Rude Children Aren't Allowed Here. :-)

Probably_Unique: Fat Guy:I shall introduce myself.I am Hifumi Yamada,the Ultimate Fanfic Writer!And I'm pretty sure Lady Celes already murdered me. 

Me: Dude, that's awesome! :D But let's be real; I'm not really going to fangirl with you over x Reader stories or ships. (Unless the ship is Ivor x Harper from MCSM. :3 They are SO cute!)

Flowey: *rolls his eyes* Great, another dork like Samantha. 


Me: Oh yeah, sorry about being murdered. I've never been murdered but it's probably weird being alive again. :/

Asriel: Y-yeah. It's not good; I should know. ._.

Mitarai:I-I'm Ryota Mitarai,the Ultimate Animator.Formerly,that is. 

Me: Nice to meet ya! 

Alphys: So, you make anime?? *looking hopeful*

Undyne: Obviously not! Anime is actually human history!! Not cartoons! *stands proudly*

Sans: *smirks at me* i'm gonna tell her. 

Toriel: Don't you dare!

Tan Woman:I'm Akane Owari,Ultimate Gymnast!And gimme those foods! 

Sans: heh. guess you can say she's FALLING for your food, pap! *trollface*


Me: Really? More falling jokes, Sans??? -_-

Sans: whut??? it tickles my funny BONE.~ ;)

Papyrus: OMG!!!!!! *walks out of the room*

Pigtails:Heh.Even after all that happened,a kid has to approach me first.I'm Maki Harukawa,Ultimate Child Caregiver and Assassin. 

Me: I don't think caregiver and assassin go together but whatever you say. :/

Toriel: I am also a caretaker. Of the Ruins, to be specific. It is wonderful to be acquainted with you. *smiles*

Flowey: Yuck, another caregiver! 

Syo:Syo did meet with you,but I'm not her.I'm Toko Fukawa,the former Ultimate Writing Prodigy.

Asriel: That's cool. 

Frisk: *nods in agreement*

Chara: W-what do you write??? *tilts her head curiously*

Maid:I'm Kirumi Tojo,Ultimate Maid.I remember dying while climbing a thorny vine trying to escape death.How ironic.

Me: *shakes my head* If fate wants you to die, they make it as ironic as possible. Sometimes, fate wil be the death of me. ._.¨

Mettaton: So, you're proud of being a maid??

Me: *kicks him in the leg* Manners! >:(

Mettaton: What? I am pretty sure being a maid is not good pay AND you have to clean the house of a complete stranger!! I would HARDLY think of that as something worth boasting about. *huffs*

Sans: being a drag queen isn't something to boast about either but you manage it. *smirk*

Mettaton: *growls* I SWEAR Sans! After this Q&A is over with, you better hope I don't KILL you!!! D:<

Sans: *shrugs* i'm used to it. 

Me: *rolls eyes* Don't mind, Metta-butt over here. If it's something you love doing, I think you should be proud of it. :)

Boy:Masaru Daimon,former Lil Ultimate PE!And get away from me,you filthy demon!*pushes Toriel away(

Me: *eye twitches like crazy*

Napstablook: *phases through a wall*

Me: Come here, kid. *kneels in front of him and places my hand on his shoulder* You should learn some manners. Toriel, here is just trying to be nice. *smiles as calmly as possible*

Flowey: Oh yeah. He's in trouble! *cackles*

Me: So.~ If you want to be unscathed, I suggest you DON'T. BE. RUDE. Cause if you act like a little, rude bratt ONE MORE TIME..................I will not be so darn diddly nice!~ So, how about it, bucko?~ You gonna be nice to Ms. Toriel??? *eye still twitching*

Toriel: *gulps* Oh my.................

Sans: *just watches me carefully*

(Also,I believe you made a tiny mistake,they're video game characters.And I'm pretty sure that Alphys doesn't play murder mysteries.)

Me: *le whut* O_o

XxEliverxX: Me: QUESTION FOR MAH FRIENDSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs over, trips over tail, and scrambles back up* This idea is absolutely AMAZING! Ok, ok, ok ready? Ready for dis? Dis is great it beats ketchup. It's like....SO cool! Rocky: Sis you aren't cool! Me: NO ONE ASKED YOU! *turns back to the gang* now...................OMFGREACTTOTHEFREAKINGMEGALOVANIABYCAMI-CATAFTERBONETROUSLEALSOBYCAMI-CATSWEARTOYOUYOUWONTBEDISSAPOINTED!!!!!!!! Rocky: I'll translate. She said: Om*g react to the ******** megalovania by Cami-Cat after Bonetrousle also by Cami-cat I swear to you, you won't be disappointed. *lays onto her sister's shoulder. Showing that she was taller.* Me: OMG SIS GET OFF!!!! *tries to push her off but fails, and Rocky starts to crush her* Rocky: Oh no....gravity is pushing on me... Me: NO IT'S NOT! Rocky: Is to. Same thing happened a few weeks ago Me: *Rocky falls on top of her* YOU ROTTEN SISTER! YOUR BUTT IS CRUSHING ME!!!!!! Rocky: *falls asleep* Me: *turns over, and kicks up, only for Rocky to jump up and move out of the way* Rocky: *pounces into her, and the two roll around* Echo: *sighs* just get on with the reaction....this is normal

Me: *mouth agape* Dude........That song gave me the chills!!!! Like the good type of chills! I love how she sang it and the lyrics fit really well and the piano is outrageous!!! I had the same reaction when I was watching Undertale the Musical by Man On The Internet!!! I am totally NOT disappointed! This is SO good! XD

Undertale_lover2: Heeeyyyyy its been a while! How ya'll doin'? Good? Good! Jaden: Mom has...become more insane over the past few weeks. How fun. Daryn: *7-year old* I-Im confused as to how I got here.....b-but hello!

Me: Can't take it anymore!!! *grabs Daryn and hugs him* SO CUUUTE!!!! X3

Undyne: *sighs* You really need to work on that weakness. It's gonna get you killed one day. -_-

Napstablook: everyone is okay........except me...........i'm still trash..........heh......... :(

Decent_Scribbler: I challenge you to name every Undertale Au that you know! And don't even think of using Wiki!

Me: Got it! Undertale, Underfell, Underswap, Swapfell, Understeam, Quantumtale, Echotale, Horrortale, Storyshift, Storyswap, SwapShift, Errortale, Underworld, Birdtale, Reapertale, Dusttale, Aftertale, Inktale, Crosstale (?), Flowerfell, Negatale, Underfresh, Six Bones AU (?), Baby Bones AU..............That's all I can say. There is one more but it's a little inappropriate so I can't say it. (Please don't mention it in the comments. -_-)

PicoPets18: I have a dare for Tori-ori. IF they know the heroes from Dungeon Defenders.. Tell Toriel to yank Portario the Apprentice from his book and dip his left hand in water

Everyone: What's Dungeon Defenders??? >_<

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