Chapter 1: Path of the assassin's

Candles lighting up the large circular room of the assassin's temple and the room is filled with cloak assassin's either on the ground floor or on the second floor as they are all gathered to introduce the new assassin's as we see them all lined up wearing nothing but theie white towels. Among them was Y/n L/n as he along with the rest look up to see the assassin clan master who make his entrance as he appears on the balcony above them as the assassin clan master look down at the new assassin's and then he spoke.

Assassin clan master: Today we are gathered here today to introduce the new Assassin's into our clans. These new assassin's were trained from birth and had learn everything that it is to know about being an assassin. Their journey and trails has come to an end.

Then one Assassin walks up in front of them while carrying a covered cloth and set it on a table in front of them. He open it to reveal hidden blades for each of them.

Assassin clan master: These are not just tools to kill. They represents what we are. We are the masters of stealth, killers from the shadows, Guardians of the innocent and strong assassin's in our war against evil. We fight together as brothers, dishonour will not be allow among the assassin's. But first, the sacrifice.

Then another Assassin came out with a blade as each of the new Assassin came up, place one finger onto the table and the Assassin cuts them off. During all that they do not flinch, they do not cry and they do not show any pain what so ever.

Assassin clan master: Cutting your finger is a sacrifice and I shows that you'll be willing to use your blade for good and to give your life whatever the cost. A true Assassin knows this, we all know this. We must sacrifice bits of our own self's so we can bring peace to this world.

Soon Y/n was turn as he lifted his finger out as the Assassin looks at him, seeing nothing but absolute will which he respect as he rasies the blade and then cut his finger clean off. Everything flashes to white and we now see him and the others now wearing assassin's clothing and now having hidden blades on their wrists as the Assassin clan master looks like them and then says in a louder tone.

Assassin clan master: Welcome to our clan. You are all now....Assassin's!

(5 months later)

We see a village been radied by bandits and the village people were now forced to be enslaved by these bandits. The children were taking away to be serve as waiters as they give food to the bandits, men were sent to farming, cooking or mining in a nearby caves while females......had the worse thing ever imagine.

In fact we see one bandits breathing up one in an alleyway as she screams and begs but the bandit doesn't listen as he keeps beating her until he stop and said.

Male bandit: Your such a dumb bitch. Maybe your no use to me after all. (Pulls out a knife)

Woman: (panic) No please! I beg of you! SOMEBODY SAVE US!

Male bandit: (smirk) Sorry but no one isn't going to sav-

Suddenly he gasp as a knife stabbed him in the back and then he was thrown away as the woman open her eyes to see Y/n looking down at her. She was about to scrrqm but quickly Y/n cover her mouth and put his finger over his lips, singalong her to stay quiet.

She nodes as he stood up straight and turns to hear more coming. He quickly grab the body and then fire q grapple above him as he zips up and lands onto thr roof. He set the body down and then runs off.

We see a bar where we see bandits are drinking and partying while Children were forced to serve them. One child accident spilled some all over one which he slapped him and then drag him outside to teach him a lesson.

He kick the back door and throws the boy outside and was about to beat him when suddenly Y/n drops down, lands on top of the bandit and stapprd him in the neck. The boy was shocked as Y/n stood up, stared at the boy and then heads inside.

There were a lot of bandits within the bar so he blend in ans search around and sees  drinks being served so he took out his poison and quickly and quietly dip the Poison in ever singal large glass bottle that they are serving. The drink is poured into their cubs and they drank which one by one they die from Poison as Y/n walks out of the bar at the front entrance like nothing has happened.

He stealthy kills all the bandits around the village until he which the mayor's building where we see the bandit leader laughing while counting up his money.

Bandit leader: (smirk) Now this is the life. With every money we have, we can do whatever we wish.

His commanders all laugh in agreement when suddenly the door slightly open and a black ball is rolled into the room. They all stop laughing and look down ans seconds laternit exploded. A white smoke covers them and they couldn't see.

Bandit leader: What's going on?! Are we under attack?

Soon the smoke clears up as the bandit leader coughs and then looks over to his commanders only to see them all dead and laying on the floor and shocking him as we see Y/n appear behind him.

Y/n: Shouldn't have mess with these village people.

The bandit leader was about to turn only for to get stabbed in the neck as his hidden blade stabbed through the chair and into his neck. He collapse onto the ground and holding on for life while grabbing his bleeding neck as he looks at Y/n as he gives him a cold eyes as he make his leave.

Y/n: Enjoy all the wealth and hell.

He leave for the bandit leader to die as he leaves as he walks through the village while one by one assassin's came up behind him, complaining their missions as the now five assassin's leave the village and disappeared from the village people sights as they see they are free and cheered for these mysterious heroes.


We see the assassin's temple hidden within the forest as Y/n ans his team of assassin's return as the gates were open for them. His team congratulate Y/n for a successful mission and pressing him for his plan which he nodes and thanks them for the help.

They gone their separate ways and make his way inside the template and into the throne room where the Assassin clan master is there as he approaches him and then Y/n kneel down in front of him.

Y/n: Clan master. I have return and successfully took out the bandits in a village. All are now silent.

Assassin clan master: Excellent job Y/n L/n. All my assassin's have shown to be the best but are very better then all of them.

Y/n: I don't want to take all the credit clan master. Without them, I would not been the best.

Assassin clan master: (smile) I am humbled of your honesty. (Stood up) Please, come with me. I wish to show you something.

Y/n: (stood up) Yes clan master.

The two make a walk through the temple, meeting other assassin's who bow to their clan master as a sign of respect. We see rooms containing the children that are taught of being assassin's, teenagers that learn how to fight and the arts of stealth and adults that must go through trails to complete. Soon they reach a large golden door which surprised Y/n.

Y/n: Clan master, this door is only be used by you and you alone. Are you sure?

Assassin clan master: (turn to Y/n) There is no reason to fear. I believe you are ready.

He placed his hand onto the golden door which lighting up which amazed Y/n and then door golden door slowly open reveal a completely dark hallway. However the hallway is lighting up by touches as they walk down to the unknown hallway that Y/n has never been in and soon they walk down the steps and once at the bottom he saw something in the middle.

In the middle of the room was a square, singal table and sitting on the table was a circular golden ball as they approach the object.

Y/n: Clan master....what is this?

Assassin Clan master: This...this is relic that will change the world as we know it forever. It is called the Apple of Eden. Long ago this relic was made by ancient gods and it said that contains the secrets of the world. It holds the power to change everything as we know it.

He then picked up the Apple of Eden ans shows it to Y/n and he goes on to explain.

Assassin clan master: This ancient relic was passed down to me by my father and his father before me. My ancestors protected this ancient relic for thousands of years. It was the reason the assassin's were created, to protected this relic cause if this falls into the wrong hands, then the world as we know it will be gone.

Y/n: (amazed) Magnificent. But may i ask why telling me all of this?

Assassin clan master: My time is coming to an end and yet I have no one blood relate to give. And so I must find someone who will protect this relic and that person is you.

Y/n: (surprised) Me?! With all do respect clan master but....I don't think I am not worthy of this responsibility.

Assassin clan master: (smile) Yes you are. I've watch you grown and saw that disbite everything throne at you, you have the will power to keep on going. Not to mention the trust you have gian to everyone and I believe that you are ready.

He then hands him the Apple of Eden as Y/n stared at the relic in amazement. He doesn't know it was just him or the relic but he can feel unknown power just by touching it. With that he kneel down to his clan master and tells him.

Y/n: I will not fail you clan master.

Assassin clan master: (smile) I know you will not fail me.

He place a hand onto his shoulder while within the darkness we see a mysterious figure seeing this with anger and jealousy.

(Night time)

It was a stormy night as we see Y/n in his room fixing up his gear and checking his equipment. While doing so he turns to the Apple of Eden and pick it up. He stared at the relic and wonders what knowledge does it hold.

Suddenly he heard something coming from outside of his door so he gets up to investigate. He opens his door and looks around bit there was no one but noticed a note on a door.

He tool it out and open it and sees his clan master wanted him in his room.

Y/n: (thought) Odd. Why does the clan master needed me in his room? Maybe something important.

He decided to head there and see what he wants. Once there he knocks on his door but there was no answer. He knock again but nothing. He opens the door and poke his head to see the room quiet with only a candle next to the clan masters bed is seen.

Y/n: (enters the room) Clan master? Do you wish to speak to me?

There was silent but can see him laying in bed. He make his way over and sees that he is facing away from him. Something was wrong so he pulled him over and once he did he step back in shock to see him dead.

Y/n: (shock) Clan master! No!

He stood there shocked and then he heard the door opening and turn to see other assassin's as they see him dead and then turn to Y/n.

Y/n: Our clan master is dead! The killer must be!

Male Assassin: Traitor!

Y/n: (shocked) What?!

Male Assassin 2: You killed our clan master!

Female Assassin: You have betrayed our order!

Male Assassin 3: Murder!

They pulled out their hidden blades while Y/n stood there shock as he try to explain.

Y/n: N-No I didn't do it! You have to-

Suddenly they charge towards him and they battle him. Y/n dodges their incoming attacks and goes on the defense. He blocks ever singal of their attacks however some shot Y/n with arrows which shot him in the back.

He groan in pain while a few managed to stab him a few times which he cough out blood. He then slammed his smoke bomb onto the ground, covering the whole room as he make his escape.

He rushes back to his room while his blood makes a trail for the assassin's to follow so he needs to hurry. He burst into his room and gather all of his gear and puts them all into his bag. He then took the Apple of Eden and puts it in.

He the hears them coming so he turns to his window and then leaps out as a lighting bolt hits follow by a flash as Y/n lands but slipper and roll down the hill. He was hit with rocks and trees as he fell off a small cliff and land hard onto thr ground. He slowly gets up, feeling his bones cracked as he hears them coming so he hurry and escape.

He keeps on going while the assassin's see him so they pulled out their bows and fire arrows. Rain a arrows came down and some would miss but some impaled him onto the back as he ignore the pain and keep on going.

He rushes through the dark forest while breathing heavily with blood dripping as he soon break out of the forest but fell off a cliff and fell in a large hight until he splashed into the river and was drifted through stream.

The other assassin's came and look down to see him but he was gone. Thinking he is dead they all leave while a rumbling of thunder is heard as the assassin's believe Y/n is now dead after betraying their clan master.

(Next day)

It was a bright and sunny day as we see Akame and Leone by the river as Akame is eating a large kitchen wing while Leone is fishing.

Leone: (smirk) Bet I can catch a bigger fish then you.

Akame: Good luck.

Leone: (smirk) Just you watch, I'm gonna catch the biggest fish that this river has to have.

Akame just continues eating while Leone focused until her rod got something large.

Leone: (smirk) Alright then fishy let's see how big you are!

She pulled her rod and something did burst out of the river but to her and Akame surprise it was no fish but rather a injured Y/n as he lands onto share and shown to be bleeding and unconscious as the two girls approacher him and looks at him.

Akame: Looks injured.

Leone: Well no shit he is. (Looks at him) I wasn't asking for a handsome dude but I can take it.

Akame: What should we do?

Leone: Why asking me?

Akame: It's obvious we can't leave him to die.

Leone: Yeah but you want Mine to complain bringing someone without asking her or the boss. (Little scared) Besides I do not want to make the boss mad.

Akame stared at the unconscious and injured Y/n and then she lifted him up. He then drop his bag which Leone catches as she looks inside his bag and is surprised.

Leone: Damn knives, poison darts, smoke bombs. This dude must be an assassin.

Akame sees the sword on his back, his grabbing hook on his  left arm and his hidden blade/Crossbow on his right arm.

Akame: Come on. Let's take him to our base.

Akame takes him while Leone sighs as she carries his bag as she tells Akame.

Leone: Fine but if Mine and the boss ask any of us about him, you'll take full responsibility for bring him to base, clear?

Akame: Understood.

To be continued..............................................

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