26. Phototaxis

Phototaxis: noun, Biology. Movement of an organism toward or away from a source of light.

I wrote this as a present for my dearest friend but wanted everyone to enjoy it, too ^^ Have fun reading!

An eclipse is a swarm of moths. Smut warning towards the end.


Seonghwa had been counting the stars every night for three weeks, but he couldn't seem to finish. An unfathomable number of them populated the skies to twinkle down on the earth with cheeky winks. Sporadically, he lost his concentration and restarted with the last number he remembered counting, which meant that even more of them were up there than his records would hold.

The fresh breeze of the spring night caressed Seonghwa's antennae. It brushed through the feathered stalks and played with them as if with the hands of a hatchling. He shivered, tilting his head until the orange feelers rested in the soft golden fur on his shoulders. Nestled in his natural coat, he picked up his counting.

It wasn't time to leave yet. Once the eclipse was ready, the moths would fly out together to gather nutrients. Seonghwa couldn't wait to nap in the lush flowers on the nearby meadow. Their scent wafted with the wind and made his mouth water. No bed in the world could cradle him just as tenderly as the dewy petals of a rose.

Though ready to indulge, Seonghwa wasn't allowed to go out by himself. His favourite lime tree wasn't far, and he had flown the path between their tree hole and its lush green leaves often. While he was young among the other adults, he also wasn't a caterpillar anymore. Yet, the elders were strict with their rules.

As Seonghwa counted the stars, he found it unfair. He should be allowed to go by himself. The same old excuse that it was dangerous deterred him less and less with every passing day.

He didn't even know what was dangerous about it. Was it the wind that slapped those with weak wings against tree trunks? Were it the birds that picked the moths out of the air to gobble them down their harrowing beaks? No, what the elders described as the lethal risk was something mysterious and unpredictable. Something that sometimes floated and sometimes sat on the ground. Something that could sway or stand eerily still.

It was magical, Seonghwa knew that much. The moths that had got too close never came back. The elders were protective of their children, only ever leaving at night to make sure the monster couldn't catch them.

Seonghwa believed it was a children's tale, made up to keep him locked inside. Those who believed it were naïve enough to get attacked by birds and the wind and such. He was old enough to understand none of it was real.

With a huff, Seonghwa counted anew. So many stars were up there, and no one had bothered to count them. How would the youngsters learn if no one taught them?

A touch to his hair had Seonghwa's eyes flutter in bliss. Elegant fingers ran through the pink strands and over the yellow fur on Seonghwa's back.

When Mingi sat down next to him to preen his wings, Seonghwa released his attention from the stars. He would remember the number he had stopped at for the next time.

Mingi smiled at him when Seonghwa shifted to sit in his lap. With their bodies entangled mindlessly, they groomed each other's wings. Bits of dirt and hungry insects that had found their way into the fur dropped from their fingers.

Mingi's wings differed greatly from Seonghwa's, though they were no less soft. Where Seonghwa carried the majestic spread of pink and yellow on his back that made him the most charming male of their age, Mingi's wings garnered intimidation. They were black as ink, and the fur down his spine as well as his feelers were a bright red to deter enemies. He had four spots, rimmed with white, so they looked like eyes, and their scary appearance made it hard for Mingi to find friends.
Seonghwa found his wings gorgeous. Just how Mingi found Seonghwa's wings gorgeous. They were night and day, but they had hatched on the same day, so they were inseparable.

"Were you calculating the stars again?" Mingi asked as his nimble fingers worked out clotted earth from Seonghwa's wings. His touch was gentle, and Seonghwa shuddered from its tenderness. Whenever they were like this, he wished time would stop so he could relish in this touch forever. No one preened his wings better than Mingi.

Seonghwa buried his fingers in Mingi's fur to return the favour. His wings were bigger than Seonghwa's, shrouding the two moths in a cocoon of comfort. Dark like the night, Mingi's wings offered a soothing blanket.

"Somebody has to do it," Seonghwa muttered back. He would show the elders. He was just as good as them, even better, for he had counted the stars.

"When will you be done with it?"

Seonghwa shrugged.

"You're always welcome to help me." Playful, he skimmed his hands through Mingi's dark hair and his feathered antennae. Even softer than their fur, they slid through his hands.

Mingi opened his mouth to reply, but a call from the other end of their cave disrupted them. Unwilling, Seonghwa rose off Mingi's lap and smoothed out his tunic woven from spider silk. He had made it long enough that it counted as a dress since he liked to look as pretty as the girls, but wore leggings underneath to make flying not too uncomfortable. The ivory material shimmered on his skin as he stepped toward the others. Only one of his arms was cast in fabric that connected with a string around his middle finger to keep the tight sleeve in place. The other one laid free so he could relish in the wind on his skin.

Mingi wore something similar. His clothes hugged his body just as tightly as Seonghwa's, complimenting his tall figure. Since his clothes matched his wings, however, they were a deep black and left only a sliver of his stomach to be seen. He preferred two sleeves over one, but the two boys liked to jest about how Seonghwa's singular sleeve would patch up the cropped top across Mingi's chest.

Together with the other moths, they stepped toward the centre of their tree cave. In silent communication, the assembled companions vibrated their feelers at each other. They were excited about today's expedition, and Seonghwa agreed. His stomach had been grumbling ever since he woke up.

The elder of their tree stepped into the hollow circle they had formed. His soothingly brown wings cast a cape around his shoulders.

"Dear friends, let's set out to the meadows and drink our fill," he announced with his kind, old eyes. Cheers responded to him and, one by one, the moths lined up to leave the cave in his lead. Mingi granted Seonghwa the place before him and idly ran his fingers through his fur while they waited in line.

After only moments of mindless playing with each other, Seonghwa slipped through the slit in the tree that led to their home. His wings spread as he fell and the wind caught him securely. Euphoric at the feeling, he circled until Mingi joined him. Hand in hand, they followed along with the other moths that streamed from the nearby pine trees. High above the ground, where all the scary, massive animals prowled, the eclipse made its way to the meadows.

As usual, Mingi and Seonghwa went for a snack on the lime tree first before they got drunk on flower nectar. Seated on a branch, Seonghwa had to jerk and yank at a leaf with bulging arms several times before it came loose. He spread its soft surface over their laps like a blanket before he ripped off chunks to eat. As usual, they melted on his tongue. He preferred their softness over the fresh crunch of thicker maple leaves.

Mingi snacked along with him, while Seonghwa estimated the stars further. He had to be vigilant, or else he would reach a number beyond which he could count. He had needed Mingi's help twice already when he couldn't fathom how to continue.

Their shared leaf filled their stomachs and was almost too big for them to finish. Seonghwa dropped the stalk off the branch once they were done and together, they leaned to watch it tumble all the way to the ground. The tall grasses and blooming flowers of yellow, white and pink swallowed it without a trace.

Sometimes, descending to the flowers was scary to Seonghwa. They were so close to the forest ground and he had seen an animal with huge ears down there before. It had towered over the flowers and stared at the moths for a while from eerie round eyes before skipping off, but its sight had sent Seonghwa's heart into a frenzy. He understood why the eclipse travelled together to the meadows. The ground was a scary place full of dangers, even Seonghwa understood that.

"Shall we?" Mingi asked after a brief break of resting their full tummies. When he held out his hand for Seonghwa to take, Seonghwa's wings fluttered happily. The scent of the wild flowers bathed their scents in harmony as they plunged to find their favourite dessert. Mingi enjoyed curling up in poppies and Seonghwa was drawn by the small rose buds as if they called to their matching colours.

Fluttering wings carried the moths over the fields as they feasted on the flowers. Their pollen got stuck in Seonghwa's hair and fur, but he brushed it off on other flowers. For hours upon hours, he spent his night either filling his stomach or fluttering around. By the time his heavy wings barely could carry his body anymore, Seonghwa sought Mingi again. His friend was never far from him as they supervised each other, so no ugly monster would devour them.

Mingi's cheeks were dusted with green pollen. When Seonghwa reached his hand out with a giggle, Mingi leaned in to offer his cheeks to brush it off.

They waited for an elder to accompany the first group back to the trees. Once Seonghwa had squeezed into their cave, he trotted over to his bed with drooping antennae. While Mingi brushed their blanket back, Seonghwa rubbed his eyes and as he sunk to lie with his best friend, his wings weighed more than the entire world.

The two boys cosied up together and slumbered away as the sun greeted the horizon to make the skies blush in the same colours as Seonghwa's wings.


Seonghwa yawned and stretched his arms over his head when he woke. He laid halfway on his left wing, so he rolled over to extend the trembling appendages with a pleased hum. A warm arm found his waist to keep him steady while Seonghwa rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

When he blinked his lids open, he found Mingi was already awake. He had cushioned his head with his arm and his wings rested behind him in a lax blanket woven of shadows. Upon Seonghwa's sleepy grin, he beamed back brightly.

"The stars are out already," Mingi muttered in the privacy of their shared space. His fingers skimmed through Seonghwa's fur until Seonghwa's wings fluttered in a rush of delight. He buried his head against Mingi's chest, not ready yet to rise. Warm and smelling sweet like the flowers from last night, their cocoon engulfed them.

For a while longer, they rested in peace until an elder called for Mingi. The fellow moth freed himself from Seonghwa's embrace with a long-suffering sigh. He grinned when Seonghwa's fingers trailed down his wings, unhappy to see his heat go.

"Go count the stars. We'll see each other later."

Seonghwa pouted, but Mingi had to attend to his duties. While he went to fulfil whatever crafting task the elder moths needed him for, Seonghwa tugged the leaf he used as a covering over to the gap in the back of their tree where he counted the stars from. He sunk into his blanket comfortably, his wings lax as they hugged him in a tingling reminder of Mingi's touch.

Seonghwa picked up his counting where he had left off last night. His infatuation with the stars made him forget time once more as he waited patiently for the call to collect and leave the tree together.

However, this time, the warm night held a different surprise for Seonghwa. He spotted it as he sought the stars between the trees. The brightest star he had seen so far, round and glistening and so, so beautiful. It enraptured Seonghwa from the very first moment. Why was it so big? Was it warm?

Could he reach it if he flew its way?

In his awe, he forgot his numbers, his eclipse, and the buzz of his friends behind him. Only that brilliant orb mattered.

Seonghwa couldn't resist wanting to explore it. Perhaps a new animal had come to their territory, then they would have to figure out if it was a friend or foe. Or maybe something got stuck in a tree, something that belonged to the non-magical humans that were said to populate the cities.

Fuelled by the spirit of adventure, Seonghwa pushed his blanket aside and squeezed through the narrow opening. His wings spread as he glided through the moon-lit forest. Overgrown ferns brightened the space between the dark tree barks and pale buds shimmered in the night to guide his path.

He wouldn't go far. Only far enough among the trees the moths lived in to see what that beautiful, glowing sphere was.

Soundless in the night, Seonghwa's wings carried him through the air. The wind played in his antennae as he listened for sounds of danger or the rustle of a bird. His eyes were trained on the glimmering light, so enchanting and mystical. Perhaps this was something precious, a treasure? If the moths set it up in their cave, they would have something so pretty and warm right in their midst.

Seonghwa didn't notice that he left the safe surroundings of his home. The forest was treacherous, not giving away how far he had gone as it stretched with the same view as always beneath him. The orb grew bigger and prettier, never ceasing, and Seonghwa's wings quickened their bat in euphoria when he was almost there. He started to see its source, the small flame encapsulated in a translucent ball. It danced and jumped merrily, offering Seonghwa to join its roundelay.

It was as sociable as he had expected it to be.

Yet, before Seonghwa got to extend his hand to the orb dangling from the branches of a tree and see what trapped the dancing light, he met resistance. His fingers got tangled up in a net and within a single, heart-stopping second, he was captured.

In a panic, he tried to retreat, tried to free his arms, but the net only wrapped around him tighter and stuck to his wings. It convulsed around his erratic fluttering, but it never came loose.

"No! Help, please help!" Seonghwa shouted as loud as he could, but he was too far to be heard. He kicked and writhed, but the net restrained him more and more. His energy depleted quickly, but his heart raced in fear.

Had he fallen into a spider's trap? What had happened?

A beat passed when he twitched feebly, then something rustled on the tree cradling the orb. A head peeked out from the cave a woodpecker had made in the bark and triangular, reddish-brown ears stood at attention when they picked up on Seonghwa's battle.

Frozen in fear, Seonghwa stared at the boy. He hesitated to ask him for help, and his gut feeling proved right. A moment later, the boy vacated the burrow and clambered down the side of the tree with clawed hands and feet. Behind him followed the thick, bushy tail of a squirrel.

"No," Seonghwa whispered to himself. The next moment, he wound himself harder. "No, no, no, stay away!" Rodents couldn't be trusted. They were nasty creatures and, according to the elders, they liked to play with moths and ripped their wings out.

Despite Seonghwa's distressed calls, the squirrel inched in on him. He mounted the branches skilfully and passed the glowing orb to get to the net that trapped Seonghwa. Frantic, the moth floundered.

For a moment, the squirrel froze and observed him. Then a sly grin spread across his lips.

"I can't believe it worked."

Tears wet Seonghwa's eyes, for he was so scared. His antennae yanked painfully where they got stuck in the net and his pink hair was messed up. Jerky wings found no escape.

The squirrel perched down on the branch holding a corner of the net, and regarded the moth strung up between its thin webs. Seonghwa's limbs were uncomfortably distorted, but he tried his best to glare through his terror. He couldn't show his fear.

The squirrel rubbed his chin with a pensive hand. The grin on his face meant nothing good and Seonghwa dreaded to hear what he planned to do to the poor moth.

"Got trapped in my net, eh? I suppose the rumours about you people were true. You fly to light without thinking twice."

Confused and helpless, Seonghwa stared at him.

"What are you going to do? Why did you trap me?" He cried in despair. No one but the shrewd squirrel heard him.

At his question, the boy laughed and supported his chin in his palm.

"Why, what do you think what squirrels do with moths?"

Defenceless, Seonghwa stared at him with big, teary eyes. The squirrel grinned in triumph. When he spoke, his scary teeth flashed and Seonghwa trembled in fear.

"We eat you."

A beat passed as the thought plummeted into Seonghwa's stomach like a rock. His face paled and more tears spilt as he couldn't withhold his sobs any longer.

Pleased, the squirrel rubbed his hands. So many devious plans that Seonghwa's guts churned passed his eyes. He couldn't fathom what any of them were, but being eaten sounded like pure terror.

"Please don't eat me," Seonghwa pleaded. His tears dripped from his chin but he couldn't wipe them, for his hands were still trapped. With no regard for his brittle voice, the squirrel huddled closer to tug on the web. Seonghwa wailed in fear when he was jostled.

"No, please." Sob after sob wrenched from Seonghwa's throat. None of them halted the eager squirrel as he sliced the corners of the web with his claws, so Seonghwa was kept bundled up. He hummed under his breath, a hauntingly cheerful melody.

"You have pretty wings, little moth. What type of moth are you?"

Nauseous from fear, Seonghwa answered in a hurry, hoping it would save his life.

"I-I'm a rosy maple moth," he cried. He was lifted from his prison to land in the squirrel's arms.

With Seonghwa half slung over his shoulder, the squirrel skipped along the branch. The glimmering orb got distant as Seonghwa cried softly. Why, oh why, hadn't he listened to his elders? He would get ripped apart and devoured by this squirrel. Nothing would be left of him for Mingi to preserve.

"Your fur is so downy," the squirrel crooned. The compliment didn't soothe Seonghwa. Startled, his wings wriggled against their bindings as the bushy tail brushed past them. It was soft, probably perfect to cuddle, but it belonged to such a fiendish creature.

"Please don't eat me," Seonghwa begged as he was taken into the cave. The squirrel put him on the ground between stacks of nuts and berries he had collected and busily hurried to pinch a sturdy leaf around the entrance so Seonghwa couldn't fly away. He could rip through it with some effort, but it would keep him long enough for the squirrel to wrestle him down.

Terrified, Seonghwa had to watch as his sinister fate dawned on him. When the squirrel was done, he dashed over to him so fast that Seonghwa baulked. Busy claws slashed through the net to free him. Each movement had Seonghwa terrified he would slice his skin open to feast on his blood.

Not that death wouldn't happen. But now that it drew out with time, Seonghwa grew even more scared.

The squirrel smelled of almonds. Seonghwa would have found the thick scent pleasant if not for the greedy shine in his eyes.

Once Seonghwa's fluttering wings were free, he dashed into a corner. Hidden behind a pile of hazelnuts and his vibrating wings, he curled in on himself. Satisfied, the squirrel threw the tattered net into a corner and examined him.

"My name is Hongjoong," the squirrel said. Seonghwa sniffled, finally able to dab his tears. His haunted eyes had yet to stop producing them anew.

"Why are you telling me this?" He cried. How was the squirrel so cruel? Why did he prolong Seonghwa's terror? Did rodents enjoy seeing their prey suffer?

"I would like to get acquainted since we will be so... close with each other." With a malicious grin, the squirrel stalked closer. Seonghwa sunk into his wings, too frightened to even look at him. Perhaps if he wished for it long enough, this fiend, his tree, and all that would disappear. He would wake up from this nightmare and go back to counting the stars.

But none of that happened. Hongjoong reached him and his claws touched Seonghwa's wings to force their protective cocoon open and look at the trembling moth. With his antennae tucked around his face in fear, Seonghwa wept silently.

Captivated by his suffering, Hongjoong stared at him.

"Tell me your name, pretty one."

Seonghwa shook his head. He was determined not to give the squirrel what he wanted. He would eat him no matter what.

"No?" The squirrel chuckled, but Seonghwa knew he would be frustrated, would be brutal, would rip his wings out before he ate him.

"How shall I tickle it out of you, then?" A hand accompanied his taunting voice and grasped onto Seonghwa's chin. He resisted its pressure but got too scared by the sharp claws digging into his skin soon. His throat bobbed as Hongjoong lifted his head. In front of the pale light from outside, his ears loomed threateningly. Atrocious eyes bore into Seonghwa's glistening ones.

A tiny noise escaped Seonghwa when the squirrel stepped closer. His free hand found Seonghwa's skirmish waist to keep him in place. A moment later, their bodies squeezed together. The rough fabrics the squirrel wore contrasted with Seonghwa's silken garments.

Hongjoong stared at him until Seonghwa's knees got weak. His terrified whimpers died down to a quiet crying, so he wouldn't set off the tense predator.

Hongjoong's hand left his chin. It skimmed over Seonghwa's antennae, his hair, and the fur on his shoulders. Mesmerised, he explored the moth while Seonghwa trembled in dread.

"You're almost too pretty to be eaten," Hongjoong cooed as if he regretted what he had to do. Seonghwa was quick to seize his chance.

"Then don't! Please don't! I can bring you berries and nuts. I can work for you! Please don't eat me." His hoarse voice died out in a whisper. Intrigued, the squirrel held Seonghwa close. His sturdy body against the quivering form of the moth offered unwanted support.

"You wish to serve me?"

"If that means I don't get eaten?" Hopeful, Seonghwa sought the squirrel's eyes. They were dark and small, evil in their cunning.

Another wicked grin spread across Hongjoong's features. His heated body crowded more into Seonghwa and Seonghwa's hands flew out on instinct to grab Hongjoong's shoulders and stabilise himself. The body under his hands was lean with muscle.

"What will your elders do when they find out you are serving a squirrel? Won't they banish you from your eclipse?" They were so close that Hongjoong's voice had become a murmur. His breath on Seonghwa's feeler made it quiver.

"I- I will make sure they never find out! I will be secretive, I swear!" Begging, Seonghwa stared into the squirrel's face. The other boy nodded, satisfied.

"Then you serve me. You will bring me a nut a day. If they are too heavy for you to carry, make it a berry."

For a moment, Seonghwa waited warily whether this was a trick. When Hongjoong's face stayed neutral, a massive weight lifted off Seonghwa's shoulders. His antennae and shoulders perked up.

"Thank you! I will make up for the loss of not eating me," he swore. Hongjoong snickered at him before he retreated from the moth.

"I will keep the light out so you can find me. Don't you dare think about running away. I will eat your entire eclipse if you do that."

Hastily, Seonghwa shook his head.

"I'm your loyal servant!" He promised. He wouldn't endanger anyone else with his foolishness, especially not Mingi. This was his chance to prove he could survive in the scary forest.

Hongjoong loosened the leaf from the entrance of the cave.

"Then flutter away, little moth. I will see you tomorrow night."

All too gladly, Seonghwa followed that offer. He flew home faster than he had ever flown before and with his heart erratic in fear. As he returned, pale and shaken to the bone, no one had noticed him missing. Mingi asked whether he was fine when they left for their daily hunt, and Seonghwa lied through his teeth.

He would have to be careful about his secret.


The next night came sooner than Seonghwa had anticipated. He was out in the field with Mingi, flying around to drink nectar, but his attention was diverted. He felt as if black eyes watched him from the forest, tested his loyalty. Mingi brushed his hand through Seonghwa's fur multiple times without the moth realising it.

After their meal was almost over, Seonghwa approached his best friend.

"There is something I must do. Can you come up with an excuse until I return?"

Wary, Mingi lifted a brow at him.

"What is it you are doing?"

"A delivery," Seonghwa said, unable to lie. "To a different tree."

Mingi, not having heard of such a delivery, eyed Seonghwa's shifty eyes and his fumbling hands. He gave a slow hum.

"I will help you out," he promised, trustful of his friend. Seonghwa gave him a relieved smile.

"Thank you." He fluttered away while Mingi's watchful eyes followed him until he disappeared into the thicket.

Seonghwa was terrified of flying so low. A frog or a lizard could snatch him here, and the ferns spanning above him seemed so much darker than the treetops. As soon as he found a berry, he ripped it from its stalk with as much force as he had and carried it to the skies. Hurried wings flapped toward the gleaming orb in the distance. He hoped no other moth would see it and get eaten by Hongjoong.

The weight of the berry wore Seonghwa down, but he beat his wings harder on the last stretch.

Huffing, he appeared on the narrow entrance to Hongjoong's cave.

The squirrel was inside his drey and looked up when Seonghwa appeared. He had been sorting his nuts anew and a hazelnut with a broken shell lay open next to his feet. The raw display of strength chilled Seonghwa as he stepped in with his berry.

"Here you go," he muttered as he handed it over. Curious, Hongjoong considered it from all sides before he nodded with satisfaction. He hopped to store it with the others of its kind. Like a king, it throned on top of the pile.

"Very good. I'm pleased you didn't try to escape."

Seonghwa lowered his eyes.

"I don't want you to eat my friends," he mumbled. Hongjoong giggled, more amused than sinister.

"Keep it up and I won't," he promised. He beckoned at Seonghwa to leave and the moth hurriedly complied. On his way back to the tree, he was relieved how easy their trade was. Collecting berries, he could do.

When Seonghwa returned, Mingi awaited him. They huddled together in a corner and the other moth worriedly ran his hand through Seonghwa's mussed-up hair.

"Are you alright? The elder asked for you and I said you had to meet someone." A hint of distrust carried in Mingi's voice. Seonghwa couldn't tell if the moth thought him to be affiliated with a secret lover or if Mingi worried for his safety. His soothing touches to Seonghwa's fur worked the tension from his body.

"I'm fine. Just some errands to do for another tree," Seonghwa assured him. He felt bad for hiding the truth from Mingi, but he hoped the arrangement with Hongjoong would end before it grew roots.

Mingi nodded slowly and curled up with Seonghwa. When he noticed the exhaustion on the other moth's features, he lifted their shared blanket.

"No counting the stars tonight?"

Seonghwa huddled to his side to soothe his nervous tremors from working with Hongjoong and lying by abusing Mingi's friendship.

"I'm too tired for that."

Without further discussion, they slumbered away side by side. Seonghwa's guilt plagued him into his nightmares, but he withstood the dread of vicious button eyes that sought to eat him.

When yet another day began, the cycle repeated. Seonghwa hid from Mingi, got a tummy ache from remorse, and carried nuts and berries to Hongjoong's nest. The squirrel was content, and he didn't threaten Seonghwa again.

Each time he had to search the thicket for nuts and berries, Seonghwa dreaded getting snatched out of the air by some beast. The shadows of the spindly bushes towered over him like giants about to squash him, and he heard all sorts of scary noises down there.

Mingi covered for him whenever his missing from the eclipse caused confusion and after two weeks, the other moths got used to it. They giggled about the rumour that he had found a lover among the others and that they were still shy to introduce their relationship to everyone.

Since it kept them off his back, Seonghwa didn't mind their whispers.

Today, as any other day, Seonghwa parted from the eclipse on the fields. When he waved Mingi goodbye, his friend looked after him with worried eyes. He hadn't attempted to follow Seonghwa to find out what he did all by himself. Thankful for his consideration, Seonghwa delved between the tall flowers. He hummed on his way through the shadowy forest, if just to soothe his nervous heart.

Something weird patrolled the forest floor that day. It was big and heavy, and its hooves left deep marks in the mud. Seonghwa stayed clear of its paths as he heard it grunting and groaning in the distance. It dug through the earth to find food, so Seonghwa hoped to approach the hazelnut tree swiftly and be gone by the time the animal returned.

However, luck wasn't on his side that day. He kept his eyes wide open and his antennae on alert as he fluttered through the night. The hazelnut tree welcomed him unsuspectingly, and he balanced over a thin twig to rest his wings when the noises picked up. A loud grunt followed by a heavy body whirling up branches and leaves startled the moth. With his wings tucked to his body, he hid behind a branch. His brilliant colours gave him away much quicker at night than Mingi.

Four heavy hooves dug into the earth. Seonghwa didn't dare breathe as he stared ahead blindly, unsure what he was searching for.

When a huge snout suddenly dug through the bush behind him, Seonghwa let go of a deafening scream. Hot breath brushed him when a round nose sniffed the area, smelling the moth hiding in the bush.

Like a bolt of lightning, Seonghwa freed himself from the shaking bush. Irate grunts followed him into the night when he ripped off a hazelnut and fled into the skies. The shock sat in his bones and he flew much faster than he usually would, not even weighed by the nut in his arms. Tears blurred his sight as he feared being eaten any moment, but he magically tumbled into no tree.

The shadows of the forest seemed twice as dark as usual, and they reached for him with gnarly fingers. Uncaring about his surroundings, Seonghwa flew like the wind. His sobs were stifled by his lack of air and fear to be heard.

When he arrived at Hongjoong's home, he was so drained from his terror that his legs gave in as soon as he entered the cave. He tumbled to the ground, and the nut rolled away. The impact hurt his elbow, but Seonghwa was too exhausted to care. He collapsed on the ground and curled up. His limbs were icy cold. The yellow fur on his shoulders muffled his terrified sobs.

Hongjoong made a sound of alarm as he came over. When he crouched next to Seonghwa, the moth let him poke a sadly slumping antenna.

"What happened?"

Unable to reply, Seonghwa just hugged his arms to his chest. He didn't even know what had scared him.

Hongjoong stood up, but he returned a moment later. In his claws, he cradled a raspberry. They were Seonghwa's favourites, and he had eyed them in interest before, but hadn't dared ask Hongjoong to share with him. Once, when he had discovered them in the forest, he had taken a bite out of the one he left on the stalk. It had been deliciously sweet.

"Here." Hongjoong sat down by his side and nudged the berry against Seonghwa's drooping wing.


Seonghwa perked up. His antennae curled in interest as he regarded the squirrel and the fruit he offered. When the moth sniffled, a smile spread on Hongjoong's lips. He nudged Seonghwa once more.

"Come on."

Seonghwa wiped the wet of his eyes as he scooted closer. He was afraid that Hongjoong tricked him, but the squirrel broke off parts of the berry to eat, too. The sweet juices dripping over his hands and chin seduced Seonghwa's stomach.

As he tried the berry, he was too distracted to cry. He relished in the sweet raspberry as he usually wouldn't venture so far with his eclipse to taste them. Their nectar was like a balm to his fear.

Hongjoong's face bloomed into a radiant smile as he saw Seonghwa nibble away. The malice from their first meeting hadn't reappeared ever since, and he hadn't threatened to eat Seonghwa again.

"You still haven't told me your name. Will I ever learn it?" Hongjoong asked as he divided the berry in two to make sharing easier. The piece he handed Seonghwa was generously bigger.

Hesitant, Seonghwa looked at him over the berry. Hongjoong had done nothing more to earn his distrust, but they were natural enemies. Would Seonghwa trigger his devious side if he told him?

When Seonghwa lowered his eyes, Hongjoong chuckled.

"It's fine. You don't have to tell me." The stab of hurt in his voice bore into Seonghwa's heart, as well. He didn't want Hongjoong to get mad at him.

Hongjoong finished his part of the raspberry first. As he watched Seonghwa end slowly since he pondered whether it was fine to give his name to a stranger who had become more of an acquaintance, a delighted smile played around his lips.

Once he finished, Seonghwa made up his mind. He turned to Hongjoong, ready to keep their relationship strictly that between a moth who didn't want to get eaten, and a wily squirrel.
However, Hongjoong beat him to it. His hand caught Seonghwa's face to cradle his jaw as he leaned in.

Frozen in uncertainty, Seonghwa sat with strained wings and feelers.

Hongjoong didn't strike him or caused any other pain. Instead, his velvety lips met Seonghwa's and shared the rich flavour of the raspberry with him once more.

Seonghwa's heart jumped and skipped in his chest, but he wasn't terrified. The grip on him was tender and the tongue licking around his mouth was warm and playful.

When Hongjoong retreated, Seonghwa flushed a lovely shade of pink. He hid behind his embarrassed feelers, tugging the feathery appendages around his face as if to cool it.

With a chuckle, Hongjoong let go of him.

"My apologies. You had some juice stuck on there and I didn't think."

Seonghwa's heart beat faster than his wings ever could. At the same time, a rush of them seemed to have been let free in his stomach. Bashful eyes dodged Hongjoong's gaze and instead got stuck on his lips.

"Ah, you, too-" Zero thoughts passed Seonghwa's head as he pushed himself up on his knees. His hands found Hongjoong's shoulders for stability and his brown tail twitched at Seonghwa's proximity. Careful, Seonghwa dipped his head. The tip of his tongue gingerly lapped at the squirrel's mouth to gather up the sticky nectar. Under his hands, Hongjoong shuddered as the same rush of joy hit him as it had hit Seonghwa. Upon the touch of his fingers to Seonghwa's waist, the moth keened softly against his mouth.

Hongjoong's lips parted and more sweetness intoxicated Seonghwa's brain. The raspberry almost made them drunk as their lips moved against each other in a vexing, pleasant touch. They forgot the purpose of cleaning up as they explored the yearning their kiss sent through their bodies.
Seonghwa's wings quivered behind him, they were so excited. Hongjoong soothed them with patient touches, but he was just as greedy to pull Seonghwa closer.

When Seonghwa believed he would die because his excitement robbed him of all breath and sent his wings into a frenzy, he parted from Hongjoong. For a moment, they stared at each other with big eyes. Hongjoong's ears twitched and his clawed fingers supported Seonghwa as if he cradled the precious light outside.

Seonghwa averted his eyes. The taste of the raspberry was deeply ingrained in his head as a taste shared with Hongjoong.

"You should go home, pretty moth. Your people will miss you," Hongjoong cooed. His fingers ran through Seonghwa's hair, brushed it out of his ears. Seonghwa nodded, but he stood hesitantly.

"Thank you for the berry."

"I don't mind you coming here empty-handed if it means you stay safe. Just... drop by from time to time," Hongjoong muttered. He rubbed the back of his neck before his eyes found Seonghwa's awed features. "I don't want to see you cry because of it."

When he understood, Seonghwa beamed at him. With quick steps, he bound over to the exit.

"My name is Seonghwa," he said as he readied to take off.

Hongjoong's eyes lit up and a cute grin split his face.

"Seonghwa," he repeated. The way his lips said it made Seonghwa shy, so he giggled and waved Hongjoong goodbye.

On his way home and throughout the day as he lay by Mingi's side, Seonghwa's heart wouldn't stop racing. Seonghwa listened to it with a hand on his chest, enamoured by the feeling even when he feared the organ would jump from him to be with Hongjoong instead.


The next time Seonghwa went to see Hongjoong, he looked forward to the rush of joy that hit him upon seeing the squirrel. He found a berry not too far from their feeding place in the clearing's safety. As he lugged it to the shining beacon in the night, his heart already fluttered in his chest.

When Seonghwa arrived, however, the squirrel wasn't home. He couldn't be far since he left the light out for Seonghwa to find, but his tree hole seemed empty without his fluffy tail.

Seonghwa stacked the berry neatly with the others of its kind, hoping it wouldn't prompt Hongjoong to rebuild his entire drey again. Patient to wait, Seonghwa then sunk onto the floor cushioned by leaves, moss, and grasses Hongjoong had gathered in the past few weeks. They made for a bed much more comfortable than what Seonghwa was used to.

While he waited, Seonghwa dozed off. His stomach was full and his mind at ease since Hongjoong's scent smelled so safe to him. Back in the day, Seonghwa hadn't been able to fall asleep without cuddling Mingi, so he was surprised how easily Hongjoong's territory lulled him in.

Seonghwa rested at ease until the soft rustling of feet on the leaves roused him. Weary, he rubbed his eyes and glanced over his shoulder. If anyone but Hongjoong had entered his cave, Seonghwa was the last to defend it successfully, but he would try.

The bushy brown tail of the squirrel greeted him as Hongjoong silently skipped left and right to set down the nuts he had gathered. He stacked them deliberately to avoid noise. Endeared by his care, Seonghwa observed him silently.

When Hongjoong finished, he turned faster than Seonghwa could pretend to be asleep again. Their eyes met, and the squirrel drew his brows together.

"Did I wake you?" He whispered as if the forest might wake if he rose his voice.

Seonghwa pushed himself up on his elbows with a lenient shake of his head.

"Not at all. I waited for you," he smiled. Bashful at the reminder of their kiss, he kneaded his fingers into the moss under his body.

Intrigued, Hongjoong hopped closer to lie next to him. With a bit of rustling, his body aligned with Seonghwa's. The moth's left wing covered the squirrel and Seonghwa's eyes kept twitching to his tail. He wanted to touch it and see if it was as fluffy as it looked. He believed to have heard once that squirrels hugged their tails to sleep.

"You waited for me?" Interest gleamed in Hongjoong's eyes when Seonghwa averted his gaze with a blush.

"I wanted to see you," Seonghwa muttered. It was a lame excuse and his eyes sticking to Hongjoong's mouth gave it away.

"Was that all you wanted to do?" The squirrel grinned as he caressed Seonghwa's cheek. Pleased, Seonghwa's lashes fluttered.

"Perhaps there was more," he confessed. He wanted to duck his head to hide, but Hongjoong didn't let him. Instead, he inched closer until their lips met in another doting touch. Seonghwa melted into the feeling as he let euphoria cradle him in its arms.

He hadn't dared tell Mingi what had happened between Hongjoong and him. If the other moth knew, he would ask Seonghwa not to see Hongjoong anymore, and Seonghwa couldn't bear that thought. As the rumours had said, he had found someone precious to him who made his heart flutter. Seonghwa didn't want to let go of him.

As Hongjoong engulfed Seonghwa in his arms, it became clear that he didn't want to let go, either. The two boys adjusted until Hongjoong rested comfortably in the moss and Seonghwa leaned in his arm, kissing his lips that tasted of berries and nuts. Hongjoong's fingers skimmed through his hair and fur, sliding along the sides of his fluffy wings, and Seonghwa sighed into his mouth.

Drawn by a magnetic pull, Seonghwa's left arm that didn't support his body above Hongjoong reached out toward the squirrel's tail. His fingertips already brushed the soft fur when he froze. He parted from Hongjoong only as far as necessary to talk.

"Can I touch your tail?" Unsure, his doe eyes flicked to meet Hongjoong's gaze. With a soothing skim of his hand through Seonghwa's hair, Hongjoong chuckled.

"Go for it."

Relieved, Seonghwa dipped in again to succumb to Hongjoong's kisses. His explorative hand buried in the tail's fluff and sunk in far enough to disappear. The base was solid and Hongjoong's groomed fur was clean of dirt.

Seonghwa parted his plush lips for Hongjoong when the other boy's tongue probed them. He whimpered when their tongues met and a rush of heat set the butterflies in his stomach ablaze. His wings fluttered despite Hongjoong's touch and dusted leftover flower pollen over them.

Hongjoong's hands skimmed to his waist, feeling up Seonghwa's lean body underneath before his fingers dipped deeper. Sneaky as if he were hunting, they slipped under the moth's tunic and travelled upward again. Seonghwa clutched his tail to their sides for dear life, feeling it brush his antennae. His needy noises got swallowed by Hongjoong's lips as the squirrel explored Seonghwa's mouth and left a tingling warmth in it.

Warm fingers touched Seonghwa's side and mapped out the planes of his body. As the tunic rode further up, Seonghwa blushed, but he allowed Hongjoong. Excitement curled in his belly and pressed his hips against Hongjoong's hip.

Their lips lost their touch and Seonghwa's next noise filled the cave unfiltered. The light of Hongjoong's orb bathed them in a soft golden hue, just bright enough that Hongjoong could map out where Seonghwa's skin became his sleeve. Gently, he tugged the fabric down over Seonghwa's shoulder, then his playful teeth nipped at Seonghwa's neck.

Trapped by his sleeve and Hongjoong's firm arm around his waist, Seonghwa sighed in bliss. The fur around his wings felt hot on his skin.

"Can you take this off for me, pretty? I don't want to hurt you," Hongjoong whispered as he left faint marks on Seonghwa's neck that blossomed in the same colours as his hair.

With a whimper, Seonghwa sat up. He had to let go of Hongjoong's tail to strip, but the comforting appendage never left. It brushed over his body, tickled the sensitive area of his chest and hid his embarrassment for as long as he needed until Hongjoong pulled him in again. As his lips explored Seonghwa's chest, the moth kissed the twitching ears buried in a mop of hair in the same colour.

They flicked cutely upon touch, and Seonghwa would have liked to tease them if he weren't so weak for the way Hongjoong kissed his collarbone and skated his fingers through Seonghwa's fur.

"You taste so sweetly of flowers," Hongjoong hummed in amazement as his knuckles trailed over Seonghwa's sides, careful not to scratch him.

Before Seonghwa got to reply, Hongjoong adjusted him so he knelt over the squirrel's lap. Hongjoong's lips latched to a dusty pink nipple and Seonghwa threw his head back in surprise. His milky body contrasted with Hongjoong's tan.

Seonghwa held up his body on trembling arms. Hongjoong's hands had dropped to cup his bottom and urged Seonghwa to grind into his abdomen in hypnotic movements. The sparks of pleasure in Seonghwa's middle were almost too much for him. He whined, wings flaring in reflex and then closing again when he rained more pollen on them.

Hongjoong lapped at his hardened nipple before he switched to the other one. From sly eyes, he glanced up at Seonghwa, whose face was contorted in pleasure. He bit his full lip to maintain his sounds, only enticing Hongjoong further.

"Do you taste of flowers everywhere? Are other places of you just as adorably pink?"

Seonghwa flushed in answer, and Hongjoong giggled about it. When he lifted Seonghwa's knee with a prompting hand, the moth was quick to scramble off. His wings curled to hide his arousal. Sheepish antennae flattened behind his head.

Hongjoong crooned at him as he tugged him to lie down once more.

"Don't you hide from me. I want to cherish you."

Upon his gentle beckon, Seonghwa spread out on his stomach. His breath hitched in the first moment when Hongjoong tugged his trousers from his hips, then he accepted his fate shyly. His glowing cheeks were buried in his arms when Hongjoong freed him and dropped his clothes into a corner.

A touch to his heavy length had him whine where Hongjoong hummed in appreciation. He propped Seonghwa up so his hips were in the air and it could hang freely, but also without friction.

Confused, Seonghwa made a sound. Hongjoong knelt between his legs and his tail tickled Seonghwa's thighs. On instinct, he reached out to hug it to his body. The fine hairs caressed his chest and middle, making him stifle a moan in the bushy tail.

"Just like that," Hongjoong praised when Seonghwa ground his shuddering hips into his tail. The feeling was so good it was almost too much.

Hongjoong's hands settled on Seonghwa's behind, squeezing it. His hot breath hit Seonghwa's most sacred place and a moment later, a tongue followed. It licked so gingerly, so carefully, but Seonghwa lurched as he was shaken to the core. Blindly, he clutched Hongjoong's tail tighter.


"You're the same even down here," Hongjoong chuckled against Seonghwa's skin. His nose buried in Seonghwa's tail bone as his tongue licked again, deeper this time. Seonghwa's wings fluttered erratically, dusting Hongjoong in yellow, but the squirrel didn't mind.

Seonghwa muttered into his arms, muffled. Hongjoong pulled back to ask him to repeat it, and when his tongue speared Seonghwa again, he choked the words out in a moan.

"You-You said you wouldn't eat me." Exhausted, he dropped his head. With a chuckle, Hongjoong blew cold air over his twitching entrance.

"I lied."

Hongjoong opened Seonghwa with his tongue gently, patiently, until he could fit at much of it inside Seonghwa as he wanted. The velvety wet intrusion was heaven to Seonghwa, and he drooled all over Hongjoong's tail. His kicking hips sought relief uselessly and each time Hongjoong groaned in response, the vibration travelled through Seonghwa like an electric shock.

"Hongjoong," Seonghwa sobbed when it became too much without being enough. His entrance was soft and giving, begging for something more than Hongjoong's tongue that was always just out of reach from where Seonghwa needed it. He wriggled, hardness sensitive where it stained Hongjoong's fur with pitiful leaking.


Seonghwa teared up as he desperately pushed back into Hongjoong's face.

"Please, please," Seonghwa begged. His fingers dug into soft fur as his tears wet the moss under his head. He was already delirious, so desperate to reach his peak.

Hongjoong released a hand from holding Seonghwa spread for him. His knuckle easily slid into the wetness of Seonghwa's entrance as he curled his finger so his claws wouldn't hurt the moth. Along with his tongue, he probed around, opening Seonghwa up until his body begged to be filled.

By the time Hongjoong lifted his head, Seonghwa wept softly into his tail as pleasure overwhelmed him. With a coo, Hongjoong turned him to his side. His tail slipped away and his hand found Seonghwa to appease him as they kissed. Indeed, Seonghwa tasted flowers on Hongjoong's tongue.

"Shh, don't cry, sweetling. You can have what you need." Hongjoong tugged his vest over his head and Seonghwa's eyes lit up. Eagerly, he helped Hongjoong rid himself of his breeches and flung them across the room. Just as hard as Seonghwa and throbbing angrily, the arousal of the squirrel greeted them.

Seonghwa pushed Hongjoong on his back and dipped with sparkling eyes.

"Please make a mess of me," he asked cutely as he pressed a kiss to Hongjoong's tip without breaking eye contact. The squirrel snickered darkly.

"Oh, I will." His fingers laced into Seonghwa's as he tugged him on top and helped him adjust so his wings didn't smush against the ground. Seonghwa quaked in anticipation when he finally lifted his hips to lead Hongjoong to his entrance. Hot and stiff, the squirrel pressed against him, making Seonghwa's stomach swoop.

Hongjoong stabilised him as Seonghwa lowered his hips. Bit by bit, he was filled; the itch stilled. Trembling wings fluttered all over and Hongjoong's tail came to wrap around his middle as if to support him.

A few excruciating moments later, Seonghwa sat snugly on Hongjoong's lap. He exhaled, thrilled at the swirl of pleasure in his belly.

From below, Hongjoong caressed his thighs as he stared up at Seonghwa as if he were prey. The glint in his eyes was oh so hungry, and Seonghwa knew he was in for a treat as soon as his body had adjusted.

Carefully, he circled his hips. His wings balanced the movement, but his worry was unnecessary. Seonghwa's body was so soft, so easy to give. Hongjoong had slid in without trouble.

Hongjoong let Seonghwa take the lead for a while, figuring out his favourite angle and his own pace. He met Seonghwa's thrusts only sparingly, cautious not to hurt as the pretty moth unravelled above him. Tantalising brushes of his tail to Seonghwa's chest had the moth's head tip back in pleasure every so often.

Soon, the squirrel became impatient, however. The first real bucking of his hips forced a sweet keen out of Seonghwa and from then on, Hongjoong couldn't get enough of them. He grasped onto Seonghwa's hips until his fingers left marks and slammed him down to meet his jabs. A cloud of yellow doused them in a honeyed scent as Seonghwa received him time and time again until the thrusts shook his entire body. Hongjoong found just the right spot to grind into, driving Seonghwa mad.

Seonghwa soon cried again, too overwhelmed by the pleasure. Precious tears rolled over his cheeks and made Hongjoong growl with something possessive as he milked more from Seonghwa. He ravaged the pretty moth until his antennae drooped as weakly as his sweaty hair and until his pink entrance twitched around the hungry rodent.

When Seonghwa's thighs burnt so badly he thought he would collapse, Hongjoong sat up. He kept Seonghwa in his lap, but his tail retreated behind him. With firm arms, he kept Seonghwa in pace as their bodies connected, again and again, the slide wet and hot. Seonghwa couldn't stop moaning as his length rubbed between their stomachs. As Hongjoong tilted his head to nibble at his neck and his fluffy ears brushed Seonghwa's ear, it all unravelled.

Seonghwa teetered over the cliff at a nauseating speed. For a moment, he blacked out from how good he felt as his warmth covered their chests. Tears of joy dripped into Hongjoong's hair as he pushed Seonghwa even farther, demanded even more.

Seonghwa held onto him, trembling and blissful, until Hongjoong finally buried deep within and stilled. He kissed the tears from Seonghwa's face as he filled Seonghwa even more than he had thought possible.

When the two collapsed into the soft moss, spent, Hongjoong cradled Seonghwa protectively close. Yellow flower dust cast them in a soft glow as the moth fell into an exhausted sleep.


Mingi found out about them. After weeks of respecting Seonghwa's boundaries, he couldn't take it anymore when he spotted the marks on Seonghwa's neck and the glassy glow in his eyes as he returned home one evening. He followed him the next time he went to visit Hongjoong, and he witnessed their love making from outside as he stuck to the side of the glowing orb that captivated him so much.

When he confronted Seonghwa about it, the moth sheepishly hung his head. A long talk proved that Seonghwa knew what he had been doing, and that he adored Hongjoong too dearly to give him up.

Mingi allowed him to continue being with Hongjoong, so long as he got to meet the squirrel and learned more about the golden orb. As it turned out, Hongjoong had stolen it from the humans to lure moths to eat, but the first that had come his way had been Seonghwa. Appalled by Hongjoong's ploy, Mingi nagged Seonghwa for being such a naïve fool, but he couldn't stay mad for long.

The moth and the squirrel were happy with each other and they continued to live a long, peaceful life.

And whenever Hongjoong had to, he protected Seonghwa from being drawn foolishly to other light sources, for he was the sole light Seonghwa needed.

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