Recovery Part 1: Court Hearing, Play Time

Author's Note: The first part will mainly still be connected to the story of A.O.T, BUT later in this chapter things are uhh, well lets just say it's about to get super  hot....MULTIPLE LEMONS IN BOUND! 18+ RECOMMENDED! IF you can handle Lemons, then read on, if not then I suggest you skip to where it ends. Well, I hope you enjoy this chapter, CYA!

Sarah's POV:

It was the day after Y/N sealed the hole, I was sat next to him the whole time he was out. He looked like he was actually having a good sleep, I wonder what he's dreaming about. Ohh well, as long as he's okay. I was about to head out so I could change the cloth around his head, but before I reached for the door knob, I heard a groan from behind me. I turned and saw my brother was awake. I ran to his side.

Sarah: Y/N!

Y/N: Ahh! Don't shout, that hurts.

Sarah: Sorry, I was just so worried.

Y/N: It's okay. Where is everyone? Fill me in please.

Sarah: Well, Eren is sort of in a cell, due to him attacking you during the operation, they wonder if he should be allowed to live. The Scouts are trying to get custody of Eren, Mikasa and Armin are fine, their with the other cadets. Your, well, ummm...

Y/N: Sarah, what is it?

Sarah: *sighs* You and Eren are going to be put on trial in front of both the military police and the scouts, we're fighting for custody, but it's ultimately up to the Commander-in-Chief of all parts of the military to decide who gets you two.

Y/N: So, we're in deep shit huh?

Sarah: Yeah...

Y/N: Well,lets hope the scouts can pull through on this one.

A knock came from the door and when it opened, there were four men who were part of the military police.

MP: Y/N L/N, please come with us, it's time for your hearing.

Y/N: *sigh* very well.

You got up from the bed and one of them placed handcuffs on you,you exited the room and they surrounded you while they escort you to the court room. Once you got there, you saw a lot of people in the room. On one side, you had the Scouts, Mikasa and Armin joined them. On the other, you had the military police and some of the priests from the order of the walls. In front of you, you saw Eren crouched down with his arms behind his beck, bound to a pole. They bounded you in the same position next to eren. Then you looked up to see the Commander-in-Chief, Darius Zackley. He began to speak.

Zackley: Well now, lets begin, Eren Jaeger and Y/N L/N, is that correct?

Y/N: Yes.

Zackley: You two have sworn to sacrifice your lives for the well being of the public, right?

Eren: Yes sir.

Zackley: This is an exceptional situation,this tribunal will be held under military, not the civilian, law. I have final decision in this matter. The fate of your lives will be decided here.

Y/N: Nope.

Zackley: I appreciate your perception. I will get straight to the point. As it was highly anticipated, trying to hide your existence has proven impossible. We have to make your existence in some sort of public form, otherwise a threat to humanity aside from the titans will rise. Today, I will be deciding which force will gain custody over the two of you. The Military Police? Or the Survey Corps? The first to announce their proposal will be the Military Police.

Nile: Yes sir, I the commander of the military police Nile Dawk, will present our proposal. After a thorough investigation of their bodies, we believe the two must be eliminated at once. Yes, it's true that their "Titan Powers" aided us in the previous peril, but now their mere existence threatens to spark a civil war. So we ask that they be killed for humanity's sake, leaving with us all the information we can obtain from them.

Priest: No, there's no need for that. They're both invasive pest! They have deceived the wall of that embody's the God of Wisdom, they must be killed at once!

Zackley: Priest Nick, order please.

You thought that this was crazy, why the hell would they kill the two very people who can help win against the titans? Zackley then asked for the Scouts proposal. Commander Erwin stepped forward.

Erwin: Yes sir, I the 13th commander of the Survey corps, Erwin Smith, will present our proposal. We would welcome Eren,and Y/N as official members of our forces, and use both their powers to retake Wall Maria. That is all.

Zackley: Hmmm? Is that all?

Erwin: Yes sir. With this power, we can retake Wall Maria, we believe it's clear what our priorities should be.

Zackley: I see, and where do you plan to begin this mission? Pyxis, the gate in Trost has been sealed completely, isn't that correct?

Pyxis: Yes, it cannot be opened again.

Erwin: We would like to set out from Karanes District in the East. From that point we will make our way to Shiganshina. We shall determine the route as we go.

Merchant: Wait! Shouldn't we seal all of the wall gates once and for all?! Only the Colossal Titan can destroy the gates, if we strengthen them, we won't need to endure anymore attacks!

Scout: Shut up you dog! With this power, we can take back Wall Maria!

Civilian: We can't indulge your delusions of grandeur any longer!

Levi: You talk too much, pig. Where's the proof that the titans will wait while we seal the gates? The "We" your talking about are only those you wanna protect, your "friends" who help line your pocket. The ones who starve becasue there isn't enough land to sow don't even make their way into the thoughts of you pigs.

Civilian: We just thought that we would survive if we sealed the gates-

Priest Nick: Silence! You traitor! Humans changing Wall Rose, walls that were a gift from God? Can you truly see the walls, God's work far beyond Human capabilities, and not understand?! Humanity isn't fit to lay a finger on the walls!

Zackley: Silence. You may discuss personal beliefs else where. L/N, Jaeger, I wish to confirm with you two something. Can you continue to serve as a soldier, using your powers to benefit humanity?

Y/N: Without a doubt.

Eren: Yes, I can!

Zackley: But the reports in Trost say the following, "After turning into a titan, Eren punched Y/N into a building, then swung at Mikasa Ackerman.

Your eyes widen, then glared at Riko, she filled out that report, damn her.

Zackley: Is Mikasa Ackerman present?

Mikasa: Yes sir.

Zackley: Is this true that Jaeger attacked you and Y/N?

Mikasa:...yes, it's true.

The room filled with gasps, this isn't good, if this keeps going, they'll give you two to them MP's. You saw Eren's eyes were widen as he was shocked to hear this.

Mikasa: But one previous occasion, he used the same power to save me a number of times before. Back when we sealed the hole, and he was going to do so again when there was an HE shell fired at us, if Y/N didn't do it, Eren would have. Please take these facts into consideration.

Nile: I object, I believe these comments are greatly colored by personal feelings. At a young age, Mikasa Ackerman lost both her parents, and had been taken in by the Jaeger household. Upon further investigation, reports revealed facts about the underlying events. At age nine, both Eren Jaeger and Mikasa Ackerman, killed three robbers who tried kidnapping her. Even if it was self-defense, I have to question their fundamental humanity. Is it right to entrust Humanity's fate, resources, and lives to him?

Hearing this made your blood boil, your were infuriated at the things he was saying, if he didn't stop, you were going to make him regret it. People began to create speculations, and one had stuck out to you that pushed you over the edge.

Civilian: So is she! How de we know she isn't one of them?!

???: Right! We should dissect her just to be safe.

Eren: Wait! I may be a monster, but she doesn't have anything to do with this!

???: We can't trust that!

You were thinking of ways on how to kill every single person on your right side.

Y/N's thoughts: DAMN THEM! THEY'RE LUCKY I CAN'T HARDEN MY BODY OTHERWISE-wait, why do my hands feel so heavy?

You moved your fingers around and felt your hands...they were hardened.

Eren: It's true!

???: If your covering for her, then she is one of you!

Eren: NO!

He yanked on the bar and made a loud noise that silenced everyone.

Eren: I mean...your wrong. Your simply coming up with theories that fit whatever it suits you to think.

Nile: What did you say?

Eren: Besides all of you, you haven't even seen a titan! What are you so afraid of? What's the pint if those with mean and power don't fight? If your so afraid to fight for survival, then help me. You...cowards!

???: What?

Eren: Just shut up! And bet everything you have on me!

You watched as his body emitted steam for a second. Them Nile said something that just made you even more angry.

Nile: Weapons Ready!

Soldier: Yes sir!

He pointed his rifle at Eren. Then you decided you had enough of this bullshit.

*Sound of chains breaking*

You got up and showed everyone your hardened hands and stepped in front of Eren.

Y/N: Go ahead, shoot, see what happens next.

They all stared in fear, seeing you controlled your powers while in human form petrified them, you walked slowly towards the one with his rifle aimed, he shivered in fear. Nile then shouted.

Nile: FIRE!

Just before he pulled the trigger, you hardened your face and the bullet shattered on impact. Once you reached the barrel of the gun, you crushed it in your hand.

Y/N: That...was a bad choice.

He was petrified in fear, as you turned around, you saw a kick coming to your face and in the last second, you blocked it and shoved back whoever it was. It was Levi.

Levi: Oi, is that the way you try to win an argument?

Y/N: We weren't getting anywhere, I decided to step in. Now then, I have a proposal for you Zackley.

Zackley: And what would this proposal be?

Y/N: Release me and Eren to they survey corps, I will help him control his power, seeing as I can use my power in human form, I don't see why I shouldn't be able to help Eren master his form.

Levi looked interested in this and spoke up as well.

Levi: When he turned into a titan, I saw Eren kill maybe at least 20 titans before collapsing. If he is an enemy, his intelligence makes him a formidable foe, but still no match for me, of course. But what will you do? Anyone persecuting him should also know that fact. Do you really think you can kill this guy? And you all saw Y/N, he was in total control and understood what anyone said to him in his titan form. He even displayed one of his abilities right here in human form. I'm starting to question if I could beat him, now would you really want to lose this person who is possibly the strongest person alive?

You saw Erwin raise his hand.

Erwin: Sir, I have a proposal.

Zackley: What is it?

Erwin: The abilities or Eren's titan powers remain uncertain. Making it dangerous. Thus I propose Captain Levi take responsibility over Eren and Y/N control, and have them embark with us on an expedition, outside the walls.

Zackley: With Eren in tow?

Erwin: Yes sir. Based on the expeditions results, and Y/N's proposal to train Eren, I would like you to judge whether Eren can control his titan power, and whether he is a boon or bane of humanity.

Zackley: Control Eren Jaeger...can you do it Levi? What about you Y/N?

Y/N: I probably can since I know what it feels like to control a titan.

Levi: I'm certain I can kill him. Only problem is I doubt I can do any less.

Zackley: Hmmm, then my decision is made.

TimeSkip after being released, Your POV:

You watched as Erwin and Levi, and a woman you found out to be Hanji, took Eren to a room to talk about what happened. You on the other hand walked out the court house with your sister.

Sarah: You know that was risky what you did right?

Y/N: They shouldn't have said those things about Mikasa.

Sarah: Always looking out for others, that's the brother I love so dearly.

She ruffled your hair and you couldn't help but giggle a little.

Sarah: Well, I have to get back to the others, don't get into trouble okay?

Y/N: No promises.

You both laughed and hugged each other and you watched as your sister went out of sight. Feeling you were hungry, and you saw it was getting dark, you decided to head to the cafeteria for some grub. When you entered you saw most of the 104th cadets inside. You went and got your food and as you sat at a table alone, you began to eat. Just as you finished, you felt someone sit next to you, and saw it was the blonde cutie herself Krista.

Krista: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: Hello Krista.

Krista: I'm glad to see your okay, I was worried about you.

Y/N: Awww, I'm touched Krista.

Then you saw her face turn red, you wondered why, but decided to play around with her.

Krista: Y-Y/N..I was wondering i-if umm...

She fidgeted and played with her fingers. You smirked as you took one of her hands and intertwined your fingers together.

Y/N: I thought I told you to be more confident, especially when talking to someone.

You saw her relax and grow a smirk of her own,

Krista: How could I forget? Hey Y/N, remember that good luck kiss you gave me?

Y/N: What about it?

Krista: Could I get another one?

Y/N: Hmmm, I don't see why not?

She turned her head and you leaned forward, eyes closed, but just before you hit her cheek, she turned her head back, making you kiss her lips, you pulled back slowly and smirked at her trick.

Y/N: Sneaky little Krista.

Krista: Hehe, your lips taste sweet, I wonder...

She scooted closer to you and ran her hand over your chest and whispered. the rest of you taste~

You smirked and grabbed her by the wrist and looked out the window and saw it was now dark out, then you looked back at her with a smirk.

Y/N: Would you wanna find out?~

Krista: It's all I ever wanted to know~

Y/N: Let's do this in a bit more "private" place, shall we?~

Krista: I have my own room in HQ, we could go there~

Y/N: Lead the way~

She took your hand and dragged you towards HQ. Once you got there and made your way into her room, she closed the door behind her and locked it, then leaned back against it. You looked back at her and saw she was smirking. You walked up to her and pressed her against the door. Your faces merely inches away from each other.

Y/N: You ready~

Krista: Ohh, I've been ready Corporal~

Y/N: Show me then, cadet~

You smashed your lips into her as she wrapped her arms around your neck, pulling you deeper into it. You caressed her body and slipped your tongue into her mouth. You moved one hand to her right breast and the other to behind her, grabbing her ass. She moaned in the kiss while you played with her breast. You pulled away and began to kiss her neck and lightly bite to leave your mark on her. She moaned loudly as you now gripped her ass with both hands and firmly squeezed.

Krista: Ahhh~ Y/N, I've been a bad soldier, please punish me~

Y/N: Mmmmm, you wanna be punished?~

Krista: Yes~ Mmmmmm please teach me a lesson~ Ahhhh~

You lifted her up and wrapped her legs around you, and carried her to her bed. You threw her down softly and began to undress as she did so as well. Once you both were in your undergarments, she removed her bra and tossed it aside. She got off the bed and went on her knees in front of you. She pulled your boxers down and saw your fully erect member. She stared at it in awe.

Krista: Soooo, big~

She gripped it with her small hand and began to stroke your member slowly. You groaned and moaned in pleasure as she stroked you.

Y/N: Ahhhh~ Krista~

Krista: Hehe, you like?~

Y/N: Mmm, yes~

Krista: Then you'll love this~

She licked your hard member from the base to the very tip and swirled her tongue on the head, causing you to groan in pleasure.

Y/N: Fuck~

Krista: Mmmm, sooo gooood~

She slowly took you into her mouth, puffing her cheeks out. She began to slowly bob her head, moving her tongue in her mouth causing you to moan loudly in sheer ecstasy. She gripped your waist and began to bob faster, your member twitched and you were close to your climax, she felt this and shoved it down her throat as far as she could and gagged, you couldn't hold it anymore and you cam in her mouth. Her eyes shot open and almost rolled back as you filled her mouth. You slowly pulled out and it dripped all over her body as she drooled out some as well.

Krista: Mmmmmm, soo tasty~

Y/N: Holw shit krista~ That was amazing~

You lied on the bed but then she got up and straddled you, taking hold of your now sensitive member, she stroked slowly again making you moan.

Krista: We're not done yet Y/N~

Y/N: Mmm fuck~

You moved your hands all over her messy body and groped her breast again, covering them in spit/sememn. She moaned and gripped your member tightly causing you to groan. She took off her panties and waved them in your face.

Krista: Here's a little taste~

She shoved them in your mouth and positioned herself above your member.

Krista: Be gentle please.

You nodded and she slid down your hard member, she whimpered and hissed in pain, but after a few seconds, she began to move up and down. She moaned louder and louder after each bounce she did on you.

Krista: Ahhh~ Ohh Y/N~ Fuck~ Your so big~

She bounced faster and faster and started to yell in pleasure. You felt her walls tighten and felt her climax on you. You felt her juices drip down all over you and on the bed. You took out the panties in your mouth and flipped her over so she was on bottom. You out the panties in her mouth and began to thrust into her fast and hard. She was moaning and yelling as loud as she could. Her tongue was hanging out of her mouth as her eyes slightly rolled back. She felt your member twitch in her and moaned louder. You pulled out and started to stroke yourself fast in her face, she took out the panties and opened her mouth wide.

Krista: Please Y/N, gimme more~ Ahhhh~

Y/N: Here it comes~ AHHHH~

You came all over her face and chest, she drooled and stared to lick her fingers and scoop up the mess she had on her. You laid down panting and she laid on you, her head on your chest.

Krista: Mmm, that was amazing Y/N~

Y/N: Yeah, best way to end a night~

Krista: I'm tired, lets get some sleep.

Y/N: Yeah, night cutie.

Krista: Night sexy~

You made out before letting sleep take over the both of you.

TimeSkip morning, Krista's POV:

I woke up feeling amazing. I looked up and saw that I was still on Y/N's body and we were still naked. I'm still surprised at how I acted, but I don't care. I have Y/N with me, that's all that matters.

Krista's thoughts: Last night was the best night of my life. He's mine and mine only. Mmmmm Y/N~

He stirred around and slowly opened his eyes. He looked down to see me looking at him, he smiled.

Y/N: Mmmm, morning beautiful.

Krista: Hehe, morning handsome

Y/N: Last night was amazing.

Krista: Yeah, you taste soooo good ~

Y/N: Haha, you felt soooo amazing Krista.

Krista: Mmmm, well I'm going to shower, feel free to...

I placed slid my hand down to his huge member and squeezed a little making him groan.

Krista:...join me~

Y/N: Mmmmm, I might just do that~

I giggled and got up from the bed, I slowly made my way to the bathroom swaying my hips, I stopped at the door and turned around to see him admiring me, I smirked and motioned him with my finger to follow me. I went in and turned on the water and started to wet my hair. I felt a pair of arms wrap behind me and groped my breast, I moaned as I held his arms to me, his muscles were so perfect.

Krista: Mmmmm~

Y/N: You have a perfect body~

Krista: It's all yours~

Y/N: Mmmm, good~

He bent me over slightly, and I felt his huge member slide inside of my opening. I moaned as it went deeper and deeper inside me, he started to thrust in and out of me, he groaned in pleasure as he felt my walls begin to tighten around his member. I moaned louder and louder.

Krista: Ahhh~ Y/N, I'm gonna cum!~

Y/N: Go ahead baby~ all over me~


I climaxed all over his member and fell to my knees, but I wasn't done yet, I wanted more of him. I turned around and grabbed his member, he groaned as I began to stroke him fast, the water and my juices on him made it easy to stroke. He moaned my name, and I took his member into my mouth and began to bob my head really fast. I could taste myself, and I started to taste a little bit of his juices seeping out of him. His member twitched in my mouth signaling he was close, I took him down as far as I could as he screamed my name.

Y/N: Kristaaa!~~

I swallowed all of his juices and slowly took him member out of my mouth, licking all of it til it was just wet from the water. I stood up and he leaned against the wall of the shower panting, I leaned against him and we lazily cleaned ourselves up. Once we dried off and got clothed, he came up to me.

Y/N: Hey Krista, I'm heading out for a bit okay? I'll see ya around.

Krista: Okay, see ya.

We kissed and I watched him exit my room.

Krista's thoughts: He's such a God of a man~.

Your POV:

After you left Krista, you went to the mess hall to grab some breakfast, it was decently full, a lot of cadets, a lot of scouts, barely any MP's though. After grabbing your breakfast, you made your way to an empty table. Before you could take a bite, you felt arms snake around your body.

Annie: Good morning Corporal~

Y/N: Leonhart, it's barely morning now isn't too early to be doing this?

Annie: Those moans I heard coming from Krista's room say other wise~

Your face reddened as Annie took a seat next to you, she put a hand on your leg and began to caress you. You dropped your spoon, and when she saw this, she knew she was winning.

Annie: Is the corporal nervous?~

When you heard this you knew you couldn't let her win, you smirked at Annie and grabbed her hand from her leg, you moved it to your member and placed her hand there. She gripped it which made you close your eyes and hold back a groan of pleasure.

Y/N: Say, Annie, you never got your reward, we always got interrupted. Why don't you say we go and finish up what we did in the barracks back in your room?

She smirked and took you by the wrist.

Annie: Let's go~

She led you back to her room, once you closed and locked the door, she pinned you to the wall and smashed her lips into yours. Your returned the kiss and grabbed her ass. She went on her tip toes to pull you closer. She started to drag you and she threw you on the bed.

Annie: Clothes off cadet~

Y/N: Yes ma'am~

You stripped down to your boxers and Annie took her clothes off as well. She went down on her knees and removed your boxers to reveal your long erect member. She grabbed it by the base and gave it a long sloppy lick. You shuddered in pleasure and your member twitched.

Annie: Mmmm, are you gonna be a good cadet? Or do I have to teach you a lesson?~

Y/N: I'm one to disobey a lot, I might need to be disciplined~

Annie: Mmmm, bad cadet~

She threw you on the bed and squeezed hard on your member making you squirm. She kissed and licked the head while keeping a tight hold around the base. You moaned as loud as you could when she bit down lightly.

Y/N: Ohh fuck Annie~ Holy shit~

Annie: Are you gonna be a good cadet?~

Y/N: No~

Annie: Mmmm, good~

She completely engulfed your long hard member down her throat and gagged. You gripped the sheets and she bobbed all the way up and down, her nose hitting you as she would gag each time from taking you in. You felt yourself nearing your end and grabbed her head and forced yourself down her throat as much as it could. She gagged and pulled your waist closer as you released down her throat, she slowly lifted her head, leaving strings of saliva and your semen slowly drip all over you, her face was a mess. Annie's icy blue eyes were full of lust as she let herself drool over your member as she stared into your (E/C) eyes.

Annie: Holy fuck~ your sooooo goood, I need more~ I need you in me~ Please Fuck me hard baby~

You were too weak to speak and simply nodded as she climbed up lazily and positioned herself above your member. As soon as she aligned herself, she slammed down hard causing both of you to scream in pleasure. She started to bounce up and down, skin slapping together echoed in the whole room. She moaned your name as loud as she could.

Annie: Holy Fuck! Harder Y/N! HARDER!

You grabbed her waist and flipped over so she was on bottom, you began to pound into here as she gripped the sheets and was screaming now in pleasure. Her eyes rolling to the back of her head as you began to thrust as fast and hard as you could. She let out simple whimpers completely taken in pleasure as you repeatedly slammed your rod in and out of her. You felt her walls tighten and she released all over your member, squirting out and getting all over the bed. You felt your member twitch and pulled out of her and began to stroke in her face, she had her mouth lazily open and with one last stroke, you released all over her face, covering her in semen. She was panting and was sprawled out over the bed. You laid down and she crawled on top of you and laid her head on your chest, letting herself drool and make a mess all over your body. You pulled the sheets over yourselves.

Y/N: You like your reward Annie?~

Annie: Mmmmmmm, sooooo goooood~

Y/N: Lets get some sleep, I doubt I can walk right now.

Annie: Mmmmmm, okay~ night you God of a man~

Y/N: Night you dirty little angel~

Third Person POV:

You kissed her drenched face and fell asleep with her on your chest. Little did you know that there was a huge group of soldiers and cadets leaned up against the door and heard every second of what happened. Mikasa, Mina, Sasha, Krista, Petra, Eren, Armin, Reiner, Bertolt, Jean, Connie, Hanji, even Erwin and Levi heard everything, including other members of the scouts and cadets.

Eren: W-well ummm, t-that was u-unexpected.

Armin: I've never heard a bed creak so much

All girls except Hanji thoughts: THAT BITCH FUCKED Y/N!!!

Levi: Tch. Disgusting brats.

Erwin: Well now, teens will be teens.

Hanji: I wish I could've watched.

Everyone stared at Hanji with dumbfounded faces.

Hanji: What?

Levi: *sigh* put a sock in it four eyes.

Krista: Well, at least I got to him first.

All the girls: WHAT?!

Krista smirked and walked back to her room. All the guys went back slightly jealous that Y/N had been having more "fun" instead if them. The girls walked back to their rooms as well, while they thought to themselves.



Mina: THOSE BITCHES GOT THEIR HANDS ON Y/N BEFORE ME, No matter, I will claim him~


All girls thoughts: Y/N IS MINE!

Well......ummmm, so that was a chapter....and theres more to uhhhh, more to come....I feel like im going to burn for writing these..WELP, I HOPE YOU ENJOYED, THANKS FOR READING!! BYE!

*Mikasa barges through the door*



*gets kicked in the face by Mikasa*


*gets pulled off keyboard*

Mikasa: Hai reader, just came to let you know that you'll be seeing me in the next chapter, get ready~ byyyeee~

*Mikasa leaves the room, leaving the author unconscious on the floor*

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