Chapter 10: Doing It Alone
Andrew POV
Once again I was pushed into my room by one of the doctors. When I looked towards the door he was still standing there.
"What did I tell you?"
Why the hell do they care all of a sudden?
"Didn't we say stay away from her? Do you want to die?"
I balled up my fists and stepped forward, "stay out of my business. I can do whatever I want. Why the hell do you care anyway? What, getting bored and wanted to mess with some patients?"
"No. we were just trying to help."
"Help?"I laughed a little at the thought of them helping. "The last time you 'helped' was when dodgeball came. Remember what happened then?"
He was silent.
"I don't need your damn help. This is my decision. You are not my parents. This is my life I will use it how I please."
He looked down the hall then back at me. He wanted to say something but didn't and walked away closing my door.
"I can't believe I just said that," I said in a low voice.
Looking over to my left I saw my roommate Andy sleeping on his bed. I guess he didn't hear us. I went to my bed and laid down but when my head hit the pillow it hit something hard. It normally does but this time it was harder than usual. I made sure there were no cameras in my room and the door was completely closed before lifting the pillow. When I did, I saw a gun.
As quickly as I saw it I covered it back up with my pillow. She actually did it. But... that means I might have to use it. Who is she gonna make me kill? How far am I going to go to please her? I don't think I can kill anyone.
Stay calm. I said that a few times in my head. Maybe it was just to hide it in your room. Maybe Ben is going to use it. Yeah.... oh shit. That means my chances of being alive just got smaller.
The next morning
The bell for breakfast woke me up this morning. My roommate Andy was just getting into his wheelchair with the help of the nurse. I guess they drugged him while I was asleep. How couldn't I not hear that?
I walked out of the room and still trying to wake up. I wasn't out of the building yet when I saw what looked like to be Ben on the ground eating something off the floor.
Once my vision became clearer I realized it was Ben. He was eating what looked like a bone covered in something red. He was sitting outside someone's room.
I walked up to him, "what are you doing?"
He took a piece of whatever it was off the bone and eat it. "I'm waiting for my queen to wake up."
His queen? Does that mean he's the king? Are they together? I mean it makes sense that they are together. They are always with each other. But... why him? Wait, am I jealous? No. I can't be. I mean.. shit I don't know.
I sat down next to Ben at the door. "What are you eating?"
He showed me the remaining dead bird that was on his right side. He was eating bird meat. He was licking the blood off his hands like it was sauce. This guy, he's, I don't know what to say. All I know is I better not piss him off.
We waited all day by her door.... and nothing. We tried again the next day still the same. I've been telling myself that she's not dead only drugged, but my worries only became worse and so had Ben's.
We tried again on the third day. We sat at her door waiting. Ben brought food just like the day before. This time it was a rat. I couldn't watch him eat it. I heard a clicking sound from the door. Ben and I stood up and looked at the door. It slowly opened. Out came doctors and nurses.
I could see that Ben was disappointed to see them. I was as well. We were about to sit back down I heard something drag across the floor. The door opened again slowly and out came Luna. She looked exhausted as if she was about to pass out any moment. We were relieved to see her at last. But a small part of me was mad that Ben had such a look on his face.
I walked to her left side and Ben to her right. Without a word we helped her to the lunchroom. Ben went to go get her foot and I sat her down at a table.
"Do you need anything?" I asked her but all she did was look at me.
Ben came back with some stale bread and what looked like green and black oatmeal. She wanted to eat on her own so we let her. After she finished she told us she wanted to go outside. We took her. She wanted to be on the side of the building. We sat next to her as she looked off into space.
Ben was playing with a spoon and I was praying that what she just eat will help her.
"Hay," she said in a low voice.
We looked at her.
"I have a plan B," she added.
Plan B? I thought the first plan worked. Does that mean I don't have to use the gun?
"Whatever it is I'm in?" I said.
She shook her head at me. "I have a plan and and it gonna happen soon."
Soon? But she's still recovering.
"I don't want to put your two in danger. So I'm doing it by myself. When the time comes just be ready and don't ask questions."
"What's are you going to be doing?" I asked.
"Don't worry about it. Just be ready." She leans back on the wall.
Something hits me on my head, it was Ben.
"Don't ask questions."
I rubbed my head, "but-" he hits me again.
I kept my mouth shut. I wanted to know more but Ben was looking at me like he was ready to hit me again. I guess I'll keep it to my myself. She wanted to go back to her room so we took her.
Around dinner, she received a little bit of her strength back. She could walk some distance without our help. She eats her food and walked back to her room. But before she went in she told us not to wait for her by her door for a while.
Ben agreed to do so but I had this feeling that something was up. The next day she didn't come out for breakfast. They wanted us to work out again that day. She stayed in her room. It was just Ben and me and the rest of the South building in the activity building. Some people were once again passed out or trying to exercise.
I was leaning on the wall as usual, "Hay Ben."
"What?" He was on the ground pulling on his pants leg.
"Why do you call Luna your queen?" He looked up at me as if that was a dumb question to ask.
"Because she is. She is better than anything and anyone in this place." He slowly stood up and got into my face. "The queen helped me when they tried to kill me." Looking to the side, " I wanted to call her god but she wouldn't let me and queen fit better. I will listen to no one but her. Without her I will go insane" he held his head.
I thought he was already insane.
"I love her and would do anything for her." He added.
So they are together. Just coming to that realization my heart for some reason dropped and felt like it couldn't be come back up.
Luna POV
It's almost lunch. I know I have to eat but I don't want to. I was walking around the building inside and out. I told the guys I didn't want them waiting for me so I could do this alone.
"15 additional cameras. 3 outside 12 inside... I wonder if they actually work."
I walked back into the building and looked into any open door to see if they had TV's or something that were connected to the cameras.
"Miss. Evens."
I turned around and saw the new nurse looking at me and a clipboard.
"You have a call" she smiled at me.
"That will go away soon." I said ask smirk at her.
"That smile. It doesn't last here. It will go away soon."
She continued to smile and shook her head. "That's impossible I love this job."
"So you love killing people and not doing your job. Great." I gave her a fake smile to show her how annoying hers was.
I walked to the front desk and snatched the phone out of the doctor's hand. "Hello"
"Luna it's me." My damn mother. "How are you?"
"Did you eat?" She asked.
"I know you did."
"What's that suppose to mean?"
"What do you want?" A nurse walked past me and opened a door just two feet away from me.
"What?" Can the call please end.
"Are you listening to me?"
"When do I ever?" I looked into the room.
The room was filled with medications. Bottles, pills, powder, and even liquids. On one shelf there was nothing but syringes.
Oh yeah she's on the phone. I hung up. I count to ten and the phone rang again.
I picked it up, "Hello."
"Luna. It me."
"Hi dad." I said in a fake cheerful voice.
I guess she didn't want to talk anymore.
"Your mother said you hung up."
"No I didn't" I said pretending to be sad. She's gonna hate me for saying this but I don't care. She already hates me and I hate her.
"Than what happened?" He asked.
"She hung up on me," I saw some doctors walking into the room laughing and drinking.
They mixed random medications up and just assigned them around to random patients.
"So how was your day?"
"Same old, same old."
They closed and locked the door. I can still hear the laughter which irritated me.
"I bought you a birthday present."
Oh ,that's right my birthday is a little over a week away.
"What is it?"
"A pure white orlov trotter horse."
I always wanted a horse. "What's its name? Is it a boy or girl?" Without realizing if I was bouncing up and down.
"It's a boy. And the name is up to you. It is your horse."
My horse. If I stay in here I won't be able to see it.
"Can I have some time to come up with one?"
"Sure moonlight. I have to get back to work now."
"Oh.. okay bye"
"Bye" we hung up the phone.
I still didn't eat lunch I just continued to look around. When I walked behind the West building I saw a lead pipe covered in dirt and blood. I picked it up to see if it can still be used.
"I can use this," I swung it around a little. "I can use this but it won't get me far." I threw the pipe on the ground and continued walking.
After about five minutes of walking I found used needles on the ground. I know I can use this. Bending down to pick it up, someone kicked it out of my reach. Looking up, it was Adria.
I really didn't want to deal with this bitch today. I rolled my eyes and walked away leaving the needle on the ground.
She pushed me from behind, "what's wrong? Lost your balls now that your boyfriend isn't here."
Boyfriend? Who the hell is she talking about? She pushed me again. I looked at her as she walked beside me.
"Your not gonna do anything?"
I looked forward. She tapped my shoulder. If this bitch touches me one more time.
"Princess!!" I looked in the direction of the voice. It was her brother calling her.
She looked at me and ran over to him. "What?"
While they talked I walked back into the South building but this time I went straight to Andrew's room. His roommate wasn't in this time so I don't have to threaten him again. Walking over to his bed I lift the pillow and grabbed the gun. Just having it in my hands I could feel a cold chill go through my body.
I heard footsteps and placed the gun underneath the back of my shirt. Thank goodness they gave us all big long shirts otherwise this wouldn't work.
I poked my head out the door to make sure no one was there. It was all clear. I walked down the hall as if nothing happens.
I saw the time, "lunch is almost over."
I should see if Ben killed Andrew yet. Making my way to the lunchroom I saw them sitting at a table by themselves. Good, he's still alive and Ben's not terrifying people. I went over to their table and sat in front of them.
"My queen" Ben's eyes lit up when he saw me. As always.
"Should I get you a plate." He stood up but I held my hand up to stop him.
"No. sit down," he sat back down.
I leaned in towards them and whispered, "Listen, tonight is the night. Be ready when I come and get you. Don't tell anyone about what this. Got it."
They both nod their heads. I looked around in the lunchroom. Police, doctors and nurses are watching us. Patients are either fighting, arguing, eating or just sitting in place. The place was a mess. It smells like piss and the food taste like shit.
"I'm not going to miss this place. I hope it burns to hell where it belongs"
The bell rang and I walked back to my room leaving the guys behind. When I entered my room the doctors weren't there but something told me to sit in the chair. So I did.
I'm leaving this place tonight. I need to leave tonight. What should I do first when I get out? Eat? Party? Maybe see the ocean for the first time. I was promised to go see it for my 12 birthday but I was locked in this shit place.
When the times comes immediate actions. Don't look back. Don't regret whatever I do. Continue to look forward.
Sorry, this one is a little late.
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