Part 38
Haven: HEY GUYS!!!!!!
Silver: hey
Sonic: sup?
Shadow: whatever *walks into kitchen*
Haven: -_- anyway, lets get straight into it, Silver sadly misplaced some of the dares so--
Shadow: *walks out of kitchen* *eating a doghnut*
Haven: you gonna share?
Shadow: no
Haven: get back in the kitchen
Shadow: *shrugs* *walks back into the kitchen*
Silver: O.O I think Haven is having issues
Sonic: I agree, she angry man, angry
Haven: you try living with three hedgehog that leave everything lying around, don't wear clothes and happen to eat like pigs.
Silver: *blushes* clothes are uncomfortable
Sonic: I don't eat like a pig!
Haven: a hog then?
Sonic: NO! I eat like a hedgehog
Haven: then hedgehogs eat like pigs
The Hedgies: >:(
Haven: what? Sonic eats like a pig, you two are fine, it's Sonic!
Silver: peg it all on the one, it's always one person *crosses arms*
Haven: OoO just like his father
Shadow: *growls* good, maybe he will start hating you like his father
Haven: :( no.....
Silver: can we just continue?
Haven: :( okay.... first from...
Shadow: please not Star, please not Star, please not Star
Haven: DarkStar_Chaos,
Sonic, I want you to turn into Dark Sonic and round-house kick Shadow in the butt and Silver Jump off the tallest building in the world and jump off it yelling PARKOUR!!! And Shadow, find stephano again.... oh ho ho!!! I want to see this!!! And Sonic, why do you run so fast, WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET SUPERSONIC SPEED FROM!?!?? BYE!! *Retarded wave*
Sonic: but I have to get really mad
Haven: pig
Sonic: *screams* I'M SICK OF YOU CALLING ME A PIG!!!!! *turns dark*
Haven: O.O that was to easy
Sonic: *evil smile* *kicks Shadow's butt*
Shadow: why you! *chases him* Wait, who do I have to look for?
Haven: OuO Stephano
Shadow: *falls onto knees* NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
Silver: Jumping off buildings is my specialty
Haven: O.O really?
Silver: -_- no *walks out door*
Sonic: I'm not sure how I got my powers, I was born with them, so it's unknown to anyone
Shadow: *eye twitches* Stephano!!!! Where are you?????
Haven: O.O Pewds can help
Shadow: I DON'T KNOW WHO HE IS!!!!!!
Haven: OoO go rot in Tartarous
Sonic: you make me cry :'(
*Silver's voice in the background*
Silver: PARKOUR!!!!!!!!!
*loud thump*
Silver: ow........
Haven: anyway, Pewds can help.
Sonic: Shadow doesn't deserve Pewds help :'(
Shadow: whatever *looks under couch* :D Stephano!!!!!!!!!
Haven: ah, that's where he went, oops XD
Silver: *stumbles through door* yay parkour! *waves hand and falls over*
Sonic: should we help him?
Shadow: na, Haven, what's next?
Haven: your mean *helps Silver up* you okay?
Silver: jumping off buildings is NOT my specialty *rubs head* ow
Haven: will you be okay for the rest of the part?
Silver: um, I think so....... yeah, I guess
Haven: good, next is from, SonicHero123,
Sonic get over people kicking trees you tree-hugging hippee!
Sonic: but I care for all living things!!! It's not my fault Shadow hates the outdoors
Shadow: *growls*
Haven: NEXT!!! From... Swiftleaf
Sonic: I like this person! he so nice
Silver: yeah, he has good dares, I think...
Haven: anyway,
Shadow: the bathroom!
Shadow: I have a new friend! :D
(Goes on for hours)
Me: OK. Whew. Can I join? Plz?
My dares: I'm going to be nice this time.Sonic has to take Amy to the movies. Silver and Haven get t go out to dinner....Um, Shadow...Hmmm. Take Blaze to the movies. Romance for all!
(Did I mention all the girls have to wear bikini's?)
Haven: sorry, but no one will be in this show for the rest of the well, show.... except one person, I promised them, so that's that
The Hedgies: O.O' the girls wear what?
Haven: *reads it again* o.o bikinis
Sonic: sure, I can go to the movies
Shadow: I guess I could
Silver: dinner??? With Haven?? :D I do like this person
Haven: hehe O.O um, we can do the dare, but it won't take long, sorry
Amy and Blaze: Have we been called? *walks through door*
Amy: oh, and love the new house!
Haven: -_- whatever, anyway, you two are in a dare *shows them*
Amy: OuO okay, I can do that *on the inside* OMG OMG OMG SONIKU!!!!!!!!!!
Blaze: O.O' um........... Do we need bikinis?
Haven: -n- yes
Amy: here Blaze, I came prepared *hands her one*
Silver: O.O strange much
Haven: hehe, I have my own, I will be right back *walks off blushing*
Amy: can we use your bathroom?
Sonic: first on the left
Amy: Oh thank you Soniku! *hugs Sonic*
Sonic: hey Amy! Go get dressed!
Blaze: I bags it first! *runs into bathroom*
Sonic: *sighs* okay
Shadow: O.O do girls like to wear bikinis?
Haven: *walks back into room* I'm back *wearing bikini*
Silver: O.O' um, aba, da.............. *blushes*
Shadow: haha, he is speechless!! XD
Sonic: o.o Shadow laughs? The world is ending
Shadow: *punches Sonic*
Sonic: T.o nope, pretty normal
Haven: *blushes* let's go
Silver: ababda, okay............. *blushing DEEP red* O.o
Sonic: pfft Silver's face
Blaze: done!
Shadow: o.o' wowokay, let's go
Amy: I will be back Sonic!
Sonic: phew, she used my real name
Amy: back
Sonic: O.O that was fast *starts blushing* let's go now
Haven: that was nice
Silver:............. Yeah...............
Shadow: finally, you two are back
Sonic: we've been waititng
Haven: where is Amy and Blaze?
Sonic: went home
Silver: okay, so the next dare?
Haven: yep, from Shadow-Heart,
for this one I'm gonna give gifts to silver a new Xbox to sonic 100 chili dogs to shadow the worlds best guns and to heave lots of chocolate :-) :-) :-) :-) :-):-) :-) :-)
Silver: :D AN XBOX!!!!!!!!!!!! *starts playing it* AW YEAH!!!!
Sonic: *eats all the chilli dogs*
Haven: *glares at Sonic*
Sonic: *mouth full* what?
Haven: see? A pig
Shadow: *a tear appears in the corner of his eye* Thank you, my wish has come true
Haven: OuO Chocolate........
Sonic: oh crap
Shadow: isn't chocolate bad for dogs?
Haven: I'm a special dog
Shadow: I can tell
Haven: *ignores Shadow* CHOCOLATE!!!! *starts eating chocolate*
Silver: ............ AW MAN!!!! THIS GAME CHEATS!!!! So, what's the next-- *sees the chocolate* :D
Haven: *growls* mine
Silver: D: meanie
Haven: *glares at Silver* here *hands him some*
Silver: :D THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Shadow: next from--
Haven: MY LINES!!!! Next from, pokemonwarrior,
I like too say Hi guys i just wondering i have a Question and the dare
To Sonic- how you became a wolf when is dark with chip
To Silver- How long you the time travel will get
To Haven- You nice today doing the guys :).
To Shadow- Why are you mad at them .
This is the dare one
To Sonic- I dare you too become a wolf.
To Silver- I dare you too time travel with Haven .
To Haven- i dare you too join Silver by time travel.
To Shadow- I dare you too don't mad at them at all
Sonic: um....... it's a long long story, I'm not going there
Silver: um????????
Haven: O.O WHAT????
Shadow: because I can be
Sonic: I can't physically trun into a wolf, and besides, that was a WEREHOG, not a WOLF, that's just lame
Haven: Oh really Sonic? So I'm lame?
Silver: OoO someone will die tonight
Sonic: that's not what I meant! o.o'
Haven: good
Shadow: it's hard not to get angry at them, but I will try
Haven: I get to time travel, with Silver? :D Oh happy days
Sonic: *whispers to Shadow* you think she forgot she is still in her bikini?
Shadow: yep
Silver: er, um, well, hold on, we are going into the future!
Haven: OoO YES!!!!!!!!!
Both: *disappear*
Sonic: O.O they actully did it
Shadow: XD And haven was still wearing her bikini!!! *laughs*
Haven and Silver: *appear again*
Haven: *blushing* that was, interesting
Sonic: what did you see?
Silver: never mind
Haven: my dreams come true! -3-
Shadow and Sonic: o.o?
Haven: anyway, next from..... GweneferNagisa,
Shadow: wow that's long,
Gwen: hi Gwen here
Nagisa: and Nagisa-chan here too
Gwen: we like to have a request
Nagisa: we want to be part of your show
Gwen: if it's ok with you
Nagisa: yeah also I'm a Sonic x Sally fan just to let you know and we have questions for the cast
Gwen: for everyone in the cast if you have a wedding who are the following
Nagisa: who is your best man, flower girl, wedding planer, your brides maids , and who is the lucky wife/husband
Gwen: yeah that's the question and here is the dare for all of the cast
Nagisa: for Haven you have to kiss the following
Gwen: Sonic Shadow Sliver Manic Sourge Espo Tails Kuncles And Mighty
Nagisa: for shadow I dare you to kiss Haven on the hand like a prince
Gwen: for sonic I dare you to sing a duet with sliver any song
Nagisa: and for sliver I dare you to be a jerk face
Haven: again, we ain't going to have any special guests, until next part, but we will do all these dares and questions! :D So many.
Shadow: I never liked Sally
Haven: yeah, I don't either
Silver: that question confuses me......... can we just say who we would just like to marry? it would be much easier.
Sonic: yeah
Haven: I guess
Shadow: well, ladies first Haven
Haven: -_- I hate you, okay, I would pick *blushes* Silver.............
Silver: o.o'
Sonic: I saw that one coming
Shadow: A mile away
Silver: yeah, I will go next then, everyone, I think you all know, it would be..... Haven
Shadow: Yeah, I guess if I HAVE to choose, I would pick Maria
Sonic: um, I guess Amy? She's crazy, but man, is she strong!
Haven: -_-'....... O.O wait who? That's a lot of boys to kiss *blushes*
Sonic: I will call the others *calls*
All the others (I'm to lazy to type their name): *walk through the door*
Haven: *Kisses Mighty*
Mighty: O.O okay then *leaves*
Haven: *kisses Knuckles*
Knuckles: -_- whatever *follows Mighty*
Haven: *kisses Tails*
Tails: at least it isn't a hug *run out door*
Haven: wow, this is tiring *kisses Espio*
Espio: *bows, very slightly blushing* *walks out door*
Haven: *shudders* *kisses Scourge*
Scourge: why thank you
Haven: get out
Scourge: okay, whatever the lady wants *leaves*
Haven: *kisses Manic*
Manic: I feel special
Haven: every boy is getting it
Manic: :( *walks out door, head down*
Haven: who's next?
Sonic: ME ME!!! Just to get it over with........... -_-' hehe
Haven: *rolls eyes* *kisses Sonic*
Sonic: >.< Thanks
Haven: o.o moving on *kisses Shadow* just so you know, I hate you
Shadow: got it
Haven: *blushes* *kisses Silver* okay, dare done
Silver: O.o yep, what's next?
Haven: o.o I hate kissing now
Shadow: *sighs* I ain't no prince
Haven: *steps away from Shadow* no
Silver: how do you be a jerk face?
Sonic: act like Shadow
Silver: oh, humph
Haven: OoO he DOES take after his father!
Sonic: Oh!!!! Can we sing Love is an Open Door?
Silver: fine, I don't even care
Sonic: :( Let's start singing
Silver: fine
Both: *start singing love is an open door*
Shadow: *sighs* *gets down on one knee*
Haven: O.O stay away from me
Shadow: it's the dare *grabs Haven's hand*
Haven: O.O'
Shadow: *kisses it*
Silver: *still singing* *looks jealous*
Sonic: there, done
Silver: whatever, I need to act like a jerkface, I'm gonna act like a jerkface *walks over to Shadow*
Haven and Sonic: oh no -_-
Shadow: wha???
Silver: *punches him* not again, got it?
Shadow: whaaaaaat? (DESPICABLE ME!!!! XD)
Silver: not again
Haven: -_- I think someone needs a hug!!! :D *hugs Silver*
Sonic: aww...............
Shadow: so is that it?
Haven: yeah, and next episode, I'm so sorry, I got it wrong, I'm having TWO special guests
Sonic: who?
Haven: first one you guys haven't met, the second, is a good friend of ours
Shadow: oh no, not......
Haven: maybe, or it could be.........
Shadow: no, just no.....
Silver: *sighs* i hate being a jerkface
Sonic: good, no stop being one
Silver: >:( *punches Sonic*
Haven: Silver.....
Silver: another hug? :D
Haven: *shakes head* omg Silver, really?
Silver: :( yes
Haven: okay *hugs him again*
Silver: :)
Haven: okay guys, no more dares or questions! I already have two for the next part, and part 40 is fee of them as well! Bye!!
Silver: bye!!
Shadow: humph *rubs eye*
Sonic: yeah...... *rubs eye*
Silver: hehe oops
Haven: *rolls eyes* *kisses Silver;s cheek*
Silver: O.O bye......
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