Part 36

Haven : Hey guys we have a new guest today!

Shadow : *sigh* Who is it this time?

Haven : I think you know her very much. *evil smile*

Shadow : Ok, who did you --

Starlight : Hi Shadow! 

Shadow : Oh no.

Silver : Oh! Isn't that your sister Shadow?

Shadow : No ... she's my twin sister  -_-'

Silver: OoO Shadow has a twin sister?

Sonic: OoO Silver has an auntie?

Starlight: I wanna read the dares!!! First from Switfleaf,

It's on, Triple M! I dare Silver to swim with sharks for a whole hour (cant skip that one Silver) Haven you get cookies because your awesome! :D And Sonic has to water-ski in a big poofy dress....Shadow, you look good in a tooth fairy costume, put it back on! :D And be Happy! (YOU MUST DO IT!) and I dare Tails to spend a day with the stupidest person on Earth and not correct a SINGLE thing he/she does/says.


(I'm always up for "friendly" competition!)    

Silver: sharks!?!?!?!?!?!?

Haven: COOKIES!!!!!!! OuO

Sonic: water ski????? Big puffy dress????? Uh uh

Shadow: *eye twitches* okay, I will put it back on *fake smiles*

Tails: *walks in* O.O

Haven: HEY TAILS!!!!

Tails: T.T again?

Haven: *gives him a hug*

Tails: will it always be like this?

Silver: hopefully not

Haven: what's wrong with you?

Silver: I have to swim with sharks!! *whispers* and you always hug Tails

Haven: what was that last part?

Silver: *sighs* nothing

Shadow: come on Silver, you have powers, if you have to use them *still fake smiling*

Haven: *takes a step away from Shadow* scary

Sonic: I don't even have a puffy dress!

Starlight: Here you go *hands him one*

Sonic: you had one?

Starlight: I bought it, just in case

Shadow: whatever

Starlight: *pokes tounge at Shadow*

Shadow: *rolls eyes*

Tails: so who do I hang out with?

Haven: Shadow

Shadow: yea-- HEY!

Haven: what?

Shadow: it says the stupidest person in the world, not sexiest hedgehog in the world!

Starlight and Haven: *laugh* hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Silver: *facepalm*

Sonic: dude, that's why your hanging out with Tails, you stupid

Shadow: *glares at Sonic* at least I don't need to wear a poofy dress

Haven: at least I'm not stupid

Shadow: I would like to debate on that

Haven: oh really?

Shadow: yeah really!

Starlight: anyway, Silver, get your butt out there!

Silver: -n- I don't like sharks

Haven: GO! *points at door*

Silver: OnO okay okay, I will be back

Starlight: now Sonic, get YOUR butt out there!

Sonic: but but, I don't like water!

Haven: GO!

Shadow: O.O can I take a cookie

Haven: *growls* my cookies

Starlight: *takes two* yummy :3

Haven: HEY!

Shadow: -_-'

Tails: come on tooth fairy, let's go for a walk *smiles*

Shadow: *death glares at Tails*

Tails: O.O never mind *runs out door*

Haven: your mean

Shadow: I try

Starlight: sometimes you shouldn't

Sonic: *runs through door* *yelling* I am not Cinderalla!

Haven: OuO *tries not to laugh*

Sonic: don't start

Haven: OnO fine

*Jaws theme song starts playing*

Haven: oh no *jumps on couch* I hate Jaws

Silver: *comes up behind Haven and scares her* Raor!

Haven: *screams* *punches Silver*

Shadow: hahaha!!!!

Starlight: yeah, even I know not to scare Haven, nice job Silver XD

Silver: T.T ow, my face

Haven: Oh mi gosh, sorry Silver, don't scare me again, you will regret it

Silver: I already do

Sonic: I hate puffy dresses!!!!! *walks through door wet*

Haven: poofy

Sonic: whatever! *walks into his room*

Haven: mm hm, and next is from..... oh my gods

Silver: what?

Haven: this one just came in and it's from, Shadow-Heart, and it's not nice, at all...

I dare sonic to dance on a pole like a stripper while wearing a thong shadow has to put 20 bucks in sonic thong whit his mouth.Silver has to tounge kiss heaven while in a tank full of sharks.:-D :-D :-D :-D              

Shadow and Sonic: WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Shadow: hell no, you can't kill me to do that!

Sonic: and no, I ain't wearing no thong!

Silver: i have to do what?!?

Haven: sharks!!!! No!!!

Shadow: where does this person live?

Haven: um, well they said Sonic has to wear a thong, so they must be in america

Silver: what do australians say instead?

Haven: that's classified, I don't want to give you nightmares

Sonic: but it won't!

Haven: FINE I will tell you *tells them*

The Hedgies: O.O oh...............

Haven: *sighs* see?


Shadow: but I have to........ no, I would rather DIE than do that!

Sonic: since when have people been so cruel!!! This is not right!

Haven: and I hate sharks, just ask Silver

Silver: yeah, my nose still hurts

Starlight: you guys know I'm still here right?

Haven: of cause

Starlight: good, now for me to say, HAHAHA SHADOW HAS TO DO THAT!!!!!!!

Shadow: why are you even my sister

Starlight: oh the joys of torturing you

Silver: and what I have to do? That's dirty even for me

Shadow: and me

Sonic: I wouldn't do it

Haven: nu uh, not with anyone! We do have restrictions, and these are some.

Silver: I was just swimming with sharks!

Haven: we know! Now, we will do them, just not the way you might have wanted us to, sorry.

Shadow: no heart feelings

Sonic: Shsdow has none XD

Shadow: shut up faker

Haven: actually, for Sonic's dare *Calls everyone* your gonna have an audience!

Sonic: OnO what?

Silver: haha XD

Starlight: I'M ALREADY HERE!!!!

Sonic: who?

Haven: oh, just Amy, Rouge, Blaze, Star, Knuckles yeah, people who will laugh

Shadow: STAR?!?!?!?!?!

Starlight: oh!!!! I always wanted to meet her!!

The Following: *walks through door*

Amy: SONIKU!!!!! *charges Sonic*

Sonic: AHH!!!!!

Rouge: who is pole dancing?

Knuckles: haha Sonic has to!

Blaze: wait, this is why I'm here?

Star: hey Shadow XP

Shadow: *eye twitches* hey Star *loads gun*

Starlight: *takes it* no

Shadow: HEY!!  MY GUN!!!!

Star: haha, wait, why am I here?

Silver: Sonic is gonna pole dance, in a thong

Star: O.O what?

Sonic: T.T

Amy: OuO really? *hugs Sonic* YAY SONIKU!!!!

Haven: and Shasow has to--

Shadow: No! I ain't doing it!

Sonic: good, I'm glad

Knuckles: what did he have to do?

Haven: *tells everyone*

Blaze: O.O

Rouge: O.O um......

Star: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA XD it's funny cause I don't feel sorry for him!

Silver: let's go do our dare Haven

Knuckles: what is that?

Haven: *sighs* *explains*

Amy: aww sweet!

Haven: we have restrictions!

Blaze: who cares about restrictions?

Haven: I do!

Rouge: we can tell

Haven: *sighs* let's go Silver

Silver: okay *walks out door*

Haven: *follows* bye guys! See you guys soon!

Sonic: T.T let's get this over with *goes into room*

Amy: My Soniku is going to pole dance

Shadow: like a stripper

Amy: OuO even better

Blaze and Rouge: O.O crazy girl

Knuckles: as expected

Star and Starlight: still.......

Sonic: *walks out wearing thong* T.T

Amy: *nosebleed* >-<

Blaze, Rouge, Starlight, Star: O.O wth?


Shadow: I'm glad I ain't doing my dare O.O

Sonic: I hate you all

Star: we know

Amy: not me Soniku!

Sonic: It's Sonic!

Amy: whatever Soniku!

Sonic: *facepalms* okay, let's get this over with* *starts dancing*

Haven and Silver: *walk in*

Haven: we're do--

Silver: O.O *cover's Haven's eyes* O.O

Haven: hey, what's going on?

Silver: your worst nightmare

Haven: Oh O.O don't move your hand

Silver: I won't

Amy: *major nosebleed* >_< I LOVE YOU SONIKU!!!!!!!!!

Shadow: -_- OMG

Blaze: I'm out *walks out door*

Rouge: I've seen enough, or, maybe to much *follows*

Knuckles: hahaha, I'm never going to forget this *follows again*

Star: I'm going to have nightmares for weeks *follows AGAIN*

Starlight: It's an image I'm never going to get rid of -_- the horror

Haven: is it over?

Sonic: yes *stops* it's over

Silver: *moves hand away from Haven's eyes*

Haven: *sees Sonic still in the thong* >~< NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been blind!!!!!!!!!!!! *closes eyes and runs..... into a wall* ow

Shadow: you know Sonic, you should wear that more often

Silver: O.O you gay?

Shadow: no, it makes Haven blind, and hurt herself

Sonic: you mean, I dare you to wear it, it's kinda comfy

Shadow: -_- no thanks

Starlight: OMG Sonic, really?

Sonic: YES! COMFY!

Silver: you have issuses

Haven: *walks over rubbing head* when did you figur that out? Anyway, we have one more question, sorry readers! I kinda lost all the other ones! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!! DX

Shadow: don't Haven is mean

Haven: and besides, there where WAY to many anyway, guys, slow down, at least three per part

Silver: get on with it!

Starlight: I read! It's from misshadow16,

hey shadow...y do u hate sonic and silver so much?     

Shadow: that is very simple, they are losers, loonitics, both are fakers, and just plain dumb

Sonic: hey! We are right here!

Silver: T.T to our faces?

Shadow: yep

Haven: okay, that's it, oh and a little notice for EVERYONE!!!!!!!


Haven: you where all to lazy to read this number

Silver: XD classic

Sonic: was that it?

Haven: no, the REAL notice is that part 40 is the FINAL episode for this season, then after a good rest we will be back with part two to this series, yay, more fun, questions, i hope, and dares! :D

Shadow: and more death to

Silver: O.O

Sonic: and more romantic crap, that stuff is funny, but not just Haven and Silver guys, remember, we do have lots of other people

Silver: Oh and there will be heaps more guests to!

Shadow: and this is all going to be repeated on the last part, I bet you all $50

Haven: whatever, bye guys!!!!!!

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