ch 4 The man with three swords
In the castle were a group of cadets who had arrived to restock on gas. Marco was currently holding Jean back from beating up some cadets who were hiding from all the action. Suddenly a hole was blown on the side of the wall and blew everyone away. Jean was the only one who managed to not get blown away. He was now in shock as he looked at the two titans that climbed up the castle. His shock was only momentarily as he watches a fist come out and hit the titans away
Jean: What!?
The titan screams at the the rest and runs at off to fight the other titans. Then Mikasa and the others crash in through the window, surprising Jean
Jean: Mikasa!?
Connie: I was running out of fumes. We made it though! Crazy but we did!
Jean: Am.... Am I.... Am I dreaming?
(Y/N): Can you put me down now?!
Mikasa: Sorry
She places him down and he quickly moves away to hide his embarrassment
Connie: Check it out! We found an abnormal that's got a bone to pick with its own kind. And the best part? He couldn't care less about us!
While he was talking about the beautiful son of a bitch (Y/N) tried to jump out the building. Before he could jump off Armin quickly grabbed him
Armin: What are you doing?
(Y/N): I'm gonna take care of the titans
Jean: How exactly?!
(Y/N): With my swords
Jean: Great, a friendly titan and delusional idiot. Are you even listening to yourself
Mikasa: He's telling the truth! I've seen it with my own eyes. He's strong, strong enough to blow a Titan back with just a swing
Jean: Strong?
He looks back over at him and sees him trying to jump out the hole in the wall but Armin and Connie hold him back
Jean: There's no way that idiot is capable of that
Mikasa: Believe it or not they're our key out of this. We need to keep that titan to keep fighting for as long as possible
Outside the titan was screeching after punching a titans head off. It went back punching a titan, knocking another titan far away, and kicking a few titans away
Connie: That titan is stronger than the rest. While he's taking care of business out there we got this monster to deal with the titans inside
He says and pats (Y/N) on the back. While the titan was wrecking havoc outside Connie had come up with the brilliant idea of sending (Y/N) down alone to take care of them.
Annie: I don't think sending one guy on a suicide mission is the best idea
Reiner: For once I'm with Annie on this. There's gotta be a better option
Connie: Trust me he's – gone!?
Looking back at (Y/N) he noticed that he had disappeared, not only that but Sasha was gone too. Meanwhile out in the hallway Sasha was tugging on (Y/N) shirt attempting to stop him.
Sasha: Stop! Where are you going?!
(Y/N): In going downstairs to deal with the titans
Sasha: Then why are you going upstairs!
He stops momentarily and noticed something. He was indeed going up instead of down
(Y/N): When did the stairs move?!
Sasha: Stairs don't move! At least I don't think they do?
(Y/N): We're gonna get nowhere if we keep getting lost
Sasha: You're the one going up instead of down
(Y/N): It's okay, I have a better solution
He takes both of his swords and, in a circular motion, cuts a hole in the floor. They look down and see that the rubble had crushed a titan beneath. While Sasha is left speechless (Y/N) jump down to the titan while putting his third sword in his mouth. He watched in disbelief as (Y/N) eviscerated the titans swipe after swipe
Sasha: How did he get so strong. How is he even doing all of this
She was cut off from her thoughts when she noticed the last titan get cut completely in half, from top to bottom
(Y/N): Well that was easy
He put his swords back into their sheath after making sure all the titans were dead. Once he was sure he looked back up at Sasha and held his hands out, much to his confusion
Sasha: What are you doing?
(Y/N): I'm waiting for you to jump
Sasha: What!? I'm not gonna jump
(Y/N): Why not? You jump off buildings and fly for a living
Sasha: This is different! I could hurt myself
(Y/N): Not if I catch you
Sasha: I'm not doing it
(Y/N):*mumble* Where getting nowhere with this
Sasha: What did you–?!
The floor underneath her suddenly fell from underneath her and completely caught her off guard. As she screams she shuts her eyes and braces for the impact but it never came. She opened her eyes and saw that (Y/N) had indeed caught her. Looking back she saw that the platform she was standing on had been perfectly cut to her size
Sasha: Wh-what?!
(Y/N) turns around, with Sasha still in his arms, and sees the elevator coming down with all the cadets with rifles in hand. They then grew confused when they noticed there were no Titans at all, then Connie noticed (Y/N) standing, holding a potato sack, near steaming corpses
Jean: What the hell happened here!?
(Y/N): Well well well, look who got lost
Jean: You're the one who disappeared on us!!!
(Y/N): And I'm still the first one here
Sasha: *blushing* Uhm, c-can you put me down
(Y/N): Oh, okay
He lets he go and she drops on her butt as she lets out a small yelp. The cadets quickly replenish their supplies and have a small celebration for their salvation. While everyone is doing that (Y/N), once again decides to go and kill more titans but is stopped by Mikasa
(Y/N): Hey! What's your problem
Mikasa: If you leave our sights you'll get lost again
(Y/N): I found my way here didn't I
Mikasa: I somehow feel like it was all thanks to Sasha that you even made it this far
(Y/N): I'll have you know I found this place completely on my own
Sasha: You would've been on the roof if it wasn't for me!
He didn't have a comeback this time and chose to grumble as he sat down on a crate. Once the cadets were finished gearing up they made a quick get away to the inner walls, well most of them, Mikasa chose to check on the rouge titan. Along with her were Jean, Armin, Annie, Reiner, and Armin. Much to their surprise the titan had been killed and, an even greater surprise, Eren came from out of it's nape. Mikasa jump down and held him tightly, as well as listening to for a heartbeat, and cried her heart out
King crimson
Mikasa and the others were on top of a castle, with Mikasa still crying, staring in disbelief. Armin held Erens hand wondering what happened and why he came out of a titan
Jean: Eren..... did all this.....
Reiner: Seems like it
Jean: He's gone isn't he?
Annie: We lost him the moment we stepped outside
On top of the walls the three sword wielding swordsman was walking along the tracks. He stopped momentarily to look out towards the distance as he closed his eyes to think
(Y/N): Where did everybody run off to?
He looked around before walking off again
Sorry it took so long on making this, I was very lazy. That's it. That's the reason. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Another thing, I made another aot story but this time it's with Sanji. Idk why, I just think it'd be funny. Anyway that's all, bye
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