Part 23

Haven: Sup dudes!

Shadow: what's with the slang?

Haven: just let me be

Silver: Okay then, so you got anything?

Haven: Yep, first from MissMythoMagic

Shadow: oh crap,

I have more dares. I am evil, don't cha know. First, Haven has to punch Silver in the face, and Sonic has to punch Shadow in the face, and you're not allowed to apologize. Shadow, Silver, no punching back. Then I dare all four of you to have a staring contest!!! O.O ^.^

Haven: that's so mean!

Sonic: okay, I can do that *punches Shadow in da face!*

Shadow: *eye twitches*

Silver: it's okay Haven, it's just a dare :)

Haven: but I don't want to hurt you

Silver: just do it

Haven: fine T.T *punches silver in da face!*

Silver: Ow

Haven: I'm--- are you okay?

Shadow: who cares? time for a staring contest

*everyone stares at everyone*

Sonic: *blinks*

Haven: *points at him but keeps staring* your out!

Silver: My face still hurts *blinks*

Shadow: *keeps staring* your out Silver

Sonic: And it's down to the final two, Haven verse Shadow! Who will win? who will be the staring champion? Find out soon

Haven: *keeps staring at Shadow* Shut up Sonic.

Shadow: *is still staring* I feel awkward

Haven: *staring* me to

Shadow: Stuff this *blinks*

Haven: I WIN!!!!!!!!! *jumps up and down*

Shadow: yeesh, it's just a game

Silver: Let her have her moment

Haven: next from XShadowX722,

I Dare Sonic to dance like a 5 year old, Shadow Give all that money you got to A Charity... and Silver and Haven You Guys Need to go Sky Diving And While doing it Hold Hands!

Haven: but I don't like skydiving T.T

Sonic: Okay! *starts dancing like a 5 year old*

Shadow: but that was a lot of money

Silver: just do it Shadow

Shadow: fine *gives all his money to charity*

Silver: come on Haven

Haven: No, I don't like heights

Silver: please, it's in the dare

Haven: but I'm scared

Silver: *sighs* please Haven? I will be with you

Haven: No >:(

Silver: *uses telekinesis on Haven*

Haven: I hate you Silver

Silver: I love you to Haven *realises what he said* *blushes* *walks out door*

Haven: NO I DON'T WANT TO!!!!

Shadow: wow, what a scaredy cat

Silver and Haven 

Haven: No I'm to scared!

Silver: Come on, please?

Haven: no

Silver: *sighs* *kisses Haven's cheek* will you know?

Haven: O.o Maybe

Silver: oh come on Haven, look we are at jumping point, we have to jump now.

Haven: Fine, but I'm scared *walks to the door*

Silver: It's okay, I will be here, if anything goes wrong, I can stop us *walks to the door* You ready?

Haven: as ready as I'll ever be

Silver: good *grabs Haven's hand* *jumps*

Haven: *jumps* OHMIGOD!!!!!!!

Both: *falling* *holding each others hand*

Silver: *yelling* Haven, you alright?

Haven: *yelling* Hell no! I'm still scared out of my wits!

Silver: *yelling* come here

Haven: *yelling* how?

Silver: *yelling* just watch me! *moves closer to Haven*

Haven: *yelling* okay, let me try *moves closer to Silver*

Silver: *yelling* good, now keep ahold of my hand *reaches for parachute* *pulls the string*

Haven: uhhhhhhhhh, I don't like this

Silver: O.o the string is stuck!

Haven: *yelling* what?

Silver: *yelling* the string is stuck!!!!

Haven: O.o oh shi--

Silver: *yelling* come here! *head towards Haven*

Haven: *yelling* Silver! O.o *really scared*

Silver: *reaches for Haven*

Haven: *yelling* Silver! I'm scared.

Silver: *yelling* hold on! *grabs Haven*

Haven: *looks down* 

*ground rushing up to them*

Haven: *Digs face into Silver's chest*

Silver: come on, come on *uses telekinesis*

Both: *stops 30cm from ground*

Haven: land, sweet land!

Silver: *sets both of them down*

Haven: *falls over*

Silver: you alright?

Haven: Yeah, just really shaken up, no more dares or questions today

Silver: *laughs* okay, we should get back now

Haven: I'll try *stands up*

Silver: *helps her* your sure your okay?

Haven: *looks at him* no *falls over again*

Silver: never going skydiving again, got that veiwers?

Haven: *cries*

Silver: O.o hey you okay Haven?

Haven: no, I nearly died!

Silver: same here *picks her up bridal style* let's go home

Haven: *still crying* I never want to do that agian!

Silver: Neither do I


Silver: *walks through door with Haven in his arms* Hey where back!

Sonic: What happened to Haven?

Silver: best you don't ask

Shadow: fine, I demand to know what happened to Haven

Silver: *sighs* Something went wrong with the parachute, it wouldn't come out.

Sonic: O.o whoa man

Silver: I had to stop us using my telekinesis, we nearly hit the ground

Shadow: So? I fell from space, and look at me? Perfectly fine

Haven: ah, so that's why you look like that

Shadow: *eye twitches* what did you say Haven?

Haven: *evil smile* you know exactly what I said.

Shadow: *charges at Silver who is still holding Haven*

Silver: oh no you don't *freezes Shadow*

Haven: thank you Silver *kisses cheek*

Silver: Um, your welcome O.o

Sonic: *sighs* questions and dares in comments, bye!

Shadow: Silver let me go

Silver: no


oh and sorry for the two that did get there comment in here, yours will be in the next one, both of yours, bye!

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