Nagisa's List on 'How to Snap Shizuka Back to Normal' (R-13) Ask Away!

Shizuka: Nagisa? What are you doing?

Nagisa: Nothing important. -stashes his notebook away-

Shizuka: ..... -Nods slowly- I'll be going home then...

Nagisa: Alright, see you tomorrow! -waves nervously-

Shizuka: -Waves back and walks away-

Karma: -Whispers- How's the list turning out?

Nagisa: Not many people seem to know how to revert her back after she becomes sadistic..

Kayano: -Comes over- And what's worse is that for everyone, it's different.

Nagisa: -Nods- Here's the list:.. -holds it out-

Kayano: -Reads it out loud- Nagisa just needs to get really close and look at her... I need to somehow talk her out of it and change the mood..  Karma... needs to knock her out.. -looks at him-

Karma: It'll only hurt for a while...

Nagisa: Not even a bit... -sweat drops-

Karma: -Shrugs-

Kayano: Isogai is unknown, Okuda is unknown, Kanzaki is also unknown..... -sweat drops- Ritsu... Unknown... Nakamura, unknown.. Itona. Unknown?

Karma: I feel like this class is screwed if we can't do shit to her.

Kayano: Wait, why the question mark for Itona?

Nagisa: I'm not sure if he can or can't just yet. She snapped back to reality once near him.. but only once.

Kayano: I see.... Hmm Koro-sensei can snap her back if he pats her long enough.. Well, not really. Karasuma-sensei just does it somehow. Bitch-sensei... unknown -sweat drops- Sugino just needs to poke her somewhere we don't know... This is, ummm...

Karma: Interesting..

Kayano: These are weird ways to wake her up....

Nagisa: You think? Just as long they work though.

Karma: That's true. You don't want her hurting others and trashing the place now.. Well, I wouldn't mind.

Kayano and Nagisa: -Sweat drops-

Kayano: -Spots Itona- Hey, maybe we can ask Itona about his way of waking her up..

Nagisa: -Looks over- Itona!

Itona: -Looks over- ?

Nagisa: So you know how Shizuka has a deadly sadistic side right?

Itona: Yeah, what about it?

Kayano: Have you even snapped her back to normal before?

Itona: ... Hm.. Once.

Nagisa: ! What did you do to do it? -takes out pencil-

Itona: ..... -Trying to remember- I groped her.

Kayano and Nagisa: -Dumbfounded looks, blushes, Nagisa drops the pencil-

Karma: -Smiling with amusement-

Itona: What? I just groped her..

Everyone: Ask us anything and we'll answer!

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