Part 34- Kisses all around

Haven: what's up guys?

Shadow: is that a trick question?

Haven: no it's a dare

Shadow: what ever

Haven: *rolls eyes* today we have LOTS of dares, and when I say lots, i mean LOTS!!!!

Silver: how many?

Haven: I can't even be bothered to count them!

Sonic: O.O wow

Haven: yep, I know, so the first one is from, cheetahgirl5561,

I dare sonic to sing love is an open door silver u can give haven a big kiss ON.THE.LIPS and shadow u can have a cookie*gives shadow a cookie*yep shadow is awesome sonic is a total faker and silver I can use telekinesis to awesome(shadows a boss)

shadow also ride toothless the nightfury    

Sonic: okay, I love that song!!!!! *starts singing*

Haven: O.O what????

Shadow: um..... Thanks? And yes, yes I am awesome

Silver: that's cool, telekinesis is awesome, and WHAT??????

Sonic: *gasps* done, Silver do your dare

Silver: but.... but..... I....... What??????? *turns red*

Shadow: someone is embarrassed

Silver: shut up Shadow

Shadow: make me

Silver: *sighs* *still blushing* okay fine

Haven: what is happening?????

Silver: *kisses Haven on da lips*

Haven: O.O

Sonic: awwww

Shadow: *takes a photo* Totally going on Instagram!!!

Sonic: you have Instagram?

Shadow: yeah? Why?

Sonic: 030 can you follow me?

Shadow: I ain't no stalker

Sonic: :( oh, okay

Shadow: and who is toothless?

Haven: OnO you die tonight, both me and Star will come into your room and kill you, Toothless is AWESOME!!!!!!!!

Shadow: O.O stalkers much

Haven: ^.^ maybe

Sonic and Silver: O.O

Haven: next from..... jd2001z,

I dare Silver to kick Blaze where the sun don't shine and without letting her know about this and then Silver should not apologize but say "I HATE YOU!", Shadow to sing "Brave" by Sara Bareilles in front of a huge crowd (Like a stadium) and Sonic, kiss Haven in front of Silver without him knowing about the dare and no one should tell him about it.

Silver: but that's mean!!! If I do that then she won't have kittens!!

Haven: Silver...... Don't go there -_-

Silver: O.O why?


Silver: *sighs* BLAZE!!!!

Blaze: *walks through door* Whats up Silver?

Silver: :( *kicks Blaze where the sun don't shine* I HATE YOU!!!

Blaze: o_e why???? *falls over*

Haven: that's sad

Shadow: what is Brave?

Haven: yeah, I'm gonna kill you tonight

Shadow: okay then... *googles Brave* I will try and sing this *starts singing*

Haven: OuO Shadow can sing

Sonic: WAIT!!! Shadow, you need to stand on the bench, like a stage!!!!

Shadow: but I'm not a stripper

Silver: a wha???

Haven: Silver, just stay out of this.... BUT YOU HAVE TO SHADOW!!!! FOR THE FANGIRLS!!!!!!!

Shadow: FINE!!! *stands on bench* *starts singing Brave*

Sonic: this is gonna be awkward *kisses Haven*

Haven: O.O

Silver: O.O >:( no

Sonic: I need a drink

Haven: what just happened?

Silver: >:( Sonic will die tonight

Haven: next dare from AnimeMangaCreepyStar,

Starlight : Hi Shadow! I have a dare for you! I dare you to kiss Sonic! And to give me a hug. :3

Shadow: oh no it's my god damn sister!

Silver: you have a sister?

Haven: she is a good friend of mine

Shadow: yeah, always going on stupid adventures, and by the way, WHO THE HELL IS STAPHANO AND OLAF!!!!!!!!!


Shadow: When???

Haven: soon I think

Shadow: *evil smile* I will get my guns ready

Sonic: whats the dare? O.O oh no

Silver: *reads it* OoO IT'S SONADOW!!!!!

Shadow: SHUT UP!!!!

Sonic: T.T no, just no..

Shadow: my sister is evil *kisses Sonic* now I need to wash my mouth out

Sonic: right behind ya *walks off*

Haven: and next from........... Dragonicqueen,

How was the movies

Silver: I liked them

Haven: I will always watch them

Shadow: those torturous things? I destroyed them

Haven: OnO you are going to die VERY soon

Shadow: *shrugs*

Haven: NEXT from Starfur795,

Questions! Everyone, What do you think of Invader Zim? DARES: Shadow, Hang out with gir and PLEASE dont destroy him. Or I will sick starfur on you. Sonic, run at speeds as fast as you can go, then trip. Tails, YOU GET TO MEET TONY STARK/IRONMAN!!! :D Haven, Hang out with Thor x3 Knuckles, You have to hang out with Hulk dressed as Loki >:3 And Silver, ENJOY THIS CHOCOLATE :D

Haven: Invader Zim? I haven't seen him in a long time

The Hedgies: who?

Haven: never mind

Shadow: who do I hang out with?

Haven: *shrugs* just sit on the couch

Shadow: fine *sits on couch*

Tails: *walks in* hey guys!

Haven: HEY TAILS!!!! *gives him a hug*

Tails: O.O what??

Sonic: *shrugs* no idea

Silver: *looks jealous*

Tails: Iron Man? Cool, maybe I can find out how he built those suits

Haven: that would be cool

Iron Man: *flies in*

Haven: OuO OMG!!!!!

Tails: come on Iron Man, let's go

Iron Man: just call me Tony

Tails: okay Tony lets go

Iron Man: *nods* *flies out door*

Tails: see ya!!! *flies out door*

Haven: I get to hang out with Thor????? YES!!!!!

Sonic: okay, I can do that.... *runa as fast as he can* *trips* ow

Thor:*walks in* hello fellow, um, animals?

Shadow: rude much?


Shadow: who?

Silver: Haven, can I please help you kill Shadow tonight?

Haven: sure

Thor: What is this madness?

Haven: don't worry, let's just hang out

Thor: okay, can we go to the coffee shop?

Haven: *smiles* yes

Thor: good because I WANT MORE!!

Haven: *smiles* Yep, I know, lets go *walks out the door*

Thor: *follows*

Silver: why Haven have to hang out with everyone, mainly other boys!

Shadow: you seem jealous

Silver: am not!

Shadow: *rolls eyes* sure

Knuckles: *walks into room* who? *dressed as Loki*

Silver: you will die tonight to

Knuckles: O.O what did I do?

Hulk: *smashes through wall* Where is Loki?

Knuckles: *sighs* here

Hulk: Hulk smash Loki!!

Knuckles: what!?!?!?!?! *runs out door*

Hulk: come back!!!!! *runs after him*

Silver: *sighs*

Shadow: cheer up, at least you get chocolate

Silver: yay!!!! *eats chocolate* chocolate fixes everything!!!

Shadow: Sonic: what are you doing?

Sonic: shh!!!! trying to steal some of Silver's chocolate!!

Silver: *hisses at Sonic*

Sonic: O.O

Haven: *walks back inside* Thor is awesome!!!

Silver: *whispers* what about me?

Haven: what?

Silver: nothing T.T

Haven: okay then,....... next from khadijiah1,

Okay, here's my dare. 

You guys know who the turtles are? If you don't, go burn in Tartarus. 

Anyway, I want Raphael and Shadow to hang out (with out killing each other) Leonardo and Sonic to hang out (cause they're opposites) Mikey and Sliver to hang out (I can't spell Mikey's full name....) and Donatello can hang out with Tails. And why don't we throw Casey in with Shadow and Raphie. See how that goes. 

Haven you can either 

A. Hang out with April (and get kidnapped by the Kraang) 

B. Hang out with the Kraang 

C. Join the Foot

D. Or hang out with Amy all day. Your choice

I know, I'm losing my evil touch     

Haven: I know them!!!!!!

Shadow: aren't they turtles?

Haven: yeah....... VERY close to dying

Sonic: isn't he the leader?

Silver: yep, Mickey is awesome!

Tails: *walks through door*

Haven: OuO hey Tails

Tails: O.O um..... hey

Haven: give me a hug! *hugs Tails*

Tails: twice in one day

Silver: I need a hug :(

Haven: okay! :D *hugs Silver*

Silver: yay! :D

Haven: I want to hang with April

Silver: but you will be captured!

Haven: *shrugs* will I?

Sonic: it depends

Kraang: *steals Haven*

Haven: O.O well crap

Silver: come on Mickey! lets go help her!

The Turtles: *run through door*

Mikey: okay! um.... silver hedgehog?

Silver: my name is Silver

Shadow: I'm Shadow, Raphie, your with me

Raphie: okay black hedgehog

Shadow: I said my name is Shadow

Raphie: it suits you

Shadow: I know *runs out door*

Raphie: *follows*

Sonic: Hey I'm Sonic, Leo? Your with me

Leo: okay Sonic, let's go! *runs out the door*

Silver: So Mickey, we gonna go?

Mikey: yep, let's go! *follows Sonic and Leo*

Silver: *follows Mikey*

Tails: so can I call you Don?

Don: yep, you smart?

Tails: very

Don: cool, what do you know??

2 hours later  

Don: your REALLY smart

Tails: I know, it's weird, I'm only 8 and I know all this stuff

The Hedgies and Turtles: *runs through door* we are back!

Haven and April: they saved us!

Tails: cool

The Turtles: well, see ya! *runs out door*

Shadow: and I never got to meet Casey, oh well, anything else Haven?

Haven: yep, ANOTHER one from your sister

Shadow: oh no

First, I want to say hi to Haven.
Ok, I'm ready. 
Shadow, find Stephano while Sonic fights barrels, Silver looks for Bro, and Haven can help only ONE of you. :3      

Shadow: WHO IS STEPHANO???????

Silver: but Bros are scary!!

Sonic: um.... why do I have to fight barrels?

Haven: Pewdiepie hates them, and HI STARLIGHT!!!!!

Sonic: oh okay, let's fight barrels!

Shadow: who... Is....... Stephano?

Haven: I am about to kill you!!!!!!

Silver: Bros scare me!!!

Haven: I will help....... *pulls a name out of a hat* Silver (I really did do this and I did get Silver, no joke)

Silver: good

Shadow: but who is Stephano!!!!!

Haven: just look for a gold statue 

Shadow: okay

Sonic: where are these barrels?

Haven: over there *points at barrels*

Sonic: BARRELS, I HATE BARRELS!!!!! *attacks barrels*

Silver and Haven: O.O let's go, bye!! *runs out door*

Tails: why am I still here? *walks out door*

Shadow: okay, look for a gold--- FOUND IT!!!!! *holds Stephano up* Yay Staphano!!!!!!


Silver: Haven, bros scare me

Haven: they only scare me when they come out of no where

Bro: *comes out of no where*

Haven: O.O ahhh!!!!!

Silver: I found one!!!!!

Haven: O.O I-I-I don't like B-B-Bros any m-m-more

Silver: it's okay Haven *hugs Haven* let's go back

Haven: O.O o-okay *walks back*

back at the house

Sonic: *panting* i...... hate,....... barrels......

Shadow: I found Stephano!!!!!!

Silver: we found a Bro, but it ran away *walks through door*

Haven: *follows* O.O

Sonic: what happened to you?

Haven: I don't like Bros O.O

Silver: a Bro came out and scared her....

Shadow: are they that scary?

Haven: O.O yes, yes they are

Silver: anyway, whats next Haven

Haven: from Rhiana-the-leopard,

Silver: kiss haven and bring her on a romantic date
Shadow: stalk them the whole time 
Sonic: try to sorta drown yourself with OUT using those bubble things
Shadow: tell me what you think about ME
I'm so cool thx      

Silver: OuO okay *kisses Haven*

Haven: O.O what just happened again?

Silver: let's go *walks out door*

Haven: :D OKAY!!! *follows*

Shadow: I think your okay, for a leopard *sighs* I have to stalk them, nice

Sonic: it sounds like you

Shadow: *glares at Sonic* *walks out door*

Sonic: O.O um, I can try, but I might take a bubble on natural instinct *tries and loses a life* O.O now I only have two left.... Thanks Rhiana


Shadow: why do I have to stalk them?

Silver: so what do you want for dinner?

Haven: not sure, something fancy

Silver: okay, how about here?

Shadow: why are they stopping here?

Haven: okay........ But for now, a little message for Triple M, sorry we didn't do your dare, that will be the whole of the next past, so guys... DO NOT leave any questions or dares today, sorry guys.... BYE!!!!

Silver: BYE!!!!

Shadow: see ya!!

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