Chapter 12: Returning home
We see the Night Raids gather for an emergency news. Once everyone is gathered Najenda address the news.
Najenda: I've just gotten news that most generals of the Revolutionary Army have been assassinated and the empire is pushing foward.
Mine: How is it possible?
Y/n: (shocked) My old assassin's clan.
Najenda: Indeed. We believe this assassin's group is responsible for this act. As such we're going to put a end to this once and for all and Y/n will help us. You know where they are correct?
Y/n: Yes but we all due respect Clan master, let me do this alone.
Bulat: That's not going to happen. Last time we left you alone you were captured and tortured.
Tatsumi: Yeah not to mention they nearly killed you.
Y/n: Maybe so but I can't risk anyone of you. If you all die then it will be my fault. I cannot see all of you die.
Najenda: I understand your deep fear but know this, we know the risks when we signed up as members of Night Raids. Either we die or live, our objective must be completed. If not then we lost this war.
Y/n falls silent for a moment and sees that she is right. He then makes a decision and looks up at her and tells her.
Y/n: I understand. I know their base is at but I must warn you all....they are dangerous.
Leone: (smirk) Well we're even more dangerous. While you were captured we train our asses so we can get better.
Sheele: (smile) Besides with you back we can have a chance.
Najenda: So Y/n.....ready to introduce us to your old home?
Y/ is time to seek justice for those who have fallen by my old clan.
(Sometime later)
We see the assassin's clan looking different since the last time Y/n has seen it. Night Raid hide within the trees as Najenda leads Y/n's in charge of the attack. He splits into teams of three. Akame, Najenda and Bulat will attack the courtyard. Sheele, Leone and Mine will pick off any assassin's that we're coming back from their mission. Y/n, Lubbock and Tatsumi will head inside and confront their clan master and end his life.
Moments later and Akame, Najenda and Bulat begin their attack. They crash into the courtyard and begin costing a lot of attention. Assassin's came out to attack them unfortunately their skills were outmatch to their skill and their imperial weapons.
They cut down and take on the assassin's meanwhile we see returning assassin's heading back only to be killed with a head shot by Mine and then both Leone and Sheele cut the rest. They pick them off all awhile we cut to Y/n, Tatsumi and Lubbock sneak inside the base through the window and once inside they run through the hallway as Tatsumi and Lubbock follow Y/n.
Lubbock: Man this please seems creepy.
Y/n: It seems things have changed since I have left.
Lubbock: Must be. Say you going to okay?
Y/n: Just focus on our mission.
Lubbock and Tatsumi share glances at each other and soon after they arrive at the throne room as Y/n pushes the twin doors and step inside.
Everything seems empty at first as they step inside and look around. Suddenly Tatsumi tripped on something which Y/n quickly move out of the way as a massive cage falls and lands on top of Tatsumi and Lubbock, trapping the two inside.
Lubbock: Damn it Tatsumi!
Tatsumi: Hey don't blame me!
???: Welcome home Y/n.
Then candles light up the room as Y/n turn to see a hooded figure sitting on a throne as Y/n draws out his sword.
Y/n: Who are you?
???: Don't you recognise me? It hurts to think you have forgotten about me.
Y/n: What?!
He gets up and then he remove his hood to reveal his face which shocked Y/n.
Lubbock: Whose he?
Y/n: (shocked) That's Elias. He's like a brother to me. Your their leader? How?
Elias: (smirk) After you were thought to be dead, they voted that I will be the leader of the clan. (Light chuckle) And all I have to do is to frame you for our clan masters death.
What he said immediately shock Y/n as he realised it was Elias, his closest brother and friend to be the murder. Rage begins to consume him and he charge towards and he swing his sword at him while Elias kept dodging.
Then Elias blocks his strike with his own sword and the two begin to dual for a bit and then Elias kicks Y/n back which he slammed into the wall. He was about to get up only for Elias to point a blade at his neck.
Elias: You think I betrayed you? What a laugh. You were the one who betrayed me!
Y/n: What are you doing about?
Elias: You and I were both the best but our clan master favourites you more then me. Others may not mind but to wasn't fair. We were trained to be the best and yet our clan master finds you has his favourite?! I was even more shocked when I discovered that he trusted you with the Apple of Eden! I was filled with rage by this. So I killed our clan master and frame you as the killer.
Y/n: (angry) That's it! All this because of petty jealousy! We were brothers!
Elias: That maybe so but our clan master favourites you! Not me or anyone else! I tried to be better but nothing will impress him and always favourites you!
Y/n: (angry) And the empire? Why sided with them?!
Elias: (smirk) I've always sided with them. So when I took over I convinced others to work with them as assassin's for the empire.
Y/n: (shocked) B-But why?
Elias: Because they are the true force that we should be working with. The Revolutionary army are nothing but weak and pathetic. Assassin's would rather be with those who have power then those who are easily going to lose the war. Besides if the empire do win, we can allow to exist and our clan will be none across the world! We'll be the most feared and most powerful clan ever. Our old ways has ended and its time we bring in a new era....with my image in it.....not our old clan master or you in it.
This started make Y/n even more angry and then he launches with a violent cry and tackle Elias and the two lose their swords and the two have a brawl. The two of them fought in the middle of the throne room while Lubbock managed to cut the cage so he ans Tatsumi can escape.
Just when they did Y/n and Elias crashes through the window and decent down to hill as they blow punches and blows. Then they crash to the bottom of the ground as Elias kicks Y/n away.
He lands on his feet and looks up to see Elias leaping up and goes to stab him with his hidden blade but Y/n dodges and he pulled out his hidden blade and the two have a hidden blade dual as they quickly dodges their swings and stabs as they move around swiftly and quickly.
They each land some cuts to each other but they were not phase by the pain and they keep going as soon rain begins to drop and the ground became muddy as the two continue to fight.
Y/n slip onto the ground which gives Elias a chance to get on top of him but he rolled out of the way which he to gets covered by mud. He gets up and the two continue their brawl and soon the Night Raid arrived and before anyone would help him, Najenda stop them and allowing Y/n to do this.
Elias: Your nothing but a betrayer. I make you as a traitor to eveyr assassin in our clan so why do to still fight as one!
Then Elias goes for a swing but Y/n catches his arm and then he catches his other arm and the two have a struggle as Y/n tells him.
Y/n: I keep fighting because that is all I know. But I met people that I swore to protect! I will not fail them!
Elias: You think they are your allies?!
Then Elias drops a smoke bomb, covering everything as Y/n disappeared from sights leaving Elias alone as he look around for him. He had his hidden blade ready so he can kill him for good.
Y/n: We both were trained to be assassin's. You and I were great assassin's and I am proud for that. However you use your skills for your sick and twisted ways. Betraying everything that we stand for and throwing away the bounds we have. You betrayed me and thus you leave me with no choice.
The smoke clears up and Elias looked around for Y/j but there was nothing when suddenly he felt a sharp blade impaled him in the back as Y/n appear behind him as Elias slowly turn to see Y/n as he tells him.
Y/n: You must die for your betrayal and I have completed my vengeance apon the one who frame me.
He then drops Elias to the ground as he slowly try to move but Y/n kneel down and stabbing him in the neck, killing Elias once and for all.
The Night Raid stood there as Y/n stood up breathing heavily as he looks at both of his hands, slowly forming a fist and tilted his head into the sky as he let's out a yell. He let's out every painful emotions he has. From sadness to anger, he continues to scream and scream, letting everything until finally he stop and looks at the dead crops of Elias.
Then Y/n felt a hand place on his shoulder and turn to Najenda as he ensures him that everything will be alright. Without word he node to her, turn back to Elias and he and his new clan walk away, leaving Elias crops to rot which is his punishment for betraying Y/n and the clan.
They all came back to base with Y/n staring out of the window when Akame came up to him and ask.
Akame: You alright?
Y/n: Just feeling.......lost. With my vengeance complete and my old clan no more. What should I do now?
He continues to stare out of the window until Akame came over and kissed Y/n on the cheek. He turn to her and to his surprise sees her smile as she simply tells him.
Akame: (smile) we keep fighting. a family.
Y/n blushes a bit to see her cut smile and then he smiled a bit. No longer he'll be followed by the darkness of his past and the betrayed he gone through....he now has a new clan that he will fight and he will continue to use his skills and the lessons he has learn to help the Revolutionary Army and the Night Raids in their fight against the Empire and bring freedom to the world.
To be continued................................................
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