Show down
The lunch bell rang and Sasha bolted out the classroom to get her favorite meal. "Right, today's the day! Yakisoba bread, you're mine!" Before she could reach the precious lunch, it disappears in a flash. Sasha fell and saw who took her Yakisoba bread
"Thank you, Levi darling! I'll pay you back today before yesterday!" Hanji had a bag of baked goods with her as she was running away. "Like hell, four eyes." The small captain was going after Hanji. His paper fan "Come back, Yakisoba! You and I belong together!" Sasha started to cry, reaching her hand out.
"Life is cruel! Once again I got no Yakisoba! It's so unfair!" The brunette cries on her desk while Latina rubbed her back in an attempt to comfort her . "I'm sorry this keeps happening to you, would you like some of my lunch to help cheer you up?" Sasha picks her head up from the table and nods slowly, tear stained and defeated
"Yeah, it's a real tragedy. You do know there is an unspoken rule about banning first years from buying bread in the cafeteria, right?" "Hmph, really? All of this for bread?" Drake asked
"The upperclassmen must have a serious thing for baked goods." Connie said "Urg, not the point. They just like to rub our noses into their superiority..." jean explained "Woah! That's not very nice!" Connie exclaimed
"On the subject, what's with you ditching Wall Cleanup lately?" Jean tries to dodge to Eren's question by whistling. "If I was you, I'd make an appointment to show up today. Rico's super ticked." Eren informs.
Wall cleanup club
Rico was scrubbing graffiti off the wall when the group came in. "Hey Rico! How's it going this afternoon?" Eren called out, Rico comes down from the wall to greet the first years. "Not bad." Rico sees Jean sneaking off. "Long time, no see, Jean. Mind telling me why you've been skipping out on cleanup duties?" She said in a harsh tone
"Uh! I've been crazy busy with a bunch of stuff like after school dance class and karate!" "I know for a fact that none of that is true." Eren said"Bad enough that you turned your back on the sacred trust that is wall cleanup duty, but to stand there and lie to me! Forgiveness is not an option, and as far as I'm concerned you are all responsible for Jean's misconduct so you are all on window detail!" "WHAT?!"
The group was walking to the Scout Regiment, all sweaty and tired from the excessive window cleaning on a hot afternoon. "I'm exhausted." Connie sighed "I think I'm at the verge of starvation." Sasha groaned
" Jean If you skip out on wall clean up again I'm killing you" drake glared at him
" hey!" Eren slides the door open. "We're sorry we're late!-!" Eren spoke up "Unacceptable! You must utter an appropriate greeting!" Oluo scolds, "Oh, my apologies! Good afternoon."
"I can't hear you!"
"Good Afternoon!" Everyone joined in. "Why do I have the feeling you've been slacking off?You've been remissing your commitments haven't you, runt! Don't even think about lying to me!" He walked up to Eren and points his finger at his face
"I wouldn't dream of it!" Eren exclaimed "Explain the state of your dress! You look like you got outta bed!" He proceeds to forcefully put on the school jacket on him, almost chocking him. "I expect to see you in uniform at all times! And not have your colars half unbuttoned!"
"First years are not allowed to trick out their bags with adorable key chains!" Petra grabs Armin's and Latina's key chains with cute cat and a cute pikachu. "We're sorry! We didn't know!" Erd went up to Jean pointing st his red shirt underneath . "And what's this! you trying to impress the ladies! colored t-shirts are forbidden!"
"Woah! Violation! Skirt hemlines go below the knee! And absolutely no cute needle point designs on your socks!" Petra yelled, pointing at Sasha and Latina's socks "Aw, what?! Seriously?!"
"First years need a one guard! Now turn around girly-boy it's time to get a haircut!" Gunther had a razor out, ready to cut off Armin's hair. "Noooo!"
"That's what I use!" Connie grinned, Eren's mind was swirling and finally had enough. "CAN EVERYONE SHUT UP FOR A SECOND!?"
The Room was dead quiet, frozen in place, of course oluo bit his tongue and fell. " oh hi guys" Christa, lizzy, Ymir, Zane, Grayson, Reiner, and Bertholdt showed up " oh, I mean good after noon,sorry were late" the three girls sporting cute key chains and thigh highs while the four boys were wearing colored t-shirts.
The four second years gawked before shouting
Grayson wears yellow and zane wears dark green, just in case anyone asks
For the punishment, the first years were forced to cleaning the storage room. "This sucks! We're stuck cleaning wherever we go!" Jean points out, sick of having to do labor. "I know, it feels like we're going to be doing this for the rest of our lives" eren sulked "Well, it cant get any worse from here, can it?" Latina points while climbing the ladder to the top shelf
"I agree!" Armin chimes in. " Junior has only three years, after all" just as latina got to the top, she lost her balance " woah!"
" ill catch you!" Reiner was about to do so when he was punched in the face and Ymir stood in his place, catching the redhead "you alright red?"
" thanks for that Ymir" latina smiled " when this cleaning is done you me and Christa are getting married!" She grinned, Reiner growled at the girl while she just stuck her tongue out at him
"How's it going in here?" Hanji's perky voice asked, the first years looked to see the third years
. "I don't know, but it all seems familiar." Hanji replies with a smile. Levi crouches down and runs his finger on the ground, it was still dusty. "Morons, how long have you been at this?"
"I don't know, maybe something like ten minutes or so." Eren answered, In a flash, Levi stacks the boxes with just one hit of his paper fan. The first years stood with wide eyes and open mouths. "You guys are beyond pathetic. We can get the store room cleaned in two minutes. How are you supposed to participate in any of the Scout's activities when you can't even clean a store room." He glared
" but we've been... we've been cleaning as much as we can!" Eren said "Are you two in-laws or something?" Jean mocks, throwing down his rag. "Yeah! This is dumb! Why can't I buy me some Yakisoba bread!?" Now Sasha joins in, just as bitter and tired. "How come everybody isn't required to use a one guard?" Connie asked. "Hey you guys, we'll get in trouble!" Eren warns his classmates.
Levi then stacks more boxes with another flick of his fan. Speechless and shock were understatements.
"What you need is to be taught a lesson and you're in perfect kicking position, says this guy." Levi glared. "I say we have a friendly competition!" Hanji announces. She steps back to catch the second years eves-dropping. "And that it's important for all of us to be involved. So let's set an example for to the first years!" "Huh? Don't drag us into this!" Petra protests. "Urg, Dammit! Why me!" Oluo cursed
"Done deal. Whoever loses cleans the Titan's building. It's on the day after tomorrow...against each other and everyone else in the Sports Day Games."
Next day
Outside, everyone was wearing their gym uniforms and standing by their own class. The school was set up like an Olympic stadium" hello and welcome to the annual attack junior high sports day games! I am your commentor, ilse lagnar with the newspaper club, comin' at you live!" The girl yelled into the mic
" aw, jeez. I don't get it,How in the world win that this happened to us?"eren panicked, people were chatting in excitement about the sports festival. Class 4 Year 1 was waiting for the rest of the class to come out. "Hey guys!" The blushed when they saw the redheads appearance, in a cheerleader outfit, Levi also from where he stood
"Sorry we're late! Took us a while to change!" Christa waves at her classmates with a cute smile. Also wearing a cheerleader outfit ' their so cute!' Reiner and Ymir gushed
" um, Christa...latina..." the two turned to Annie who was hiding behind them " i'm not really feeling this outfit" she mumbled " Don't be that way! It's normal to feel'll get over it! " Christa said pushing the blond forward
" ...I'm telling you.I can hardly breathe in this damn thing" she went back to hiding behind Latina, berthold couldn't take it anymore and fainted with a nosebleed
"Okay everyone! Get out their and Win it for the first years!" Christa and Latina cheers
"Yeah! Let's give it everything weve got!" Reiner shouts as everyone joins in with blood all over their nose.
"We got this in the bag!" Eren gives out high fives the cheerleaders and the rest of his classmates, he was about to high five mikasa when he heard
" alright, folks! Those participating in the barn eating contest, report to the area near the entrance gate at this time!"
" it's my turn now and momma's going to win!" Sasha cheered"Good luck, Sasha!" Eren high-fived her" Like I need luck for this one! " The two went separate ways
"Uh....uh..." mikasa just stared at her hand "Um mikasa?" She turned and noticed latina lifting a hand to high five her " good luck" she high-fived her, after she left she smiled looking at her hand
The first game was the bread eating contest: a person from each class must race towards the line of Yakisoba bread on a string and try to grab it with their mouths. Sasha was excited to participate
" Red bean paste, yakisoba, melon! How long I've waited to stuff myself with your deliciousness!" She drooled
" hello, Sasha! Here's hopin' we both do okay!" Hanji said" ho-ho, trust me.I'll do fine!" Sasha grinned
" okay! Let the eating competition again! Everybody take their marks.set" hannes shot the flare gun and Sasha immediately dashed for the bun
" come on, Sasha! Woo!" Eren cheered " youve got this in the bag!" Grayson cheered, armin looked over at hanji, who wasn't running just standing " hold up. What's going on? Is hanji not even gonna try?" He wonders out loud, Grayson eyes widened
" oh no..." he muttered " what's wrong?" Armin asked " she wouldn't!" Grayson glared
" what did I just tell you? This one is mine!" Smash a jumped for it, Sadly, her, along with everyone else racing, lost to a wild Hanji riding her titan Sawney and taking all the bread of itself
. " hey! No way that regulation!" Sasha yelled at the titan woman " why not? We are basically two half's of the same person!" Sasha growled while sawny almost bit hanji's head off " good one sawney! You almost got me there!" She laughed "one of these days it's going to be more than almost! " morbilt yelled " can't I have even a tiny piece?" The girl cried
" don't worry Sasha" Latina cheered holding up the Pom-poms" fight on!" Christa followed her cheer, Annie covering herself with her pom-poms" yeah what they said" she blushed
" next up, its first years versus second years in ball toss, both teams, ready.set" the next flare was shot and both first years and second years began attempting to toss their balls into the enemy's baskets, rock jumped from one tall pole to another, while smacking every red ball that came at her with her broom " I am holding up my, if Ian and the others land some points" she gasped
Jean was dodging every ball thrown at him with his broom and 3DMG to help him glide around the enemy" hey, no fair, he's playin dirty!" Ian yelled " want to do something about it, stop whining and get up here!" Jean smirked, all the second years were chasing after him yelling but he just kept swinging away
" this is not what our precious 0DM gear is meant for!" Rico growled, Connie snuck up behind her from bellow " there is our opening!" He tossed his ball but Rico deflected it along with the others
"How dare you take wall clean up club property without permission!" Rico yelled, she smacked on ball that went charging towards jean, he's screen before he was hit in the face, giving the rest of the second years time to aim at him And strike, He fell to the ground" ow, ow"
and was met with a large group of second years holding evil smiles and red dodgeballs" oh. Hi there. Nice morning for a game, heh" he smiled nervously
" do it" rico smirked, symbolising a throat slice, all the second years began kicking the hell out of him "wow.the second years of scary" Connie comments " and jeans is so useless it's tragic" Ymir adds " if we put our balls in the basket now, we'd probably get murdered" armin finished
The three girls continued their cheering "Fight on!" Christa cheered "Sure. That" Annie still covered herself with the pom-poms " you've got this!" Latina cheered
Third Years: 689 Points Second Years: 253 Points First Years: 5 Points
Class 4
" our team o-only has five points." Armin stuttered " There is so much freakin better than us at everything, what chance do we really have?" Sasha asked
" well, I suppose we better just adjust to the idea of cleaning the titan building" Reiner sighed "Um, maybe if we just apologise to them?" Berthold suggested
"Calm yourself" a voice called out"Mikasa!" Armin called out her name, she had a dark aura. "We haven't got time for you to start getting emotional." Mikasa spoke up. "Marco, correct me if I'm wrong but if we yanked out the bandanas off their captain's in shoulder wars, we get 100 points, that about right?"
"Yeah, I think so but even with the your help, there's just too many of them." "We can do it." "What!?"
"We're really strong! " mikasa announced, Latina standing next to her
"we're warriors! We can take more punishments than any of you and annihilate our upperclassmen, even if We do it alone. As far as we're both concerned, we're surrounded by a bunch of unskilled cowardly worms." Mikasa spat
"You disappointed me, you can just sit here and twiddle your thumbs and watch how it's done!" Even if her speech came out of thin air, it still took everyone by surprise. "Wait, Mikasa!" Drake exclaimed, making her turn to face him.
"Who said you'll do it alone?" " yeah, plus I'm still mad at hanji for using sawney" Grayson declared " I'm in" zane adds
. "Okay...I was kinda hoping for something more motivational." Jean stands up, dusting his shorts. "Come on, i don't know about you people but I wasn't taught to let my comrades fight alone!" Everyone got up and cheered, eren ran up to mikados " mikasa! Lets make this happen!" He raised his hand to high five
" eren" she smiled, and saw about to high-five him when he heard "attention! It's time for the last game of the day, shoulder war! all participants report to your designated areas! I repeat it's time for the last game of the day..." " crap! We gotta hurry!" Eren rushed off, mikasa once again looking at her hand " mikasa" she looked up and saw armin " talk to you for a Sec?"
Quick note
Violet team contributes lizzy and two other girls in their class
" alright! We're down to the final competition: shoulder wars! The object is to steal the bandannas from the opposing teams captains. Here we go! Everybody ready. Set." The final fare went off and everyone immediately started yelling as they charged in, mikasa managed to grab three from the opposing captains ahead of them, as did Latina
" dude, mikasa and Latina are total badasses! How are they even goin' that fast?" Connie questioned
"Looks like this might be a quicker game" Jean comments " just remembered, we got to get to the captains before they get to us!"
"Okay!" Eren nodded " don't get cocky yet! This ain't over till the fat la-" oluo bits his tongue before he could finish "that's what you get for flapping your jowls while carrying me on your back" Petra said, just then she noticed, Mikasa and her team, plus Latina as well, mikasa uncovered herself, revealing cute keychains and thigh highs with needle print designed socks
. " what?! No! No!"
"Petra! Watch this!" It was Latina's turn, Removing her cloak, and reveals her cheerleading outfit, with her cute designed socks and keychains on her bag " you! You're in flagrant violation of our made up rule!"
" Petra! set up straight!"oluo yelled"Huh?!"
This distraction gave Eren an opportunity to snatch the bandana from most of the second years " i'll take that!" Eren yelled, snatching it
" I did it! I got a captains bandanna! Yeah-eah!" Mikasa and Latina's teams rushed over to his " I did it mikasa!"
" up top" the two finally high-fived, mikasa stared down at her hand then smiled " not bad for a noob!" Rico commented as she had Ian's team charged for them
" Rico! Take care of the first years in the back! Mine and mitabi's team Will deal with the ones out front" Ian said "Roger that! These poor fools thought we were scary before, wait till they get a load of us at full power!" She smirked
" c'mon, eren! Get out there!" Mikasa glared at the white haired girl " we'll take care of Rico and Ian's teams!" Latina and her team followed after hers" wait! Mikasa! Latina!"
" you heard the girls! Now is the time to go all in and do whatever we can!" Armin yelled, eren growled " heads up, rug rats! Daddy's going to have to spank your little bottoms with a baseball bat!" Armin jumped on to the mitabi's team to buy some time
"ARMIN!" Eren shouts, watching his classmates sacrifice themselves. "Go, now! Fulfill your duty!" Were Armin's final words. Eren let out a war cry as his group led him into a dust storm, students yelling for help.
"It's okay, Eren, don't look back! Focus on the 3rd year captain!" They broke through the dust fog, revealing the final boss: Levi casually sweeping on Mike's shoulders. "Levi, what are you doing here?" Eren asked
"What does it look like? Somebody's gotta clean up this mess. You're in the way, move it." Levi glared over his shoulder "Don't back down!" Reiner speaks. "Come on! Stay strong!" Jean chimes in.
'I can't allow my teammates sacrifices to be all for nothing! So I won't back down!' "That bandana is mine!" Before the first years could reach him, Levi had knocked each of them down. "Watch where you're going, idiots. I just swept here."
"HEY!" The ravenette looked up at the sky to see where that familiar voice was coming from above. "IF THE THIRD YEAR'S WIN I'M TOTALLY ALLOWED TO BREAK THIS OPEN, RIGHT?!PLEASE, SAY I CAN! OH PRETTY PLEASE!" Hanji was on a hot-air balloon with Sawney, Bean, she leaned to close to the edge and fell off, she managed to save herself by pulled the rope.
Confetti breaks open the hot air balloon and it begins to rain down all over the school. At first everyone admired the display, but soon realized the thunderstorm of colorful confetti that was coming to them.
Everyone was struggling to swim in the confetti. Levi jumped out of the way, carrying the redhead with him, just in time,. Standing on one of the banner ropes, he looks down at the mess Hanji made. "Damn you four eyes..." He curses. "U-Um..." The ravenette looks down at the blushing girl. "Huh, not bad." The third year mumbles. "H-Huh?!"
Time skip
The sports festival ended, and the first years were assigned to clean up the confetti. "Ugh, we're never going to be done." Eren mumbled "Excuse me, there aren't enough brooms." The first years look to see Rico and the second years standing in front of them. "What do you mean, there should be enough for everyone...." until he turned and saw the second years "What are you guys doing?" Eren asked
"Hey, we're human. We had our share of uppity upperclassmen way back when. You guys aren't the only ones who get sick of lectures." Rico commenTs with a smile "So wait, you guys know what it's like?" Eren states surprised "Oh yeah." Rico chuckles.
"Even though last year Levi and the others won us by a huge margin, they still helped us out." Petra comments with a smile. "This will go a lot faster if we divide and concur."
"Alright, let's move on. I want this finished!" "Guys!" The upperclassmen look over at the bowing students. "We're sorry! We should've shown more respect!"
"Do not misinterpret our intentions, we're not here to soften our image! We just want to see a job well done!" Oluo bites his tongue in the middle of his sentence, to everyone's relief. "Speaking of Levi and the others, where are they?"
" I regret nothing!" Hanji was running away from Levi, who was holding his paper fan in the room where they kept sawney and bean "Stop running away from me four eyes!" She just laughed when ever he tried to make a strike
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