Jimmy: Okay! so! I'm apparently not loved and so CloverStream dares.
Ghost- To prank call Ghostbusters
Toast- Prank call his Grandmother, The queen of England.
Oh jesus
Ghost:...They don't like me..
Jimmy: Why?
Ghost: Um...I went there to talk to one of them and you were in my....um. No my head at the time? Before we found you a way to-
Jimmy: I get it. Stop talking about it.
Toast: But Casket. I'm pretty sure Ghost. has a right t-
Jimmy: Then not in front of me.
Toast: Why..?
Jimmy: Just stop....
Nokomis: *Watching but not talking*
Ghost: If anyone should be sad about it should be me...You did tortu-
Ghost:...Jimmy you're um....Nevermind.
Jimmy: You're not the ONLY ONE Who suffered from that.
Ghost: Who-
Nokomis: I think it'd be best if you fucking dropped the topic by now. Don't you smartass? *Glaring getting protective over Jimmy*
Jimmy:...What are you...?
Ghost: What?! It's HIS Fau-
Nokomis: Just do the dare for God sake!
Toast: I think Miss Nokomis has a point...
Ghost: Of course.
Toast: Well! Changing subject, who first?
Ghost: You.
Toast: O-Okay.
Toast: *Does Australian Accent* Hello mate? How was the soccer game? *Whispers* I dont know what I'm doing sir!
Lizzy (The Queen...Elizabeth. Lizzy? Shush I'm lay XD) Johnny...The Caller name was on....I know this is you love..
Toast: Shi-
Ghost: Bad move, BAD MOVE.
Toast: I was going to actually say..Um....Shine! H-Heh...
Lizzy: Don't make me come to you Johnny David Toast. I will!
Toast: I love you too Grandmother byeeeeeee! ;-;
-Call Ended-
Ghost: Your Grandmother scares me.
Toast: Yup.....l
Jimmy: David Toast...?
Toast: SHUTUP! ;-;
Jimmy: H-Hey! Calm...Damn...
Ghost: Jimmy....J-Jean....Casket...
Jimmy: SHUSH! *Goes red in embarrassment* I hate you all ;-;
Nokomkis: Even me Cas-
Jimmy: Especially you.
Nokomis: B-But you were so nice to me when we were getting these two idiots presents...
Jimmy: You weren't tackling me to the ground tryna kiss or hug me...
Nokomis: Oh yeah. Oops~!
Ghost: You two are weird....
GB: Hey! This is GhostBusters how may we help you from the obviously real paranormal crap most likely trying to kill you?
Ghost: *Puts on a British Accent* Y-Yea...Um. About this paranormal? It said it wanted Pizza...And to call this number for the pizza..So. Um. Can I get a-
GB: Wow. Dude. We're not freaking Dominos or something. We are THE Ghostbusters...We-We get rid of Ghosts...
Ghost: I understand that...But the Ghost said to call this number and then order a large pizza with some Garlic bread and EXTRA EXTRA EEEXXXXTTTTRRRAAAAAAAAA Pepperoni...
GB: Um...I don't know how to make pizza...? Go to the store and buy a large pepperoni pizza and just put loads more pepperoni on it.
Ghost: But...It said from this number!
GB: I DON- *Sighs* I don't know how to make pizzas sir...
Ghost: Farts.
GB: W-What...?
Ghost: Farts...
GB: Why are you saying Farts...?
GB: Don't-
Ghost: FARRRRRRTTTSSSSSSSSSSS! Bye you actually hate the REAL Me and yeah so um...Bye.
-Call Ended-
Ghost: Tadaaaaaa~!
Jimmy: *Chuckles* Never knew you could do a British Accent Johnny Boy.
Toast: Nor did I....Since when?!
Ghost: I kept trying to listen to how you pronounce words and now I'm amazing! *Laughs*
toast: I guess that's sweet- I'll get it...
Toast: Oh um- Ouch!
GB: *Hits toast making him fall on the floor* GHOSTIE~~~~~?????!?!?!
Jimmy: *Eyes go red and whispers* Hide in my bedroom. Now!
Ghost: *Nods*
Jimmy: Hey~ How ya doing- Wow. Work on your aim! You're really cheap...This equipment? Booorrrriiinnnnggg~
Jimmy: I have a name. Jimmy Casket. I....*Chuckles darkly* I have a lil SECRET That I wanna show ya....So...Wanna know my secret?
Nokomis: *Watching carefully whilst helping Toast* Oh shits bout to go down!
Toast: *Chuckles*
GB: What. Your family is dead and so you kill everyone else who has a BETTER life than you? *Laughs*
Jimmy: *Gets pissed* W-WHAT DID YOU S-SAY?! *Laughs* THATS THE BEST SECRET IVE EVER HEARD! B-BUT....Nobody talks shit about my family. Or...If I even HAVE One. Which I do....*Runs at them sliding under their legs, Kicking one in the back* I think you tripped FRIEND~
Jimmy: You finally clocked~
Toast: C-Casket ...No killing!
Jimmy: Nah. I'll just make em sleep for a LONG Time~! *Completely insane*
Ghost: *Tries to sneak out but the Ghostbusters see him* GET HIM!
Jimmy: *Looks and sees Ghost* Shit. NOPE! *Runs in front of the door Ghost is behind* Back. The. Hell. Away. From him....
GB: Why?
Jimmy: Because IDIOT.....You're gonna die if you lay a FINGER On him. I'm very protective. So is Gavin....Look behind you~
Gavin: *Chuckling darkly* I Uhhh...Heard you hurt my brother...That's never happening again.
Jimmy: You'll be next BUDDY If you lay a finger on Johnny. Got it?
GB: *All three run out helping the other one on the ground bleeding* (I don't know their names I'm sorry ;-; )
Gavin: *Smirks* You're welcome 'Casky' *Laughs*
Jimmy: *Chuckles* Don't start callin me that. You know me better douche! *Pouts and chuckles*
Ghost: Jimmy are you okay?
Jimmy: Yup. I'm fine.
toast: Gavin are you okay?!
Gavin: Meh. I've been saner.
Toast: Not what I meant but I guess your fine...
Gavin: You know me~! Lil broooo~ *Laughs*
Jimmy: *Looks at Ghost smirking*
Ghost: N-No! ;-;
Nokomis: Jimmy..How are you so fast?!
Gavin: I helped too demon chick...
Nokomis: Fuck off. But Jimmy. Tell me!
Jimmy: Don't get me angry and I'll be fine. I got angry and wanted to protect people I care about...
Gavin: *Laughs and puts an arm around Jimmy* Awww! Ya lil nerd!
Jimmy: Gavin! *Laughs* If I'm a nerd you're the freaking bully...
Gavin: I can deal with that~
Jimmy: *Rolls eyes and chuckles walking to the sofa to watch TV*
Gavin: Leave a space!
Jimmy: Always do. Dummy.
Gavin: Fite meh.
Jimmy: *Laughs*
Ghost:....Well now that they're...Talking. Um I guess this is where we end it!
Toast: Yup! *Laughs* Well. Please keep daring or asking us in the comments and we hope you enjoyed this!
Ghost: It went from Prank calls to....Jimmy X Gavin Crap or something...
Toast: It is technically our otherselves.
Ghost: Shh! *Laughs* But yeah! See yaaaaa!
Toast: Goodbye~!
Gavin and Jimmy: BYE NERDSSS! *Laughing*
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