So....Many....Comments!!! :O
Warning: Do not watch this video if you are a small child or are sensitive to scary themes. Please! I am warning you so that I don't get any complaints that I didn't prevent any parent's child from viewing this video! Again, if you are a child or sensitive to scary thematics, do not watch this! Thank you.
Me: Guys, I have gotten SO MANY COMMENTS on this!!!
Nygma: Hey, congragulations!
Me: So, let's start with the shorter ones and get to the longer ones at the end.
Undertale_lover2: .....Well then. Anyway, could you guys react to the Distortionist? Its a Yohioloid. Chara, US! Frisk, i think you might like this.
Me: I have NO idea what a Yohioloid is but I am guessing this will be bloody. Yay. *sarcasm*
After video............
Me: ...........Despite how many bad things it was saying, I really liked the melody. To be honest, the whole video DOES sound like someone made this for Chara and US! Frisk. O.O
Chara and US! Frisk: Oh my god, this is beautiful!!!! :'D
Papyrus and US! Sans: *huddled in a corner* :'(
Flowey: FINALLY they made something useful! This is the best request I have seen yet! >:D
US! Temmie: yAi! :D
Sans: *rolls pupils* i don't whether the viewers love torturing the innocent or are THAT curious.
Me: Poor Paps and Blueberry! *hugs both of them* Such innocent cinnamon rolls!! DX
Toriel: This is beyond inappropriate! I wish to keep these children from watching this!!! D:<
US! Asgore: Agreed. *helps Toriel corral Asriel, Frisk, US! Chara, and US! Asriel to the backyard*
Me: Probably for the best.
US! Papyrus: eh, i don't like the idea of these four staying here for these videos. >:/ *takes in a puff of smoke*
Undyne: As much as me and Alphys love anime and similar stuff, this is pretty bad.
US! Undyne: I t-totally agree. I m-might have nightmares t-tonight. :S
Me: Me too. How about you, Mettaton?
Mettaton: Something about this makes me VERY uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong, darling; I LOVE entertainment with some bloodshed. But.........I feel like I am having a bit of deja-vú.
Sans: *eyes turn completely black* Probably nothing, Metta.
Me: U-uh.....Napstablook?
Napstablook: *is gone*
Me: Guess he doesn't like it. :/
US! Napstablook: Well, could have been worse. :/
US! Mettaton: *cowering behind me* I-is it done?.............
Me: *comfort hugs him* Yeah, sorry you had to see that, Happy.
Ink: So.......who's next?
Horrible_Story: The AU is actually called Vocatatle, so no wonder you say that. This is the actual cast:
Frisk- Kaai Yuki
Toriel- Meiko
Sans- Kagamine Rin
Papyrus- Kagamine Len
Undyne- Hatsune Miku
Alphys- Megurine Luka
Asgore- Kaito
Mettaton- Gumi
Flowey- Sakine Meiko
Napstablook- Tohoku Zunko
And Chara- Yowane Haku and Akita Neru
There is more female voices than male voices so don't blame 'GabiChanAkatsuki', the one who made the AU.
Me: ........I've heard of Vocatale but haven't really looked it up. So, to become more familiar with the characters, I will put them up right now!! :D
Me: Just as a reminder. I will put their reactions in the next page because this is getting way too long. So, I am just going to put the pictures of the characters. :)
Sans(left) and Papyrus (right):
Me: God, I really hope this will be good. >_< This is the longest Q&A section I have EVER done!
Flowey: Ugh, could you hurry up?! It's so LATE and I'm so TIRED! >:<
Me: Geesh, okay, Grumpy Stems. To the next, comment!!! :D
Toriel: But, I can certainly provide you two lovely ponies to some pie! And, while it is baking, we can discuss the events that led to your arrival and more about you two! I am very curious as to where you come from.
Pinkie:Of course,Goat Lady!We came from the magical land of Equestria,where we brought back the princess's sister,turn the spirit of chaos to stone,watched Princess Cadence and Shining Armor defeat Queen Chrysalis,keep the Crystal Ponies happy,defeat Tirek by shooting our rainbow blaster of Friendship when he took away our ability to cast magic,fly and our strength,defeat the mare who took away our cutie marks,going to another dimension,baby sitting an alicorn and defeat Storm King,with the help of Tempest!We have a map that will send us to places with a friendship problem,and since this is so far away from Equestria,the map had to expand and Twilight was suffocating so we had to go before she dies.
Pinkie Pie:The going to another dimension part was actually only Twilight,but I also went there so human me can experience Equestria while I explore Canterlot High!Nobody found out about that.
Toriel: Ah, I see! You two must be VERY exhausted. Please stay awhile?
Me: It won't be too bad! Here, it's always an adventure! :3
Sans: kid, please stop doing that look.
Pinkie:You may be smiling,but you are NOT happy!What you need is a party!
Sans: kid, i don't need a party. besides, we shouldn't be HORSING around!
Me and Toriel: OOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!! :D *highfives Sans*
US! Sans: *gasp* I THOUGHT YOU WOULD NEVER ASK!!!! MWEHEHEHEHE!! *drags Pinkie to his room, where there is a karaoke machine*
US! Papyrus: ....whelp, i'm going to take a nap.
Me: Aw!~ So. Cute! >-<
Fell: god, please keep them away from me. They're like an epileptic seizure ready to happen.
Applejack:Guess we found our friendship problem.
Me: Nah, Fell is just hardened by abuse! The real problem here is Flowey. *gestures to the grumpy flower*
Flowey: I CAN HEAR YOU!!! D:<
Me: *whispers* I'll protect you, don't worry. ;P
Frisk: *hugs Pinkie-Pie*
Pinkie Pie:Never thought using the mirror pool again was a good idea,but it was!
Frisk: *giggles happily*
Me: *thinking about what Frisk would look like cosplaying as Pinkie-Pie* ^.^
Chara: I don't care. I HATE ponies. >:(
Applejack:Guess the friendship problem was here after all.
Me: Yeah, a lot of the bad apples have a problem with friendship. -_-
Sans: no surprise there.
Me: Ponies hate you too, Demon-Child.
Pinkie Pie:Hey,that's not nice!
Me: If you KNOW Chara, you would understand. She hates everything except for chocolate and murder. >:C
Chara: Hehehe~ Guilty as charged. >;3
Me: You shall receive.........PUN-ishment!!! >:D
Chara: Oh god-
Flowey: *pops out* Howdy, Idiots!~ What has- *sees Pinkie-Pie* .............
Pinkie Pie:Hi!I heard Rainbow Dash is scared of singing flowers with faces!
Flowey: Oh! Does she now?! *evilly planning to scare the living daylights out of Rainbow Dash*
Me: >V<¨ Why did you have to say that? Let's hope Dash could defend herself otherwise.........
Sans: she's gonna have a bad time. :/
US! Chara: *hugs Applejack*
Applejack:Whoa there partner.We're not there yet.
US! Chara: *frowns and chooses 'Flirt' action* You're a 9 out of 10 and I'm the 1 you need.
Me: Wow. That's pretty clever. :P
US! Papyrus: *sighs* this kid needs to stop flirting so much. -.-
US! Frisk: All in favor for throwing out the Smiley-Trashbags, say 'I'!
Applejack:This reminds me of Las Pegasus.
Me: I......had to do some research on this one. And I can sort of agree with you, Applejack. Turning against each other is the norm. :/ Not a good one, but one.
Me: Whelp, I guess that's it! I will have to write the second part tomorrow because it is very late for me and I have school tomorrow so......yea..........See ya later!
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