Answers part 28 (The last part)

Omg im so sorry i didnt update lmao i was so busy with studying and stuff i just read my last part and i was like...damn! How could i do that to u guys XD so im here to finish this.imso sorry but i cant update soon so i wont update is the last part.

RD: omg pinkie what should i dooo
Pp: omg thats all my fault im sorryyyyy *sobbing*
RD: *sighs* fuck it....
TS: *knocks on AJ's door* Apple jack! Its me twilight
AJ:*opens the door* oh...hey twilight
TS:omg look at u why are u like that did u cry???
AJ: oh um no just tired
TS: ok....well there is a problem in the "sunshine" park and we need your help.
AJ: ok im coming.


At the sunshine park

AJ: so whats the problem
TS: i wont come with u...i mean i cant u have to go by yourself.
AJ:where should i go?
TS: *leaving* near the biggest tree byeeee
AJ:*sighs* ok i got this
AJ walked and walked till she found the tree. But not just the tree. There were a lot of candles everywhere. Suddenly the music started.
A classic and romantic music
RD came out of the bushes
AJ:RAINBOW?! what are u doing here?
RD: Aj...*grabs her hands* i love sorry for wasnt me the dare was just too bad that i lost my mind....AJ...i promise that i wont do that to u again
AJ:how can i be sure about that -._-.
RD:*laughs slightly* i knew u were going to ask so... *Gets on her knees* Applejack...I want to be with u forever and i dont care about what anyone say about us...
AJ:*covers her mouth in shock while her tears gather in her eyes*
RD: applejack...*pulls out the little box and opens it with a beautiful ring in it* Will you marry me?
AJ:OMG RAINBOW! YESSSS *her tears falling like river*
RD: *gets up and hugs her so tight and kisses her hard*
Everyone else (their bffs ofc): *claps and screams*


RD: so we have dares guys ok
veronica263201 dared rarity to choose someone to kiss someone from one of us.
R: but who?
RD: oh crap! No Veronica AJ is my fiance and i dont want to start another fight with her.
RD:nothing cutie
R: ok maybe....fluttershy? Can i kiss u dear?
Fs: oh my... *Blushes* ok rarity
R: *kisses fluttershy slightly and both blush*
PP: ok im gonna read!
Collete00456 hmmmm um....
AJ: let me read......oh my gosh but....
RD:let me why everyone want us to fight?????
Aj: a dare is a dare rainbow im so sorry....
R:*puts her hand on rd's shoulder* she loves you dear its ok if she does that. She doesnt want it tho right dear?
AJ: *nodds*


Timber S: oh hey AJ what brought u here...oh hey guys. Hey twilight *blushes*
TS: hey timber *blushes as well*
AJ: timber i have a dare i dont really want to do it but....i have to kiss yo
Timber S: but- omg cant u dont do that
AJ:sorry timber *kisses him immediately*
Timber s: omg what...what did you
RD: *groans and crosses arms*
AJ:im sorry timber... Im sorry rainbow *looks at the ground*
RD: *smiles slightly* its ok my beautiful wife *lifts her chin up and kisses her*
Timber s: oh so u too married
RD:kinda *smirks*
So lets read other dares so -_Twilight_Sparkle_- dares twilight to kiss timber....
Timber s: oh come on....i mean oh ok
Ts: ummmmm well*blushes*
Timber s: *smirks* let me make it easy for u princess *grabs her wrist and kisses her*
TS:*shocked and blushes*
Every body fangirling
TS:omg i cant.... believe it
Timber s: *winks*
Rd: ok abother dare from this friend
She dared twilight to come to chs and kiss flash.....oh well we cant go to ponyville its not right
R: well yes im sorry darling but this is impossible anyways
RD: another dare she dared me to kiss AJ in front of everyone


At school

Everyone looked at her
RD: *grabs AJ's hand* this girl is my fiance and im going to kiss her *kisses AJ who was blushing*


RD: i guess we are done here
AJ: yeah sorry guys
Ts: we respect all of u and thank all you guys for daring us and asking us questions
Pp: *hugging all her friends* WE ALL LOVE ALL OF YOU GUYS
Everybody: BYEEEEE!♥️

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