Part 30!!!!! Celebrate!
Me: yo yo, listen up! It's our thirtieth part and we all wanted to celebrate!
Shadow: i'm not saying anything
Silver: so your a rapper, nice
Me: yo, check it, I can't rap, but I can rap dance.
Sonic: really? Show us....
Me: okay, hit it *points at radio*
Silver: hm what? Oh, sorry *plays song*
*Rap God comes on*
Me: just wait, the actual rap is about to start
Shadow: this will be interesting *crosses arms*
Me: *starts rap dancing*
Shadow: *o*
Sonic: *.*
Silver: O.o wow
Me: *starts panting, still dancing*
*Song ends*
Me: *sticks backflip landing* so..... what do you think? *panting*
Sonic: Oh mi gosh! I have a competitor!
Shadow: your not even in her league
Sonic: darn T-T
Silver: That was amazing! *hugs Haven*
Me: okay, thanks, so anyway, I have come to notice something, instead of it saying Haven while I talk, it has said me, I'm going to change it back, so it makes more sense, sorry for the confusion.
Shadow: well change it them
Haven: done, now you guys will know who 'Me' is
Silver: good
Haven: and that reminds me.... TAILS IS THAT BRAIN SWAPPING MACHINE DONE?
Tails: *walks through door* yep Haven, all done
Sonic: O.o crap
Haven: don't say that
Silver: Damn O.o
Shadow: *mumbles something*
Tails: so who wants to try it out?
Haven: oh oh pick me!!! *walks outside*
Tails: who else?
Haven: *walks back inside* *grabs Shadow's arm* you can suffer with me
Shadow: O.o no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haven: *evil look* yes! *walks outside with Shadow*
Silver: o.o should we help him?
Sonic: na
Tails: O.o what was that all about?
Sonic: it's a long story
Tails: oh okay, well I'll be right back *walks out door*
*Huge flash outside*
Sonic: yeah, we should help him
Silver: ya think?
Both: *run outside*
Sonic: damn it, to late
Shadow: what the? *looks at body* Gah!!!!
Shadow: *in Haven's body* I'm a girl!
Haven: hey! That's mean *realizes* oh no, I'm in Shadow's body! ew ew ew ew ew!
Shadow: *death glares at Haven* So?
Haven: I has emo germs!!!
Tails: should I change you back?
Shadow: please
Haven: WAIT I WANNA TRY SOMETHING *jumps up* CHAOS SPEAR *hits Shadow* ha it worked!
Shadow: ahh! that hurt
Tails: okay, changing back
*another huge flash*
Sonic: well that was interesting
Silver: yep
Haven: *back in her body* YAY NO EMO GERMS!
Shadow: I will kill you!
Haven: crap, not this again!
Sonic: whoa Shadow, take it easy
Silver: Haven, what was it like?
Haven: dark and........ strange
Silver: what, being in Shadow's body?
Haven: yep, I don't want to do it again! *hugs Silver*
Silver oof!
Shadow: *gets an idea* instead, I will go into your room!
Haven: NO!!!!!!
Sonic: what's in your room anyway?
Haven: nothing
Shadow: then you won't mind *walks into house*
Haven: No! *runs after him*
Silver and Sonic: Oh no *both run after them*
Shadow: hehe *walks up to door*
Haven: no you don't! *tackles him*
Shadow: what the? *hits ground*
Sonic: hey, hey!
Shadow: get off me!
Haven: No! You will not go in my room!
Silver: great, now she is angry
Haven: I'm not that angry
Shadow: good, now get off me!
Haven: No! I don't want anyone in my room!
Silver: get off him Haven! He won't go in your room.
Haven: I don't believe you
Shadow: get off me! *kicks Haven in the chest*
Haven: oof! *falls back*
Sonic: Shadow!
Silver: *runs to Haven* Haven, you alright?
Haven: he just winded me
Shadow: what is in your room that is so secretive?
Haven: nothing, it's just my personal space, I hate it when people go through my things
Shadow: I don't believe you
Haven: oh yeah, then tell me, why don't you like it when someone esle goes in your room?
Shadow: I....
Sonic: Oh snap!
Shadow: because, I have personal stuff in there, and you guys will more than likely break it.
Silver: well that's mean
Haven: see? I'm the same, and it's where I go when I want to be alone, no one else steps foot in my room.
Shadow: fine
Sonic: yay no let's go play video games
Haven: *stared angrily at Shadow* I need to be alone *walks into room and locks door*
Silver: O.o well that was unexpected, thanks Shadow
Shadow: humph *walks into kitchen*
Sonic: and we where suppose to celebrate the thirtieth part today :(
Silver: wanna play Mortal Kombat?
Sonic: okay :)
*after the game*
Sonic: so you think Haven is alright?
Silver: I hope
Shadow: *still in kitchen* yeah, what ever
Silver: I will check on her *walks to her door*
Sonic: good luck
Silver: *knocks* Haven? You okay?
Haven: .........
Silver: Haven? *tries to open door, it's unlocked* O.o um Sonic
Sonic: yeah?
Silver: her door is unlocked
Sonic: what the? *walks over to Silver*
Silver: see?
Sonic: you can check on her, I'm going to watch TV, no way am I gonna get tackled by her *walks off*
Shadow: she is pretty strong, she help me down
Silver: shut up Shadow *opens door* *o* Haven!
*Haven's room is a mess, everything is smashed*
Silver: Haven, where are you?
Sonic: is someth---- oh, wow
Silver: is she in here?
Sonic: just look around, it's not a big room
Silver: okay *find Haven passed out* I found her!
Haven: *stirs*
Sonic: you think she is asleep?
Silver: not a chance, she wouldn't just smash everything then just got to sleep
Sonic: good point, quick, bring her to the couch
Silver: *sighs* okay *picks her up*
Haven: uuuhhhhhhh
Silver: it's okay, we've got you
Shadow: what the heck? What happened?
Silver: we found her passed out on the floor, and everything was smashed. *lays her on couch*
Shadow: all because I wanted to go in her room?
Sonic: probably
Shadow: whatever *walks back into kitchen*
Sonic: i wonder what actually happened
Silver: same here
Haven: *sits up* what happened?
Silver: we found you passed out in your room
Haven: what where you doing in my room?
Silver: O.o oh, uh, just checking on you
Haven: I said no one is to take on step in my room
Sonic: he was worried!
Haven: you could have knocked
Silver: I did, but I found you unconscious!
Haven: I was fine, you should have left me
Sonic: we thought you where hurt!
Haven: you where in my room as well?
Sonic: yes, we found everything smashed, what happened?
Haven: it's been like that for a while now
Silver: what do you mean?
Haven: I said it's been like that for a while, figure it out *eyes glow orange*
Sonic: *whispers to Silver* she's getting angry
Silver: so your room has always been a mess?
Haven: I said figure it out! *eyes turn red*
Shadow: whats going on? *sees Haven's red eyes* well, I'm going for a walk *runs out door*
Silver: whoa Haven, settle down!
Haven: my room is like that because of every time I'm bullied by Shadow, I've had enough! I break thing to make myself feel better, to get the anger out, but it doesn't work
Sonic: Haven, calm down *puts hand oh Haven's arm*
Haven: Don't touch me! It never works, because Shadow keeps coming back for more, and more, and more, it's annoying me, it's making me angry. I need to pay! *jumps up and runs out door*
Sonic: well crap, let's go stop her
Silver: yep, you go warn Shadow, and I'll deal with Haven
Sonic: okay. *runs off to find Shadow*
Silver: here goes nothing *runs after Haven*
5 minutes later
Haven: where are you Shadow Hedgehog?
Silver: he isn't here! He went home
Haven: *turns to Silver* did he now?
Silver: yeah, he was waiting for you to leave the house, he is home now
Haven: I don't believe you, your lying to me, just to get me home again, well it's not working, I'm going to find Shadow, and I'm going to make him pay!
Silver: not if I can help it
Haven: so what, your gonna fight me?
Silver: *sighs* if I have to yes, I will
Haven: oh, this will be fun *stands in a fighting position*
Silver: *sighs again* alright, if you insist
Haven: *charges at Silver, fist in the air*
Silver: *freezes her in his powers*
Haven: that's not fair!
Silver: you never said it had to be, now stop fighting and come home
Haven: NO! *breaks out of his grip, eyes blazing red*
Silver: O.o oh shi---
Haven: punches his stomach
Silver: oof! *lands on ground*
Haven: ha, that was easy, now to find Shadow
Silver: going somewhere? *freezes her again, but with more power*
Haven: Ugh! Just let me go!
Silver: no, you want to kill Shadow, it's not right, he doesn't deserve it
Haven: do you know what it's like to be bullied my him?
Silver: actually, I do, but I'm not going to kill him, I just ignore him, then he gives up.
Haven: I've tried to ignore him, but he has and he always will, keep coming back.
Silver: no he won't, he doesn't bully me anymore
Haven: but he is still bullying me
Silver: just stop this Haven, it's not you, this is not what you would really do, you would have just come up with some smart, funny comment, but this? This isn't you.
Haven: *smiles* well it is now, and it will be until I destroy Shadow the Hedgehog! *breaks out of Silver's grip again*
Silver: *sighs* I wish I didn't have to do this Haven, nut you leave me not choice. *charges at her back and knocks her out* now let's go home.
Sonic: come on, let's go back Shadow, Haven should have calmed down by now.
Shadow: fine, but if she attacks me, I'm putting up a fight.
Sonic: fine, just don't kill her
Shadow: I'm not promising anything
Both: *walk home*
Sonic: hey Silver, where is...... What happened?
Silver: *sitting on couch, with Haven in his lap* She was putting up a fight, and she wouldn't quit *turns to Shadow* She was going to kill you
Shadow: so what happened?
Silver: well she wouldn't give up, so I..... Knocked her out
Sonic: was she that bad?
Silver: you have no idea
Shadow: well I'm going to my room
Sonic: no your not! *grabs his arm*
Silver: you need to apologies to Haven, for EVERYTHING you did to her.
Shadow: *sighs* i will, when she is awake
Haven: uhhm, mmm, huh? *slowly sits up* what happened?
Silver: I knocked you out, you wouldn't give up, so I had no choice.
Haven: *opens eyes, their gold again* what? What do you mean?
Silver: you where trying to kill Shadow, so I knocked you out
Haven: wha? *falls off the couch*
Sonic: you alright?
Haven: ow, I think so *looks at Shadow* sorry, I tried to kill you
Shadow: hm, apology accepted, and I'm sorry, for everything I've done, or said to you.
Haven: O.o I'm dreaming, but i guess I could forgive you.
Silver: good, now let's celebrate the thirtieth part of this, thing!
Haven: whoo hoo! oh yeah, thanks guys, I don't really remember what happened, but thanks
Sonic: anything for a friend *winks at Haven*
Shadow: if it was to stop you from going rage, yeah, I would help
Silver: I will always help you out Haven, always
Haven: *smiles* thanks Silver *kisses his cheek*
Silver: o.o
Haven: now let's party! guys, leave questions and dares in the comments below, anything is welcome!!!!!! oh, and sorry for the long chapter, got a bit, carried away, bye guys!
Sonic: seez yall!
Shadow: yeah, see you all later *smiles*
Silver: O.o um, bye! *waves*
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