Part 40 THE FINAL!!!! DX
Haven: hey guys...
Shadow: hey!!!
Silver: O.O Shadow's happy?
Shadow: its the last part
Sonic: 030 duh...
Silver: T.T no... it can't be over...
Haven: don't worry Silver... there will be another season!
Shadow: OnO are you serious?
Haven: yes...
Sonic and Silver: YAY!!!!!
Shadow: NO!!!!!
Haven: hmhmhm yes my little Shadzie...
Shadow: da hell? o.O
Haven: your new nickname
Shadow: -_- I will be fine...
Haven: no... its permanent... now lets get this party started!
*music starts playing and it turns all disco like*
Shadow: O.O how did she do this?
Haven: I was up all night
Silver: O3O
Sonic: PARTY!!!!
Haven: *starts dancing*
Silver: ooooh can I dance to?
Haven: sure...
Shadow: *walks to a corner*
Haven: oh Shadzie!!!
Shadow: *facepalm* don't call me that
Haven: we have guests, go get the door
Sonic: where is the food?
Haven: just wait
Shadow: *opens door* O.O *facepalm* I will be in my room
Haven: NOPE!!! *grabs his arm*
Star: hey guys!!!
Saphie: I'm back!
Starfur: hehe Hi Silver
Starlight: sup?
Shadow: -_- oh gods dam it!
Star: OoO you like Percy Jackson?
Shadow: the movies yes
Star: >:( what?
Starfur: um... *walks over to food table* wheres the food?
Sonic: I asked the same thing! DX
Haven: wait... *clicks fingers*
*food comes out of nowhere and lands on table*
Sonic: OuO *goes straight for the chilli dogs*
Silver and Saphie: -_- of cause...
Saphie: so how you been Sonic? Any adventures?
Sonic: *mouth full of chillidogs* um.... does this one count?
Starlight: I like the music... Come on Shadow, dance!!
Shadow: no...
*Another knock on the door*
Haven: Shadow? Answer it
Shadow: fine... -_- *walks to the door and opens it*
Amy: Hey Shadow... where is Soniku?
Shadow: *sighs* at the food table
Amy: :D *runs inside*
Scourge: hello Stripes... how are things?
Shadow: you don't want to know
Scourge: whatever *walks in*
Espio: long time no see Shadow
Shadow: you to Espio
Espio: *nods and walks in*
Shadow: hey Rouge, Blaze.
Rouge: hi hun
Blaze: greetings.
Both: *walk in*
Shadow: *looks around* anyone else?
Knuckles: yep, don't forget me
Mephiles: or me...
Shadow: whatever come on in
Both: *walk in*
Shadow: that better be it. *closes door*
Haven: hey!! Your all here! Nice... *nods head*
Scourge: okay, I'm taking over, who wants to play Seven minutes in Heaven? (Thanks for the Idea Starlight!! >.<)
Everyone but Shadow: YEAH!!!!
Shadow: no...
Rouge: to bad Shadz, you are.
Shadow: *grumbles*
Everyone" *sits in the lounge room*
Scourge: okay everyone, each guy wll get a number, they need to keep it, then, each girl will come up and pull a number out of the hat *holds a hat up* you keep that number, when we ask you, you be honest, then it goes on from there... *gives the guys their numbers*
*Sonic: 1, Shadow: 2, Silver: 3, Espio: 4, Knuckles: 5, Tails: 6, Scourge: 7, Mephiles: 8*
*Starlight: 1, Haven: 2, Amy: 3, Star: 4, Rouge: 5, Saphie: 6, Starfur: 7, Blaze: 8*
Scourge: okay, girls, who has one?
Starlight: me?
Scourge: *stiffens* well, who has the 1 boys?
Sonic: I-I do *stands up*
Shadow and Scourge: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!
Starlight: -_- no...
Haven: come on Starlight, YOU HAVE TO!! DX
Starlight: *groans* fine! *walks to the closet*
Sonic: O.O I need to--
Knuckles: nope, come on *drags Sonic to the closet, pushing him in*
Sonic: ahh! *falls in*
Starlight: -_-' *walks in*
Knuckles: *closes and locks the door* Okay you two, seven minutes starts now!
Shadow: when Sonic comes out, I'm going to bash him
Scourge: save it for after the party, cause I wanna join you.
Shadow: fine
Haven: -n- overprotective much?
*seven minutes later*
Knuckles: *unlockes closet*
Starlight: *runs out of closet*
Sonic: *walks out* *whisltles*
Scourge: what happened?
Starlight: ... Nothing...
Sonic: *shrugs*
Scourge: whatever, okay, which girl has 2?
Haven: me!
Silver: *stiffens*
Shadow: -_- great...
Scourge: boys?
Shadow: I do... *sighs*
Haven: ........... Yeah, I need a--
Amy: no Haven, no
Shadow: can I go--
Sonic: no... *drags Shadow to the closet*
Haven: pfft stuff this... *walks in and sits on the ground*
Shadow: I hate you all... *walks into closet*
Sonic: okay guys... yuo have seven minutes *smirks* have fun...
Scourge: you think they will kill each other?
Silver: if Haven succeeds, then my job will be done
Tails: O.O
Saphie: aww >.<
Star: ehhhhh
Starfur: ........ mmhm
Starlight: cute >.<
*seven minutes later*
Haven: open up! I know it's been seven minutes!!
Sonic: fine... *opens closet*
Haven: *shoot out of closet* *whimpering*
Silver: what happened?
Haven: nothing.....
Shadow: *walks out*
Silver: *gives him a death glare*
Shadow: what? She was scared the whole seven minutes.
Scourge: okay girls, 3?
Amy: that's me!!
Scourge: boys?
Silver: *sighs and stands up* right here
Haven: OnO you serious?
Knuckles: OoO someones jealous!!!
Haven: what? no!! I just.... *sighs*
Silver: T.T...... Why Amy?
Amy: hmm, at least you look like Sonic, I can live with it...
Silver: O.O no....
Sonic: come on *pushes Silver into the closet*
Silver: ah!!!
Amy: *sighs* if only it was the real Soniku
Sonic: If only she wasn't here...
Amy: *walks into the closet*
Shadow: *smirks* okay guys, seven minutes!!
Silver: *from in the closet* shut up Shadow
Everyone but Amy, Silver and Haven: *laughs*
Haven: *grumbles*
*seven minutes later*
Silver: *bangs on the door* get me out of here!!!! >o<
Haven: okay *opens the door*
Silver: *shoots out and hides behind Haven*
Everyone: o.o?
Amy: *walks out and sits down* so who is next?
Espio: I have four
Star: um... same
Haven: >u< awww..... The ninja get together!!!
Star: -_- whatever *waks into closet*
Espio: ... I don't even know her... *follows*
Tails: aww!!!! You guys have seven minutes!
Scourge: closes the door, okay, so for now, who is next?
Knuckles: I have 5
Rouge: oh, lucky me
Knuckles: *facepalm* WHY HER?????
Rouge: oh calm down Knucky
Knuckles: don't call me that...
*seven minutes later*
Espio: *walks out of room* it's nice to meet you
Star: you to
Haven: ????
Star: we talked, and got to know each other...
Haven: ooooooh
Mephiles: okay Knuckles, Rouge, go for it
Sonic: why is he even here???
Haven: I got bored?
Silver: -n- he used me
Mephiles: it's no use!!!
Everyone but Silver: *laughs*
Silver: -n-........ no
Knuckles: *sighs* better go...
Rouge: *winks* right behind you
Knuckles: -_- *walks into the closet*
Rouge: *somehow flies in*
Saphie: they look like a cute couple
Starfur: but they hate each other!! >.<
Star: really? It looked like Rouge liked Knuckles
Haven: Star Star Star... We need to have a talk
Shadow: and take something to do to, she gets really boring
Star: she my friend, she never boring :3
Shadow: *rolls eyes* oh how I wish I could kill you
Star: you can try >:)
*seven minutes later*
Haven: *opens the door*
Knuckles: thanks *walks out*
Rouge: mmm.... whatever Hun, I was bored anyway...
Scourge: 6?
Tails: here *hand up*
Saphie: me to
Starfur: aww, I think?
Tails: lets go...
Starlight: -u- *punches Sonic*
Sonic: ow! What was that for?
Starlight: nothing
*seven minutes later*
Blaze: come on guys, times up!
Saphie: cool, so who is seven?
Scourge: I am!
Starfur: me to..... -n-
Starlight: O.o......
Sonic: *laughs*
Haven: don't be mean...
Sonic: sorry, couldn't help it
Scourge: lets go...
*seven minutes later*
Starfur: um... times up.. let me out!!
Silver: *opens door*
Starfur: Thank you!! *hugs Silver*
Haven: so... has anyone done anything yet? Like those who have been in?
Sonic: no, I was in a corner, hoping Starlight wouldn't kill me
Starlight: I was trying to find him, so I COULD kill him
Shadow: I was on one end of the room, Haven was to scared to come out of the corner
Haven: you threatened to kill me!!!
Silver: well I was hugged to death...
Amy: *rolls eyes*
Espio and Star: we just talked
Tails and Saphie: same...
Knuckles: I was hugged for a little, but I didn't hug back
Rouge: see? No fun...
Scourge: I was just flirting, like normal
Starfur: I was uncomfortable...
Mephiles: well it's my turn now...
Blaze: same... O.o wait what?
Mephiles: whatever *walks to the closet* I'm not happy about this...
Blaze: -_- same... *walks into closet*
Haven: honestly... I don't think anyone is...
*seven minutes later*
Mephiles: done, let us out now...
Blaze: I'm hungry
Shadow: *opens the door* there is food on the table...
Blaze: thanks... *runs to the food table*
Haven: YAY IT'S OVER!!!!! Time to dance...
*Wrecking Ball comes on*
Sonic: OoO *starts twerking*
Everyone else: O.o *covers eyes*
Sonic: I love this song!!! >u<
Haven: mm hm, AND you love to twerk
Silver: *changes song*
*Cotten Eye Joe comes on*
Haven: :D I love this song!!
Everyone but Shadow and Mephiles: *starts dancing*
Shadow: -_-
Mephiles: -_- so, how are things?
Shadow: yeah... no *walks to other side of the room*
Scourge: hey Sonic, can we have a little 'talk'?
Sonic: about what?
Scourge: just come outside, Shadow! Come on, let's 'talk' to Sonic
Shadow: better then listening to this song...
Sonic, Scourge and Shadow: *walks outside*
Starlight: -_- uh.. Haven?
Haven: yeah?
Starlight: Sonic, Shadoe and Scourge just went outside
Haven: -_- lets go...
Silver: where?
Star: where you guys going?
Saphie: probably to stop a fight, whos is fighting?
Starfur: isn't it Shadow and Scourge vs Sonic?
Amy and Saphie: Sonic?
Amy: no one will touch my Sonic!
Saphie: I'm coming best friend!!
Haven: wait... Guys, stay here, knowing Shadow, and me, this will get ugly...
The Guests: FINE!!! >n< But we wanna see a fight!
Silver: there is always a window...
Starfur: aww.....
Saphie: I'm fine with that...
Star: boo......
Starlight: but I wanna help!
Haven: no, no guests are going to get hurt, we would be sued.... -_-
Silver: yeah, we don't want that.
Espio: I will make sure they don't do anything.
Amy: I will stay to... For Sonic
Blaze: Hey Star, do you have cyrokinesis.
Star: O.O *steps away from Blaze* yes I do...
Blaze: don't worry, I won't hurt you...
Star: okay... *walks to window*
Haven: *sighs* come on Silver, lets go break up a fight... *walks out door*
Silver: coming!! *follows*
Sonic: so... what do you guys need to talk about?
Scourge: *punches Sonic in the gut*
Shadow: *kicks Sonic in the shin*
Sonic: *falls over* what was that for?
Scourge: For Starlight...
Shadow: and for you just being... You
Haven: *comes in and punches Scourge* *sighs* Starlight is going to hate me...
Silver: *comes and kicks behind Shadow's knee, making him fall over* That was fun!
Scourge: hey, what gives?
Haven: Sonic doesn't deserve what your doing to him
Shadow: he shared a closet with Starlight!
Silver: he didn't have a choice, and he was scared the whole time, didn't go near her.
Scourge: but still, it's fun
Haven: not when your doing it for no reason.
Shadow: whatever *rolls eyes* we can do what we want to, your not our mother
Haven: You still live with me... I can kick you out...
Scourge: its all good, Stripes can live with me *smirks*
Shadow: exactly...
Silver: oh can you? You and what house?
Scourge: what are you getting at?
Haven: yeah, you guys can live together, but you might be behind bars if we tell, its breaking the law.
Shadow: since when has that stopped me from fighting you?
Silver: er... Someone might have said something about that...
Haven: yeah... you might want to run...
*Police sirens in the distance*
Shadow: O.O when did you tell them?
Silver: as we came out here, we also told them about you beating innocent people up.
Haven: they thought it was fine, until we said it was Sonic.
Scourge: what about me?
Haven: *axe appears* run...
Scourge: O.O *runs at top speed*
Haven: now Shadow, you might want to run to...
Shadow: you know those aren't real sirens... I can hear them coming from your phone
Silver: *pulls phone out* oops...
Sonic: um can I say something?
Haven: what?
Sonic: are you about to fight Shadow? Cause I'm betting on him, no offence...
Haven: I can fight you myself if you want
Sonic: O.O sorry... no bets...
Silver: and no fights... Guys, it's the last part, why not go off with a good ending...
Haven: the viewers like a good fight...
Shadow: besides, I want to see who would win...
Silver: *rolls eyes* just be carefull, and no killing... *steps back a bit*
Haven: pfft, I ain't killing no one,
Shadow: *mutters* dog
Haven: what was that?
Shadow: I called you a dog
Haven: oh really hedgehog?
Shadow: I don't care, I'm a hedgehog, so what?
Haven: and I'm a wolf...
Shadow: still a dog...
Haven: whatever, it is, but it is also a wolf, call me by that if you muct, but not dog...
Shadow: *smirks* dog
Haven: *growls* you wanna go?
Silver: -n- come on Sonic, lets get out of here.... *walks inside*
Sonic: okay... *follows Silver*
Shadow: oh look at that, your boyfriend just ditched you
Haven: he isn't my boyfriend...
Shadow: *rolls eyes* whatever, lets get this over with
Haven: *axe appears* sure.... *swings at his legs*
Shadow: *jumps over it and punches Haven in da face*
Haven: *growls and swings fist at Shadow's cheek*
Shadow: *bends back, Haven's fist missing his face* ha! Is that the best you got?
Haven: *smiles* nope. *Swings axe at Shadow's middle*
Shadow: O.O *jumps back but gets a cut on his stomach* ahh!!! *folds over*
Haven: see?
Shadow: *growls and pulls out gun*
Haven: O.O oh sh--
Shadow: *shoots at Haven*
Haven: ah!!! *bullet hits her arm* ow! *grabs her arm*
Shadow: had enough...... Dog?
Haven: *eyes turn red* I'll show you dog... *jumps onto Shadow knocking him down*
Shadow: O.O whao! *falls back*
Haven: *pins Shadow down and aims axe* hehehe...
Sonic and Silver: *run over to Haven and grab her arms*
Sonic: whoa, to far, to far!
Haven: *growls at them*
Silver: uh Sonic... Her eyes
Sonic: oh no... Not this again... EVERYBODY!! Clear the area! NOW!!!
Everyone but the Hedgies and Haven: *runs away*
The Guests: we'll be back when this is sorted!
Haven: *howls and swings her axe at Sonic* get back!
Sonic: ah!! *jumps back, the axe missing his chest* Silver stop her!
Silver: *sighs* *freezes Haven*
Haven: let me go!
Silver: I will... Once you calm down, you nearly killed Shadow!
Haven: that was the plan
Shadow: No, i think the plan was to stop me from bashing Sonic, not kill me
Silver: yep...
Sonic: aww, you guys do care
Haven: zip it blue...
Sonic: T.T.... okay
Shadow: can I punch her? It was the firs move, and it is sort of what started the actual fight...
Haven: you called me a dog
Silver: but you-- it's good to be a dog, dogs are cool, I like dogs
Shadow: mlech *rolls eyes and sticks tongue out*
Sonic: shut up Shadow
Shadow: *rolls eyes again* fine
Haven: but it is a disgrace to all wolves, being called a dog. Yes we are related but it doesn't mean we are dogs, just a relative, a wolf.
Silver: I know, and Shadow has no right to call you that
Shadow: >:( hey!
Sonic: Shut Up Shadow!!
Haven: fine... can you please let me go?
Silver: *nods* okay *lets her go*
Haven: *smiles* now... *charges at Shadow*
Shadow: oh for the love of--
Haven: *Tackles Shadow*
Sonic: -_- *walks over to Haven and grabs her, dragging her off Shadow*
Silver: *sighs* what now? She raged....
Sonic: oh... Ya think? *drags her inside*
Haven: let me go! Let me go!
Shadow: *grunts* dog....
Silver: and that is why she is angry...
Shadow: I don't care, I hate her
Silver: and she hates you, we get it *rolls eyes*
Shadow: seriously, how you can even like her? Pfft, beats me.
Silver: I don't relly know, I just do... And I ain't going poetic in front of you...
Shadow: whatever, lets get inside
Silver: ah.... Best we wait for her to calm down...
Shadow: I don't care, besides, I need to wait, YOU don't...
Silver: fine, youstay here, I will be back... *walks inside*
Shadow: pfft whatever
*with the other three*
Sonic: I guess the party is over
Haven: gee... You think?
Sonic: just saying Just saying *raises hands*
Silver: she calm yet?
Sonic: nope
Haven: you know SHE can hear you?
Silver: -_- anyway
Haven: I want to dance... Someone play the music?
Sonic: I will! *runs to the CD player*
Haven: dance with me?
Silver: I guess...
Sonic: *puts All of Me by John Legond on*
Haven: I like this song *puts her head on Silver's shoulder*
Silver: yeah.... me too
Sonic: *gives Silver the thumbs up*
Silver: *glares at Sonic*
Shadow: *walks in and goes to his room, but stops* are they dancing?
Sonic: yep...
Shadow: OuO *pulls out phone*
Sonic: -_-.......
Haven: I don't want this to end... The book
Silver: don't worry, we can do a second one.
Haven: yeah... We could
Shadow: *records them dancing* must put this on Youtube
Sonic: *punches Shadow* don't be mean!
Haven: okay, so readers, this is the last chapter for now... We will be back in a few weeks, more or less months, but we will be back... Don't worry about that, and there will be more laughs, dares, questions and anything you can think of, even Yaoi, just not yuri... yuck.
Silver: so, bye guys! *gives Haven a hug*
Sonic: *waves at the camera* bye!!!!
Shadow: *rolls eyes* whatever
Haven: *a tear silently falls down her cheek*
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