Finding Soren

Even when they got to Soren's temple,Petra was still shaking her head at Jesse.

To be honest,Jesse hadn't really thought it through.Amber reminded her of Reuben,in a way.

Even Olivia was having trouble finding out her actual personality.Amber could be quiet or loud,jumpy or tense.Her emotions could change in seconds,but she always seemed to be alert.

"So,that's the temple?"Amber looked at the entrance.

"It's more impressive on the inside."Olivia said.

They went inside.Everything had changed.

"Looks like Soren decided to give this place a makeover."Axel put his hands on his hips.

The temple had really changed.There were iron blocks as the floor,roof and walls.Infected Endermen were held in cages of glass,hissing and foaming at the mouth.

"He must really have a thing for Endermen."Amber noted.

"Oh god..."Lukas whispered,looking at the Endermen.

Jesse saw Petra glaring at Amber,and went over to her.

"Petra,what's your problem?"Jesse whispered.

"I don't trust her."Petra hissed.


"I just don't, okay?I trust my instincts,and my instincts are telling me not to trust her."Petra looked past Jesse.

"Your insincts also told you to give Ivor that skull,and look how that turned out."Jesse pointed out.

Petra looked past Jesse again and growled,then turned away from Jesse.

"Sooorrrenn!"Olivia shouted.

Jesse wondered whether Soren was even there,but then a figure came into the room.

"Hello,friends!"Everyone's attention went to the figure.

It was Soren.

His eyes were bloodshot and his clothes were dirty,but other than that,this was still the same jerk that ran away and started the apocalypse.

"You all look nice!"Soren smiled,but it faded when he saw Amber."Except for you,dirty scum."

Does he know her?

"Dirty scum has a name."Amber hissed,eyes full of something Jesse couldn't decipher."Amber."

"Yes,yes."Soren waved his hand at Amber,as if shooing away a pig."I assume you have come for a cure."

"That's right."Lukas agreed.

Jesse nodded,but Petra was still looking at Amber.

"Come along,then."Soren started walking.

The crew began to follow,but Jesse was uneasy.Something was up with Soren.

She noticed Olivia biting her lip.Olivia gave Jesse a weird look,then looked at the many Infected Endermen and shivered.

They walked for minutes,but the walls were still holding Endermen.So many Endermen.

Jesse saw Amber looking at the Endermen with narrowed eyes.

They can't see us through the glass,so why is she doing that? Jesse wondered.

Soren turned his head to see Amber.

"Admiring my marvelous creations?"Soren asked.

"I wouldn't word it like that."Amber said.

Soren arched an eyebrow at her.

"I'd say...interesting."Amber offered.

Petra caught Jesse's eye and attempted to mouth something to. her.Jesse shrugged and Petra facepalmed.

They entered another room.There was a ladder down to something that looked like an iron arena,and stairs up to a room with lots of buttons.It overlooked the iron arena thing.

"For this to work,go into my iron bowl."Soren instructed,then headed up the stairs.

Petra raised an eyebrow at Jesse,and she shrugged.Axel was the first to go down,followed shortly by Amber.Petra and Jesse went down.Olivia and Lukas were the last to go down.

There were a few clangs,and the ladder dissapeared.

Amber started breathing heavily.Petra and Jesse unsheathed their swords while Lukas got his bow out.

"What's Soren playing at?"Olivia murmured.

They could clearly see Soren through the glass above the iron bowl,pressing buttons and pulling levers.

"I know that my Endermen were marvelous creations,"Soren shouted from the room."But I have something even more marvelous for you to test."

"Test?"Axel breathed.

Amber got out her stone sword.

There were a few more clangs,and on either side of the bowl glass was revealed.Inside the rooms the glass was keeping them from reaching were...people.

"I know what you're thinking,aren't they just regular people?Hahaahaha!"Soren laughed."I have manipulated blood to turn them into...werewolves!"

"Soren's gone mad!"Petra shouted.

"You got that right."Jesse agreed.

"Unfortunately,I couldn't get them to react to moonlight,so they react to cold instead!The next best thing!Night is cold!"Soren yelled,joy in his voice."And they get commands from me!Oh,by the way,if you get bitten,you become a werewolf too!Except the listening to me part...oh,and it cancels out the Infected Endermen bite thing too."

"Nice to know."Amber muttered,sarcasm dripping from her voice.

"So,you're going to fight them!"Soren finished.

"Wait,what?"Jesse gasped.


Dun dun duuuunnnnnn!

Okay,so MCSM is working again!Yay!

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