Part 39

Haven: *sighs* hey guys

Shadow: O.O? what's wrong with you?

Haven: we are near the end

Shadow: YES!!!!

Haven: *glares at Shadow* I wish Silver was still a jerkface

Silver: I can punch him anyway

Shadow: lay one finger on me and you won't see haven again

Silver: O.O *stands back*

Haven: >:( you won't touch me

Sonic; so.... who are the guests?

Haven: :D right, frist, please give this person a warm welcome, hey Saphie

Saphie: hi! *walks through door*

Silver: who is the other friend?

Haven: a good friend of mine

Shadow: oh no -_-

Star: HELLO!!!!!!!! Wait, where is everybody?

Haven: what? *looks for Sonic and Silver*

Sonic and Silver: *hiding in the bathroom*

Shadow: *walks into kitchen*

Saphie: what is he doing?

Shadow: *walks out with a knife* things are going to get bloody *smiles evily*

Star: for you, maybe *pulls out double ended spear* *trips Shadow*

Shadow: O.O

Silver: *comes out of bathroom, followed by Sonic*

Star: what where YOU two doing in there

Sonic: -_-

Silver: nothing your thinking of

Haven: YAOI!!!!!!

Star: you sure about that?

Silver: yes, we all know who I like

Saphie: who???

Shadow: Haven

Haven: hehe *blushes*

Star: anyway, what are the dares?

Haven: right, Saphie, you can read this one

Saphie: okay, it's from me.... niqui0990,

Hey! I'm new deary and I got dares for all of you so listen up! Shadow, go play GTA 5 w/ Scourge and Knuckles fo one hour or so, Sonic, find Jack Frost and plan w/ him a prank for Shadow when he's done playing. Haven, if you know PVZ2, start planting a couple of Citrons and Laser Beans (I'll tell you on the next dare why. You're gonna need it. :D) and Silver, go on a date w/ Haven when she's done and here's twenty packs of M&Ms. Oh, and when you're all done, all four of you must do the SALT & ICE CHALLENGE! Time Limit: five minutes >:) (You hedgies, no gloves remember :D) BTW: I called up Finn & Jake to visit you guys on the next chapter.              

Shadow: I can do that *calls Scourge and Knuckles*

Sonic: okay, if he doesn't freeze me *runs out of room*

Haven: sadly, I don't know what that is

Silver: so now? The date......

Haven: yep :D we will be back soon *drags Silver out the door*

Silver: wait, I'm not ready!!! Ohhhh!!!!! M&Ms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *gets dragged out of room*

Star and Saphie: O.O er.........

Sonic: anyway, so what is the salt and ice challenge?

Shadow: it hurts like hell

Star: you put salt on your arm, then put ice on it

Saphie: O.O it can kill you

Sonic: O.O wait what?

Shadow: and we have to do it? With no gloves?

Sonic: NO GLOVES!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Hell no...... I like my gloves

Shadow: I do to *rubs hands together*

Haven: we are back!!!!!!

Star: already?

Silver: we have other dares to do

Haven: yeah! Like the salt and ice cha----- Oh crap

Silver: what?

Saphie: the challenge can kill you

Silver: O.O and we need to take our gloves off? Ain't nobody got time for that! 

Sonic: -_- really?

Silver: =D yep

Haven: and I have to do it!?!?! okay *takes gloves off* it feels weird

Shadow: I guess if its the dare *takes them off*

Star: oh.... So THAT'S what your hands look like

Sonic: :/ *takes his gloves off*

Haven: OoO secrets revealed

Silver: do I have to?

Haven: we did *points at Sonic and Shadow*

Silver: okay *takes gloves off*

Haven: I wonder if that theroy is true

Silver: what theroy?

Sonic: oh no, I've heard this one, hide your wrists Silver

Shadow, Star and Saphie: O.O?

Silver: oh no, how did she find out?

Haven: a friend told me

Star: mind explaining?

Sonic: apparently Silver has ticklish wrists, who knows why

Saphie: is it possible?

Shadow: apparently

Haven: I want to see if it's true..........

Silver: let's just do the dare

Sonic: I will get the salt and ice!!!

Saphie: okay, Star and I will make sure Haven doesn't try anything

Haven: boo -_-

Shadow: actually, Star, you are a snow tiger right?

Star: :/ yeah???

Shadow: does that mean you will melt?

Star: haha -_- no..

Shadow: dang

Haven: that was a bad pun Shadow, don't even try, you need to be a professional, like me *smiles confidently*

Silver: pfft, you and what pun?

Sonic: I'm back!!!

Silver: yay!!

Haven: that was..... actually really slow

Sonic: WHAT!?!?!?! OnO

Shadow: let's start now...... So what do we do?

Saphie: you put the salt on your skin...

The Hedgies and Haven: puts salt on their arms.

Haven: then?

Star: it says to hold the ice on top of it for five minutes

Sonic: five minutes? Okay, this should be easy, right?

Haven: yeah.... right *rolls eyes*

Saphie: ready?

The hedgies and Haven: *nods head*

Star and Saphie: go!

The Hedgies and Haven: *puts ice on top of salt*

Star: OoO they are doing it

Saphie: just wait... in three... two... one

Haven: ahhh!!!! It burns!! DX

Silver: OW OW OW OW OW!!!!

Sonic: T.T why would you dare us to do this?

Shadow: *raises brow* um.......

Haven: it's not burning you?

Shadow: um... mope not-- AHH!!!!!!!

Star: XD HAHA!!

Shadow: *grits teeth* *glares at Star*

Saphie: okay, five minutes is up...

Haven: THANK YOU!! *throws ice across the room*

Silver: O.O *drops ice*

Sonic: T.T I want a chillidog

Shadow: THANK FU--

Star: no bad language Shadow

Shadow: -n- meanie

Star: okay, so can I read mine out?

Haven: sure...

Star: yay, okay, from me...

First off, Shadow has a sister?!?! Well ... never mind ... Also, you will not beat me, Swiftleaf, give it up already. And to prove that, here's an extra special dare for the young little ... I'm not gonna finish that sentence. Your four, if you're not shaking in your shoes right now, start XD

You remember that dare from part 27? You know, the one with the Colosseum and the 50 lions and stuff? Yeah, lets revisit that. Everyone has different ... uh, lets call them obstacles. First off, no one's allowed weapons. *glares at Haven* That includes your axe. And I get to chuck popcorn at you. Yay! And, let's make this fun and do a lucky dip. *does lucky dip* Okay, first of all Shadow gets to sit this one out! (I'll find you something to do, don't worry :3). Sonic has to it blindfolded, Silver has to do it while drinking the hottest sauce in the world, and Haven has to do it with her legs and hands tied together. XD Have fun with the lions! They're my cousins, you know. 

Shadow, while they're doing that, you have to bake non poisonous, yummy, rainbow cupcakes for them all, and you have to be happy about it. You are not allowed to not smile. Then all of you can enjoy the yummy cupcakes before you all have to face your worst fear with a special helmet I conveniently have in my backpack. Enjoy!

If you don't think I'm fun ... I can't blame you. But the readers think I'm fun, right? *cricket, cricket*  -_- I think I'm fun. That's good enough.

Sincerely yours, 

Star the Snow Tiger ^.^   

Haven: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! DX

Silver: you monster! :(

Shadow: you are going to become my good friend if you keep-- wait.. RAINBOW CUPCAKES?? HAPPINESS? Nu uh, I don't do that..

Sonic: you have to... XD I will be blind-folded?

Haven: how am I going to fight?

Silver: what hot sauce?

Star: here *hands him hot sauce* just for the occasion

Saphie: you came prepared, nice..

Star: I try X]

Haven: well we are all going to die... -_-

Saphie: lets go to the Colosseum then

*At the Colosseum*

Star: Shadow, go and start cooking those rainbow cupcakes...

Shadow: *mumbles* gay cupcakes*

Haven: hey, I support homosexuals! Like Sonadow..... Shadilver and Sonilver

Shadow: *eye twitches* I will go make them now *gives haven a creepy smile* *walks off*

Sonic and Silver: -n- you like yaoi?

Haven: it's okay...

Star: I won't even ask

Saphie: O.O don't......

Star: lets go and eat popcorn, and watch these three...

Saphie: okay XP

Star: and Shadow, go and start cooking those rainbow cupcakes.

Shadow: but they are gay! >:(

Haven: no, just colourful! :D Like a rainbow...

Silver: don't be mean, just go cook them

Sonic: chicken XD

Shadow: FINE!! *storms off*

Star: and he was suppose to be happy, well that failed completly.

Saphie: Popcorn!!! *runs up to the stand*

Star: wait for me!! *runs after her*

Haven: so who is going to tie me up?

Silver: oh oh me me! *evil look*

Haven: O.O um..... 

Sonic: yeah... That's not pedo at all

Haven: or rapist

Sonic: yeah... See ya Haven!

Haven: -_- fine... Here Silver, knock yourself out.

Silver: OUO okay... *ties Haven up* 

Haven: so how am I suppose to live?

Silver: come here Sonic... Let me blind you

Sonic: O.O *walks away*

Silver: SONIC!!! YOU HAVE TO!!!

Haven: then stop being creepy!

Silver: *sighs* fine... Come here.

Sonic: that is better *walks to Silver*

Silver: *ties a blind fold on Sonic's face*

Sonic: ahh! I can't see!!!

Haven: *rolls eyes* that's the point!

Star: *from the stands* RELEASE THE LOINS!!!!!

*50 lions come out*

Silver: *sighs and holds nose* *swallows the hot sauce* O.O HOT HOT HOT HOOOOOOT!!!!! OoO *runs in circles*

Haven: well I'm dog food

Sonic: hahaha, very funny! Where are the lions?

*a lion pounces on Sonic*

Sonic: never mind, I found one! *punches it's head*

Haven: poor thing... *stands on feet* okay, I can make this work... I think


Star and Saphie: *throws popcorn* 

Star: woop woop!

*a lion heads for Haven*

Haven: -_- well crap... *axe appears in hand and cuts the rope* *axe disappears* no weapons...

Sonic: where are you lions?!?! I can't see!!! OnO

Haven: it's okay Sonic, I've got your back


*A lion jumps on Silver*

Haven: O.O will he be okay?

Sonic: what?

Silver: T.T get off me... *uses telekinesis*

Haven: nevermind.

*A lion jumps at Sonic*

Haven: look out! *tackles Sonic to the ground* I wish you weren't blind folded.

Saphie: well this is going well.

Star: *smiles* very

Shadow: hey the rainbow cupcakes are done *fake smiles* yes, I remember the part when I had to be happy

Star: O.O

Saphie: wow, I never thought I would see the day...

Shadow: *real smile* okay, now shut up... Here *hands then each a cupcake* try it

Star: na, you probably poisoned it... *throws it into the arena*

Shadow: *growls*

Saphie: O.O I'm not hungry, sorry Shadow... *copies Star*

Shadow: fine! Do you know how many I cooked? 50... 50 gay cupcakes and you throw them away!   >:( luckily Haven isn't here to save you... *throws the tray, landing in the arena*

Saphie: O.O *starts walking back*

Star: I don't need her to save me... I have my skills *uses cyrokinesis* I have them to you know *freezes Shadow*

Shadow: Hey! that's cold!

Star: that's the point -_- duh

Saphie: she can control ice 0.0

Haven: OoO oooooh rainbow cupcakes.. *quickly walks over to one*

Star: Haven don't! They are poisoned!

Haven: -n- *drops it*

*a lion pounces on it and eats in*

Silver: pfft..... stupid....... LION!!! AHHHH Hot hot hot hot hot HOT!!!!!!!

Sonic: what cupcakes?

Haven: the once Shadow had to cook -_- its no surprise

Shadow: Hey! I heard that!

Haven: good... now, I have an idea... *picks up the cupcakes*

*lions look at her*

Haven: come and get me *runs*

*lions chase Haven*

Sonic: what is going on?

Silver: hot hot hot... Haven! hot hot hot!!!!

Haven: *drops a cupcake* hmm...

*lion eats it*

Haven: yes *drops another*

*another lions eats it*

15 minutes later   

Haven: that's........ all..... of them *pants*

Silver: T.T I NEED WATER!!!!!!! *lying on the ground, slowly dragging himself somewhere*

Sonic: what is happening???

Haven: the lions... they are dying.. MY PLAN WORKED!!!!!!

Sonic and Silver: um...

Haven: Sonic... you can take your blind fold off now, and Silver... There is some water over there *points at a water troff*

Silver: it was there the whole time??? -_-

Haven: um yeah...

Star: BOO!!!!! *throws popcorn*

Saphie: at least they didn't die, or no more dares!!

Star: ... good point.

Shadow: ..... -_- morons

*the last lion falls down*

Haven: mmm.... I feel kinda bad.. they didn't have to die.

Sonic: well it was either them or us Haven... THEM or US!!

Silver: *drinking water* THEM!!!

Haven: *sighs* I guess your right... So, who wants a party next part?

The Hedgies: ME!!!!!

Haven: good, cause that's what we are having...

Star: awww......

Saphie: its okay.. I was here now, I had a great time.. Thanks guys *walks off*

Star: see ya guys... *runs after Saphie*

Haven: well this is it.. the second last part


Silver: don't be mean...

Sonic: it was fun.. Hey Haven, with there be alcohole at the party?

Haven: no...

Silver: boo!!!

Shadow: *evil face* >:3

Haven: anyway, see ya guys... NO questions or dares. NONE ZIP NEGATIVE

Silver: WE GET IT!!

Sonic: bye!

Haven: see ya!

Silver: BYEZ!!!

Shadow: *laughs to himself*

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