Everyone meets everyone!
(This is from my friend that doesn't have an account....yet :3 imma make her :3 But yeah! X3)
Jimmy: Okay! I'm back in my own body :3 But apparently there's a dare from someone for
Me, Ghostie, Toaster, Sally and Maxwell to meet characters from other games? Wha-
Vahl: *Pops in out of nowhere* WHO AM I KILLING?!
Poet: V-Vahl! N-No killing! They could be nice! :3
Vahl: That's bori- Whhhhaaaaa-? *Sees everyone* Who the heck are you guys?
Jimmy: Who are you?
Vahl: I asked you first!
Jimmy: Do I look like I care?
Vahl:...I like you you're ignorant like me :3
Jimmy: Okay? *Rolls eyes* Jimmy Casket.
Ghost: You can't just introduce yourself to a STRANGER!
Vahl: Who's this dork? .-.
Jimmy: Johnny Ghost. This is Johnny Toast no then there's Gavin.
Sally: IM SALLY! ^-^
Vahl: Awh, you remind me of my two lil girls-
Ghost: Wait. You're a MOTHER? 0.0
Vahl: Well....Kinda? They're adopted...They don't know that yet-
Ma'isha: *Pops out of nowhere* Mama~! *Giggles*
Sofie: *Comes out at the same time as Ma'isha* Mama~! ^-^
Jimmy: Oh. This makes abso-
Ma'isha: Who's he mama? *Looks at Jimmy*
Sofie: ITS A COWBOY! *Gasps and tackles Maxwell*
Maxwell: Oh Shi- AGGGHHH! ;-;
Vahl: Annnd we're back to normal -.-
Toast: *Smiles and snickers* They're energetic!
Poet: And I have to look after Em when Vahl is out ki-
Vahl: Getting food -.-
Poet: Yes. Food.
Asylum: *Falls on his face* Ouch ;-;
Sari: *Lands on Asylum* Heeeyyyy! :3
Vahl: *Goes to kill Sari* KILL THE ORC!!!!!!
Jimmy: Calm it! -.- *Holds back Vahl with help from Poet*
Asylum: Woah! No hurting Sari!
Sari: :3 *Gets up and helps up Asylum*
Asylum: Thanks. Now. Who are you all?
Sari: Yeah. You're all...Human. Well. Except for...*Looks at Vahl*
Vahl: What?! I always run into a fight without thinking! I'm sorry! -.-
Poet; I-Its true...She gets excited...*Chuckles nervously*
Jimmy: I think we can all tell...*Rolls eyes and sits on the couch*
Sally: JimJim why is there a big monster here?
Sari: Can I catch a break?! I'm nice! .....Most of the time-
Asylum: It depends on who you are...Anyway! I'm Asylum! Asylum Weaver! This is Sari!
Sari: Hi -.-
Asylum: And you all are...?
Vahl: I'm Vahl the Dark Elf....
Poet: Nice to meet you! The names Poet! :3
Asylum: Hey you're nice :3
Sari: -.-
Ghost: I'm Johnny Ghost-
Vahl: So- Wait...J-Jordan...?
Jimmy: Hey he's a cool dude :3 Does my laugh perfectly ^-^
Asylum: What..? Whatever. But yeah! Jordan! He was the voice-
Vahl: No he's MY VOICE IN MY HEAD! -.-
Asylum: I think you're mistaken! Jordan is still the voice in my head! He's just not talking right now...
Jimmy: Where are you from Weaver?
Asylum: Oblivion-
Jimmy: Then he's not playing Oblivion right now. Otherwise you and your lil girlfriend Sari over there wouldn't be here :3
Ghost: How do you-
Maxwell: I....C-Can't....Breathe...;-;
Jimmy: GOOD!
Maxwell: *Rolls his eyes* G-Get off me kid!
Sofie: Fine...;-;
Ma'isha: So...What are you doing mister? *Looks to Jimmy*
Jimmy: Uhh...Watching- *Realises Ma'isha is a kajiit* Oh...My God. You're a c-cat? >.<
Ghost: Oh God here we go.
Ma'isha: Well...I prefer Kajiit...But you didn't know so I won't hold it against you! ^-^ So...What're you doing?
Jimmy: Watching Tv...
Ma'isha: Cool! *Sits on the floor and watches the TV too*
Toast: Wait. So why are we all together?
Ghost: *Shrugs*
Cywren: *Pops in out of nowhere and looks confused* Uhhh...What? Wait...Timebomb?!
Timebomb and Quasar: *Pops in and looks confused aswell* This isn't the wasteland...
Cywren: No kidding...You okay boy?
Quasar: Woof :3
Jimmy: Annnddd there we go.
Cywren: Who are all of you...?
Asylum: Woah! You sure are gin-
Sally: My momma is ginger so watch it or you'll know what pain really is!
Jimmy: I'm proud :3
Jimmy: Self defence :3
Toast: Casket you are very troublesome ;-;
Jimmy: This is why I'm everyone's favourite ^-^
Ghost: I beg to differ...
Ma'isha: No! He's cool!
Jimmy: Yeah!
Sally: I agree! ^-^
Cywren: That's cute and all...But you all still haven't answered-
Asylum: *Groans and rolls his eyes* FINE! I'm Asylum Weaver, *Points to Sari* That's Sari. *Points to Vahl* She's Vahl, Dont mess with her -.- *Points to Ma'isha* That's Ma'isha, *Points to Sofie* That's Sofie, *Points to Jimmy* That's Jimmy, he's like Vahl ;-; *Points to Ghost and Toast* They're both called Johnny. *Points to Maxwell* That's like...Bob? Yeah-
Maxwell: HEY!
Maxwell: Jesus Christ ;-;
Asylum: Thanks :3 And this is Sally, *Points to Sally*
Jimmy: I'm...
Ghost: Impressed..
Jimmy: No. annoyed that he took JUST AS LONG AS YOU -.- Why can't we introduce ourselves?!
Asylum: Don't make me beat you up!
Jimmy: What will you do, punch me in the arm and you giggle? -.-
Asylum: I-I don't giggle! And I fought in the arena!
Jimmy: I'm a world renown murderer. I've killed hindered and more~ *Smiles innocently*
Vahl: Wait how many?
Jimmy: Don't ask. I've lost count ...
Poet: No-
Poet: ;-;
Jimmy: ...Welp. Imma gooooo....
Ma'isha and Sofie: M-Mama...? 0.0
Ghost: This is so weird...
Toast: Sir would this actually count as paranormal?
Ghost: Well I don't know...
Toast: But aren't you a paranormal investigator extraordinaire~? *Smirks and snickers*
Ghost: Well-
Cywren: WAIT! *Runs up close to Ghost* Y-You're....J-Johnny G-Ghost....0.0
Ghost: Uhhh...Yeahhh...?
Timebomb: Oh no ;-;
Quasar: *Whimpers and covers his eyes while laying down*
Cywren: *Gasps and hugs Ghost really tightly and squeals* OH MY GOOOOOOODDDDDDDDD
Ghost: Can't...Breathe ;-;
Toast: *Glaring at Cywren*
Jimmy: If you kill Ghostie I'll kill you ^-^
Cywren: *Realises and lets go* sorry!
Ghost: *Gets air and coughs* Why..-
Cywren: J-Just a big fan...I-I mean..You're just super smart!
Jimmy: Oh Dang.
Timebomb: ;-;
Toast: *Glares more and slowly gets out a gun*
Jimmy: TOASTER! *Rolls his eyes and takes the gun* No.
Toast: Then YOU Do it! *Pouts being a jealous Brit*
Jimmy: No! *Snickers* Just cause you're jealllooouussss~
Ghost and Cywren: *Talking about nerdy stuff*
Toast: N-N-N-
Jimmy: Yessssss~ :3
Toast: You're enjoying this aren't you? -.-
Jimmy: Of course I'm enjoying this! *Chuckles and sits back down* No killing her. They're just being nerds. Calm down.
Quasar: *Gets over Cywren stealing and fangirling and lays on the floor in front of the couch*
Jimmy: -.- *Mumbles* Cats are better.
Quasar: *Heard Jimmy and huffs*
Jimmy: *Snickers and just watches TV*
Sally: *Gasps* PUPPPPYYYYYY~! X3 *Runs and plays with Quasar*
Ma'isha: *Looks at Quasar and just sits on the couch trying to ignore him*
Vahl: So. What now? There's a ginger in a lab coat that is drooling over a guy in a hoodie, there's my innocent lil kid scared of a dog, another kid playing with the dog and then there's the normal people.
Timebomb: Hey..Cy? We gotta get back!
Cywren: *Sighs and pouts* Fiiiiineeee....
Ghost: well it was fun talking to you! ^-^
Cywren: I-It was?! OH MY GOD I KNOW RIGHT?!
Timebomb: Cy! Come ON!
-Le random portal opens to FalloutTale-
Quasar: *Licks Sally's face and runs through by the portal*
Sally: *Giggles and waves*
Timebomb: *Rolls his eyes and groans dragging Cywren into the portal*
Cywren: *Struggles to get away but fails* ;-;
Ghost: Well then o.o
Vahl: Pffft- What a bunch of weirdos *Chuckles*
Sofie: Mama!
Vahl: Whaaattt? *Smirks and chuckles*
Ma'isha: We're telling daaaaddd~! *Laughs*
Sofie: Yeah!
Vahl: Nooooo ;-;
Ghost: *Sees another portal to SkyrimTale open up* Huh. This is definitely paranormal -.-
Vahl: Welp. Come on! MORE ADVENTURE AWAITS US! *Laughs and runs into the portal*
Ma'isha: See ya mister! *Laughs and jumps off the couch running into the portal*
Jimmy: Bye..? *Shrugs*
Sofie: NO FAIR! *Laughs and runs after. Ma'isha*
Poet: I-It was nice meeting you all! ^-^ *Calmly walks through the portal*
Sari: Crap! Asylum!
Asylum: What? .-.
Sari: We uhh...We kinda left Lena and-
Me: *Walks in* Look I'm trying okay?! -.- *Snaps my fingers and the portal to OblivionTale Opens up*
Asylum: THANKS RANDOM GIRL BYE! *Drags Sari into the portal*
Me: Random Girl ;-; Huh. You're so nice -.-
Jimmy: Where have you been?
Me: Places ^-^
Ghost: Can we finish this up now-
Me: Yup! Anyways! That's it for this time! Please make sure to keep giving these weirdos asks and dares!! see ya later Bunnies! Baiiiiiiii :3
Jimmy: See ya!
Maxwell: I hate everything -.- *Teleports off*
Ghost: Bye! *Hugs Toast*
Toast: *Smiles and waves* Goodbye! ^-^
Sally: WAFFLESSSS! Bai ^-^
(136 damn words ;-;)
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