In the year 850, the Colossal Titan reappeared and busts another wall. Once again, the humanity allowed the Titans inside to further their advance. One after another, some soldiers fell to the Titan's grasps.
And then...
Armin: Eren! Hurry!
But he was too late as the Titan shuts its mouth and it resulted in amputating an arm and he's swallowed into the darkness.
Armin: *breakdown scream*
Eren, fell prey to a Titan as well. Mikasa learned this, but the hardest way possible.
Mikasa kept killing the Titans left to right with consuming too much gas.
Connie: Man, Mikasa's incredible... How can she move so fast?!
Armin: 'No! She's not her usual, composed self at all!'
Mikasa: 'I'll do whatever it takes to win. Whatever it takes to live!' *war cry*
Mikasa found herself in dire straits as well, when a Mysterious and Unknown Titan appeared and attacked another of its kind.
The boy who wields the mechanical monstrosity could feel something about the Rogue one.
Y/n: 'Whoever it is... I can feel something about it through the Twin Drive system'
*opening starts*
The Rogue Titan keeps punching the Pure Titan and when it's nape is completely crushed he then saw the 00. He thinks its a Titan, so it did what it has to do.
It tried to punch it's face but the 00 catches the fist, the Rogue tries its other side but it was caught as well.
Meanwhile, Armin, Connie and Mikasa are now running on the roofs and using little gas only for gaining little boost and momentum. But Armin, remembers something.
Armin: 'No... Please don't... I'll only... I'll only get more of my friends killed!'
But then he heard the Rogue one roaring to 00. He looked back and something popped into his mind.
Armin: *removes his hand from Connie* Wait! Listen! I have a suggestion!
Connie and Mikasa looks to Armin, with confused faces.
Connie: A suggestion?
Armin: Only you two can do it, so I leave the choice to you... I know it sounds crazy, but could we use that Titan to our advantage?
They looked back to see the 00 dodging its attacks thinking it will not work.
Connie: That Titan?! How, it couldn't even recognize the 00 as a friendly!
Armin: It attacks other Titans and doesn't show any interest in us. So I'm wondering if we could lead it to the supple building... We just needed the 00 to find a way to persuade it. If it works, then it takes out the other Titans for us, we just might all survive!
Connie: Lead it and persuade it?! How do you hope to lead and persuade that thing?!
Armin: My guess is it's fighting on instinct. If you two can take out the Titans around it, and he could find a way to persuade it, it'll go and look around for Titans. That'll naturally lead it toward Headquarters.
Connie: W-We can't risk our necks for some hopeful guess!
Armin: But if it works, we could eliminate all the Titans attacking HQ in one fell swoop.
Connie is unbelievable at his plan but Mikasa answers to his plan.
Mikasa: It seems worth trying.
Connie: Huh?! Are you serious?!
Mikasa: It's better to take a gamble than wait for our inevitable deaths. Let's go with Armin's suggestion.
Connie: You want us to fight Titans with a Titan when we have already one of them?!
Mikasa: Yes. I do.
Connie just stammers and just stated the facts if they fail.
Connie: We'll look like morons if we screw this up.
Armin: Yeah. But if we succeed, everyone survives.
Mikasa: It all comes down to resolve. *runs*
Armin follows up to Mikasa and Connie has no other choice but to follow up.
Connie: All right! Fine! *runs*
Meanwhile on Jean's position, he's still seeing many Titans below them but they're eating the slowly burning corpse of their own. He's still doubting about his responsibility as a leader.
Jean: 'Am I really cut out for this? Am I really fit to have a position of responsibility?'
He closes his eyes as he thinks about it, but he stops as he sees something, a opening to their objective destination.
Jean: 'No! No... now is the time. Now is our chance, while the Titans are preoccupied over there!' *narrowed his eyes*
Everyone is still looking for a way out of this one, but Jean gains their attentions.
Jean: Now! Make for HQ while we have the chance!
Jean jumps to the next roof to gain speed and activate the ODM gear. Marco and Sasha follows up. Including Reiner, Bertholdt & Annie.
Jean: *keeps running* 'Now is our only chance! If we run out of gas, it's all over anyway!' Everyone, break through!
All of the Cadets are running and jumping roof to roof to get the opportunity.
On the other side, 00 is still trying to find a way to make it allied to them, even though the Rogue one is hard-headed.
Rogue: *growl* RRRAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!!
Y/n: Wait! 'How am I make him help us... *something pop into his mind* Let's hope it works...'
Then Mikasa and Armin tries to gain its attention but then they heard it's GN Drives, they saw the 00's GN drive dispersing even more GN particles and the chest core is glowing white and red lines have spread through out the machine, as the Gundam turns red.
Mikasa, Armin being carried by Connie, saw it as they're gonna question what it is, Y/n speaks.
Y/n: Meet one of the potential of my 00 Core Gundam. Trans-Am!
As the Titans surrounding Rogue and 00 saw it and goes through there, Mikasa and Armin are confused on what's the Trans-Am but they saw the Titans, now they see it as a opportunity.
Armin: Now! While their getting the attention to him!
Mikasa kills the first and second one while the Rogue Titan is easing down a little bit as it sees the Gundam. The Rogue Titan stops and sees its eyes, cyan blue. The Rogue Titan then sees the HQ and moves there. Mikasa, Armin and Connie can see what the Gundam did the impossible, possible.
Meanwhile, Jean and the others began to blaze through the Titans inbound. Jean got grabbed on the leg by a Titan but he sliced it off with his blades. They landed back on the rooftops again to save some gas for getting in the HQ.
Marco: Jean!
Jean: Huh?
Marco: Thanks! You helped us get away!
Jean: Huh?!
Marco: It's all thanks to you! It's like I said before, you made a good leader!
Jean: I'm not so sure about that!
They jumped and zip through using ODM gears to dodge the Titans grabby hands. The cadet dodges one but for the other he just an impossible move. He motions his body 360 and acts like a drill and just pierce and slices the Titan's hands.
Jean: Holy... *sees the only way to enter the HQ* Everyone, bust through the window!
Jean busts in first and then finally the rest of them. They're exhausted making into the HQ, and they only have 5 - 1% gas capacity left in their tanks.
Jean: *exhausted* 'How many made it? *holds his head* How many risks did I use that almost made my comrades die?!'
But then he saw what would be the most shocking, triggered and yet pissed experience for him. Some Cadets are hiding underneath the desks, one of them is a woman who has a blood splatter on her face with tears.
Jean: You're with the supply team, aren't you?
Cadet (B): Yeah...
But then he gets yanked out of the hiding by Jean and punched his face. Marco intervenes to calm Jean down.
Marco: *restraining* Stop, Jean!
Jean: These are the ones who abandoned us! People are dead because of you guys!
Cadet (G): The Titans overran the supply room! There was nothing we could do!
Jean: It's your job to deal with it anyway!
But then they heard a whistling, Reiner looks out the window and surprised.
Reiner: Hit the deck!
A leaping Abnormal lodged its face inside, the shockwaves send some of the Cadets pushed back.
Jean: There are too many people!
The Cadets just then cowardly runs except for the top 10 members.
Jean: 'This must be normal. This must be what the real world is like... Was I trying to delude myself until now? Surely I knew what the real world was like... It's so obvious when you think about it... There's no way we stand a chance against these monstrosities...'
But when all hope is lost, a fist suddenly was met to the face of the Abnormals.
Jean: What?!
Outside, it was the Rogue Titan who sent these things flying. It roared to them, and continues killing them all.
Jean: Huh? What the hell...?
Just then, Mikasa busts through the window, with Armin and Connie following up.
Jean: Mikasa!
Connie: Man, that was close. *knocks the tank* It's completely empty. We did it! We managed to make it!
Jean walks in to see them. Including Mikasa who everyone thought she was dead.
Jean: Wh-Whoa, you're alive!
Connie: We did it, Armin! *pats Armin's back*
Armin: *hurts after being carried* O-Ouch!
Connie: Looks like it worked after all! Guys! That Titan's an Abnormal! It's killing all the other Titans! And it has no interest in us! Especially the 00, after he persuaded it! We can use it to our advantage to escape from here!
The Rogue Titan begins to walk to the other Titans, prepared for battle.
Cadet (B): Use another Titan?!
Jean: Another Titan, helping us?! What kind of nonsensical dream-
Y/n: He's right, you know.
The 00 who just disabled the Trans-Am, slowly landed in front of everyone. The other who cowards underneath the table saw the Gundam for the first time. It gives shivers on them while the others are glad that it's still alive and kicking.
Jean: 00?
Mikasa: Whether it's an Abnormal or not, I don't care. We're going to let it rampage here for as long as possible. With helping the 00 also
The Rogue one begins to punch another one, and it roars again making every Titan around HQ gets its attention.
Mikasa: Because, realistically, that's our best strategy for survival now.
The Rogue just flips the pure one coming form behind. And it roared bloodthirsty for more Titans to kill.
Connie: It's okay. That Titan's really strong than the pure ones; it could rival the Armored but for now, it doesn't.
The Rogue Titan begins to punch the Titan left to right and kicks the small ones. Meanwhile in HQ a lift is coming up.
Connie: I doubt they'll take down this building while that one's rampaging like crazy.
The Cadets is below one floor from where they've been previously.
Reiner: How much do you know about that Titan?
Connie: Hm? We can worry about that after we're safe.
Reiner: Yeah. Let's survive first.
Cadet (B): We found some.
They come out with weapon crates.
Jean: They belong to the Military Police! Damn things all covered in dust...
They open up the lid and grabs the Buckshot rifles.
Jean: Are you sure buckshot is what we want to use?! I mean, seriously... Will guns even work against Titans?
Armin: They're far better than nothing, I feel. If there are still 7 Titans in the supply room that are 3 or 4 meters tall, this much firepower should be capable of blinding them all simultaneously.
Marco: Well, what's the plan?
???: Can I help here?
They saw someone with a helmet, wearing blue suit. This makes everyone confused on who he is.
Annie: Who are you?
???: It's me. You know, the machine.
Bertholdt: 00?
00: Well, in my own clothing for using it.
Armin: 00... But what are you doing here?
00: Well, figured might help you guys. So, what's the plan?
Armin: Well... anyone have a writing tool.
No one answered, but Y/n responded.
00: Here let me help you all.
Then Y/n uses a holomap, to identify the whole HQ, thanks to his drone camouflaged while scanning the area. They're shocked by this and Y/n just clears his throat and brings up the HQ building and using his hands it zoomed in on where is his machine while the other is their position.
In GBN simulation imagery for viewers, it outlines Armin's plan.
Armin: Uhm, okay. *shows the lift with some people* First, we'll use the lift to lower a group of people from the center ceiling. *shows the Titans* They'll then simultaneously fire at the faces of each of the 7 Titans, thereby blinding them. *shows the firing simulation and the Titans holding their faces as if they're blind.* Then comes the moment of truth... 7 people hiding up top will strike the Titans' vitals just after the guns fire. *simulated the 7 people wearing ODM gears and slashing the napes*.
Armin: In other words, this plan will put everything on the line-- everyone's lives on the line-- for a single attack. *Y/n shows the people chosen to deal the killing blow* 7 people will have to slay 7 Titans at the same time in a single blow. It'll be up to the 7 people most physically fit and adept soldiers we have here. *Y/n reveals the image of Mikasa, Jean, Connie, Annie, Reiner, Bertholdt and Sasha* So umm, I'm sorry for placing everyone's lives on your shoulders.
Y/n: So... spring their lazy trap. I like it.
Then Y/n shuts it off and outs it back to his deployment device.
Reiner: It's no problem.
Annie: If we fail, we die. The risk's the same regardless of who goes.
Armin: Still, is this shabby idea of mine really is our best strategy?
Marco: We got no other choice. We're out of time and options. All we can do now is give it our all!
Mikasa: It'll be fine. Be confident. You have a knack for figuring out correct solutions.
Armin: Huh?
Mikasa: You even used it to save my life and Eren's life before.
Armin: It did...? Since when?
Then the lift door suddenly opened by the Cadets.
Cadet (B): The lift's ready! The guns too! They're all loaded!
Mikasa: You just don't realize it. We can talk about it later.
Armin: Yeah.
They all come down to position themselves
Connie: Still, can we rally take out all the Titans without our ODM gear?
Reiner: Of course we can! These Titans are only 3 or 4 meters tall.
Jean: Yeah. Regardless of the size, their vitals go from head to the nape of the neck...
Sasha: 1 meter high and 10 centimeters across!
Reiner: You can also shove one of those up their butts! Those are the only 2 weak spots!
Sasha,, Connie just surprised at him, but they didn't know it was only a joke.
Connie: I never knew about that one!
Sasha: This is the first I've ever heard of it, too.
Jean: Reiner. Those could end up being your last words, you know.
Y/n can hear Reiner's joke on his helmet coms and just snorts at it. Gaining Armin and Marco's attention.
Armin: What is it?
Y/n: I could just hear Reiner just joked that there's a 2nd weak spot for the Titans.
Marco: Where?
Y/n: Through it's butt.
Armin and the others tried not to laugh or mind at it and returned to their formation. But they noticed that Y/n has no rifle.
Armin: Oh, wait... I don't think we have enough for you.
Y/n: Oh, its fine. I have my own.
Shows his pistol to everyone.
Marco: That? But... will that pack a punch?
Y/n: Yep. *slides the barrel*
Cadet (G): You sure have knowledge about that.
Y/n: A story for another time. Now come on, let's go mess those lazy idiots relaxation.
They formed to the elevator and the killing blow teams are standing by. The elevator goes down. When they're in the supply room, they seen that the Titans numbers haven't increased yet.
Marco: Good. Their numbers haven't increased.
They aimed their firearms at the straight forward position other are leaned down.
Marco: Proceeding with operation!
One of the Titans walk pass a little bit but changed course to the elevator. With a creeping smile on its face. Armin and some are shaking by this. But Y/n just neutrally saying.
Y/n: Stay calm. We need to lure them all the way in here. Breath in, breath out.
Some followed his instructions and they're still shaking up but not before when that ugly creep looked at them.
Y/n: 'Stand by...'
The killing blow team are in position as well not making any unnecessary moves.
Reiner: 'Avoid a disadvantageous fight...'
Bertholdt: 'If you don't want to die...'
Jean: '..then make this attack count!'
Marco: 'Steady...'
When the creep gets closer, some whimpered a little bit and Y/n commands them.
Y/n: On my signal...
Marco: Ready...
They all have their index finger on their rifles and pistol.
When it made one more step...
Y/n: Fire!!
They all fired while Y/n fired 3 shots. Making them blind for a little while.
Y/n: Killing blows, now!!
They all run up to deal the finishers
Mikasa: 'I got mine' What about you guys?
They all slashed it, but for Sasha's and Connie's, it only sliced it's back. Making it looked behind him.
Sasha: U-Umm... I'm sorry for suddenly sneaking up and... I'm very sorry..!
Connie: C-Crap...
Bertholdt: Sasha and Conny!
Jean: Hurry! Lend them back up!
Y/n: Tsk. *sets his pistol to rapid fire* Sasha, dodge to the other side!
Sasha tries to find the right timing.
Sasha: I'm... um...
The pure one looks closely like its ready to lunge Sasha... And it did.
Sasha: I'm very sorry!
Y/n: Annie, Mikasa, raise them!
Annie and Mikasa knows what he means and follows his plan.
Annie strikes the back straight and Mikasa strikes it across. Y/n dealt the final blow when he rapid fire their napes. Y/n drops down and check the corners of the room.
Sasha: Mikasa! You saved me!
Mikasa: Are you all right?
Sasha: Thanks to you!
Mikasa: Then get up.
Connie: *sighs of relief* I owe you one guys...
Annie: No problem.
Reiner: Wow. Close call. I'm glad you didn't end up getting hurt.
Y/n: Everyone! It's clear! You can resupply now!
They had a smile on their faces, finally they can reload their supplies.
Armin: We did it!
Marco: Yeah... *nearly faints and almost lose his sanity*
They filled their tanks with gas again and have their blades full on stock.
Cadet (B): All right! We're gonna survive!
Cadet (B): And no more Titans are coming inside!
Y/n: Ok, you guys resupply, I'll go back to my own machine. *sets his pistol to grapple mode*
He shoots up to the hole of the lift to the ceiling and rappelled up back to the upper levels. Meanwhile Sasha loaded up her tanks onto her ODM gear with tears on her face.
Sasha: I caved in to that Titan... I'm too ashamed to face the others...!
Connie: There'll be plenty of time to sneer at you later!
Meanwhile Y/n returns back to the destroyed debriefing room and climbs back inside the Gundam. He pressed a few buttons and the Gundam is activated again.
And then when the 00 dropped down to see the situation for the Rogue Titan, he saw something carnage.
Meanwhile when the Cadets are now done, they returned outside. Soem go to the wall to rendezvous with others, while the rest they go onto the rooftop to see 00 and Mikasa just standing there.
Armin: Mikasa! We have to get out of here!
Mikasa: That Titan..
00: Uhm... *points at the Rogue Titan* We missed a lot of things.
Armin surprised at the situation. They seen the Rogue one is being cannibalized by the other ones.
Armin: They're cannibalizing it?!
The Rogue Titan is trying to get out but it can't, as he's outnumbered.
Armin: I guess it can't regenerate its body?
00: From the looks of it, it's running out of energy to even regen.
Mikasa: I thought if we could somehow figure out what's up with that Titan, it could've helped us break free from this hopeless situation...
Reiner: I agree.
Mikasa turns to see Reiner and the others are with them at the rooftop.
Reiner: We'll learn nothing at all if it ends up getting eaten, especially the 00! For now, we have to get rid of the ones clinging to it and help keep it alive!
Jean: Are you insane, Reiner?! We can finally get our asses out of here!
Annie: And what if there's a chance that Titan could become our ally? It'd be a more powerful weapon than any cannon and machine, wouldn't you agree?
Jean: *stutters* Ally...?
Jean cannot believe what she said, using a Titan for weapon against the Titans.
Jean Are you actually serious?!
But then Armin saw a peculiar and yet familiar Titan.
Armin: That one...! That's the Abnormal that ate Thomas!
But then the Rogue Titan saw the very same Titan and just roared and gets close to it despite losing it's arms and a exposed rib from cannibalism. It bites the Abnormal like an animal or vampire would do for instant hidden kill.
The Cadets are shocked about its doing including Y/n who just widen its eyes.
Y/n: Wow, what a way to kill it instantly.
The Rogue one raised it up and it didn't cared about it's exposed rib cracking and broke. He looked behind and used the bitten Titan to smash the other 13 meter and its nape in the process. The pure 14 meter gets back up to try eat the Rogue one again, but ended getting knocked back by the Rogue Titan who swings the bitten Abnormal to him, smashing its napes.
Jean: Oh, man...
He drops the bitten Abnormal and roared victoriously.
Jean: What was it you wanted to save again?
The Rogue Titan's roar began to lose it's volume and lost consciousness as he crashed to the ground. Armin and Mikasa just observed the crazy moment an Abnormal Titan would ever done.
Jean: Looks like it's finished for good. All right, that's enough! Let's going! As if that monster would ever be our ally... A Titan's a Titan.
He looks back only to see that they didn't move at all and looking at something.
Jean: What's with you guys?
Then at the nape of the unconscious Titan lies a body, a human body. It has brown hair, it's attacked to it's muscles. When it rises up, it was none other than the one who wants to kill every Titan in this world.
Eren Jaeger who's cadet uniform is torn up. Mikasa is surprised by this turn of events, she jumps down.
Armin: Mikasa!
Mikasa drops to the ground safely, and runs to her loved one. She's thinking that it's not a dream when she embraced him. And then she gets close to his chest to hear the heart beat, beating normal signs.
She's in tears as she found out, he's alive and well. She starts crying as her loved one is still alive, then the 00 slowly walks to them.
Bertholdt: What's it doing?
Then 00 opens his hands and to know that they might get the gist of it. But they're not the only ones who saw it all. Some Garrison who are just watching at the top of the walls like a coward.
They now saw Eren being hold by Mikasa in her embrace. As the others, watched in silence on how Eren could've done the killing spree as a Titan.
Armin: 'It's Eren... His severed arm and leg are back... He'd been swallowed by a Titan back then... Back then...'
He remembered Eren missing his leg and his arm bitten after Eren rescued Armin.
Armin: *tearing up* How is this possible?
The others are shocked about the facts of it and looked back at the carnage Eren did.
Jean: Does this mean, Eren did all this...?
Meanwhile, Y/n already knows that someone is watching and he just puts his hand on his controllers as soon as it goes out to the whole Wall or in case they see him as a threat.
Y/n: 'Now, to the one guy I'm pissed at... Kitz Woerman, your cowardice will be revealed by me. And me alone...'
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