly as he patted their heads and walked off.

Hannes: You've gotta eat. *walks to go get food*

As they laid there, Sarah was fidgeting slightly in her sleep, as she began to remember a few memories that were suddenly coming back to her.

Flashback, With Sarah, Wall Maria

Sarah had just gotten some off time since the Scouting Regiment had returned from another unsuccessful expedition. She was walking around the market in her uniform while carrying a basket, and you were behind her, carrying a heavy, full basket of ingredients and groceries for that night's dinner.

Y/N: H-Hey, sis. Isn't this a bit much? *struggles a bit to carry basket*

Sarah: Well, you did ask mom to make you your favorite dinner tonight, especially since some of our comrades are coming over as well. So, we need to get everything for tonight's dinner, and that's only half of what we need to buy.

Y/N: H-Half!?

She giggled and rubbed your head as she looked around at the market to find more produce to buy. As she looked at some vegetables, there was a loud crash behind her and you both turned to see some kids fighting and making a mess near one of the little shop huts.

Stand Owner: Hey! Knock it off! Hey! You drunk, good-for-nothing soldiers! Come and break up this fight!

You turned to look at three Garrison officers who were sitting around playing cards while also being drunk out their minds.

Y/N: Hey, isn't the Mr.Hannes?

Sarah: *sigh* It is...*in head* And drunk as ever...

Hannes: Put a sock in it. Can't you see the kids are just fooling around?

Stand Owner: Like hell they're fooling around! Come and stop 'em!

You watched as a boy with brown hair and emerald green eyes was being teamed up on and beaten by bullies as Hannes just waved it off.

Hannes: It'll be fine, I'm telling ya. Someone will be along who can help more than we can.

Stand Owner: Huh!?

You saw a girl with Raven black hair, and black eyes run towards the fight as another blonde kid with blue eyes and carrying a basket was following her.

???: Eren!

Bully 1: Eat this!

As he was about to punch the boy you heard was named Eren, a shadow covered them and they saw the girl flying towards them, and she kicked the bully away and into the stand, breaking it even more.

Stand Owner: AHHHH!!! *shouts in shock from seeing stand get destroyed*

Hannes and the other officers laughed as you and Sarah just watched and shook your heads at them.

Y/N: I wonder how they became soldiers still...

Sarah: Don't ask questions that don't have answers...

The bullies looked somewhat scared as the girl approached them.

Bully 2: It's Mikasa! *gets hand shoved in face by the girl*

Eren: Mikasa! Why are you here!?

Mikasa: Eren, if you don't get home and chop wood, your mother will get angry again.

Y/N's Thoughts: *sweat drops*She's so calm about the situation that she barely notices the bully she's holding away...

You saw the bully she kicked get up and reel a punch back towards her.

Bully 1: You little...Don't underestimate me!

Just as he was going to throw his punch, an arm wrapped around his, stopping him from moving. He turned around and saw you in his face.

Y/N: It's not nice to hit girls.

Bully 1: Wh-Who the hell are you?!

Instead of answering, you turned around and flipped him over your shoulder, slamming him on the ground. You turned towards the third bully as he glared at you.

Bully 3: You asked for it!

You dodged his attack and moved back to deal with him as the girl dealt with the other two. Eren tried to help, but the blonde boy held him back.

???: Eren! Let Mikasa handle this!

Eren: Yeah, right! *breaks away from hold and tackles bully you're fighting*

Hannes: Nice one, Eren!

Garrison Officer: Don't lose to Mikasa! AGH! *gets hit by bottle*

Sarah looked to see the stand owner had thrown the bottle at the man and stomp towards them.

Garrison Officer: The hell you doing!?

Stand Owner: I told you to stop the fight, you damn freeloaders!

Garrison Officer: What was that!? Wanna say that again!? *gets in his face*

Stand Owner: Damn straight I will! You're a waste of taxes!

Sarah sighed as she crossed her arms and shook her head in disappointment.

Sarah: *sigh* Men...

The drunk officer was going to swing at the man when Hannes held him back.

Hannes: Don't let it get to you. It's the truth whether you like it or--*is silenced by getting punched square in the face*

Stand Owner: *smirks at Hannes while holding up fist* Heh.

Hannes: Dahhh! *shakes head and wipes blood from nose* That was a pretty good punch for a chump who owns a stall. *smiles and throws punch towards Stand Owner*

You were taking care of the first bully as he got up and tried to punch you. You ducked under it and landed a straight blow to his stomach, making him spit up and drop to his knees to gasp for air. Mikasa was twisting the arm of the second bully before twisting him around completely, making him spin in the air before crashing on the ground. As you finished your fight, people were watching the fight between Hannes and the stand owner.

Garrison Officer: Get 'em! Knock his lights out, Hannes!

???: You got this! Don't let that useless turd beat you up!

The sound of a whistle blew as an MP was running towards the fight.

MP: Hey, you idiots! What the hell are you doing!?

Suddenly the stand owner's leg was kicked from behind and he was being choked out. Hannes looked to see Sarah was the one choking him, and laughed loudly along with his friends.

Sarah: Tch, honestly, you men are such idiots.

As she restrained the man, the MP noticed the fighting between the kids and ran towards them to stop the fight. Eren was wrestling with the third bully as he they rolled all over the ground. As they wrestled, the bully saw the MP running towards them.

MP: Knock it off!

Bully 3: Hey! This is turning pretty serious, you guys-

He cut himself off when he saw that his friends were on the ground, knocked out. He was then suddenly grabbed by the arm and flipped over, landing next to his friends. Everyone saw it was you who did it, and you simply walked back to Sarah as the MP ran passed you and held the other kids who were fighting there.

Sarah: Did you have to be so rough?

Y/N: They were making a mess, and I don't wanna be a part of this anymore, so let's go home. I'm hungry...*looks sad and rubs belly*

She could only smile at you and kicked the guy in the head, knocking him out, before grabbing their baskets of groceries and walking pass Hannes with you.

Sarah: Please, stop getting so drunk.

Hannes: *burps* I'm not drunk.

She rolled her eyes as you and her continued shopping. As other MP's showed up to take the children home, Mikasa was looking at you as you walked off.

Mikasa's Thoughts: Who was that boy?

She snapped out of her thoughts and returned to Eren as he was being escorted back home again. Sarah looked down at you as you were going through the produce of a fruit stand with a smile, trying to find the best fruit you could. She patted you on the head as you pouted and swat her hand away.

Y/N: What was that for?

Sarah: *giggles* Nothing....Don't change one bit, okay Y/N?

Y/N: Huh? Yeah, okay.

Sarah leaned down and hugged you as you were turning red in embarrassment.

Sarah: I love you, Y/N. *kisses top of your head*

Y/N: Y-Yeah! I love you too! Now let go! *struggles to break free of from grip*

She laughed and let go as the two of you finished your crazy day of shopping, and returned home for dinner.

Flashback Over, With Sarah

Sarah began to slowly wake up, as her eyes slowly pried themselves open. She stared at the sky for a second before slowly sitting up and rubbing her head. Mikasa was also waking up as well, but she suddenly shot up and looked around to see that almost everyone was passed out from the blast. Sarah was dazed and didn't know where she was until she remembered everything that happened, and that Reiner had ran off with you. She shot up and got in Eren's face.

Sarah: Where's Y/N!?

Eren: Sarah, wait-

Sarah: WHERE IS HE!?

Mikasa: *grabs Armin by the collar* Armin! Where's Y/N!?

Armin: Mikasa! Calm down! You shouldn't be moving! We don't know how badly you two are injured!

The two girls rushed towards the edge of the wall and looked down to only see the crater where the blast originated from, and two Titans sitting down, looking up at them.

Mikasa: Where is he!?

Armin: Y/N was taken away.

Sarah: No....*clenches eyes shut and tightens fist*

Armin: Ymir, too, by Bertolt and Reiner. Y/N, he...lost to the Armored and Colossal Titan. It's been five hours since then.

Sarah: Is anyone...Is anyone chasing them?

Eren: No...

Sarah: *gets in his face and lifts him up* WHY NOT!? WHY ISN'T ANYONE GOING AFTER MY BROTHER?!?!

Armin: *places hand on her shoulder* Sarah...All the horses are on the other side of the wall. In order to rescue Y/N, we have to wait for lifts to come so we can move the horses. There's nothing we can do. Section Commander Hange and the other Officers are too injured to move. To even send out a small scouting party, we're going to need more soldiers than this. Soldiers with experience. Understand?

Mikasa's eyes widen before she winced in pain and held her head.

Mikasa: Not this again...

Armin: Does it hurt somewhere?

Mikasa: No...I must've hit my head pretty hard, but I'm fine. But...

Mikasa looked at Sarah who was now crying in Eren's arms over losing her brother.

Mikasa: When Eren was taken away by Annie...I chased them right away. And fighting alongside Captain Levi, in the end...in the end we were able to get him back. But...if it's already been five hours...

She walked over to Eren's scarf on which she laying down on and wrapped it around her neck as she let some tears fall.

Mikasa's Thoughts: I'm so sorry, Y/N....I couldn't help you...I couldn't do anything...Forgive me. *clenches eyes shut*

Hannes came back over with rations as Sarah had stopped crying and sat down on the edge of the wall. He sighed before walking towards the and handing the rations over.

Hannes: Mikasa? Sarah? So you're up, huh? I bet you're hungry. Here, eat this. *hands over ration and turns to Armin and Eren* Eren, Armin, catch. *tosses them rations*

As he went over to give Sarah one, he placed it next to her and sat down and began to dig in as well.

Hannes: As usual, field rations are all there is. *bites a chunk off* Hmm...Taste neither good nor bad. Same as always. *takes swig from water pouch*

Sarah: I failed...

Hannes: Huh?

Eren: Sarah, you didn't-

Sarah: I failed as an older sister...I couldn't protect my mother...my father...and now I'm going to lose my only family left...

Hannes: Hey, let me talk huh?

Sarah didn't move or say anything as she just continued to stare off into nothing.

Hannes: Anyways, like I was saying, these rations...They're kinda like all you bunch. Ever since the good old days, you three have stuck around with each other and you Sarah, have not changed one bit from before. You'd always clean up the mess these brats would make whenever you were in town. What a crazy time from before...It's a different time and a different place, but you all are doing the same things you always have. Am I right?

Armin: The neighborhood bullies and Titans are a little bit different in size.

Hannes: True...The thing is, I still can't believe he lost a fight. No matter who he's up against, whether three or five, he wouldn't run away when someone was in trouble. By the time Sarah over here would show up, or whenever us other officers would come, the fight would be over and he'd be helping the poor lady or kid up. But you know...I don't think he really lost though, today. He never gave up before, and I didn't see him give up today. When I look at him and his tenacity, it terrifies me. No matter the beating he'd take, he'd always find his way to get back up and win. Sarah...

He forcefully turned her towards him and made her look dead in his eyes.

Hannes: You think your little brother would just give up and be taken away without a fight? No! He'll fight to his last breath and until he physically doesn't have the strength anymore! And even then, I don't think he'll give up! Even more when up against two! He'll give 'em hell no matter who he's against. He'll fight until he dies. Isn't that how he's always been? Huh? Sarah?

Sarah was stunned by his words, as were the other three. She began to tear up Hannes pulled her into his arms so she could let her tears fall. He rubbed her back comfortingly as the others came to support her as well.

Hannes: I loved those good old days. You know, if you'd ask him right now, he'd say the same thing also about those times, because I never saw that kid not smiling each day. But for me, I'm more than happy to be a drunk, useless soldier. If it means getting back those plain, ordinary days...I'll do whatever I have to. No matter how long it takes to get there. *hugs Sarah tighter as she sobs lightly and begins to calm down* I'm coming, too. *turns to Eren and the others* I known the kid long enough to know he's a good influence on everyone. And without the four of you together and him and his sister together, I can't being back those good old days.

They all looked to Hannes and nodded their heads as he nodded back. They began to eat their rations somewhat aggressively as he looked down to Sarah as she wiped her final tear away.

Hannes: We're going to get him back. All of us. So just stay strong. Because if you're not strong, what's going to give him the strength to stay strong?

Sarah: *wipes nose with sleeve* Thank you...Hannes.

Hannes: Eat up. You need your strength.

She nodded and began to feast on her ration with the others.


A few members of Hange's unit had woken up and were ready to head out once again, and they looked along the wall to see horses heading right for them.

Mikasa: They're here!

???: Hey...

???: Isn't that...

Moblit: *gasps and smiles* Commander Erwin!

???: And the Military Police!

???: I see Squad Levi as well!

They watched as the rest of the Survey Corps and other branches of the military rode along the wall, with lifts being towed behind them.

Armin: I never thought they'd ride along the wall.

Christa: That's probably the quickest route.

Eren: Christa...I think you should stay back, but...

Christa: No matter what you say, I won't. I refuse to wait here when Ymir was taken away. You three should know how I feel. And I especially won't let them steal my lover.

Connie: Christa has a point, Eren.

Armin: Connie?

Connie: We have plenty of reasons for chasing after them. One of which I still can't believe...That Reiner and Bertolt are our enemies. I've gotta hear it straight from their mouths.

Eren: They're the enemy, it's the truth-

Sarah: Eren, no more.

???: Hey! You guys!

They all turned around to see Mina riding towards them with Petra alongside her.

Mina: We're here also.

Sarah: Thank you, it means a lot.

Petra: You're not the only one who needs him. Sarah back home needs her daddy to come back, as well as her mommy's.

Mikasa: M-Mommy's?

Mina: Mhmm. Before they left to rescue you guys, Y/N said we could all be her mommy's.

Christa: Wh-Who?

Petra: Hmmm, it's me, Mina, Sasha, Christa, and Mikasa.

Everyone: Huh!?!?!??

Sarah: I'll kill him when we get him back. Perverted brother. Tch!

Erwin came towards Moblit and dismounted his horse.

Moblit: You made it, Commander Erwin.

Erwin: Is the situation the same?

Moblit: Yes, sir.

Erwin: Good. Deploy the lifts!

Suddenly, Moblit felt some grab his ankle, and he looked down to see Hange crawling towards him.

Moblit: Huh!? Hange!?

Hange: *weak tone* Moblit...G-Gimme a map.

Play Song At Top

As the scouts began to lower the horses down the wall where Reiner ran off, Hange was looking at a map upside down while pointing out where they could be possibly heading towards.

Hange: It might be a long shot, but there's a giant forest here. *points to forest on map* We should head straight for it. Though, it's not like they have a way to hide the Armored Titan's footstep, but...I think that's where they're headed.

Erwin: Why's that?

Hange: It's a gamble, but even if they have the strength to turn into Titans, the other Titans outside the wall might still be a threat. Especially after all that fighting. They might not be as bad off as Y/N, but I'm sure they're exhausted. Like how Annie was out cold for a while. Let's assume for now that their destination is somewhere outside Wall Maria. Considering the distance they'll have to cover, we can assume they'll need to recover their stamina. Which means they'll want to rest somewhere where the Titans are unable to reach them. At least until nightfall when Titans can't move.

Third Person POV

Darkness filled your vision, but soon slowly turned into shattered light. You slowly opened your eyes and saw that you were under some leaves and large branches. In your peripheral vision, you saw steam. You slowly sat up and when you looked down, you saw you were wrapped in your cloak. You tried to move your hands, but it felt different.

Y/N's Thoughts: My arms...What's wrong...?

???: Oh, Corporal Y/N...

You heard a familiar voice and grew an unhappy look as you slowly rose your head to see the bastard that just spoke. In front of you, on top of a branch over you,  Reiner Braun, and Bertolt Hoover.

Reiner: You're awake?

The scouts stared out to the valley, and quickly descended down the wall and mounted their horses.

Hange: We have until night. If we reach the forest before nightfall, we still might make it in time!

The Scout Regiment moved in full force alongside with the other branches of military that joined them. Sarah rode up with the spear of the formation, next to Erwin as she tightened her grip on the reins.

Sarah: I'm coming, Y/N! Just wait for me! Wait for me!! *speeds up*

Erwin: Let's move! *goes faster*

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