The Hidden Ones

An eagle soared, high in the hard, clear sky, while a lone traveler traversed a dusty road, riding a beautiful white horse. His sky blue eyes glanced from side to side in caution as his horse trotted slowly towards his intended destination.

Not to far ahead lay the small town of Ansel, home of the Arc family. Lifting his head to peer through his beaked hood, Desmond found himself reflecting on how far his life had come since he first arrived on Remnant. He smiled as he recalled being found by the Arc family, becoming fast friends with their only son.

After a while, Desmond, moved by the boy's determination to live up to his families legacy, decided to help train him quietly. This decision ended up being very beneficial for the both of them as Desmond ended up learning more about Remnant as a whole, while Jaune slowly learned to not only disappear but also throw a punch properly.

Eventually, Desmond had to leave but not before he promised that he'd visit whenever he got the chance. From there, he began his slow trek across the world, visiting every place he could. One day, however, he ended up coming across a lone mountain in a forrest not far from Vale and upon closer inspection, he ended up discovering that below the mountain was a massive forge that once belonged to the Isu which shocked him greatly.

At this point, Desmond had decided to make the area his home and set up a camp near the entrance of the cave. Over time, he ended up learning about the rampant corruption that coursed through Remnant and at this point in time, he decided that something had to be done, so using the forge, he crafted himself a Hidden Blade forged from the Precursor metal and began to slowly strike out key influential figures that had a hand in spreading their corruption.

During one of his investigations, Desmond ended up on the path of a woman called the Madame, a cruel excuse of a human being. From what he'd learned about her, she'd often silence anyone who questioned her and all her rivals often found themselves mysteriously dead.

This what first set him on the hunt for her but he couldn't do much without first acquiring knowledge so he set out to the closest bar and from there he began tracking down any and all of her allies, slowly whittling them down until she was left all alone. As he did this, he ended up discovering an additional five targets to hunt, the Investor, the Scorpion, the Scientist, the Raven and the Bull, all of whom had some hand in making life on Remnant worse.

Unfortunately, he couldn't place any names to their faces yet but what he did know was that they had allies, and there was a lot of them but for now all he could do was focus on the Madame and that was what he did. At the time, however, he didn't realise what effect her death would have on him.
Desmond snapped out of his memories when he heard a twig snapping off in the distance. Narrowing his eyes in suspicion, Desmond slowly pulled his hand closer to his blade in caution. Drawing in a deep breath, Desmond suddenly found himself peering through the eyes of his aviary companion, a martial eagle called Talon.

With it's help, Desmond soon discovered that a group of members from the Branwen tribe had set up a small little ambush ahead of him. With a grimace, Desmond dismounted from his horse and slowly disappeared into the foliage, an impressive feat considering he was dressed in a snow white hoodie that reflected the sun.

He did a quick check on his tools, making sure they were all in place and wouldn't cause any noise. Thankfully, they were all still firmly in place. Smirking, Desmond edged his way towards the group of bandits as quietly as possible while taking extra measures to avoid causing any noise that could give away his position.

With a little whistle, Desmond drew one of the bandits near the bush he was in and with one quick motion, he lunged forward, his hidden blade extended and slight the poor bastards neck, his blade complete bypassing tha man's aura with ease before he then dragged the body into the bush and continued further.

Acting fast, Desmond swiveled around and activated the Phantom Blade, firing a singular bolt towards another bandit. The bolt was filled with a unique poison that drives its victims into a berserk state, very useful for causing distractions. Almost immediately, the bandit began to convulse violently before charging off towards the rest of his friends, flailing wildly.

While the now berserk bandit distracted the rest of the group, Desmond continued forward, taking to the trees to give himself a better advantage. Narrowing his eyes, Desmond analysed the rest of the group as they struggled to apprehend their raging friend.

Seeing an opportunity to eliminate the rest of the bandits, he leapt from the branch he was perched on and slammed down on one of the bandits, stabbing the poor man in his neck, killing him instantly, just as they killed their raging friend. Not giving the others any chance to react, he dropped a smoke bomb, blinding the rest of them and methodically made his way through each them with his Hidden Blade.

As soon as the last bandit fell, he began to check their bodies for any useful items. Once he was finished, Desmond found himself 50 lien richer as he remounted his horse and resumed his journey.

'Not long now.' He thought to himself as his horse trotted along the road. Whole it was true that Remnant had other means of transport, Desmond found himself enjoying the feeling of riding a horse, whether it was because of the Bleeding Effect or not, he didn't care.
His horse huffed in exhaustion as Desmond finally arrived at Ansel. Lowering his hood, Desmond found himself being met with a group of excited children as they surged forward, eager to hear more about his adventures around Remnant.

Dismounting from his horse, Desmond navigated his way through the hordes of friendly faces, greeting him kindley as heade his way towards the small farm that belonged to the Arc's. As he made his way up to the door, a familiar blonde leapt down from the roof, stopping him from going further.

Desmond smiled, satisfied with what he saw, "Your getting better." He stated as Jaune slowly walked up to him with a smile on his face.

"You think so?!" The blonde asked excitedly as he took Desmond's hand and began dragging him to the rest of his family. "Of course I do." He replied as he let the eager blonde drag him along. "So have you been practicing the other things I've taught you?"

Jaune nodded his head enthusiastically, "Yep! I even found a long stick to practice swinging with, it's not perfect but it was the best I could do." Desmond shook his head fondly, "Something is almost always better then nothing."

Before the pair could continue their conversations, they arrived at their destination.

"Desmond! Good to see you again!" Jaunes mom, Juniper Arc, exclaimed in delight as Jaune guided him up to the family. "Likewise." He returned as he tilted his head in greeting, while Talon went down to perch on her arm.

"Uncle!" The rest of the family exclaimed in joy as they charged forward and tackled him into a hug, knocking him into the ground. It was hard to believe that in just four short years, he'd come to be a part of their family.

"So, how are the kids?" Silvio Arc asked Desmond after the children had finished hugging him. "Oh, they're doing fine. In fact they plan on becoming Huntsmen. They've already got their transcripts and everything, now all they need to do is apply to an Academy." He replied proudly.

Silvio arched his eye in surprise, "Really now? Do they have any idea on which ones they want to join?"

"Well, Lie and Nora both want to go to Beacon, Emerald plans to join whatever academy Cinder joins, Fiona has plans to go to Atlas, Ilia wants to go back to Menagerie and Mercury, he's fine with whatever, as long as it's not Atlas." Desmond answered as he glanced over to the rest of the Arc family. "What about your kids? Do any of them have plans to become Huntsmen?"

"Aside from Jaune, not really." Silvio answered before glancing at his only son, something that Desmond was quick to pick up upon. "You do realise that nothing your going to say is going to stop him and at this point you should realise that no place in this world is safe. Bandits, Grimm, the White Fang, what part of this world is safe? If Jaune does become a Huntsman then he would at least have the necessary training to protecting himself." Desmond stated as he gestured to the town, while Silvio pondered on what Desmond had said.

After a few moments, the man sighed in defeat, "Fine! You win. Starting tomorrow, I'll train him assuming you haven't already." The silent accusation in his voice didn't go unnoticed by the assassin.

"All I did was teach him how to defend himself, I can't stop him from choosing what he does with that knowledge." He pointed out as he turned to leave, "But enough about that, I came by to see how you were doing and give a gift to your son." Desmond revealed as let of a sharp whistle, moments later, his horse came galloping towards the pair before stopping just short of an arms length.

"I dread to see what kind of gift you plan on giving him." Silvio muttered dryly earning a short laugh from Desmond, "The kind of gift that'll prevent him from potential planning on stealing your family heirloom when he leaves for Beacon." He revealed with a wicked grin on his face as he pulled a sheathed sword. "It's called the Chrysaor and I had it forged for Jaune but if you want I could teach him how to be a warrior without you taking away any of your free time and it would be for free?" Desmond offered his friend.

Silvio contemplated his offer before looking back at Desmond, "Do you promise to keep him safe?" Desmond nodded his head, "I'll keep himself to the best of my ability and I'll give a regular updates monthly, right up until he goes to Beacon." Satisfied with his friends answer, Silvio called his son over to them.

"Yeah, dad?"

"Pack your stuff, you'll be leaving with Desmond." He told him bluntly, shocking the young boy. "What?! Why?!" Jaune cried out in shock, drawing the attention of the rest of their family.

"Because I'm allowing Desmond to help train you in preparation to go to Beacon." He admitted begrudgingly, while Desmond folded his arms with a victorious grin on his face.

Jaunes face light up with an excited smile, "Really?!?!" He all but squealed in excitement.

"Yes, now get your stuff ready before I change my mind." Hearing this, Jaune immediately began racing towards the house while Desmond sat patiently on a nearby bench.

A few minutes later and the pair were in their way after a very heartfelt goodbye from the rest of Jaunes family. Now the pair where travelling down the road on Desmond's horse while his eagle soared high in the sky's above them.
Finally finished! What do you guys think? Pretty good right? As you can see Desmond already has five students he's training and he's already come to think of them as his extended family and I'm pretty sure you can already tell who the targets are just by their titles alone.

In addition, they will have eagle vision and their own pet eagles as well as their own Isu/Precursor weapons, if your curious on what the sword Desmond got for Jaune looks like we'll look it up on the Assassin's Creed wiki.

Next chapter I'm working on is for the Emerald Fairy so stay tuned for that, then it's Earth's Mightiest Aliens and then Alien Justice.

Hope you guys enjoyed and see you next time!

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