Heart to Heart

Sagittarius's POV:

I woke up with a tear stained face. My eyes darted across the room to Gemini's bed but she wasn't there.

I sighed, damn I wish this was all a bad dream. I rolled out of bed and trudged into my closet. I didn't both to brush my hair, I just threw it into a high ponytail.

Then I changed out if my pajamas into a black shirt and a pair of white pants. I snatched up my black messenger bag and my phone.

I walked out my room and immediately headed towards the infirmary. I asked the doctor where Libra's and Leo's room was and he guided me to it. Entering the infirmary room, I saw the horrible condition of Libra and Leo and burst into a sprint to Libra's side, tears forming in my eyes.

I wiped my eyes and tucked a strand of Libra's hair behind her ear. I sighed softly and turned to walk over to Leo's bed. I fixed the collar on his shirt and then walked slowly to the door. I turned back to face the two in the coma, "Please get well soon guys." I whispered, blinking tears out of my eyes.

Then the door swung open, hitting not my body but my tail! I looked up to see Capricorn, his expression more grim than normal. "I'm very sorry, are you ok?" he asked panicked. "Yes, I'm fine. I was just leaving," I stated through gritted teeth as I walked out the door. I walked down the hall wondering what had just happened back there.

Ok yes, I had just been hit in the tail by the door that Capricorn opened but today his attitude seemed different. Capricorn is normally cold, calm, and seems to have a infinitely high wall up but today, his panic earlier really threw me. It was like some of the emotion from the last few days had managed to make a small crack in his wall and then almost hitting me with the door and seeing Leo and Libra had broken a hole in his wall and some of the emotion had seeped out.

I sighed, well why do I care? I thought, but then my own brain and heart answered me back: You care because you understand suffering and pain. You care because you don't want anyone else suffering too.

I sadly smiled and shook my head, then I pulled out my phone. I opened up my contacts and texted Gemini. Hey where are you?

A second later I got a response, in the courtyard with Aries. I clicked my tongue, staring at the screen until another message popped up. Hey did you get the email from the headmistress and the professor? The text read, I arched my eyebrow, what email? I wrote.

Suddenly my phone buzzed, I looked at the banner. It was the email Gemini had just mentioned. I quickly swept away the banner and responded. Never mind, I got it now. I texted Gemini. Then I opened the email,


       Please come to Professor Pegasus's classroom, immediately.

       Headmistress Ursa and Professor Pegasus

I turned off my phone and stuffed it in my bag. Then I ran down the hall at top speed to Professor Pegasus's classroom.

I opened the heavy wooden door to see Aries, Gemini, and Cancer sitting at their tables in the class. "Hey." Cancer greeted in a distant voice. "Hey." I greeted back, making my way over to my seat.

As I sat down, I accidentally hit my tail against the metal, "Sh*t....agh..." I winced, the pain shooting through my tail.

"Are you ok? Tail again?" Gemini said concerned. I nodded slowly, "Yeah. I'm fine." Heck, I thought, my tail really is the weakest part of my body. Why did I have to get hit there?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the door shut again, this time Capricorn, Aquarius, and Scorpio had walked in and not a minute later Taurus, Pisces, and Virgo filter in with Headmistress Ursa and Professor Pegasus.

When everyone had seatted themsselves, Ms. Ursa spoke up. "I'm sure you all are wondering why you are here." she said. I scanned the room, it seemed emptier than normal, only 10 not 12, my brain thought. I bit my lip, nodding at Ms. Ursa's statement.

"The profesor and I have decided to let you use this classroom to have a heart ot heart talk. We know you all are saddened by the recent events and we wanted to allow you time to get you feelings out, alright?" said Ms. Ursa softly as Professor Pegasus nodded sympatheticly. Then the two walked out quietly.

The silence in the room was unsettling, you could hear a pin drop. I sat at my table in a daze of silence until drip...

I turned around and looked up to see tears streaming down Pisces's cheek. Eveybody was staring at her, then all of the heroes ran up to her and started comforting her. I made eye contact with the villains and they all nodded sadly.

We slowly got up from our tables and made our way over to Pisces. Cancer and Gemini nudge their way up next to Pisces, who looked slightly surprised. Cancer got really close to Pisces and whispered something in her ear.

Pisces eyes widened for a moment and then returned to their normal size. I noticed that her tears had stopped, something that Cancer had told her must have made them stop.... I wonder what?

I shrugged off the thought and moved over to Capricorn. I put a hand gently on his shoulder causing him to turn to me. "Hey are you okay?" I whispered, Capricorn just nodded his head, I could see the dark circles underneath his eyes.

Aries cleared his throat, "Ok so you alright now Pisces?" he asked, "I am. Thank you guys," Pisces responded, then she made eye contact with everyone else before asking, "Are you guys alright?"

The was a short chorus of "yes" from the group except from Capricorn. "Capricorn?" Pisces asked questioningly. Capricorn coughed lightly, "Yes, sorry. I'm fine, just really tired. I couldn't sleep at all last night, every time I try, my mind has replays of everything." he sighed.

"I feel so weak, every time I have the nightmare, I see my best friend being thrown off the cliff and there's nothing I can do about it." Capricorn whispered, voice cracking and then tears started to form in his eyes.

I turned to everyone else in the room, "Hey could you guys give us a minute?" I asked. They nodded and left the room.

I turned back to Capricorn, I stood on my tip-toes and slowly reached my hands up to his face and wiped away the tears in his eyes. I pulled Capricorn into a hug, he didn't respond at first, possibly due to shock, but then hugged me back tightly, burring his face in my hair as I heard the tears come down harder.

"D*mn," I heard his whisper, "my father would never approve of me crying like this... I'm so weak....." I sighed, then placed both my hands on Capricorn's shoulder and pushed him away so that I could look into his eyes.

"Capricorn, listen to me. Crying does not mean that a person is weak, it means that a person has a heart. Tears fall when our hearts can no longer handle the pain." I started making Capricorn's eye widen, " We all cry, even the strongest of us, but what really matters is that we get over out tears together. We all need a shoulder to cry on and I'll always be here for you, ok?" I said.

Capricorn nodded and smiled lightly, "Thank you." he whispered. I nodded as everyone else filtered back through the door into the room, well they must have been listening, I thought.

"You feeling okay now, Capricorn?" asked Aries, "Yea" responded Capricorn. "That was interesting to watch and listen cuz I've never seen you cry before." Aries half-teased. Capricorn rolled his eyes.

Gemini giggled then said, "Yea, it really was interesting. I've never heard such 'sweet' words out your mouth Sagittarius." I rolled my eyes, my face heating up. "What ever," I said, "Now that we have cleared things up, do you guys want to actually talk about what happened yesterday?"

Everyone nodded. "So I'll start?" asked Taurus, "Sure." Scorpio replied. "Ok so..... Libra has wings? Did anyone know about it?" questioned Taurus.

Aquarius coughed, drawing the attention of the group. "Libra did tell some of us about her wings. Thats why she always wore a coat, she hides them since she doesn't like to show them to others." Aquarius informed us. "To elaborate, we -Sagi, Aqua, and I- only knew becuase we had the same gym locker rooms as her." added Gemini.

"Does anyone else have powers?" asked Virgo interested. "I guess," mumbled Aquarius, "I mean my blue fingertips allow me to shot ice from them." "And my body allows me some supernatrural strenght when I need it." said Taurus.

Then there was silence. "Cancer..." trailed Pisces, "Fine." murmured Cancer. "I have the ability to sense the feelings of others around me. Not like the exact emotions like this is envy and this is hatread but I can feel swealls or strongness of emotion and whether they are positive or negative." Cancer explained.

"Oh that cool, so.... what exactly happened yesterday? It all went by so fast and I didn't see any of it since Pisces and I were dealing with this one person in black." said Virgo sounding uneasy.

"So what happened was that Leo had saved Professor Pegasus from the people in black but then a girl in black got a hold of him and threw him over the cliff. Libra saw that and then she flew off the cliff to try to save him, and the two hit the ground with such an incredible force, they're both in a coma now. At least we know they are still living though." said Aries relapsing the events.

"I see..." mumbled Virgo in deep thought but then a horrified stricken look came accross her face. "Virgo? Are you ok?" asked Taurus slightly panicked.

"Everyone, correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Ms. Ursa say to watch out for ''other school groups'?" Virgo asked frantically. I nodded and so did the others. I remembered Ms. Ursa saying that.

"Wait why would another school attack us?" asked Cancer suspiciously. "Wait a second, Virgo do you remember what the guy that attacked us looked like when I accidentally knocked off his hood?" Pisces inquired. "Yea, it really strange. He had this sadistic smirk with large black horns and blood red eyes." Virgo described.

"You know this makes me really wonder cuz when I was fighting one of the attackers, I kept on getting the extremely overwelhming feeling of hatread, it felt demonic." remarked Cancer.

"So I'm getting that we are all concluding to the point that our attackers where from another school and that they certainnly aren't 'normal', right?" suggested Capricorn. "Agreed." I said. "Now what do we do from here?" I asked.

A silence fell upon the room until a voice spoke up, "They would want us to investigate." It was Aquarius's voice. "Knowing both Leo's and Libra's personalities, they would want us to investigate this." she clarified.

"Okay if we need to go and investigate, then we should head to the library? Maybe there will be somethings inside the books?" suggested Scorpio. Aries cleared his throat and annouced, "We will all head to the library now to investigate unless there are any objections?"

No one objected to the plan so we quietly walked out of the class room and followed Scorpio to the library. The library was a huge cylindrical building on the edge of the campus, with grand double doors, large windows at the top, and 10 stone stairs leading up to the building it was eaily decribed as grand.

Scorpio opened the door to let us in. The inside of the library was just as impressive as the outside, beautiful wooden bookselfs filled with books lined the walls, a stone desk where check out occured, a humongous tree grew in the center of the library, multiple large skylights in the roof, and stone staircase curling up the side that lead to the second floor of books.

"Wow..." breathed Capricorn, I nodded in agreement. This place really was something, there must be at least a couple ten thousand books in this library.

"This way." Scorpio whispered, gesturing for us to follow him. We walked to the base of the tree. "The history and story books are upstairs so we need to go up these." he said before going up the stone steps. Again the rest of the group followed.

When we reached the top of the staircase, we were on the majestic second floor of the library. "Ok so where are the history books, Scorpio? We need to see if we can find anything on the history of the school." whispered Aries.

"The history books are right there." Scorpio said pointing at a wall full of books. "Alright then," Taurus whispered, "everyone split up and see what you can find in those books."

An hour later, everyone was still scanning throught the library books but no one had found anything yet.

I placed my book down and walked away to the edge of the second floor's balcony. I stared down and sighed, there must be somthing else, I thought. We've been going through these books for an hour and nothing. Just the I felt a hand brush my shoulder, I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up to Capricorn staring down at me.

"Hey are you ok?" he asked, "I'm fine, just deep in thought. Thanks for asking." I said. "Deep in thought? What are you thinking about?" Capricorn wondered. "Well we've been going throught these books for a hour now and no ones found anything. So I'm starting to wonder if we are looking in the wrong section." I pondered.

Capricorn rubbed his neck and leaned his back against the railing of the balcony. Then he crossed his arms over his chest, "There is a possiblity that we are looking in the wrong section." he whispered, "I mean, the information we are looking for seems suspicious and secretive so it may be hidden from the students."

I pulled at my hair, "So all we need to do is find a hidden section of books." I said, looking around at the second floor. "There were two hallways on the opposite ends of the second floor, both have books on the walls though, " Capricorn started, "at the end of one, leads to the restrooms and the other I don't know."

I grabbed Capricorn's arm and dragged him with me down the second hallway. He was right, there were books lining the walls of the hallway but at the end was what looked like a stone door but it had no handle or latch, it had on it two golden cursive letters RA. I looked at the books to my left and right and then an idea sparked in my head.

"Hey Capricorn, I'm pretty sure that this is a door, and the only way to open it is to pull on one of these books, but the thing is, you should only have 1 shot at pulling the right book." I said. "Alright so which one do you think?" asked Capricorn.

We looked over all the books but only one caught my eye. The book that caught my eye was a smaller, skinnier book with a brown cover. Yes it looked like all the other books around it but what made it different was the golden inscription on the spine, the gold letters were the same font and color as the ones on the door.

"I think this is it." I said, "I'll go get the others." Capricorn told me as he dashed off. A moment later the whole group was in the second hallway and Capricorn explained to the what we had figured out. Then the group motioned for me to pull the book.

I held my breath as I placed my fingers on the top of the book and pulled it. The book only pulled out half way and then a golden light started to shine off the door.

When the light disappeared, the stone door had moved to the side. I grinned wildly and walked into the new room.

The room was a pretty large dark room packed with old musty smelling books. "Guys, scan the shelves for something about the schools history, it should actually be here in the Restricted Archives section." I ordered.

I scanned the shelves for any book title that seemed right, I kept on scanning until I saw a book on the top of the shelf that caught my eye. Astro High: A Celestial Record.

I reached up to grab the book but I was too short. Then a hand reached over my head a handed the book to me. "There you go, Sagittarius." the voice behind me said, I smiled, of course it was Capricorn. "Thanks, Cap." I said before I called out to the rest of the group, "Hey guys! We've found it!" I whispered yelled out to the rest of the group.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and came over around us. I cleared my throat before whispering aloud," Astro High: A Celestial Record is the name of the book." I lowered the book so that everyone could see, the I flipped through the first few pages, it had some text and images of happy and peaceful scenes at what we all recognized to be this school.

Then I flipped a few pages further until we hit the middle of the book. We gasped at the illustration on the page.

There on the worn page was a depiction of a horrific wicked terrifying all black colored school with creatures in the front holding weapons. There was only one word scribbled on the page in dark bleeding ink:



Hi, everyone! Thank you for reading this chapter, sorry for the giant wait time between the updates. I tried to make up for it by have a really long chapter (3,000+ words).

The great wait time was due to me trying to master the emotion and smoothness in the transitions between scenes and of course I had to injure my hand so that meant I couldn't type properly.

But whatver, enought about me. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Bye for now, ~xSilverTwee

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