Dare 109e: Gacha Battle!
Xin: So, four spots are available. Who will be our first lucky battler, nya?
Shirn: Also, we didn't include the ones who battled for the last battles, as it isn't fair.
Cupa: 😢
- Xin powers up the RNG machine, and it shows........ Asuka's pixellated face.
Xin: Asuka, nya! For our second person......
- Xin does it again, and after a lot of pixellated faces, it showed
Xin: Me? Well that's kinda rare, nya.
Shirn: You go prepare, Xin. I'll go gacha the remaining two.
Xin: Thanks, nya!
- Shirn pulls the lever. And after a full minute, Kuku's face appeared.
Kuku: Me?
Shirn: Kugari said he'll reward you if you win.
Kugari: But.
Shirn: (winks)
Kugari: Uhh... yeah! So, good luck, Kuku!
Kuku: Senpai bid me good luck!! Now I feel motivated!!
- The yandere leaves, spinning the knife rapidly.
Kugari: Shirn, what's the reward if she did win?
Shirn: A date with you, also, I telephatically told her to use her Senpai Slayer mode.
Kugari: 😒😑😕😨😱😣😦😢😭
Shirn: Eh?
Alyssa: Ako na ang pipili sa huling lalaban. (T.R: I'm gonna pick for the last competitor) (pulls lever)
- Then....... A question mark shows up.
Shirn: Do it again, Alyssa. That's a roll again screen.
- This time, it shows a face that shocked everyone, followed by looking at the person chosen by the gacha.
Kilios: Of all persons, why does it have to be Penelope?
Penelope: Yay!! It's been a while since I last fought.
Xin: We're frisked, right?
Kuku: No, just you.
Asuka: No, the two of us, Xin.
Shirn: Don't fight here ya four.
- He recieves a message from Keiko
Shirn: It says here: I modified this round. You are now able to choose 5 participants in this special round.
Everyone: That last position is mine!
A time freeze later......
Shirn: Frisk you guys. Andr read it first, and went on ahead. So it's taken.
Everyone: 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢😢😭😢😢😢😭😭😢😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😭😭😢😢😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😭😢😢😢😢😭😭😢😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢 (That's everyone's faces, all right. Even Eve, Yumi and Yuma wanted to join)
Arena: The Nether Fortress in Minecraft.
- I think you guys already know this, right? If not, Google it. Also, Skele, Mena, Jane and Blazette asked their sevants to leave the fortress for the time being. The chests in there has potions, which Herobrine put them, with the help of Lune.
Shirn: You five, ready?
Andr/Xin/Asuka/Kuku/Penelope: Bring it!!
- They jump in the portal, and got ported in different sections of the place.
Shirn: Oh, seems I forgot to tell you five. The lava around the fortress is acting as a border. Either fall in, or get thrown outside the lava zone, will instantly kill a life, unless holding a Lava Charm, which I put in one of the chests in there.
Xin: Okay.
- Xin sees a wooden chest not far from his location. He goes near it, and opens it.
Xin: Ironskin Potions, Regeneration Potions, Splash Potion of Slowness IV and a Bladed Glove, nya?
Herobrine: Lune put random accessories in there. The splash potion is mine, by the wae.
Xin: You do know that meme is now dead, right?
Herobrine: I know. I just like to use it.
Penelope's Location.
Penelope: (hides her weapons) I'll use this when I'm desperate to win. But for now, I'll just use this.
- She takes out a sword, Ami's sword.
Penelope: Lemme borrow this for a while, okay? Hee hee~
Ami: I swear. When you come back here, I'll ask Shiro to break you, literally.
Penelope: (through a communicator) I'll return this to you when I'm done.
Ami: Still asking Shiro to break you.
- She encounters Asuka, holding the usual dual katanas in hand.
Katsuragi: Now that's a katana. (laughs)
Ruby: (spits out drink to Jaune) Hey, that's my line!
Blake: What in the?
(Note: Only certain persons will get that.)
Nether Fortress, Location B.
- We see Andr gathering blocks around her, and now, enter Kuku.
Kuku: An enemy!
- Andr was prepared, however. She threw a block of gravel at her, which threw her out the bridge, making her fall down the lava zone.
Kuku: Ah.
(Kuku: 0% <♡♡♡♡×>)
Andr: Oops. I overused my strength.
Cloaker Boss: This will be our plan. While that boy is fighting, we'll ambush him from above. Some will ambush him from underground, unless if the arena is made of bedrock. Got it?
Cloakers: Yes, Boss!!!
Back to them!
Current Stats:
(Andr: 97% <♡♡♡♡♡>)
(Kuku: 89% <♡♡♡♡×>)
(Xin: 50% <♡♡♡♡♡)
(Asuka: 46% <♡♡♡♡♡>)
(Penelope: 68% <♡♡♡♡♡>)
Shirn: This is odd. At this time, someone usually loses a life. Yet, no fights.
Midnight: That's because they don't encounter the enemy.
- Xin meanwhile sees another wooden chest. He goes up to it, and opens it.
Xin: Bingo, nya.
Midnight: What's this? Xin found it?
Shirn: Nope. He found a male's version of Shiro Snow's gauntlets.
Xin: Now I'm filled with hope! Hope to defeat every enemy!
Nagito: Yeah! Another member!
- Xin runs around the fortress, encountering Asuka.
Asuka: I won't hold back!
Xin: Me too, nya! Even if you're a woman, nya!
- Xin and Asuka start their duel, but was interrupted by Kuku barging in.
Kuku: Korose no jikan desu wa!!!
(Eng. Translation: It's killing time!!)
- Kuku charges at Asuka, giving time for Xin to prepare his attack.
Asuka: Attack him!
Me: Keiko, commence Peaceful mode.
C. Keiko: Commencing.
Me: Finally. My joints are starting to feel numb. For now, keep me in this state, and when the time has struck, commence Normal mode.
C. Keiko: Roger that, Commander. Also, don't forget my reward, okay?
Me: (pats her head) Hai- Hai-
Back to them, folks.
Shirn: Well this is heating up. Asuka, Xin and Kuku aren't losing health!
Midnight: Shirn, just asking. Does Shiro have any last resorts or something?
Shirn: Sorry, can't tell you. But it's a suicidal last resort, though.
Midnight: What about I saw earlier?
Shirn: That? Oh that was just a combination skill of Shiro and one the Arashinos.
- While the commentators are talking, Andr mindlessly wanders around the fortress, finding someone to eliminate. Then, she bumps into Penelope, who suddenly tried to stab her.
Andr: Phew. That was close. Lucky I still have Shiro's old weapons with me, huh?
- She has defended herself with a pair of red colored knives. This has knocked Penelope back.
Penelope: It's on, Andr.
- She takes out her own weapons.
Penelope: Let's dance!
- Penelope charges at Andr, but as soon as she was a meter close to her, Andr teleports behind Penelope, then pushes her off the bridge.
Penelope: Ah! 😲
- Cue Penelope saying this three times before falling in.
(Penelope: 0% <♡♡♡♡×>)
To Xin, Kuku and Asuka.
- Kuku has knocked Asuka out.
(Asuka: 0% <♡♡♡♡×>)
Kuku: It's just us, Xin. Don't hold back.
Xin: Sure, nya.
(The fight scene)
Three hours later........
Location D....
Kuku: I didn't win....
(Kuku: 100% <♡♡♡××>)
Suddenly.... At the Bleachers.....
Kugari: Kuku!!! If you win, I'll reward you!!!!
Aoi: Go for it, Kuku!!! We're cheerimg for you!!
Cheery: K-U-K-U!!! Go for it, Kuku!!! Yeah!!!!
Ellie: Kuku!! Kuku!! Kuku!! Defeat that neko!! Kuku!!
Nether Fortress........
Kuku: (insanely blushing on Kugari's remark) Senpai....... (starts laughing maniacally) Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
Kugari: Now that's more like the girlfriend I know.
GW cast except for Aoi: Eeeeehhhhh?????
Ellie: Since when?
Aoi: After she was freed from corruption by Shiro, they started going out. And I just supported them.
Kilios: So you were acting that time?
Kugari: Yes. Actually, I've tricked Xin and Shirn into this as well.
Shirn: (gives a peace sign) You're welcome.
Gacha World Cast: 😕😕😒😑😕😒😑😑😕😒😒😑😕😑😕😑😕😑😒😑😕😒😒😒😕😕😕😑😑😕😒😑😑😐😕😒😑😨😒😒😐😕😒😑😨😑😒😒😒😒😕😑😑😕😕😒😑😒😕😐😕😒😒😑😕😒😑😕😑😑😕😐😒😓🙂 (Don't ask why.)
- While the cast are panicking on the ship, Kuku starts running around the premises, and finally reencounters Xin.
Xin: Back for more, nya?
Kuku: Yes. But this time, I will preVale!
Vale: Seriously? Pre-Vale?(prevail)
Yang: Name puns, sweet! Ten points for that!
Luni: Hahahahaha!!
Nether Fortess.....
Xin: I see what you did there, nya.
Kuku: Enough talking, let's dance again.
- The two start to fight, and while they're at it, the other three are having their own fight, which ended really quick, due to Asuka learning how to tie them up, and throwing them to the lava zone. But Andr is an enderman, so she teleported away as soon as she was thrown.
(Penelope: 0% <♡♡♡××>)
Andr: Sorry. Simple bondage won't work on me. I'm invincible here!
- Asuka, however kept staring at her eyes. And this made her really triggered. She pinned her to the ground, with a lustful look.
Asuka's mind: Just as planned.
Gel: Asuka, here's a tip. Stare at her eyes. She will be vulnerable when she's on top of you. Unless if she holds your hand, you're screwed. She'll be super aroused.
Flashback end.
Asuka: (stabs Andr at the chest) And one life gone, four more.
(Andr: 0% <♡♡♡♡×>)
Four Hours Later......
Current Stats:
(Andr: 34% <♡♡♡♡×>)
(Kuku: 89% <♡♡♡××>)
(Xin: 12% <♡♡♡♡×>)
(Asuka: 46% <♡♡♡♡×>)
(Penelope: 8% <♡♡♡××>)
Xin: Damn it. Lost to Kuku, nya.
Shirn: That stab hurts. (Touches the stab area, which is at the stomach) Our pain nerves are connected you know.
- Meawhile, as Kuku was fighting against Andr....... a lava tsunami suddenly appears.
All 5: We're dead.
- It hits the fortress, engulfing the participants in lava.
(Andr: 0% <♡♡♡××>)
(Kuku: 0% <♡♡×××>)
(Xin: 0% <♡♡♡××>)
(Asuka: 0% <♡♡♡××>)
(Penelope: 0% <♡♡×××>)
Shirn: Okay, who did that?
Herobrine: Oops. (teleports away)
- It took a while for them to respawn, so Shirn drunk an Obsidian Skin potion, and headed to clean the mess there.
An Hour Later.....
Asuka: (respawns) What was that?
Andr: A lava tsunami. Only happens when a large amount of blocks fall in the lava. So, shall we continue where we left off?
Asuka: With pleasure.
Location A....
Xin: I must have that Lava Charm, nya. That might happen again, nya.
100 blocks away from the fortress.....
Herobrine: It will. 😈😈
- He starts to cut off the ledge he's standing on.
Back to them, folks.
- Xin and Kuku are fighting again.
Kuku: Take this!!! (tries to stab Xin)
- Xin dodges.
Xin: Matrix.
- Until he realizes that he was standing on mid-air.
Xin: Frisk.
- Because of cartoon logic, he looks down, and starts to fall. Kuku is amused by this, though.
Kuku: He's dead, like the puns Gacha Robo says.
(Xin: 0% <♡♡×××>)
Mei: I'll ban you, Kuku. I'm offended.
Six Hours Later.......
Current Stats:
(Andr: 97% <♡××××>)
(Kuku: 46% <♡♡×××>)
(Xin: 43% <♡♡×××>)
(Asuka: 27% <♡♡×××>)
(Penelope: 88% <♡××××>)
Xin: Time to use my last resort.
- He takes out a pair of headphones.
Jester: That's his last resort?
Shirn: Yes. But don't judge it. He may be a carefree neko, but when he wears that, he's a totally different person. He has another title as the Ultimate Rhythm Dancer. He'll use music to his advantage.
Xin: (singing Brothers in Arms, a Cuphead song)
- Following the lyrics, he begins attacking relentlessly.
Xin: (singing a part of it) SO MAKE IT RAIN!!!!
- Surprisingly, it did rain.
Xin: I lied! Nyahahahaha!!!
- It turns out just to be an illusion.
Ouma: I like this guy!
Kotori: (appears from nowhere) Shut up!!
- Ouma gets kicked by Kotori in the portal, and falls in the lava zone.
Kokichi Ouma was incinerated.
Kotori: Let me watch this.
Shirn: Whoo! Penelope is our first loser! She got her butt kicked by Asuka!
Midnight: Followed by Asuka, who was pushed in the lava by Kuku, twice.
Shira: Now, our remaining contestants are PsyKuku, Andr and Xin.
Yang: Now that pun was more horrible than mine.
Shira: I tried, okay? Also, you just admitted that your puns are horrible.
Yang: I know that. Weiss keeps nagging me to stop it.
Shirn: One participant more, and the day is over!!
Current Stats.
(Andr: 67% <♡××××>)
(Kuku: 50% <♡××××>)
(Xin: 50% <♡××××>)
Xin: It's the end! (Spin kicks Andr on the legs, who didn't get the chance to react) Sorry.
(Andr: 0% <×××××>)
Shirn: Our winners are Kuku and Xin!
Midnight: Isn't there supposed to be just one winner?
Shirn: Keiko modified this level, right? So there's two winners this time.
Midnight: Oh. I've gotta prepare. It's our fight now.
Shirn: I bid you luck. So, stay tuned for the final showdown! The admins will fight against each other! So, Ask or Dare!!! (throws camera to Herobrine, who falls in the lava, and gets crushed by the netherrack)
(Herobrine: 0% <×>)
Up Next: Admin Fight!!!
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