"This is to everyone, even you author! What is one thing that you absolutely hate with passion? Feel free to rant!" - glorious-porpoise2
(Hey, just a little warning. Because this is a rant about hating with burning passions, the subjects may be heavy and the responses may be profane. I'm just letting ya'll know ahead of time. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so if you don't agree with theirs, that's fine. But don't comment about it here, it sparks up negative debates and possibly fueds. And...I'm not going to confront toy because I hate confrontation so...you will cause me stress 🥺)
Ludwig: I hate the monsters in my head with a passion as hot as when the Large Hadron Collider smashes gold particles together. Th-those...beasts (they don't desrves to be referred to as people) have done absolutely nothing but spend my money and max out my credit cards (which is one of the reasons why I no longer use them), attempt to rape my ex-wife, attack, stab and drink the blood of my ex-wife and have the nerve to tell me how " irresistibly delicious" it was after the fact and ruin my family and my marriage! They've done nothing beneficial for my life and I don't even know why they're here. Honestly, Rosie was right, I should've disposed of those savages a long time ago. Once I finally find a way to exterminate them, I'll finally be cured. And then maybe Rosie and I can get back together o-or start over or something and go back to the way things were before!
Kooky: I despise many, many, many things so it was quite difficult to decide which one to choose. However, after much thought I decided to go with people as my most hated thing because all my other hated things are either caused or made by people. People. They bother me with their selfishness and ignorance. Especially how they have the nerve to tell me that eating humans (who are animals) is wrong, yet they'll turn around and go eat fish fetuses or the back of an innocent, baby pig. Very ignorant and hypocritical, people are. Always willing to fight over something. Even if you all had the same skin color, you'd still find something just as stupid to feud about. Also, people just bother me, in general. They're annoying and don't know anything about struggling yet they have the nerve to complain about the most trivial things in their boring, short meaningless lives.
When you've: had your country taken over, watched a massacre take place in the streets, been through a war and watched your friends and comrades die, abused, beaten, enslaved, worked to death, killed, drowned, burned at the stake, starved, herded like cattle into a poorly air conditioned train on the way to death's door, gotten on a ship to escape death only to be sent right back to slaughter because other countries couldn't find ANY room for a measly 900 refugees, then by all means, be.my.guest. And complain all about it, I'd love to here what you have to say.
Fritz: That was very...insightful, I guess. I don't really like to use the word hate, it's just a really harsh word, you know? But if I had to say it, discrimination is something I strongly dislike. Racism, sexism, speciesism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, it all really sucks. I-I don't really wanna go into to much detail about all that for p-personal reasons but....um...don't discriminate against other people. B-before you make a "harmless" joke that mocks a different race or culture...just think about it first, okay? Also, don't go using words you don't know the meaning behind. If you think before you speak, it will save you a lot of trouble because you won't have to explain the not-so-smart, insensitive joke you made after the other person didn't laugh.
Lewdwig: I hate myself with a burning passion. That's all I have to say about that.
Roy: I hate sexism/toxic masculinity/gender stereotypes with a burnin' passion. I know you said it had to be one thing but since I used slashes, it's technically one word, and besides, they all relate to each other in a way. I honestly don't even know where to begin with all of these, so I'm not gonna rant. But, one thing that really grinds my gears is this one time, in The Office, Andy got beaten up by a girl while he was trying to defend Pam. Now, he tried to hide this because he knew what everyone would say and when they all found out about it, they all laughed like he knew they would. But I bet, if Andy woulda gotten beaten up by a boy, they wouldn't have laughed. It just....makes me very upset and furious. Just because she was a girl they already decided that she couldn't have possibly been strong, NO! ANDY WAS JUST WEAK! IF MY LITTLE PRINCESS WENT UP TO A BASTARD AND PUCHED HIM IN THE FUCKING NUTSACK, THE FACT THAT SHE DOESN'T HAVE A DICK DANGLING BETWEEN HER LEGS IS NOT GOING TO MAKE IT HURT ANY LESS! NO! THAT SHITS GONNA HURT MORE THAN WHAT A NORMAL BOY COULD DO CAUSE SHE'S GOT SUPERNATURAL STRENGTH! SHE WILL BUST BOTH OF HIS TESTICLES AND HE WILL NEVER REPRODUCE BECAUSE SHE IS JUST THAT STRONG NOW AND I'M JUST SO PROUD OF HER!
*clears throat* Sorry, about that, I got a little heated there. Like, my girlfriend, Red, sometimes she'll make little comments like "a princess shouldn't be getting into fist fights" and "why isn't she more like me" and "when I was her age, I was playing with dolls, not video games" and it's true, Rose shouldn't be gettin' inta fist fights because that's bad for her image. But I know that when Red says these things she's referrin' to the fact that Rose is a female, so her interests and behaviors aren't "normal". Rose shouldn't be gettin' inta fist fights because we want her to be a respectable member of society that young kiddos can look up to, not because it's not "normal" girl behavior. And I wish parents and adults would let their kids explore their interests, even if they aren't conforming to gender norms
*laughs* Oh look at that, I ended up rantin' anyway. Sometimes, It's good to let off a little steam.
Iggy: I hate homophobes/transphobes with a burning passion. They can all go fuck themselves and then go die in holes. I also hate that word. Like the great Morgan Freeman "said"*laughs*,"... It's not a phobia. You're not scared. You're an asshole."
Wendy: I hate it when people come to my house and throw wine bottles at the wall and make me clean it up. I...don't wanna talk about it.
Morton: Morton strongly dislikes weight. Morton mean, he knows we need weight to live but still...it's so hard to lose and easy to gain.
Bowser Jr.: I really hate riders who abuse their horses (and people who abuse animals innocent animals in general) and have the nerve to call themselves equestrians! There are countless videos on the interwebs showing people abusing animals, riding ponies and miniature horses that are obviously way too small for them, riders yanking on their horses reins unnecessarily tightly, riding their horses in nasty, abusive bits, and so much more. Like, stop it. Just stop it. You're not funny. I dunno if you've seen it, but there's this video where this lady is yanking on her horses face very tightly and then they just flip themself over on her. It was the most hilarious equestrian video I've ever seen! 10/10 recommend! I know it's dark but....I kinda hope she died.
Larry: I strongly dislike it when Doofy doesn't come on. I have to seriously fight the urge to throw the TV set out the window.
Lemmy: I strongly dislike it when people talk about my eyes. My son and I have this condition called strabismus, in which our eyes don't point in the same direction at times. Because my son is blind, he usually just closes his eyes all the time so nobody sees it but...sometimes all the staring and whispering gets to me. I really don't like it.
Man, that was a doozy! Thank you for reading the whole thing if you did, I really appreciate it! I didn't include a thing that I hate because I couldn't decide on just one. And the Koopalings and alters already talked about all the potential topics I had in mind so I thought it would be best if I didn't reiterate any. Anyway, thank you very much Dakota, for this thought-provoking question!
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