Part 10
Shadow: I'm so bored!
Silver: even the Xbox is boring!
Sonic: And I already ran everywhere
Shadow: why won't people ask questions!
Haven: Well I guess they have none
Silver: WHAT? not have questions!
Sonic: They must have SOME questions!
Shadow: well whatever, I want to fight someone
Haven: *hides behind Silver* please don't choose me
Shadow: I wasn't going to
Haven: *Sighs* good
Shadow: Come on Silver
Silver: WHAT? no!
Shadow: Why? You a chicken?
Sonic: Come on Silver, last time you fought Shadow it was a tie!
Haven: Still, violence is never the answer *winks at Silver*
Silver: *blushes* thanks Haven
Sonic: But I wanna see who wins!
Shadow: What have you got to be scared of?
Silver: Um, well first, your the Ultimate Lifeform, and second, your main weapon is a gun!
Shadow: Good point, but you can use your mind
Silver: Yeah but, well I guess your right
Haven: *sets up a ring in the lounge room* ready..... and FIGHT!
Shadow and Silver: *start circling each other*
Sonic: I'm placing the bets!
Haven: I bet Silver!
Sonic: I bet Shadow!
Haven: *punches Sonic* that's not very nice
Sonic: Ow, hey you bet on Silver
Haven: So?
Sonic: fine but I still bet on Shadow
Shadow: Come on Pothead, make your move!
Silver: Why? you to scared, EMO
Shadow: That's it! I AM NOT AN EMO!
Haven: Oh shi-- RUN SILVER!
Silver: Holy firetruck! *runs out of ring*
Shadow: Come back here!
Silver: *hides behind Sonic* please help me
Sonic: What? no, I bet on Shadow
Haven: Your a di--
Sonic: Don't even start
Silver: *runs and hides behind Haven* will you help me?
Haven: Yeah, of cause, I ain't loosing a bet to Sonic!
Sonic: hehe
Shadow: Silver get back here! *charges at Haven*
Haven: *pulls out her weapon, her Axe* Say hello to my little friend
Shadow: O.o no thanks *steps around Haven*
Haven: *swings*
Silver: Oh crap! *ducks* DUCK!
Sonic: Where?
Shadow: Ah! *jumps away from Haven* Are you crazy woman?
Haven: Yes, yes I am *pulls a face*
Sonic: I don't see any ducks *looks at Haven's axe* O.o oh crap
Silver: That;s it *freezes Haven and Shadow* Haven, stop there is no need for your axe and Shadow, a lot of people call you emo, get over it.
Haven: Okay Silver, please let me go
Silver: *releases Haven*
Haven: *puts axe away* thanks
Shadow: hey what about me?
Silver: stop trying to kill people, then I will let you go.
Shadow: fine
Silver: *releases Shadow* okay
Shadow: Hey Haven?
Haven: *hides behind Sonic* yes?
Sonic: don't hide behind me! *runs across the room*
Haven: O.o *runs and hides behind Silver* Deja vu much
Silver: Uh, yeah *starts blushing*
Shadow: don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you
Haven: Okay.....
Shadow: *evil look* much *laughs hysterically*
Haven: do you want me to pull my axe out again?
Shadow: O.o um no
Haven: well don't hurt me
Silver: Yeah don't even lay a finger on her
Shadow: *pokes Haven's arm* hehehe
Sonic: hey Haven, where are the chaos emeralds?
Haven: Under my bed, why?
Sonic: well Silver is pretty angry and last time I was angry and there were chaos emeralds around, I turned.....
Haven: O.o Dark Sonic
Sonic: yeah,
Shadow: O.o I really did it this time
Silver; AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! *turns into Dark Silver*
Haven: Silver, calm down! He was just joking! *runs up to Silver* please
Sonic: Yeah, listen to her!
Shadow: *runs into bathroom and locks door* don't kill me
Haven: Silver please *kisses Silver's cheek* calm down
Silver: *relaxes a little* but-
Haven: Please Silver
Silver: *turns normal* Okay but guys, please put questions and dares in the comments, please!
Everyone: BYE!!!!!
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