Chappie 11.5

-○7:40 p.m○-

Fudou:I'll see you later then. *leaves to pick up Ally*

Me:Bye! Now that I'm home a-*cellphone rings* *answers* Hello?......Wait! What?!.......Why me?!......Alright,I'll be there soon! *hangs up and leaves the house*

-○8:00 p.m○-

Fudou:*rings the doorbell while holding a single rose*

Ally:*opens the door* K-Konichiwa Fudou-san.

Fudou:Konichiwa,you must be Ally-san. Am I correct?


Fudou:This is for you. *gives the rose*

Ally:Thank you Fudou-san.

Fudou:Shall we go now?


~○At the festival○~

Ally:Sugoi...There are alot of people here..

Fudou:Yeah,what do you wanna do first?

Ally:I don't really know. Maybe we should go around for awhile.

Fudou:Sure. Lets go. *goes around while learning different things about eachother*

◇9:00 p.m◇

Fudou:I wonder what's going on there. *points at a crowd surrounding a stage*

Ally:We should go check it out. *goes to the crowd with Fudou*

Female announcer:Konichiwa minna-san! My name is Blossom
and this is my friend Ryuu! (He's my OC)

Fudou:Blossom? I thought she stayed home.

Ally:She's probabbly substituting someone.

Ryuu:Hey everyone! Tonight we're having a special event called 'The destiny dance'! Me and Blossom-san will be choosing 8 other people to pick a ribbon with different words sowed on to it with golden thread. *shows 2 baskets with ribbons inside*

Me:I'll be handing te ribbons to the girls while Ryuu-san hands out ribbons to the boys. Of course me and Ryuu will be joining too. You shouldn't try to exchange ribbons with your friends or it will ruin the whole destiny part. The dance is gonna start at 10:30 and by eleven we're having a fireworks display. Until then enjoy yourselves! Thanks for listening!

Ally:That sounds exiting. I think this is the first time they did something like this.

Me:*approaches Ally* Ally-san! Do you wanna join?

???:We'd like to join!

Me:*looks at who said that* Sure Sakura-san, Aoi-chan,Hotaru-chan (she's another one of my OCs and the twin sister of Ryuu)! Just choose a random ribbon.

Aoi + Sakura + Hotaru:*pulls out a ribbon*

Sakura:Hey Aoi, What did you get?

Aoi:*shows a blue ribbon* It says '♡Together' How about you?

Sakura:*shows a red ribbon* It says 'First sight♡' What did you get Hotaru-chan?

Hotaru:*shows a green ribbon* It says 'Desire♡'

Me:How about you Ally-san?


Me:But first, Fudou-san you should go to Ryuu-san to get a ribbon.

Fudou:Alright then. I'll just meet you by that booth over there
*points at a orange booth*

Ally:Okay then.



Me:Here you go Ally-san!

Ally:*pulls out a ribbon*

Aoi:What does it say?

Ally:*shows a white ribbon* It says '♡My Destiny♡'


Sakura:What's wrong Blossom?

Me:Its just that...Out of all of the ribbons that has the most meaning.

Sakura:You're right...

Aoi:I think its very sweet.

▪With Fudou▪

Fudou:*taps Ryuu's shoulder* Your Ryuu right?

Ryuu:*turns around* Yeah. You must be Fudou.

Fudou:How do you know my name?

Ryuu:Blossom said you were going to get a ribbon for the dance.
I already got 3 other guys to choose a ribbon. This is the only one left. *shows a white ribbon* She told me to make sure you get one *hands him the ribbon*

Fudou:Thanks *takes the ribbon and walks the meeting place*

Ally:*looking at a stuffed white teddy bear prize*

Fudou:Hey, that looks kinda cute. You want me to win it for you?

Ally:Y-you really don't have too...

Fudou:Its alright. *gives 50 yen to the booth owner and 3 little balls*

Ally:Are you sure? You have to knock down all the bottles to win.

Fudou:*knocks down all 3 bottle towers*

Ally:W-wow...Your really good.

Fudou:Its nothing. Compared what I did back at raimon and in the FFI anyways.

Ally:You do have a point.

Fudou:Here you go *hands Ally the Teddy bear*

♡10:40 p.m♡

Me:Minna-san! For those who joined the destiny dance,its time tl find your partners!

???:*taps me on the shoulder* Excuse miss,But do you know who got the purple ribbon with the word 'Forever' on it? She's suppoused to be my partner

Me*turns around* If that's the case them I'm you- Shindou-san?

Shindou:Blossom? So you're my partner? *stares at the purple ribbon wrapped arround my wrist*

Me:Y-yeah..(Inner me:I am so gonna kill you Ryuu-baka!) Are any of the others here too?

Shindou:Tenma and Kariya also went here.

Me:Which ribbon did they get?

Shindou:Tenma got a blue ribbon that thogether,Kariya got a green ribbon with the word Desire on it.

Me:That seems nice. I gave Aoi and Sakura my 2 other tickets and it looks like they figured out who their partners are *points at a blushing Aoi dancing with Tenma and Sakura dancing with Ryuu*

Shindou:Whag abot Kariya-san?

Me:There he is. *points at Kariya dancing with Hotaru*

Shindou:Isin't that Fudou-san? *points at Fudou dancing with Ally*

Me:It is. Looks like the two white destiny ribbons brought them together.

Shindou:Should we start dancing now?

Me:Y-yeah. *dances with Shindou while talking to eachother*

♡10:00 p.m♡

Shindou:I didn't know that you played the piano too. (Actual fact)

Me:I'm just a begginer though. I don't have a actual teacher so I just watch videos on YouTube (another real fact ;-;) *the dance ends*

Shindou:*whispers:That's a shame. I wanted to know her a bit more*

Me:What was that Shindou-san?

Shindou:N-nothing. Blossom-san?


Shindou:D-do you wanna watch the fireworks display together?

Me:*blushes* S-sure.

♥With Fudou and Ally♥


Ally:What is it Fudou-san?

Fudou:I was wondering...Would you watch the fireworks display with me?

Ally:A-alright then.

Fudou:*smiles* Follow me then. *goes up a small hill

Ally:*follows Fudou* Wow..The veiew is beautiful up here.

Fudou:I'm glad you liked it. *lies grass with Ally* Cause its about to get better. *Fireworks display starts*




Fudou:Its nothing.

Ally:No really. Everyting was perfect to-*gets cut off by Fudou kissng her*

Fudou:Just like you.

How was it Minna-san?

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