Chapter 5: Apprentice
It was a bright day as we see Y/n standing near a tree and watching Tatsumi kneeling in front of his two friends who where killed by a rich family. He apologise for not saving them while Y/n watches this and then approaches to Tatsumi and came up next to him and stare at the two graves and than started to chant something.
Tatsumi noticed him there and hear him chant something that he couldn't understand and when he's done he ask him.
Tatsumi: What in the world was that?
Y/n: It is a way for a spirits to rest for all eternally without any fears, worry or anything once reach to the aftermath.
Tatsumi: Huh well thanks I guess.
Y/n:.......So....what should you do now?
Tatsumi: Huh?
Y/n: It's obvious enough that you saw our faces and our base. You'll be a high risk if we let you go with the knowledge of our location. The only option I can think for you to live is by you joining us.
Tatsumi: I appreciate with it but I'm not gonna join. Besides I'm not a killer like the rest of you.
Y/n: Did you not kill a "innocent girl"?
Tatsumi: That's different.
Y/n: A real hero arrest those who commit a crime and have them have a far trail.
Tatsumi:.....Okay fine I may kill her but still you and the rest kill people every day.
Y/n: Yes but because they are corrupt and pure evil. There's more truth about them then you realise kid. Something they don't want to tell you or the world about.
Leone: (smirk) I see you two are getting along well.
She then hugged Y/n from before, pressing her bresst behind his back while she let out a giggle and then turn to Tatsumi.
Leone: (smile) So made a decision to join us?
Y/n: He doesn't want to join. Apparently he doesn't want to kill.
Leone: Huh, aren't you a coward.
Tatsumi: Shut up I'm not scared!
Y/n: (sigh) Leone perhaps maybe you can introduce to him to everyone at Night Raid.
Leone: (smirk) Whatever you say hot stuff~!
She then grab Tatsumi by the head and start dragging him inside while Y/n watch them leave as he then turn to the two graves and then he leaves.
(Sometime later)
We see Najenda just came back from our solo mission as she sat down in front of the camp fire with Akame who is cooking a large big that she hunted down as she at the pork when Y/n came up to the two and walk up to Najenda.
Y/n: Can master.
Najenda: (turn to Y/n) Ah if ain't my loyal assassin, welcome. Have a seat.
Y/n: (bow) Of course.
He sat down next to her and then Akame slide over a plate of meat which he turn to Akame who stared at him and then continue eating which he node and begins to eat.
Najenda: (smile) Was your mission successful? I heard you brought a new member.
Y/n: Indeed. His name is Tatsumi and he seems pretty young. He wanted to join the empire army and had two friends who were unfortunately died.
Najenda: That's a shame.
Y/n: Indeed. However disbite his first blood he refuses to join because the way how we do things.
Najenda: I see. Well it's not like he has a choice.
Y/n: I told him that. Now he's with Leone being introduced to the rest od the Night Raid.
Najenda: (smile) Well at least you have someone you can relate to.
Y/n: I'm a born assassin. Tatsumi is not.
Najenda: (smirk) Aren't we all. By away I've found something that you may want to know about.
Y/n: What is it?
Najenda: According to reports, there have been assassinations in towns, villages or cities. Reports go further to explain that these deaths are cost by mysterious figures wearing a hood and using parkour skills to avoid being spotted. Does that sound familiar?
Y/n: Indeed. My clan. What have they been doing?
Najenda: Something you may not wanna know. For what I've heard, they are working with the empire by killing people they see as a threat.
Y/n: (shocked) What?! Impossible. My clan fights within the shadows and doesn't pick any side. Why choice a side especially a empire?
Najenda: I'm not sure but this may hold some problems. These assassin's are highly skilled and dangerous. One is one thing but 50 of them is something from nightmares.
Y/n: Right. If I encounter any of my clan again, I'll make sure they will be punished for their actions.
Najenda: You seem okay with this? Aren't they your old clan members?
Y/n:........I was the best assassin within my clan. Everyone love and trusted me and in return, I trust them back. But when my old clan master is murdered and I was accused, I felt like all the trust I was given was thrown away as they hunted me down. Its hard to convince myself they were tricked but.....I can't help but feel that everything I've trained for, everything I did and everything I've gain was for nothing. The one person within my clan I trusted now is my old clan master who showed me nothing but respect, trust and someone I can turn to. He's the only one I can trust, even after death.
Najenda can see his pain including Akame who over heard this as Najenda place her hand on top of his and tells him.
Najenda: We all trust you Y/n. All of us. I understand the pain of betrayal you're going through. We all have our betrayals in the past and it may still hurt but we use it to full our skills as assassin's. (Smile) Your the best one yet, never forget it.
This made Y/n node while Najenda smiled and then leaves. Y/n sat there and stare at the fire in front of him while Akame noticed that even though his hood is covered, he can see a singal tear dripping down from his cheek.
(Sometime later)
We see him and everyone from Night Raid at the meeting as Y/n lend against the wall near Mine and Sheele as Najenda sat on her throne and explain to Tatsumi about Night Raid and what they do which Tatsumi listened and then he said.
Tatsumi: Oh so you fight for justice, right?
There was a moment of silence and then they all stated laughing apart of Y/n which confused Tatsumi when Y/n spoke.
Y/n: No matter what we do, we're not the good guys. Being a assassin is that you have to take a life away, even if that life has a family or friends. It is difficult but that is our job.
Najenda: But we don't follow the orders from a corrupt government like the empire.
Tatsumi: Okay.......Well since I have no other way plus I have no where else to go I guess I'll join.
Mine: Great, another newbie.
Tatsumi: I heard that!
Leone: (smirk) Awesome! Y/n joined us not too long ago so you two can get along well.
Najenda: (smile) Yes ans speaking of that. (Turn to Y/n) Y/n, for now on you will be training him.
Y/n: (bow) Of course clan master.
Tatsumi: (thought) Clan master? Why did he call her that?
Y/n: (turn to Tatsumi) As your teacher, I will train you in the ways of the assassin and improve your skills, making you a better and deadly assassin.
Tatsumi: (smirk) Well I'm a pretty good swordsmen so there is no need to improve my skills.
Bulat: Not exactly true.
Lubbock: As far as we know, Y/n is ten times deadlier with a blade then any on one of us.
Y/n: Besides you lack patience when it comes to blade combat. You have to be good in hopes you to be a assassin.
Tatsumi: Okay so what are we waiting for, let's start this.
Y/n: Very well then.
(Short while later)
We see the two at the training court as we see Tatsumi and Y/n dual as the two clash blades and move around. Y/n moves fast, dodging his swings and blocking every swings in perfection while Bulat, Leone, Sheele and Mine were watching this as Sheele take some notes for Y/n about Tatsumi's skills.
Bulat: Look at them go. They are getting along quite well.
Leone: (smirk) You can say that again.
Mine: I still can't believe we have a newbie to the team.
Leone: (smirk) Well that's good right?
Mine: Not even close.
Both Y/n and Tatsumi continue to dual until Y/n manage to knock Tatsumi's sword out of his hand and then he places a blade at Tatsumi's neck, winning the dual as Leone cheered for Y/n.
Leone: (smile) Way a go hot stuff!
Tatsumi smiled while Y/n noticed and tells him.
Y/n: She's talking to me.
Tatsumi: Oh......right.
They approach towards them as Sheele hands Y/n what she written as he look over while Tatsumi started to brag.
Tatsumi: (smirk) You may have won but I'm sure my skills are pretty good.
Y/n: Not exactly.
He show him the mistakes which stunned Tatsumi to see so many mistakes as Y/n tells him.
Y/n: In order for you to be a assassin like us, you have to improve your skills and combat in hopes that you are ready. The training maybe tough but this is how i was trained.
Tatsumi: I feel like I might die.
Y/n: There is a likely change that might happen but after this you will be a true assassin to the group.
Tatsumi: Alright then so what's my first training?
Y/n: We will start training tomorrow morning. Be ready and don't sleep over. Training is important.
Tatsumi: Um sure thing.
He then make his leave while Tatsumi can't help but mutter out once he is gone.
Tatsumi: He's kinda strict.
Leone: (smirk) Don't mind him. That's what he is trained when he's apart of a clan.
Tatsumi: Clan?
Bulat: He used to be apart of a clan of assassin's. He was train from birth and train to be a skilled assassin. According to him and what we saw, he's shown to be the greatest assassin ever lived.
Tatsumi: Huh, say I notice he's missing a finger. What happened to his finger?
Leone: He cut it off.
Tatsumi: (shocked) Huh?! That's kinda brutal!
Sheele: Actually that's how he became a true assassin. He said its called "A sacrifice." He said that assassin's must sacrifice parts of themselves to be a true assassin's. We think it ment part of their humanity.
Tatsumi: why did he join the Night Raid?
Bulat: Well not to say this out load to him but his old clan master was killed and he was accused for it. He barely made it out there alive if weren't for us.
Sheele: Since then he felt pain ever since. Its the reason why he calls Najenda clan master because he doesn't want this to ever happen again.
Tatsumi: So even if he may seem fearless, deep down he's afraid of being betrayed again. That's sad.
Bulat: Yeah but he's well respect and we respect him back.
Tatsumi agree and started to find this group not bad as we cut to Y/n taking a shower and once he is done he leaves the bathroom and stare at himself in the mirror. He started at it for a moment as he suddenly started to tear up as he cover his mouth and begins to cry quietly as the thought of seeing his own clan members betray what they fought for is too painful to think about as he let out his sorrow before he gets some sleep.
To be continued................................................
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